
Political Science Racial Politics

Political Science Racial Politics

Im happy to tip a generous amount. The amount of the tip will reflect the feedback I get from the final product you compose. Please only choose this prompt if you have an in depth history of the racial injustices of this country- specifically black American history.

Please respond to the prompt below. You should cite at least 3 outside scholarly sources and you are encouraged but not required to cite non-scholarly sources that are relevant to your thinking as well (i.e., artistic, journalistic, or other non-academic sources). (This paper should be in support of creating a racially equal society in the U.S)

Minimum of 8 double spaced pages, APA style citing format


The first two paper prompts have asked you to consider the systemic, institutional, ideological, cultural, and other forms of racism that created and sustain racial inequality in the United States. In this paper, I would like you to consider how one might approach a reform or revolutionary agenda to durably halt the cycle of racial caste that Alexander identified in The New Jim Crow.

How does real change happen? Changing the culture? Reforming institutions? Tearing down old institutions and creating new ones? What might a real dismantling white supremacist systems look like to you? How do we achieve your vision?

In your response, please be sure to directly address the main proposal of the Coates essay, “The Case for Reparations,” in which he writes, “A crime that implicates the entire American people deserves its hearing in the legislative body that represents them. John Conyers’s HR 40 is the vehicle for that hearing.”

I specifically want to see engagement with the following sources in order for you to achieve full credit for the paper: Michelle Alexander The New Jim Crow Ch. 6, Ashley Jardina White Identity Politics, and Coates.

You can find all the readings for free with this link: http://gen.lib.rus.ec

Link to Coates essay: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2014/06/the-case-for-reparations/361631/

Link to Ashley Jardina book: http://gen.lib.rus.ec/book/index.php?md5=256417D55AED98BD58F7230772D8D96F

Michelle Alexander New Jim Crow Chapter 6

Political Science Racial Politics Read More »

I needthese3questionsanswered. There are somearticles I leftbelow that weneed to get the ideas from.

I needthese3questionsanswered. There are somearticles I leftbelow that weneed to get the ideas from.

I need 1 page per question. Im leaving the articles that will be helpful and get some ideas. This is the History 2 class and 1st question should be from the book, I left the pdf below for that.

For the others im leaving these article links.




You can use your own source but it should not be plagiarised at all. Here are the questions.

1. Discuss the experience of some of the different minority groups in the United States during World War II.

2. Compare and contrast the events that took place in the article, “The Community is Beginning to Rumble,” with those in, “The Minimum Wage March of 1966.”

3. Using the article, “No Gold Watch for Jim Crow’s Retirement,” as your source discuss how the struggles of African American unionists Ivory Davis and Columbus Henry with the help of the NAACP abolished decades of Jim Crow segregation and racial discrimination in labor unions.

I needthese3questionsanswered. There are somearticles I leftbelow that weneed to get the ideas from. Read More »

Write a critique on two biographies and two autobiographies attached.

Write a critique on two biographies and two autobiographies attached.

Please read the final four pieces of writings (non-fiction narratives) in the Class Reader–two biographies and two autobiographies.
And write a critique on these works:
a. What are Maxine H. Kingston’s creative intents in the narratives “No Name Woman” and “Grandfather of the Sierra Mountains”? (for the grandfather piece, for example, why does Kingston use the most impressive part of Chinese American history–building the Transcontinental Railroad–and portray the grandfather as a “nut case” with deviant behavior?
b. On the two autobiographies–a man with a family in California and the other a single man in New York City–what are their significance for us to understand Chinese America before the Civil Right movement of the 1960s?
Due: May 13 (Wednesday) by 4 pm

Write a critique on two biographies and two autobiographies attached. Read More »

Earth Science Discussion Board W1

Earth Science Discussion Board W1

Compose a post that integrates a complete Bible scripture verse and transcends all aspects of the following question(s) comprehensively and collectively as a single post.

-150-200 Words


Find examples in Scripture of observations or perspectives that concern Earth science.

Earth Science, 15th edition, by Edward J. Tarbuck, Frederick K. Lutgens, Dennis Tasa. Pearson/PrenticeHall, 2018.

Ch. 1-3

Earth Science Discussion Board W1 Read More »

What made possible the spread of Islam, and what forms of government were established to rule Muslim lands?

What made possible the spread of Islam, and what forms of government were established to rule Muslim lands?

Topic : What made possible the spread of Islam, and what forms of government were established to rule Muslim lands?

Or you can chose from the one of five topics, you are interested in topic to write.


A Few Things to Check on Your Paper

•Make sure your introduction clearly lays out what you will be arguing.

•Indent your paragraphs.

•Avoid the use of personal pronouns in your essay.

•Be sure to use transitional sentences to get from one paragraph to the next.

•Check for run-­‐on sentences that need to be broken up into smaller units.

•Break up long blocks of text into smaller paragraphs.

•Remember to cite your sources as you use them throughout your paper.

•Place any footnotes you have at the end of the sentence.

•Number your pages.•

Make a point of proofreading through your paper when you are done to catch any errors you may have accidentally overlooked.

•Remove any spaces between your paragraphs

•5 pages means 5 pagesFor footnote formatting, please visit the following website:http://www.oberlin.edu/faculty/svolk/citation.htm

What made possible the spread of Islam, and what forms of government were established to rule Muslim lands? Read More »

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