Environmental Studies

The issue of the parking lots in Grossmont College

The issue of the parking lots in Grossmont College

Proposal for the improvement of Grossmont Community College The start of the essay to address it to the person that will be able to fix the problem. ex: “To…. “I want the essay to be 3 pages double spaced. I want it to be specifically talking about a hypothetical situation which I want it to be about when someone is having trouble finding a parking lot they are late to class and get marked absent and once they are marked absent twice the teacher drops them from class which causes them to be a semester late from graduating. I want this part to be exaggerated a lot even if its in a dumb way.I want a solution to be to have a separate parking for staff and student for this problem and the cost/ labor for it. Whose job is it to fix this issue? How can this issue be fixed. How long to fix it? I want the solution to be explained. How does it effect students.

Please I want this essay in MLA format and make sure you exaggerate the solution a lot even if its in a dumb way! I would like it in bigger pargraphs rather then short and many.

6 hours ago

nothing really just stressed too much homework to do ! nice meeting you too ! and Nope that will be all it that i mentioned !

The issue of the parking lots in Grossmont College Read More »

Find an article related to an oceanographic topic.J

Find an article related to an oceanographic topic.J

Find an article in a journal, newspaper, or online (i.e. Washington Post, New York Times, Science, Popular Science, Nature) that has been published in the past year and is related to an oceanographic topic. THIS MUST BE A REPUTABLE SOURCE! If in doubt, please ask.

Some examples are: marine organisms, effects of climate change on the oceans, ocean acidification, wave energy, overfishing, aquaculture, coral bleaching, red tide, and plastics in the ocean. This is by no means a complete list. There are many other topics that are related to oceanography. Please choose something that you are interested in. If in doubt, email me a PDF or link to the article and I will let you know if the article is acceptable. If it is something that interests you and is related to oceanography, I will likely approve it.

Assignment: Read the article carefully and provide a review that answers the following questions. You must try to address each question the best you can to receive full credit.

The review should be at least one full typed page, double-spaced. No fonts larger than 12-pt and normal 1” margins.

Indicate the title and author of the article.

Provide a link to the article.

Provide a short summary of the article. In a few sentences tell me what the article is about in your own words!

How does the article relate to oceanography? (This question can be answered in your summary)

What is the problem discussed? (This question can be answered in your summary)

Is there a global impact? If so, what is it?

Is there a local impact? If so, what is it?

What is the impact on your daily life and in the long term?

Is there anything you can do and what?

Why is this important?

Why is it interesting to you?

I realize some of these questions may not be directly pertinent to the article you choose but try to answer them the best you can. If you are having trouble being thorough, you may need to choose a different article. If in doubt, please check with me.

Find an article related to an oceanographic topic.J Read More »

you are to find a news source covering an environmental issue.

you are to find a news source covering an environmental issue.

Please follow instructions carefully.

Schroeder, K. (2007) Environmental Law. chapter 2

For this chapter, you are to find a news source covering an environmental issue. From this article:

– identify

(1) the parties (including any agencies involved)

(2) if litigation occurs, do all of the involved parties have standing (why or why not?)

– what is the duration or longevity of the issue? (how long has it been going on, how long is it likely to continue?)

– is this a “LULU” or true environmental issue?

– if an identified party is successful in public relations / litigation / etc., what is the result (injunction, remediation, costs, other?)

Please submit in APA format a total of five-plus pages (one page of cover, one page of references, 3-4 pages of your text)

you are to find a news source covering an environmental issue. Read More »

Case Study : Enviromental Health (2 pages)

Case Study : Enviromental Health (2 pages)

As a nurse practicing within a family practice, you are interviewing a

55-year-old woman who is an executive assistant at a local law firm,

where she has worked for 9 years. She has a 7-year history of

respiratory illness, which occurs several times throughout the year, not

seemingly connected to the changes in season. She does not use tobacco

products in any form. During your questions regarding her home and work

environments, she reports that she enjoys working adjacent to the

courthouse in a building over 100 years old because it is such a

contrast to her brand-new home on a local golf course. When describing

the health of her coworkers, she indicates, “We all share illnesses,

which seem to affect everyone else during the year; we just seem to be

sicker more often!”

Your document should be 2 pages ( NOT MORE THAN 2 PAGES)in length, in APA format, typed

in Times New Roman with 12-point font, double-spaced with 1” margins,

and include at least two citations using references less than five years


Case Study : Enviromental Health (2 pages) Read More »

informative speech

informative speech

Today, you received an invitation from the president of the school board asking you to deliver an informative speech at Everytown High School. Because students at Everytown High School are currently studying Global Warming, the president of the school board would like for you to address this topic as well.

Review the sources listed below and choose the one you would use in your informative speech. Explain why the source is a good choice.

  • Option A: A book entitled The Guide to Global Warming (published in 2015)
  • Option B: A pre-recorded interview with an employee at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
  • Option C: A documentary film explaining Global Warming

informative speech Read More »

What phonetic features lead to linguistic profiling?

What phonetic features lead to linguistic profiling?

Write a research proposal with 500 word min, double spaced. The research topic is linguistic profiling, and the question in mind is “What phonetic features lead to linguistic profiling?”. Should include 1 peer reviewed source with APA formatting. Also, both the handout and rubric are attached as well.

Answer to 1.b: I’m interested in phonetics and how people perceive it.

Thank you.

What phonetic features lead to linguistic profiling? Read More »

International Public Administration

International Public Administration

Week 4 Discussion

“Political Systems” Please respond to the following:

  • Watch the video titled, “World Bank President Outlines Strategy to End Poverty, Welcomes New Development Partners” (5 min 42 s), located here. Agree or disagree with the strategy that the World Bank President outlines in the video, citing specific reasons for your position. Provide a rationale for your response. 1PAGE

Assignment 2: Debate It Powerpoint Presentation 12SLIDES

Due Week 4 and worth 140 points

Most people perceive international public administration to be a set of state structures, institutions, and processes. Opponents of globalization argue that it weakens states, making it difficult for them to sustain social welfare and environmental policies, and create fiscal redistributive initiatives.

According to James Bovard, a libertarian author who focuses on writing about government, proponents and businesses seeking to expand a broad claim there is little or no evidence of national governments’ decline. Congress, along with many policy strategists, seem to think that whatever the effects of globalization on governments, they are likely to be beneficial for long-term economic growth (Bovard, 1987).

Analyze the claims laid out in this controversy, and try to argue the strongest case you can in favor of the view(s) you find most convincing. In doing so, be sure to seriously consider the case that your opponents might make against your position, and why you would reject it. Use the Internet and / or Strayer databases to research evidence that supports your opinion. Determine your point of view on the issue, and support your position with information from at least three (3) reliable, relevant, peer-reviewed references (no more than one [1] used previously), published within the last five (5) years.

Create a PowerPoint presentation that covers the following:

  • Provide a brief description of the issue.
  • Present evidence that supports both sides of the argument.
  • In the note section of each information slide, you must write a narrative of what you would
  • Provide at least three (3) reliable, relevant, peer-reviewed references (no more than one [1] used previously), published within the last five (5) years at the end of your video.

Note: Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Your presentation should include a minimum total of 12 slides:

  • 10 information slides
  • Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
    1. Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
    2. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.
    3. Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

International Public Administration Read More »

Write a reflection log 3-4 pages

Write a reflection log 3-4 pages

Reflect on 1-2 personal experiences where you have encountered instances of power, privilege and/or oppression. Identify what role you played in this context (i.e. oppressed, or oppressor) an in which environment. Use the readings (cite at least 5 sources, 3 from required texts/articles! can be from themes not yet covered)to identify ways which you might examine this context. Reflection paper must be in APA style formatting.

You may want to think about the following:

  • How have power, privilege and oppression shaped your positionality?
  • How might you guide a student through a challenging situation related to power, privilege, and oppression? How might some of your experiences help guide students in K-16 who are encountering similar challenges?
  • How might the readings enable/empower you to facilitate a learning experience?

Length: 3-4 pages

use the 3 attached sources I gave you and find 2 more on your own

Write a reflection log 3-4 pages Read More »

Educating Children with Disabilities

Educating Children with Disabilities

What are three things you believe teachers can and should do when working with the parents and families of children with disabilities?

What added challenges would you anticipate if these children are also of racial, cultural, or linguistic minorities?

This is access to the book the information for the discussion board is in purple Chapters 3 and 4

Educating Children with Disabilities Read More »

Have a network security project report i need help with

Have a network security project report i need help with

In this section, students will address each of the following.

Define the physical security requirements, propose a solution, and justify the solution.

At a minimum, students should discuss the three main factors of prevention, detection, and recovery; and include the appropriate control measure.

o At a minimum, students should discuss the three main factors of prevention, detection, and recovery; and include the appropriate control measure.

o Students should include smartphones, laptops, tablets, or any other mobile device that may be introduced in the UMUC environment. Students should also include the considerations and their implications.

o Students should consider the different types of attacks, security appliances, and the network configuration to implement.

  • Define the network defense requirements, propose a solution, and justify the solution.

o Students should discuss common network devices, their vulnerabilities, and propose defensive solutions.

  • Define the host defense requirements, propose a solution, and justify the solution.

o Students should the types of attacks hosts are susceptible to, and proposal defensive solutions.

Have a network security project report i need help with Read More »

Hurricane Katrina.

Hurricane Katrina.

Week 4 Assignment

Task: 1- My topic is Hurricane Katrina. Every step need to be answered. Make sure provide an outline for the entire research plan. 1250-1500 words

  • Choose a topic, and describe why it should be studied. What is the problem or condition you seek to consider and evaluate, and why will the results of your study matter for social science and for policy makers?
    1. Find at least 3 external sources that address a topic relative to yours to produce a miniversion of a comprehensive literature review. Use journal articles, government documents, texts, testimony, official manuals, and other credible resources only.
    2. Provide each source’s bibliographic reference here in accordance with APA style guidelines.
    3. Summarize briefly what exists—or does not exist—in the literature review that provides a starting point for your project. This point should inform the choices you make in answering the questions below.
    4. If your topic seems to be difficult, you may want to start anew with a narrower focus.
  • Create a research question or questions. Look back at narratives from previous weeks for guidance on this.
    1. Identify and explain your research constructs.
  • Create 1 or more hypotheses.
    1. Fully operationalize each variable. Make certain that this step is as extensive as possible.
    2. Explain how and why your form of operationalization for each variable will help you avoid the threats to validity you learned about this week.
  • What approach will you employ to study your topic—quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods analysis?
    1. Define the parameters for the population you will study as a whole, draw samples from, or combine methods for.
      1. How will you extend any findings from this population to a larger one?
      2. Fully defend the choices you are making.
    2. Explain what research instruments you plan to use for any and all phases of your research.
      1. Fully defend the choices you are making.
    3. Outline how you will proceed in conducting your study.
      1. What forms of data collections will you use, and why did you choose them?
  • Explain the findings you expect to reveal.
    1. Consider and forecast the form your data output will be in.
    2. Estimate what process you will use to interpret and report your findings (you cannot do much more without conducting your research).
  • Provide an outline for your entire research plan.

Hurricane Katrina. Read More »

for this assignment, write a 4-5 page (doubled-space) write up exploring ocean acidification.

for this assignment, write a 4-5 page (doubled-space) write up exploring ocean acidification.

Our Oceans are becoming more acidic and at ever increasing rate and this will have impacts locally in the Puget Sound, along the West Coast, and throughout the entire world. Ironically, what makes the Pacific Northwest such a productive ecosystem in terms of fisheries also makes it more vulnerable to this impact.

For this assignment, write a 4-5 page write up exploring ocean acidification. Your paper should have FOUR clearly labelled sections:

  1. What is Ocean Acidification
  2. What are some of the impacts that we’ll see directly in the Pacific Northwest
  3. What will the future bring
  4. Bibliography containing at least 5 additional sources (CSE format).

Use the following to provide a basis for your paper.

1. TEDx video, Ocean Acidification in Washington State (linked below)


2. Seattle Times Special Report “Sea Change: The Pacific’s Perilous Turn” (http://apps.seattletimes.com/reports/sea-change/2013/sep/11/pacific-ocean-perilous-turn-overview/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.).


See the rubric below for information on how this assignment will be graded.


Exercise 11-1 Ocean Acidification

Exercise 11-1 Ocean Acidification

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormatting should be size 12 font, Arial or Times New Roman, double-spaced and have standard margins (1” on all sides).
5.0 ptsMeets the standard3.0 ptsNo Description0.0 ptsDoes not meet the standard
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProper grammar, spelling, and punctuation
10.0 ptsMeets the standard5.0 ptsNo Description0.0 ptsDoes not meet the standard
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSection: What is Ocean Acidification
10.0 ptsMeets the standard8.0 ptsNo Description5.0 ptsNo Description3.0 ptsNo Description0.0 ptsDoes not meet the standard
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSection: What are some of the impacts that we’ll see directly in the Pacific Northwest
10.0 ptsMeets the standard8.0 ptsNo Description5.0 ptsNo Description3.0 ptsNo Description0.0 ptsDoes not meet the standard
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSection: What will the future bring
10.0 ptsMeets the standard8.0 ptsNo Description5.0 ptsNo Description3.0 ptsNo Description0.0 ptsDoes not meet the standard
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBibliography
5.0 ptsMeets the standard3.0 ptsNo Description0.0 ptsDoes not meet the standard
5.0 pts
Total Points: 50.0

for this assignment, write a 4-5 page (doubled-space) write up exploring ocean acidification. Read More »

Physical therapy career scientific research essay

Physical therapy career scientific research essay

Type a 2-4 page essay talking about the career of a physical therapist.

Most importantly ur scientific research for this essay. These research studies usually include an Abstract, Methodology, Conclusion, etc., from a Scientific Journal. Referring to websites does not work.

Talk about the requirements, career duties and tasks, and the ins and outs of being a physical therapist. You can go any direction you want just go in depth about the career and use scientific research most importantly

that’s it, super straight forward – as for as the essay goes you have full freedom do to in any direction of a physical therapist career. You can talk about how their work is, course curriculum, tuition, struggles etc.

Physical therapy career scientific research essay Read More »

Write a short essay about geography

Write a short essay about geography

Explain the relationship between latitudinal variations in climate and altitudinal variations in climate found in South America in a 2 to 3 paragraph response.

Explain the relationship between latitudinal variations in climate and altitudinal variations in climate found in South America in a 2 to 3 paragraph response. Use the following graphics and your text as a resource to support your answer. Pages 455 and 456 will help.

Write a short essay about geography Read More »

Personal Leadership Philosophies

Personal Leadership Philosophies

Many of us can think of leaders we have come to admire, be they historical figures, pillars of the industry we work in, or leaders we know personally. The leadership of individuals such as Abraham Lincoln and Margaret Thatcher has been studied and discussed repeatedly. However, you may have interacted with leaders you feel demonstrated equally competent leadership without ever having a book written about their approaches.

What makes great leaders great? Every leader is different, of course, but one area of commonality is the leadership philosophy that great leaders develop and practice. A leadership philosophy is basically an attitude held by leaders that acts as a guiding principle for their behavior. While formal theories on leadership continue to evolve over time, great leaders seem to adhere to an overarching philosophy that steers their actions.

What is your leadership philosophy? In this Assignment, you will explore what guides your own leadership.

To Prepare:

  • Identify two to three scholarly resources, in addition to this Module’s readings, that evaluate the impact of leadership behaviors in creating healthy work environments.
  • Reflect on the leadership behaviors presented in the three resources that you selected for review.
  • Reflect on your results of the CliftonStrengths Assessment, and consider how the results relate to your leadership traits.

The Assignment (2-3 pages):

Personal Leadership Philosophies

Develop and submit a personal leadership philosophy that reflects what you think are characteristics of a good leader. Use the scholarly resources on leadership you selected to support your philosophy statement. Your personal leadership philosophy should include the following:

  • A description of your core values
  • A personal mission/vision statement
  • An analysis of your Clifton Strengths Assessment summarizing the results of your profile
  • A description of two key behaviors that you wish to strengthen
  • A development plan that explains how you plan to improve upon the two key behaviors you selected and an explanation of how you plan to achieve your personal vision. Be specific and provide examples.
  • Be sure to incorporate your colleagues’ feedback on your Clifton Strengths Assessment from this Module’s Discussion 2.

Please review the instructions posted.This paper comes with 5 most recent APA references.Thanks

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Research organization

Research organization

In today’s fast-paced and global community, most organizations are faced with constant change. Research contemporary organizations that are currently responding to a significant change within the industry, such as disruptive technology; state, government, or industry regulations; environmental constraints; judicial or legislative rulings; etc.

Choose one organization from your research that has recently responded to major change, or is currently responding to change. Write a paper (1,500 words) discussing how well the organization is responding to the change dynamics. Include the following:

  1. Describe the organization and the change to which it is responding.
  2. Discuss the degree to which the change has been disruptive and how the organization has responded to the dynamics created by this change.
  3. Evaluate the strategies the organization used in its change plan and determine the level of success the organization experienced with the strategies.
  4. Determine the effect the change had on stakeholders, and to what degree stakeholders have resisted. Assess how well stakeholder resistance was addressed.
  5. Evaluate the overall implications the change had on interdepartmental collaboration.
  6. In your opinion, how well did the leaders of the organization respond and prepare for the change? What worked and what did not work with the strategies they implemented?
  7. What modifications would you suggest the leaders of the organization make in order to better address the change dynamics? What additional strategies would you recommend to assist the organization through this change?

Prepare this assignment in APA format using 5 APA citation reference, within 5years with nursing content.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Research organization Read More »

Topic 7 DQ 2

Topic 7 DQ 2

1. Have legislative remedies, like the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act, produced results to mitigate negative externalities? At what cost? Have the benefits of the legislation outweighed the costs to industry? Identify and describe two additional measures that state and/or city governments are undertaking to reduce contributions to climate change by addressing degradation of air, land, and water (e.g., efforts in California, City of Phoenix).

2. As we examine our second discussion question, I wanted to offer a couple questions to help spur the conversation. Explain how expansionary monetary policy leads to inflation whereas monetary policy in the short and long run can influence real output.

3. As we examine our second discussion question, I wanted to offer a couple questions to help spur the conversation. Discuss how price stability is a foundation for stable economic policy. Should the government always intervene to correct price instability? Why?

Topic 7 DQ 2 Read More »

Ecology Discussion

Ecology Discussion


Estes and Palmisano (1974), Estes et al. (1998) – Questions for Discussion

  1. Define a “keystone species”. (1pt)
  2. Explain how the orca-otter-urchin-kelp food web presented in these studies is an example of top-down control. (1pt)
  3. Define “anthropogenic”. What anthropogenic effect is most responsible for the situation with the sea otters? (1pt)
  4. Find and describe another example of a keystone predator creating top-down controls in an ecosystem. Include the predator species, the ecosystem, and how the ecosystem would be different in the absence of the predator species. (2pt)
  5. Estes and Palmisano 1974, Figure 1: What is this graph comparing? Why is there no line shown for vegetation at Shemya Island (hint: what does “coincident with the ordinate” mean)? (2pt)
  6. Estes and Palmisano 1974, Figure 2: Based on this graph, describe the difference in sea urchin size demographics between the two islands. Why are these differences important? (2pt)
  7. Why are kelp forests ecologically important? What ecosystem services do they provide to other species living in the region? What benefits can they provide to human societies? (3pt)
  8. Keystone species are often the focus of conservation efforts. Describe at least one benefit of this approach to conservation, as well as one potential risk or limitation to this approach. (3pt)
  9. Describe a potential strategy for bringing these kelp forest ecosystems back into balance. What might be a limitation or difficulty with implementing this strategy? (3pt)
  10. Write out the citations for both papers using Ecology formatting. (2pts)

–> Please read the two short articles to answer the questions, Also please read the other attached document to follow the ecology formatting.

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Case Study for Southwest Airlines

Case Study for Southwest Airlines

You will begin a four step guided case study for Southwest Airlines. You will need to complete and submit steps 1 and 2 for this order and I will continue place another order for setps 3 and 4 if you done well.

Step 1

Using the case information only, assess Southwest’s industry environment according to Porter’s Five forces. State whether the pressures are high or low for each forces and provide one paragraph on each explaining why. PS: The following video provides an explanation of Porter’s five forces with additional examples sprinkled throughout. Watch this video in conjunction with “SWOT Analysis 1”.

Conclude if the industry is attractive or unattractive and provide justification based on the five forces.

Use section 1 of the “SWOT analysis template” to guide your analysis.

Step 2

Conduct an internal analysis of Southwest Airlines by identifying all the resources you can. Use these resources to form capabilities.

Include insights you have gained from your prior value chain analysis of Southwest Airlines. Place areas of the value chain under resources or capabilities as you deem suitable.

Use section 2 of the “SWOT analysis template” to guide your analysis. Identify and rank order capabilities the firm possesses that can aid competitiveness. The most competitive capability is ranked #1.

There are no word limit guidelines for the Southwest Airlines case assignment part 1 or part 2. However, the goal is to be meaningful and provide evidence you comprehend the case and formulate strategy. Use the template provide and fill in the areas left for the case information. Please don’t just put some simple thoughts, I really need it to be a deep analysis.

Do not use any information that is not provided with the case. Remember we are only using the Southwest case from the coursepack.

Bullet points are preferred. Add a short explanation for any point you include if you feel it to be necessary.

only the first 2 parts for this time
The lesson I just uploaded might help you to understandthe way to do analysis

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