The issue of the parking lots in Grossmont College
Proposal for the improvement of Grossmont Community College The start of the essay to address it to the person that will be able to fix the problem. ex: “To…. “I want the essay to be 3 pages double spaced. I want it to be specifically talking about a hypothetical situation which I want it to be about when someone is having trouble finding a parking lot they are late to class and get marked absent and once they are marked absent twice the teacher drops them from class which causes them to be a semester late from graduating. I want this part to be exaggerated a lot even if its in a dumb way.I want a solution to be to have a separate parking for staff and student for this problem and the cost/ labor for it. Whose job is it to fix this issue? How can this issue be fixed. How long to fix it? I want the solution to be explained. How does it effect students.
Please I want this essay in MLA format and make sure you exaggerate the solution a lot even if its in a dumb way! I would like it in bigger pargraphs rather then short and many.
6 hours ago
nothing really just stressed too much homework to do ! nice meeting you too ! and Nope that will be all it that i mentioned !
Find an article related to an oceanographic topic.J
Find an article in a journal, newspaper, or online (i.e. Washington Post, New York Times, Science, Popular Science, Nature) that has been published in the past year and is related to an oceanographic topic. THIS MUST BE A REPUTABLE SOURCE! If in doubt, please ask.
Some examples are: marine organisms, effects of climate change on the oceans, ocean acidification, wave energy, overfishing, aquaculture, coral bleaching, red tide, and plastics in the ocean. This is by no means a complete list. There are many other topics that are related to oceanography. Please choose something that you are interested in. If in doubt, email me a PDF or link to the article and I will let you know if the article is acceptable. If it is something that interests you and is related to oceanography, I will likely approve it.
Assignment: Read the article carefully and provide a review that answers the following questions. You must try to address each question the best you can to receive full credit.
The review should be at least one full typed page, double-spaced. No fonts larger than 12-pt and normal 1” margins.
Indicate the title and author of the article.
Provide a link to the article.
Provide a short summary of the article. In a few sentences tell me what the article is about in your own words!
What is the impact on your daily life and in the long term?
Is there anything you can do and what?
Why is this important?
Why is it interesting to you?
I realize some of these questions may not be directly pertinent to the article you choose but try to answer them the best you can. If you are having trouble being thorough, you may need to choose a different article. If in doubt, please check with me.
Today, you received an invitation from the president of the school board asking you to deliver an informative speech at Everytown High School. Because students at Everytown High School are currently studying Global Warming, the president of the school board would like for you to address this topic as well.
Review the sources listed below and choose the one you would use in your informative speech. Explain why the source is a good choice.
Option A: A book entitled The Guide to Global Warming (published in 2015)