Health Care

Chronic Illness and Rehabilitation Paper

module 7

Chronic Illness and Rehabilitation Paper

Develop a realistic case and Identify a chronic illness and its relationship to rehabilitation. Could be from a previous experience on your career.

  1. Identify chronic illness and its relationship to rehabilitation.
    Choose from one:
    COPD, CHF, Stroke, Hip fracture
  2. Create interventions that support an older adult’s adaptation to the chronic illness or disability.
  3. Describe the nurse’s role in assisting older adults in managing chronic conditions.
  4. From your readings and knowledge which opportunities do you think can be change in the health care system to improve care for older adults with chronic illness and disabilities.

Submission Instructions:

  • The paper is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.
  • The paper is to be 6 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page.
  • Incorporate a minimum of 3 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.
  • Journal articles and books should be referenced according to APA style.


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Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders

In a 3-page paper, written in APA format using proper spelling/grammar, research the topic of eating disorders and address the following:

  1. Compare and contrast anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.
  2. Who is more likely to suffer from anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa? Why?
  3. What are the causes contributing to anorexia nervosa?
  4. What are the consequences of eating disorders?
  5. How can one diagnose eating disorders?
  6. What are the treatment and support options for a person who has eating disorder

Requirements: 3 paged paper

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Health Policy

Health Policy

Req: APA Format, use scholarly references and they should not be older than 5 years, Please follow the discussion rubric attached.

1. The president and the governor are referred to as the chief administrative or executive officers of the country and state, respectively. Analyze the differences and similarities in the roles and responsibilities of the respective heads of these executive branches.

2. Advocacy and public health nursing intersect in many ways. What are some specific examples that demonstrate how public health benefited from the advocacy provided by nurses?

3. Describe how you will utilize and implement the IOM Nursing Reports from 2010 and 2016 in your role as an Advanced Practice Nurse.

Requirements: 600

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discussion post 7.1

discussion post 7.1

Explain the history of failed attempts to enact national health insurance in the United States.

Government and Policy for U.S. Health Leaders

Higbea, R., & Cline, G. (2021). Government and policy for U.S. health leaders (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning. ISBN-13: 9781284207767 (Available as a custom eBook – includes only Chapter 6)

Essentials of Health Economics

Dewar, D. M. (2017). Essentials of health economics (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning. ISBN-13: 9781284054620

Requirements: 200 words

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HealthPromotion and diseasesprevention in olderadults

HealthPromotion and diseasesprevention in olderadults

After studying Module 2: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following:

Submission Instructions:




Supplemental Materials & Resources

    • Visit the CINAHL Complete under the A-to-Z Databases on the University Library’s website and locate the articles below:
      • Newham, R. A. (2013). An internal morality of nursing: What it can and cannot do. Nursing Philosophy, 14(2), 109-116.
      • Hanssen, I. & Alpers, L. M. (2010). Utilitarian and common-sense morality discussions in intercultural nursing practice. Nursing Ethics, 17(2), 201-2011.
      • Epstein, B. & Turner, M. (2015). The Nursing Code of Ethics: Its value, its history. Online Journal of Nursing Issues, 20(2), 33-41.

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Healthcare Article Writing

Healthcare Article Writing

Original Post

Select one of the articles you were provided with for this week:

  1. Write a brief summary of the main ideas presented (at least 300 words) using the summary writing guidelines in the module.


  1. Following the summary of the article you selected formulate an open-endedquestion that would generate a discussion on the topics covered this week. The question should lead to a discussion and not be answered in a yes or no format. Your classmates will write a short response essay to your question.

    Here are examples of open ended questionsfrom the Module 1 Readings:

  • As a health provider, physician, nurse how can learning (reading/writing) narratives influence their work in providing health care?
  • What is the significance of narrative medicine? 
  • How long should a health provider spend with a patient to listen to their stories? Explain your response
  • How does narrative medicine affect the sick, or people with health issues?


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Health and disease concepts

Health and disease concepts

  • Write a paper in APA style – 3 pages – cover and reference pages not included. Defining the concepts of health and disease using references from different authors.
  • Add examples of preventive health programs, representing the different levels of prevention, explain their application today.
  • Use the APA style and send it via Blackboard for evaluation. Your essay must use at least three bibliographic references. Avoid plagiarism by submitting your work to Safe assign. Less than 20 percent plaggiarismo. No copy paste

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Learning Theories & Principles and Quality Health Care

Learning Theories & Principles and Quality Health Care


Which learning theories and principles do you think are most useful to the advanced practice nurse (APN) in providing high quality health care to clients, and why?

Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.

Requirements: 500 word   |

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Benchmark – Informing Policy

Benchmark – Informing Policy

Assessment Description

The purpose of this assignment is to examine the process of putting a new policy into place.

Write a 1,250-1,500 word paper according to the instructions provided below.

Review news stories and articles regarding a recent (within the last year) health-related policy (not the Affordable Care Act).

Introduce this policy in your paper and discuss the following:

  1. How the governmental policy process informs the development, implementation, and assessment of policy within the realm of health care.
  2. The impact of your chosen policy on health care consumers, organizations, and systems.
  3. The impact of your chosen policy on health care providers.

Now imagine you are adapting this policy to the health care organization at which you work (or where you wish to work). Describe the organization and discuss the following:

  1. The stakeholders involved in policy formation and their impact on health care policy formation and structures.
  2. The response you expect from those stakeholders.
  3. The specific impact this governmental policy will make (positive, negative, indifferent) and why?

Incorporate two or three peer-reviewed scholarly resources in your paper.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies:

MPA Health Care Management

4.5: Analyze how governmental policy processes inform the development, implementation, and assessment of policy within health care.

MS Health Care Administration

1.1: Analyze the impact of various stakeholders on health care policy formation and structures.

1.3: Examine measures of current and pending legislation and the impact on health care consumers, organizations, and systems.

Requirements: 1,250-1,500 word pape

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HCA205 Week 5 The U.S. HealthCareSystem: Part 2

HCA205 Week 5 The U.S. HealthCareSystem: Part 2

For your Final Presentation, you will continue your Week 3 The U.S. Health Care Presentation: Part 1 assignment on the on the U.S. health care system by expanding on the information it presented. Please note, you are adding on to the assignment you started in Week 3. If you do not include the previous slides, it will negatively impact your score. Please review the rubric if you are unsure of the impact. Please correct issues and address recommendations from your instructor’s Week 3 assignment feedback, then continue adding Parts 2 through 5 as directed below.

In this assignment, you will prepare a 15- to 20-slide PowerPoint presentation with detailed speaker’s notes of 100–150 words for each slide, not including the title and reference slides. Newly graduated health care professionals (e.g., Doctors, Registered Nurses, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, etc.) are unfamiliar with the day-to-day operations addressing practice management, insurance coverage requirements (e.g., referrals, pre-authorizations), credentialing, accreditation, state and federal regulations, health care laws, and reimbursement methods. Their educational focus has been on learning how to diagnose and treat patients. Therefore, understanding the operational aspect in practice management is imperative to the financial viability of their future practice.

The CEO of the largest health care teaching hospital in the area asked you to present an overview of the U.S. health care system to a group of newly graduated health care professionals (e.g., Primary Physicians, Specialists, Hospitalists, Internists, Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants). You have been tasked with creating a PowerPoint presentation that includes elements about history, major developments, stakeholders, costs, reforms, and beliefs as well as a comparison of the U.S. health care system to another country’s health care system.


Part 1: Include the slides from your Week 3 Presentation

Part 2: The Cost of the U.S. Health Care System

  • Describe three different reimbursement methods (e.g., capitation, fee-for-service [FFS], pay-for-performance [P4P], value-based, episode of care, prospective reimbursement, diagnosis related group [DRG], patient-centered medical home [PCMH]).
    • Explain why you think one of the reimbursement methods you discussed is more effective at reducing health care costs overall while still ensuring the delivery of quality care.
  • Describe the use of two technological advancements (e.g., electronic medical record [EMRs], electronic health records [EHRs], medical research, improved equipment like magnetic resonance imaging [MRI], mammography, personalized medicine, mobile services like e-prescribing, disease registries, ).
    • Explain why you think these advancements have reduced costs overall while still ensuring the delivery of quality care.

Part 3: The United States Versus Other Health Care Systems: An International Perspective

  • Contrast the S. health care system with another country (e.g., Canada’s universal health care or South Africa compared with the U.S. health care system, etc.). You can use the same country discussed in the Week 4 Health Care Systems Around the World discussion.
    • Discuss how the other country’s health care system is funded.
    • Discuss disparities in health care from your chosen country.
    • Include at least one positive aspect from the other country’s health care system that you would like to see added to the S. health care system, explaining why you would like this addition.

Part 4: Reforms and Improvements

  • Describe two potential reforms and improvements currently being debated at either the local, state, or federal You may want to review the Laws and Regulations Affecting Health Care discussion prompt to help you with this component. Examples could include any of the following:
    • Federal modifications (e.g., antitrust reforms, CHIP, HSA or HRA, Medicare reform, Medicaid expansion, PPACA repeal, pharmaceutical regulations, development of a universal system, veterans’ health care, crossing borders for health care, clinical trial research, )
    • State modifications (e.g., Medicaid reform, income tax credits, adoption of state level universal health care, etc.)
    • Increased consumer controls (e.g., patient-centered care, provider choice, complementary and alternative care choices, activism for changes at the state and federal level, etc.)
    • Reimbursement changes (Medicare, Medicaid, managed care plans, traditional insurance plans, etc.)

Part 5: Conclusion: The Future of the U.S. Health Care System

  • Examine what you believe the S. health care system will resemble in the next 10 years by recommending two changes and addressing access to care, quality of care, and cost of care, including an example of each in your vision of the future health care system.

Wikimedia Commons (Links to an external site.) can help you explore creative commons images. You may also want to review What Is CRAAP? A Guide to Evaluating Web Sources (Links to an external site.).

Submit your Final Presentation via the classroom to the Waypoint Assignment submission button by Day 6 (Sunday) no later than 11:59 p.m.

APA Requirements:

The U.S. Health Care System: Part 2 Final Presentation

  • Must include Part 1 slides from your Week 3 Assignment presentation
  • Must be 15 to 20 slides in length (not including title and references slides) and formatted according to APA style (Links to an external site.) as outlined in the Writing Center’s How to Make a PowerPoint Presentation (Links to an external site.).
    • Note, you are adding on to the 7- to 9-slide presentation from Week 3. You will create 8 to 13 new content slides with the information outlined in the directions above.
  • Must include a separate title slide with the following:
    • Title of presentation
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted

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therapeutic drug monitoring

therapeutic drug monitoring

After studying Module 4: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following:

Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 600 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.
  • You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts.
  • All replies must be constructive and use literature where possibleRead and watch the lecture resources & materials below early in the week to help you respond to the discussion questions and to complete your assignment(s).



    nullSupplemental Materials & Resources

    • Visit the CINAHL Complete under the A-to-Z Databases on the University Library’s website and locate the article(s) below:
      • DeCasterie, B. D., Izumi, S., Godfrey, N. S. & Denhaerynck, K, (2008). Nurses’ response to ethical dilemmas in nursing practice: Meta-Analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 63(6), 549-549.

Requirements: as instructed

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Quality Healthcare

Quality Healthcare

The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) was formed to ensure quality of patient care and measurement of patient outcomes with set standards.

Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) is a performance measurement tool used by millions of health insurance plans. There are 6 domains of care:

You may access the 6 domains of care by clicking this link:

(NCQA, n.d. (Links to an external site.))

As an APN, productivity will be an important measurement for the practice to determine reimbursement and salary. Fee-for-service practices will require a set number of patients per day to maintain productivity. A capitated practice will require the APN to have a large panel of patients but also will focus on controlling costs. This can be accomplished through effective primary care that is accessible, convenient for the patients and has a method of measuring quality of care.

Write a formal paper in APA format with title page, introduction, the three required elements below, conclusion and reference page.

You are now employed as an NP in primary care. Choose one performance measure from one of the six domains of care, i.e. Adult BMI Assessment, Prenatal and Postpartum care, etc.

Develop three different patient interventions for that one performance measure and how you would specifically implement the intervention and measure the outcomes for that particular performance measure in clinical practice.

How would these primary care interventions result in improved patient outcomes and health care cost savings?

How can these interventions result in improved NP patient ratings?

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CRJ 518 Deviant Behavior

CRJ 518 Deviant Behavior

Topic: Mental Illness

Further Directions: Identify the aspects of this particular deviance and discuss its overall impact on US society and culture. Discuss accepted policies and practices in dealing with this deviance and how attitudes have changed (if they have) over time. Last, project how you see this deviance being treated with the next 10-20 year period. Is the behavior becoming normalized?

Your opinion does not determine your grade. Your grade is determined by how well you support your arguments utilizing the materials discussed in this course and research and reference material you locate on your own for this assignment.

Document your facts utilizing standard APA style.

**You should use a minimum of 5 to 7 peer reviewed sources in support of this paper.

The paper is to be in APA format and the body of the paper is to be at least 8 to 10 pages. The body of the paper does not include the title page, table of contents, abstract, any appendix or references. The paper will be based on a 100-point scale.

Cultural diversity and mental health (

Mental Health Treatment: Past and Present | Introduction to Psychology (

Mental Health | Healthy People 2020

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Reforming the Affordable Care Act

Reforming the Affordable Care Act

The paper should be about four pages minimum– not counting any title page, abstract, or references. You may choose to provide “a fix” for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (also known as the ACA or Obamacare), or you may propose a general replacement for the ACA.

You should likely focus on one or two broad policies (due to the short length of the paper). You may look at what others have proposed and incorporate their thoughts into your writing with appropriate attribution and citation.

Use APA 7 style for citations.

You should have at least four sections:

  • An Introduction – explaining what you are proposing in general terms which should include identifying the problem you are attempting to address with your fix or replacement.
  • Your Proposal – this is the details of your proposal – although, in 4 to 6 pages, you likely can’t be as detailed as you would like to be.
  • Difficulties you see in getting your proposal through the policymaking process as we have discussed it in this class and as it is outlined in the textbook.
  • A Conclusion – don’t just leave me hanging. Tie everything together here and tell me again why you feel your proposal is worthwhile and what the difficulties might be.

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Reforming the Affordable Care Act

Reforming the Affordable Care Act

The paper should be about four pages minimum– not counting any title page, abstract, or references. You may choose to provide “a fix” for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (also known as the ACA or Obamacare), or you may propose a general replacement for the ACA.

You should likely focus on one or two broad policies (due to the short length of the paper). You may look at what others have proposed and incorporate their thoughts into your writing with appropriate attribution and citation.

Use APA 7 style for citations.

You should have at least four sections:

  • An Introduction – explaining what you are proposing in general terms which should include identifying the problem you are attempting to address with your fix or replacement.
  • Your Proposal – this is the details of your proposal – although, in 4 to 6 pages, you likely can’t be as detailed as you would like to be.
  • Difficulties you see in getting your proposal through the policymaking process as we have discussed it in this class and as it is outlined in the textbook.
  • A Conclusion – don’t just leave me hanging. Tie everything together here and tell me again why you feel your proposal is worthwhile and what the difficulties might be.

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Electronic Health Records

Electronic Health Records

Discussion Questions:

Part 1

1. The Administrative Simplification Compliance Act of 2001 requires that all Medicare claims be submitted electronically. Discuss at least two (2) vulnerabilities in the protection of electronic health information?

2. Identify and discuss specific resources or federal agencies that you will utilize to remain informed and current in public health trends and practices.


  • Please make sure you are using scholarly references and they should not be older than 5 years. Your posts/references must be in APA format.
  • Please follow the discussion RUBRIC to make sure you have addressed the discussion criteria.
  • Part 2

    submit the Informed Consent Letter to the Submissions Area (please note that this is only an example and no data may be collected).

    Informed Consent Letter

    • Procedure section is clear, described in detail, specific, and all inclusive. Written in lay language (as documented by reading level score). Includes risks and benefits relevant to study. Address assent (if applicable).
  • REQ: APA format, 3 references not older than 5 years, FOLLOW the sample letters/forms and RUBRIC.

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Healthcare policy and law

Healthcare policy and law

This assignment will explore compliance issues with federal and state laws and regulations governing healthcare organizations, such as the Anti-Kickback Law, the False Claims Act, the Stark Law, credentialing, medical errors, and patient safety. It is important to understand healthcare compliance for the benefit of improving patient care. It is also important to promote adherence to applicable laws, payer healthcare requirements, and to protect the organization against fraud, waste, abuse, and other potential liabilities.


Write a 2–3 page paper in which you:

  1. Summarize one statute, one regulation, and one guidance document that impose compliance obligations on healthcare organizations.
  2. Explain what healthcare organizations must do to comply with legal requirements.
  3. Describe the standards for corporate compliance programs set forth in the OIG Compliance Guidance and the Federal Sentencing Guidelines.
  4. In addition to the textbook, provide two sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and valid. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library, or review library guides.

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Synthesize Elements of Forming a Community Health Partnership

Synthesize Elements of Forming a Community Health Partnership

This assignment requires your synthesis and reflection of the elements needed to form your proposal for a community health partnership. Such partnerships are mandated by the ACA for nonprofit hospitals and offer benefits to both partners.

Your proposal will contain an overview of the benefits; and, using your weekly resources and assignments, you will identify the steps needed to form a partnership of this type.

These steps include:

  • Critiquing the community health needs assessment.
  • Initiating strategic planning through a SWOT analysis and creating strategic action plans.
  • Analyzing the role and impact of healthcare regulatory agencies.
  • Understanding the legal aspects of forming partnerships.
  • Evaluating hospital performance as a community consumer.
  • Creating a budget for the partnership project.

You will summarize the predicted ROI for this nonprofit hospital/community health partnership from a holistic perspective in narrative form rather than a financial accounting perspective.

Lastly, you will incorporate your summary of how the 13 health leadership competencies are applied in each step and weigh the value of the abilities in each for health administrators. (collaboration, information seeking, analytical thinking, strategic orientation, accountability, performance measurement, project management, community orientation, professionalism, financial skills, innovative thinking, team leadership, and process management/organizational design)

Length: Minimum of 10 pages, not including title and reference pages

References: Include a minimum of 7 scholarly resources

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

Requirements: 10 pages or more/use references & competencies (in bold) listed.

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HSA 510 The Convergence of Health Care Financing and Economic Trends and Forces

HSA 510 The Convergence of Health Care Financing and Economic Trends and Forces

Note: Use the textbook, course readings, Strayer online library, and other reputable online sources to complete this assignment.

Prepare a 15–20-slide PowerPoint presentation with detailed scholarly speaker notes in which you:

  1. Compare the three current health care financing and funding models (i.e., employee based, government-based, and individual-based) used with the health care delivery system of the United States.
  2. Compare and contrast key economic goals of public and private health insurance plans. Evaluate the success potential of key economic goals in terms of populations covered, services included, financing arrangements, reimbursement strategies, and economic competition policies.
  3. Analyze the key effects of labor market, insurance market, and competitive market factors on health care delivery requirements at your current or previous organization of employment.
  4. Determine what changes are occurring in the economy or concerning labor and regulatory factors that must be considered in the future.
  5. Suggest the key national trends that you believe currently affect competition and pricing initiatives. Justify your response.
  6. Determine the main quality indicators that typically affect health insurance pricing at the local level. Justify your response.
  7. Use a minimum of six reputable references sources including three sources from peer-reviewed journals.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Assess current U.S. health care financing and funding models, including economic goals, market impacts, economic and regulatory changes, and national trends.

Requirements: 15-20 slides

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