discuss how the governmental response to covid-19 illustrates what you have learned. Show not just factual knowledge on the details of government (ex.: the President has the power to order travel from China to stop as Chief of the Executive) but also show the principle of checks and balances between different levels of government (federal, state, and local), between the branches of government, and between the private sector and government. You have your text and Wall Street Journals as your main source, but other legitimate news sources are acceptable (so no RT, Iranian, Xinhua/Chinese Government news outlets, or conspiracy sites). If it is from the WSJ or a widely covered news story, there is no need to cite.
IMPORTANT: You MUST follow these instructions exactly or you will receive no credit!
The paper should be double-spaced, 12pt type, and around four to five pages long. Grammar and spelling mistakes will not be tolerated – proofread carefully and use your spell-check programs.
IMPORTANT: Choose any film not listed on the Excluded Movie List. Almost any movie can be used but it must take place in the United States – it doesn’t necessarily have to filmed in the US (many movies, for example, are filmed in British Columbia) – it just has to take place in the US. As you think about possible choices, think about how geography is produced through the film and how different environments are portrayed and how place and space figure into the plot or whatever is going on in the film. Your paper will describe the geography of your movie through the use of relevant chapters covered over the course of the semester. No outside sources are permitted!
Think geographically about what you have seen in your movie. Spend NO more than a couple sentences summarizing the movie. I will deduct points if you exceed that limit. You should then develop the geographic themes that the movie uses as part of the story. This might include particular spatial interactions between characters and places and/or people – or how geographies are created within your movie. How are the various geographies in the text reflected in the landscapes depicted? How do these geographies help create suspense or amusement or spectacle? Discuss the possible motivations the producers had for choosing the settings that were used in the movie. Support your general arguments with specific examples from the movie. How do space and place help the movie make its point? How does the movie reinforce or contest the formation of the mental maps we use to navigate the real geographies of the United States?
Pay particular attention to what you have read. How do the chapter themes found in the text relate to the movie you are discussing? Again, you are a geographer – not a critic – your answer should encompass the spatial aspects of the movie as discussed by the chapter themes. You can concentrate on two or three chapters or try and apply as many chapters as possible. Just be thorough and clear in your approach. Do not use any outside sources except the text. Use the chapter headings of the text as a guide and, again, do not ‘review’ or summarize the movie – discuss the geographies you uncover through viewing the movie you choose. At the very least devote a paragraph or two to as many of the chapter topics as possible – for example, discuss the Physical Features in your movie, or Megalopolis or Hawaii and so on. There are no distinct ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answers – I am more interested in how you are able to interpret what you have read in the text and the lectures and how you then apply that to the movie under discussion. And remember, have fun while you do this – use a movie that you personally enjoy and find interesting and then explore its geographic qualities.
I provided you with a sample essay that he provided us with, and three pdf’s of different geographical locations in the US. Do not use any movie in the excluded movie list. Just follow the directions that were given, no outside sources, and please send me the movie you will choose! If you need any further material based on the movie please let me know!
Oral histories are one tool that historians use to understand the past. Go to the StoryCorps Animation websites and view a couple of the oral history animated videos. Then answer the following questions: Why is oral history important? What can be gained from oral history than is missing in other types of sources? Is this a valuable teaching tool? What are the problems that oral history might present? Which video(s) did you enjoy and why?
To receive full credit for this assignment your post must:
Address the questions asked in the paragraph above in at least a 300-word post and cite all outside sources appropriately
In your initial post, include at least one interesting question the readings raised for you
Reply to at least two of your classmates’ posts and attempt to answer their question (100 word posts minimum)
Oral histories are stories that living individuals tell about their past, or about the past of other people. Oral history is the telling and passing down of stories from one person to another. Oral history therefore teaches us what has changed in the past and what has stayed the same over time. Oral history also preserves for future generations a clear picture of who we are in the present and what we remember in the past.
What can be gained from oral history than is missing in other types of source is that eyewitnesses of the past are able to deliver authentic accounts of events in history. This first-hand information from the sources is the one available in oral history but absent in other sources. A good example is a grand parent Vietnam veteran narrating about the Vietnam war to a grandson.
Oral history is a valuable tool because interviews can provide richer and fuller accounts of important historical events than textbooks and other traditional sources can offer because of the interviews’ personal nature. Not only do oral history interviews give voice to perspectives that are often unrepresented in traditional curricula, but they expose students to valuable firsthand accounts that expand upon and complicate the typical third-person “objective” narrative found in conventional curricula, (“Oslen”).
I did found the problems of oral history when I was doing my readings. The success of an oral interview depends on how organized and well prepared is the interviewer. If not well prepared, which sometimes happens can encourage a broad range of unreliable responses from the informant. The selection of informants for an oral interview, whether the informants are a representative of the general population can be problematic. The location of the interview and the reliability of the memory of the informant can also be an issue.
The video that I enjoyed the most was called, A Life, Complete. It is a story about John Banvard and Jerry Nadeau who are military veterans having served in World War II and Vietnam War. As I was listening, the whole time I was trying to figure out if they were just best friends or actual partners. I was laughing as I was listening to the story just trying to imagine what they looked like. It’s always amusing listening to old grandparents talking to each other! And then of course at the end, you learn that they got married and it showed their cute little pictures! I just thought it was a cute story about two veterans! I enjoyed the oral story a great deal. I often wonder why some people can not retain information and learn through oral history.
I have one question from reading; do you think oral history is more accurate than written history?
Oral history is important because it allows us to experience occurrences from the perspective of the storyteller. Today my Great Grandmother turned 94 years old and there is nothing like hearing her share a detailed story about her past or her experiences as a child growing up in a world that is much different than the world we currently live in today. It is most rewarding to gain her insight regarding personal information and experiences about historical time periods that I have already previously learned about. For me oral history provides feelings and emotions that cannot be interpreted in other types of sources. Being able to somewhat feel and relate to the emotions of oral history is definitely a valuable teaching tool and offers a connection that a textbook is unable to provide. Although oral history is a great form of learning historical events, it comes with its challenges. As time passes our memories begin to fade. With fading memories details and accuracy of important events may become fuzzy and hard to recall. As I mentioned earlier oral history gives us the opportunity to hear the past through the eyes of the storyteller. However, depending on the role or experiences of the storyteller the information could become biased or one sided. After watching a few of the animated videos on StoryCorps Animation website the animated video that I enjoyed most was Double Major. Double Major shared the journey of a father attending college while caring for his roommate who was also his infant daughter. This story was interesting to me because life is not always easy, and challenges and obstacles are bound to interfere throughout our journeys to success. This story was a great example of the importance to keep moving forward and never give up. Although parenting his infant daughter was a huge challenge as he worked towards his degree, he was able to draw strength and determination from his love for her as well.
While both traditional history and oral history are great learning tools, what is your personal preference or learning style?
Dissertation Chapter-Discussion Read chapter 6 and 7 of the class textbook Purnell, L.D. & Paulanka, B.J. (2013). Transcultural Health Care. A Culturally Competent Approach (4th ed.)
2. What are the cultural beliefs of the African American and Amish heritage related to health care and how they influence the delivery of evidence-based healthcare?
A minimum of 2 evidence-based references (besides the class textbook) no older than 5 years is required. A minimum of 500 words (excluding the first and references page) is required. APA style Here I attac the chapters 6 & 7