
Develop a 3-5 page outline of concepts you would like to apply to your own life and identify relevant scholarly sources that will help you with your application of concepts.

Develop a 3-5 page outline of concepts you would like to apply to your own life and identify relevant scholarly sources that will help you with your application of concepts.


Write an essay in which you complete all of the following:

Part 1: Section Outline

Identify the sociological concepts you plan to discuss in each section.

Briefly explain the relevance of each concept.

Sections need to include:

Culture and Socialization.

Examine the impact culture and socialization has had on your life.

Examples of concepts to include: Socialization, agents of socialization, culture, values, language,

norms, subculture, counterculture, ethnocentrism, and cultural relativism.

Social Structure and Groups.

Analyze the impact of social structure and groups on your life.

Examples of concepts to include: Social structure, hierarchy, power, bureaucracy, role, status, primary

groups, secondary groups, and group think.


Explain your educational experience from a sociological perspective.

Examples of concepts to include: Hidden curriculum, tracking, social stratification, and stereotypes.

Professional field.

Explain sociological issues that affect your field of study.

All concepts from other sections are relevant.

Technology and Media.

Analyze the role of technology and media in your everyday life. Examples of concepts: Media, digital

divide, framing, and social change.

Part 2: Identify Preliminary Supporting Resources

Identify resources to support an analysis from a sociological perspective.

At least one scholarly source should be identified for each section above.

Provide a brief summary of each identified source.

Additional Requirements

Written communication: Develop text using organization, structure, and transitions that demonstrate

understanding of cohesion between main and subtopics. Written communication is free of errors that detract

from the overall message.

Sources: Cite at least five scholarly sources.

Length: 3–5 pages, not including title and reference pages.

Format: Include a title page and reference page. Use in text citations to cite your sources. [Example: Writing

becomes better as the child matures (Britton, Thomas, & Miller, 1996).]

Font and size: Times New Roman, 12-point.

Develop a 3-5 page outline of concepts you would like to apply to your own life and identify relevant scholarly sources that will help you with your application of concepts. Read More »

“A dataset is a collection of data values upon which a visualization is based

“A dataset is a collection of data values upon which a visualization is based

Your research paper should be at least 3 pages (800 words), double-spaced, have at least 4 APA references, and typed in an easy-to-read font in MS Word (other word processors are fine to use but save it in MS Word format). Your cover page should contain t

Background: As noted by Kirk (2016), working with data is one of the four stages of the visualization workflow. According to Kirk (2016), “A dataset is a collection of data values upon which a visualization is based.” In this course, we will be using datasets that have already been collected for us. Data can be collected by various collection techniques.

Reference: Kirk, Andy. Data Visualisation: A Handbook for Data Driven Design (p. 50). SAGE Publications.

Assignment: Summarize 3 data collection techniques (Interviews, Surveys, Observations, Focus Groups, etc.). Compare and contrast the 3 data collection techniques you selected. Lastly, what collection techniques do you prefer and why?

“A dataset is a collection of data values upon which a visualization is based Read More »

Book Report: Protocol Politics

Book Report: Protocol Politics


Denardis, Laura, Protocol Politics: The Globalization of Internet Governance (Information Revolution and Global Politics. MIT Press.

Submit a 9- to 10-page, double-spaced paper that includes the following points:

  • Complete citation of the book in APA style.
  • Description of Author(S) qualifications
  • Summary and critical reflection on key points of the book.
  • Explicit references to concepts and examples in the assigned readings covered so far in the course.
  • Previous reviews of the book.

Book Report: Protocol Politics Read More »

Great Moments in Pharmacy Painting Reflection

Great Moments in Pharmacy Painting Reflection

Reflecting on Great Moments in Pharmacy

These artifacts are a collection of 40 paintings depicting a comprehensive history of pharmacy by artist Robert Thom (1915-1979).

Great Moments in Pharmacy Painting Reflection Read More »

Essay about broad membership and deep cooperation of states

Essay about broad membership and deep cooperation of states

Essay Question

Some treaties and international organizations have broad membership with many different states; others have few members. Under what conditions can international agreements be both broad in their membership and demand deep cooperation of states? Does the answer depend on the issue or problem being solved? Illustrate your argument with two example treaties / IOs from different issue areas (e.g. environmental, security, economic, human rights).



Compose a 5 to 6 page essay with your answer. Please do not discuss your essay with other students; you may ask the Professor or Teaching Assistant questions. Please and the Word document template and follow all formatting requirements. DO NOT SUBMIT THE TEMPLATE ITSELF; REPLACE TEMPLATE TEXT WITH YOUR ESSAY.

Due Date and Submission

Your essays are due in electronic format on Friday May 22, 2020 at 11:59PM via Canvas.


You must type your essay using 12 point font, double-spacing, one-inch margins, and page numbers. Clearly indicate your student ID number on the first page of each essay. Do not include your name; only your student ID number. If you have any formatting questions, please ask Ginger. We will automatically deduct 5 points from any essay that does not meet the formatting requirements.


Please include citations in your essays. Use “Chicago Style” format. Here are a couple examples of how you should use in-text citations:

“Some scholars argue that governments have a general propensity to comply with international agreements (Chayes & Chayes 1993). But this argument has two problems….”

“International cooperation is not always a good thing; sometimes countries coordinate in ways that create inefficient outcomes. For example, Blaydes (2004) argues that the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is a cartel which coordinates to keep oil prices high.”

The Chicago Manual of Style is a helpful reference if you don’t know how to use citations properly. It is available online and in the UC Davis library. Include a single list of references (Works Cited) for your essay.

Your sources should be the assigned readings from the course. You do not need outside sources but it is okay if you want to include one. If you choose to include outside sources (e.g. books, journal articles) make sure they are reliable and cite them correctly. Wikipedia is not a source. Lecture slides are not a source. Do not cite “class.” We will automatically deduct 5 points from any essay that does not correctly cite sources.

Essay about broad membership and deep cooperation of states Read More »

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