
HIST Term Paper

HIST Term Paper

Topics for History 1302, choose one

Native American conflict in the West. What battles were fought and what was the impact on Native Americans?

Immigration in the late 1800’s. Who came? How were they treated? How did they adjust inthe United States?

What were the conditions of cities like in the late 1800’s? Were they healthy places to be?

What was the impact of the Galveston hurricane in 1900?

Why did we fight the Spanish American War? What was the impact on the inhabitants?

What was Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court case: What was its impact?

The Vietnam War – Was the Tet Offensive a success or failure?

Minimum length 5 Pages not including your bibliography. Font size should be a maximum of 12

point and double spaced.The formatting for the paper should be MLA style.

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Command relationships during hurricane katrina

Command relationships during hurricane katrina

INDIVIDUAL WORK: Each student will write a three to five page research paper on their assigned topic within their designated group theme (case study). The individual research paper will be in APA 6th ed. Format (no abstract), 12 pt. Times New Roman font and include at least three additional references to the base document/article.

Military Writing Style,

Topic is Command Relationships during Hurricane Katrina.

Supporting Material can be Defense Support of Civil authority Joint Publication.

And base document attached as well .

Need thesis and outline by Monday

draft by following Monday

and paper the third Monday.

Hey. I attached the outline template that they want. I only need the outline by Monday and the paper the week after that. Military writing is all active voice so that’s something they’ll doc me for besides that. Let me know if you have any questions

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MultiGenerationalTherapy 8 slides

MultiGenerationalTherapy 8 slides

Six PowerPoint slides on Multi Generational Therapy no plagiarize, spell check, and check your grammar. Please use the references below.


Acar, T., & Voltan-Acar, N. (2013). Examination of the Film “My Father and My Son” According to the Basic Concepts of Multigenerational Family Therapy. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 13(1), 50–53.

Easthope, H., Liu, E., Burnley, I., & Judd, B. (2017). Changing perceptions of family: A study of multigenerational households in Australia. Journal of Sociology, 53(1), 182.

Judge, M. M., Purfield, D. C., Sleator, R. D., & Berry, D. P. (2017). The impact of multi-generational genotype imputation strategies on imputation accuracy and subsequent genomic predictions 1. Journal of Animal Science, 95(4), 1489-1501. doi:http://dx.doi.org.proxy-library.ashford.edu/10.252…

Klever, P. (2015). Multigenerational Relationships and Nuclear Family Functioning. American Journal of Family Therapy, 43(4), 339–351. https://doi-org.proxy-library.ashford.edu/10.1080/01926187.2015.1051898

Pfeffer, F. T., & Killewald, A. (2018). Generations of Advantage. Multigenerational Correlations in Family Wealth. Social Forces, 96(4), 1411–1442. https://doi-org.proxy-library.ashford.edu/10.1093/…


Raya, P. D. (2010). Female genital mutilation and the perpetuation of multigenerational trauma. The Journal of Psychohistory, 37(4), 297-325. Retrieved from https://search-proquest-com.proxy-library.ashford.edu/docview/203944822?accountid=32521

The return of the multi-generational family household (march 2010). (2010). Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 102(1), 73-74. Retrieved from https://search-proquest-com.proxy-library.ashford….

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Terrorism/Genocide Project

Terrorism/Genocide Project

My Topic is The Sikh Genocide-1984

All students will choose either a specific “terrorist” act or a specific case study of genocide among the groups/case studies we discuss on which they will: (1) do library research (must include in-text citations and have a MINIMUM of three references, of which AT LEAST two are scholarly sources, not including course texts), (2) write a three-page* paper double spaced1 with the fourth page reserved for references (750 words minimum),

For the particular terrorist act/genocide case study, you will describe the event(s) that took place (historical or current) in the first 1-2 pages. The next 1-2 pages must be devoted to an analysis of the event(s) in which you apply specific sociological & social-psychological theories and/or concepts to understanding a particular process (e.g., staging, roots, protagonists/antagonists, response, acknowledgement or denial, etc..

My topic is Sikh Genocide-1984. What I have written down is the details of how it needs to be formed. It will no show as plagrized right. Im sorry Im a little scared?

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