Environmental Studies

Hurricane Katrina.

Hurricane Katrina.

Week 4 Assignment

Task: 1- My topic is Hurricane Katrina. Every step need to be answered. Make sure provide an outline for the entire research plan. 1250-1500 words

  • Choose a topic, and describe why it should be studied. What is the problem or condition you seek to consider and evaluate, and why will the results of your study matter for social science and for policy makers?
    1. Find at least 3 external sources that address a topic relative to yours to produce a miniversion of a comprehensive literature review. Use journal articles, government documents, texts, testimony, official manuals, and other credible resources only.
    2. Provide each source’s bibliographic reference here in accordance with APA style guidelines.
    3. Summarize briefly what exists—or does not exist—in the literature review that provides a starting point for your project. This point should inform the choices you make in answering the questions below.
    4. If your topic seems to be difficult, you may want to start anew with a narrower focus.
  • Create a research question or questions. Look back at narratives from previous weeks for guidance on this.
    1. Identify and explain your research constructs.
  • Create 1 or more hypotheses.
    1. Fully operationalize each variable. Make certain that this step is as extensive as possible.
    2. Explain how and why your form of operationalization for each variable will help you avoid the threats to validity you learned about this week.
  • What approach will you employ to study your topic—quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods analysis?
    1. Define the parameters for the population you will study as a whole, draw samples from, or combine methods for.
      1. How will you extend any findings from this population to a larger one?
      2. Fully defend the choices you are making.
    2. Explain what research instruments you plan to use for any and all phases of your research.
      1. Fully defend the choices you are making.
    3. Outline how you will proceed in conducting your study.
      1. What forms of data collections will you use, and why did you choose them?
  • Explain the findings you expect to reveal.
    1. Consider and forecast the form your data output will be in.
    2. Estimate what process you will use to interpret and report your findings (you cannot do much more without conducting your research).
  • Provide an outline for your entire research plan.

Hurricane Katrina. Read More »

for this assignment, write a 4-5 page (doubled-space) write up exploring ocean acidification.

for this assignment, write a 4-5 page (doubled-space) write up exploring ocean acidification.

Our Oceans are becoming more acidic and at ever increasing rate and this will have impacts locally in the Puget Sound, along the West Coast, and throughout the entire world. Ironically, what makes the Pacific Northwest such a productive ecosystem in terms of fisheries also makes it more vulnerable to this impact.

For this assignment, write a 4-5 page write up exploring ocean acidification. Your paper should have FOUR clearly labelled sections:

  1. What is Ocean Acidification
  2. What are some of the impacts that we’ll see directly in the Pacific Northwest
  3. What will the future bring
  4. Bibliography containing at least 5 additional sources (CSE format).

Use the following to provide a basis for your paper.

1. TEDx video, Ocean Acidification in Washington State (linked below)


2. Seattle Times Special Report “Sea Change: The Pacific’s Perilous Turn” (http://apps.seattletimes.com/reports/sea-change/2013/sep/11/pacific-ocean-perilous-turn-overview/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.).


See the rubric below for information on how this assignment will be graded.


Exercise 11-1 Ocean Acidification

Exercise 11-1 Ocean Acidification

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormatting should be size 12 font, Arial or Times New Roman, double-spaced and have standard margins (1” on all sides).
5.0 ptsMeets the standard3.0 ptsNo Description0.0 ptsDoes not meet the standard
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProper grammar, spelling, and punctuation
10.0 ptsMeets the standard5.0 ptsNo Description0.0 ptsDoes not meet the standard
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSection: What is Ocean Acidification
10.0 ptsMeets the standard8.0 ptsNo Description5.0 ptsNo Description3.0 ptsNo Description0.0 ptsDoes not meet the standard
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSection: What are some of the impacts that we’ll see directly in the Pacific Northwest
10.0 ptsMeets the standard8.0 ptsNo Description5.0 ptsNo Description3.0 ptsNo Description0.0 ptsDoes not meet the standard
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSection: What will the future bring
10.0 ptsMeets the standard8.0 ptsNo Description5.0 ptsNo Description3.0 ptsNo Description0.0 ptsDoes not meet the standard
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBibliography
5.0 ptsMeets the standard3.0 ptsNo Description0.0 ptsDoes not meet the standard
5.0 pts
Total Points: 50.0

for this assignment, write a 4-5 page (doubled-space) write up exploring ocean acidification. Read More »

Physical therapy career scientific research essay

Physical therapy career scientific research essay

Type a 2-4 page essay talking about the career of a physical therapist.

Most importantly ur scientific research for this essay. These research studies usually include an Abstract, Methodology, Conclusion, etc., from a Scientific Journal. Referring to websites does not work.

Talk about the requirements, career duties and tasks, and the ins and outs of being a physical therapist. You can go any direction you want just go in depth about the career and use scientific research most importantly

that’s it, super straight forward – as for as the essay goes you have full freedom do to in any direction of a physical therapist career. You can talk about how their work is, course curriculum, tuition, struggles etc.

Physical therapy career scientific research essay Read More »

Write a short essay about geography

Write a short essay about geography

Explain the relationship between latitudinal variations in climate and altitudinal variations in climate found in South America in a 2 to 3 paragraph response.

Explain the relationship between latitudinal variations in climate and altitudinal variations in climate found in South America in a 2 to 3 paragraph response. Use the following graphics and your text as a resource to support your answer. Pages 455 and 456 will help.

Write a short essay about geography Read More »

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