
My Topic is “Crisper and cystic fibrosis “

My Topic is “Crisper and cystic fibrosis “


Should be turned in with a cover in the following format:

Title Page: Should include the title, name, class, and date on its own separate page.

Abstract Page: An abstract is a very short overview of your paper. It should be able to stand alone. Meaning if I just read your abstract, I should be able to get the jest of it. This section should be 75-100 words single spaced, not subtitled and on a separate page and not indented.

Introduction: This should be a general introduction it should include background information, and should be like a funnel going from broad to specific. This section should tell the story of what you are trying to get across and the rest of the paper will give support to that.

In general, the paper should include some of the information below (in the appropriate topic and section):

Method: You will highlight one of the procedures/experiments from one of your peer reviewed scientific journal sources. You should include:

  • Types of cells used for research
  • Experiments and procedures
  • Special tools or equipment if any (sometimes new)

Results: You will highlight the results of procedures/experiments from the scientific article you choose to describe in the Method section. Here there should be data in the form of Tables, Figures, Graphs etc… They should be labeled as such with legends and should also be discussed in the text of the paper.

Discussion/Conclusion: You will explain the results for that procedure/experiment that you showed the data for in the results section. What does it mean? What did they conclude?You should also include:

  • Outcomes or future directions of research
  • Conflicting research or other studies that contradict
  • Ethical issues raised by this research or treatment
  • Significance or societal impacts

Reference Page:

Please visit the LAVC library web page.On the electronic sources page, there will be example of how to do citations.References from the Internet must be in correct format or they will NOT be considered valid.There must be at least 3 scientific peered reviewed references (WIKIPEDIA does not count). Your primary articles should be current (no older than 5 years old). If in doubt, please ask. Include personal interviews, video, pamphlets and information received from support groups and researchers (extra credit). Web links and dates of access should be included. (APA)

you will need to turn in at least 3 of your references.


  • 7-10 pages in length (Intro-Discussion)
  • double spaced unless otherwise specified
  • 1 inch margins on all sides
  • At least 6 total (illustrations, tables, graphs, photos)
  • All figures, tables and graphs labeled, with legends, referenced and referred to within the write up (you must talk about them in the text). Please text wrap figures, they should not be separated from the text or singular on a page unless absolutely necessary.
  • NO PLAGIARIZING- If caught; it will result in a 50- 100% grade reduction.
  • You will also be penalized 10 points beyond the first 5 minutes of class and 20 points for each day beyond the deadline.
  • I recommend going to the writing center for assistance before the end of the semester.
  • APA format
  • Put it in a cover- try to be as professional as possible.

My Topic is “Crisper and cystic fibrosis “ Read More »

Discussion: American Culture and Sports

Discussion: American Culture and Sports

The role of sports in Americanizing immigrants has been written about extensively by historians and journalists. Professional boxing and baseball, both of which achieved heightened popularity at the dawn of the twentieth century, became important vehicles by which waves of immigrants marked their progress in American society. Historians have continued to argue that the United States has used sports as a way to “Americanize” immigrants. Why do you think sports are an effective way of integrating immigrants to American culture? Which sports do you think are the most American? Are there any other ways in which sports provide cultural value?

To receive full credit for this assignment your post must:

  1. Address the questions asked in the paragraph above in at least a 300-word post and cite all outside sources appropriately
  2. In your initial post, include at least one interesting question the readings raised for you
  3. Reply to at least two of your classmates’ posts and attempt to answer their question (100 word posts minimum)

link to the book


Joash N

American Culture and Sports

According to the Pew Research Center, more than 40 million people living in the United States were born in a foreign country, (“Pew Research Center”). Some of them moved out of choice while others moved out of necessity. While being here in a foreign country, I believe the effective way to integrate immigrants to American culture is through sports. This is because sports opportunities bring people together where they interact, get to know one another, share the food, learn and America’s way of life is advanced through sports. Children play sports, meet other kids of their age, and learn the tactics like teamwork, which help them later in life. Sports acts as a link and actually a universal language between immigrants and host communities. The Immigrants develop relations with other members of society through sports, (“Grisanti”).

Out of the many sports games played, I think American football, basketball, baseball and ice hockey are American most common sports. The football I mentioned above should not be confused with European football or soccer. I come from Kenya where soccer and athletics are the most common sports and I am not yet fully assimilated to these American sports. Super Bowl is the most watched sporting event in the United States drawing many people including immigrants to their TVs, to watch an event that is distinctly American.

Since sports are an important aspect of American society, I believe there are other ways in which sports provide a cultural value. This is because sports provide a platform for people to come together and support their country. For example, when the US team plays FIFA World Cup, all Americans including immigrants cheer the US team together. This promotes unity, and a sense of camaraderie is developed among people who are total strangers by virtue of rooting for the same team. A lot of children have sports champions as their role models and most of them participate in various sports to get scholarships. My question that kept coming on my mind when I was reading this topic is; Is there a government body that regulates sports and culture either in Texas or at federal level?

Work Cited

Grisanti, Emanuele. “Sport and the Integration of Immigrants.” 17 Dec. 2012, www.sportanddev.org/en/article/news/sport-and-integration-immigrants.

Radford, Jynnah. “Key Findings about U.S. Immigrants.” Pew Research Center, 17 June 2019, www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/06/17/key-findings-about-u-s-immigrants/.

Mary A

American Culture and sports

I think sports are an effective way of integrating immigrants to American Culture because of the many sports that are also in other countries, such as soccer–Soccer is played in Mexico, but it is called fútbol. When you look at professional level sports teams, you see many players come from other countries. With teams being made up people from so many different cultures, you have set up a way for all of the players to learn about their other teammates cultures. My nephew plays on a baseball team with teammates from Mexico and a coach from Argentina. Because of this, he has learned the culture of Mexico and of Argentina. Not only bring people of different cultures together, sports also bring people together emotionally. You meet life-long friends through sports.

In my opinion, I think the sports that are most American would be baseball and football. I think baseball is American in the fact that a lot of people call baseball “America’s ballgame.” It is played all over America and so many Americans look forward to the start of baseball season each year. As well as football, many people eagerly await the start of football season and “Friday Night Lights” in Texas specifically. Football and Baseball are the two most popular sports, in my opinion as well.

I think that sports provide cultural value in more ways than the one I listed above. Take the Olympics, for example. The Olympic games are held in a different country each time, with competitors from all over the world, representing their country. Those who compete in the Olympic games are subject to experiencing the culture of whatever country they are competing in, and the cultures of their opponents.

My question is: Sports has always been a way of life in America, but that has obviously changed since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Do you think this pandemic will change this? Do you think the current situation will prevent worldwide sporting events out of fear of another pandemic?

Discussion: American Culture and Sports Read More »

I needthese3questionsanswered. There are somearticles I leftbelow that weneed to get the ideas from.

I needthese3questionsanswered. There are somearticles I leftbelow that weneed to get the ideas from.

I need 1 page per question. Im leaving the articles that will be helpful and get some ideas. This is the History 2 class and 1st question should be from the book, I left the pdf below for that.

For the others im leaving these article links.




You can use your own source but it should not be plagiarised at all. Here are the questions.

1. Discuss the experience of some of the different minority groups in the United States during World War II.

2. Compare and contrast the events that took place in the article, “The Community is Beginning to Rumble,” with those in, “The Minimum Wage March of 1966.”

3. Using the article, “No Gold Watch for Jim Crow’s Retirement,” as your source discuss how the struggles of African American unionists Ivory Davis and Columbus Henry with the help of the NAACP abolished decades of Jim Crow segregation and racial discrimination in labor unions.

I needthese3questionsanswered. There are somearticles I leftbelow that weneed to get the ideas from. Read More »

Write a critique on two biographies and two autobiographies attached.

Write a critique on two biographies and two autobiographies attached.

Please read the final four pieces of writings (non-fiction narratives) in the Class Reader–two biographies and two autobiographies.
And write a critique on these works:
a. What are Maxine H. Kingston’s creative intents in the narratives “No Name Woman” and “Grandfather of the Sierra Mountains”? (for the grandfather piece, for example, why does Kingston use the most impressive part of Chinese American history--building the Transcontinental Railroad–and portray the grandfather as a “nut case” with deviant behavior?
b. On the two autobiographies–a man with a family in California and the other a single man in New York City–what are their significance for us to understand Chinese America before the Civil Right movement of the 1960s?
Due: May 13 (Wednesday) by 4 pm

Write a critique on two biographies and two autobiographies attached. Read More »

Film Essay 1000 words

Film Essay 1000 words

Guidelines for Film Essay

Pick a film from the list below. For the film you choose, write a clear and concise 1000-word essay addressing the following points: Briefly summarize the most important elements of the plot of the film. How does the film view those aspects of politics that we have discussed in class? Relate the film to specific readings that we have done in class. In your analysis, be sure to make use of specific scenes and specific quotes from the film. You should discuss in some detail, at a minimum, three quotes the film in writing your paper. Be sure to include the word count at the end of the essay. The body of your essay should be 1000 words (not counting bibliography). If you write less than 1000 words, your essay may get a 0.

One-inch margins, 12-pt font.

Lions for Lambs (R): Three parallel storylines unfold to share a common bond and a powerful message. One story tells the journey of two soldiers in Afghanistan, another takes place in the office of a professor at a California University, and the third is a dialogue between a reporter and a Congressman. United Artists, 2007.

All the President’s Men (PG): The story of the infamous media driven investigation of the break-in at the Watergate Hotel, which would eventually lead to the resignation of an American President. Warner Brothers, 1976.

Wag the Dog (R): Media spin doctors demonstrate how influential they have become in this satirical look at modern politics. New Line Cinema, 1997.

The Insider (R): A research chemist turns whistle blower to expose a corporate giant. This true story shows the price one man paid for telling the truth. Blue Lion Entertainment, 1999.

The Distinguished Gentleman (R): A con man uses the likeness of his name to get elected to the US Congress. Once in public office, he must decide between his own interests and those of his constituents. Hollywood Pictures, 1992.

Bulworth (R): A Congressman has a nervous breakdown and decides to tell the public the truth about American politics by adopting hip-hop culture and spreading his message through rhyming/rap. Twentieth Century Fox, 1998.

Primary Colors (R): The story of Jack Stanton, a governor running for President and deal with a sex scandal along the way. Universal, 1998.

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (NR): Classic Jimmy Stewart movie shows a naive businessman who takes a courageous stand as a Senator. Columbia, 1939.

Film Essay 1000 words Read More »

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