
The AfricanAmerican and Amishheritage in the UnitedStates.

The AfricanAmerican and Amishheritage in the UnitedStates.

People of African American Heritage

The Amish

Dissertation Chapter-Discussion Read chapter 6 and 7 of the class textbook Purnell, L.D. & Paulanka, B.J. (2013). Transcultural Health Care. A Culturally Competent Approach (4th ed.)

ISBN: 978-0-07-760350-1

Once done answer the following questions;

1. Discuss the cultural development of the African American and Amish heritage in the United States.

2. What are the cultural beliefs of the African American and Amish heritage related to health care and how they influence the delivery of evidence-based healthcare?

A minimum of 2 evidence-based references (besides the class textbook) no older than 5 years is required. A minimum of 500 words (excluding the first and references page) is required. APA style Here I attac the chapters 6 & 7

The AfricanAmerican and Amishheritage in the UnitedStates. Read More »

People of all ages are spending more and more time online. Does this digital trend improve lives or hurt them?

People of all ages are spending more and more time online. Does this digital trend improve lives or hurt them?

Writing PromptPeople of all ages are spending more and more time online. Does this digital trend improve lives or hurt them? WritersNoa Gafni SlaneyNoa Gafni Slaneyisthe founder and chief executive of Impact Squared. She is a fellow of social innovationat the University of Cambridge.Emerson CsorbaEmerson Csorba is an educational policy adviser. He is a fellow of the Royal Society of Artsand Canada’s Public PolicyForum.

Digital Connectedness is Good For UsBy Noa Gafni Slaney, New York Times, 2017

Digital Connectedness is Bad for UsBy Emerson Csorba, New York Times,2017

Please complete the parts highlighted in yellow.Essay

#4 OutlineI.Introduction

A Start with an attention grabber.

B. Introduce the two articlesi. Provide the author’s first and last names, credentials, and titles of the textsii. Provide a short (1-2 sentence) summary of each article.

C. Thesis – answer the question: People of all ages are spending more and more time online. Does this digital trend improve lives or hurt them?

II.Topic Sentence 1: First reason to support your thesis statementi.

Quote 1: from the article you agree withii. Explanation 1: i.

Quote 2: from the article you agree withiii. Explanation 2: iv.

Quote 3: from the article you agree withv. Explanation 3: vi. Concluding SentenceIII.

Topic Sentence 2: Second reason to support your thesis statementi.

Quote 1: from the article you agree withii. Explanation 1: ii.

Quote 2: from the article you agree withiii. Explanation 2: iv.

Quote 3: from the article you agree withv. Explanation 3: vi. Concluding SentenceIV.

Topic Sentence 3: Counter argumenti.

Quote 1: from the article you disagree withii. Explanation 1: iii. Refutation:iii.

Quote 2: from the article you agree withiv. Explanation 2: v.

Quote 3: from the article you agree withvi. Explanation 3: vii. Concluding Sentence

People of all ages are spending more and more time online. Does this digital trend improve lives or hurt them? Read More »

History assignment, 4-5 pages work sheet, must use the scource I provide, check more informations below.

History assignment, 4-5 pages work sheet, must use the scource I provide, check more informations below.

Must use the scource on the book, link here:



username: zwang8@sdsu.edu

password: Zola1004

Part I: Exercise document checklist (choose 4)

  • Iron Maiden portrayal of Alexander the Great
  • Stoicism video
  • Attacks on World Heritages sites
  • Primary source comparison 7.3 and 7.4 (women/wives)
  • Etruscans and Romans video clips
  • Building blocks of Christianity clips
  • Self-reflection on Byzantine chant
  • Artifacts and museums (Ctesiphon)
  • Primary source comparison 8.2, 8.3, 8.4 (pilgrims)
  • Mesoamerican clips
  • Empress Wu clips
  • Shahnameh (Becoming the World ppt.)
  • Crusades
  • Covid-19 vs. other pandemics

Your exercises will be assessed for

  • Evidence of having done the work
  • Historical context/connections, i.e. link to lectures and textbook
  • Critical thinking
  • Clear writing

Part II: Primary Source Analysis (choose 2)

Compare and contrast TWO of the following primary source excerpts from DIFFERENT chapters. Make sure to include all the basic elements of a primary source analysis such as author, date, historical context, audience, etc. Include a minimum of 1 quotation from each document. 2-3 pages, double-spaced.

Chapter 1: Rig Veda, Bible, Popul Vuh, Yoruba Creation Narrative

Chapter 3: Code of Manu

Chapter 4: Upanishads

Chapter 5: Zoroaster, Dhammapada (Buddha), Socrates

Chapter 6: Ptolemy V

Chapter 7: Dong Zhongshu, Cicero

Chapter 8: Ecclesiastical history (Socrates), Egeria

Chapter 9: Law of Adamnan, Song Ruoxin and song Ruozhao,

Chapter 11: Ibn al-Wardi, Florentine Chronicle, Al-Maqrizi

Note: no thesis is needed. You should analyze the two documents first, one after the other, and then provide a paragraph in which you compare similarities and differences.

for the first part, you choose 4 topics, then do a little analysis and show critical thinks. each topic should be just one short paragraph.

for the second part, compare and contrast 2 of the primary sources. this should be 2-3 pages long. you need to include quote from the book I provide.

History assignment, 4-5 pages work sheet, must use the scource I provide, check more informations below. Read More »

Critical Thinking Assignment 2

Critical Thinking Assignment 2

Critical Thinking Assignment #2. The format will be the same as the first, except you will analyze a different source from pages 36-58 in the Course Reader. You may choose any source you want from those pages. The specific directions are on page five of the syllabus and the Course Reader with the sources can be found in the Announcement section. Let me know if you have any questions.

Your task for the critical thinking skills assignment will be to analyze a primary source from the Course Reader. The essay should be 1 – 2 pages. It should answer the questions, who, what, when and why? It is recommended you use this format:

Introduction: Who? When?

Next 1-2 paragraphs: What? What does the primary source say?

Next 1-2 paragraphs: Contextualize the primary source. Why does the author write what he/she does? What historical events and trends are shaping the author’s perspective? This the challenging part.

use 2 quotes max (Not more than 15 words each)

Email submissions will not be accepted. Late assignments will lose two points.

Hey! Everything is attached above!

So is the course reader that you will be using as your source!!

Critical Thinking Assignment 2 Read More »

4thyearUniversitylevelMusicWriting1000words, Coursename: Rock and RollEra&Beyond

4thyearUniversitylevelMusicWriting1000words, Coursename: Rock and RollEra&Beyond

Write an Artist Profile on one of the following artists or songwriting teams:

Carol Kaye- [bass, guitar]

James Jamerson [bass]

Lieber & Stoller [songwriters]

Smokey Robinson [songwriter/producer/performer]

What are the formative influences for this artist? How did they learn their trade and in which kinds of music? If there was a breakthrough moment in their career, when did it occur? Describe this moment. What were the factors in play? Was this artist involved in any major recordings? i.e. songs that are considered “classic” or notable contributions in the history of popular music. Did this artist influence future musicians in the field? If so, who, and briefly describe.

Your assignment should be roughly 1000 words [2 pages singles spaced].

You must provide three online sources for this assignment. Wikipedia is an acceptable place to begin given current conditions, but there are numerous sources of information. I’ve provided some tips for online research on Brightspace. You cannot use quotes of any kind in this assignment. It is to be written in your own words. However, avoid writing in first person unless you wish to express personal opinion at the end of the report. This is acceptable once you have completed the criteria for the assignment. You cannot submit this assignment in point form. One strategy is to create a point form draft in which you answer all of the pertinent questions. Then write the assignment using your draft as a skeleton [I have included a sample version of a point form rough draft and a final draft]. Remember what I said off the top of the class about the difference between a fan and a student. You are a student.

I will post two sample for the assignment, but you CAN NOT copy them, just take a look for reference and format.

Please carefully read the request for this assignment, Please follow the format required in the title and the reference to complete the article

4thyearUniversitylevelMusicWriting1000words, Coursename: Rock and RollEra&Beyond Read More »

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