Response Paper #3:Finding Common Ground in “Letter from Birmingham Jail”
DUE DATE: Tuesday, June 02, 2020
Write a response paper based on an assigned reading and writing prompt. Your response paper must be 500 words and in MLA format (see attached link MLA formatting and documentation guidelines: The introduction of your response should contain the name of the work being summarized, the author, and the general situation surrounding the text to help contextualize what will follow. The body of your response should make a claim about an aspect of the text that you find interesting and worthy of discussion. Additionally, the body of your response must include support for your claims in the form quotations. Follow closely the work you are responding to and cite an occasional word, phrase, or passage from the original to give your reader a taste of the original. Your response should begin to draw conclusions, possibly explaining how your understanding of the original is important in a broader context.
In “Letter from Birmingham City Jail,” Dr. King used the Rogerian method when he expressed understanding for his audience by reaching out to them saying “men of genuine good will and your criticisms are sincerely set forth, I would like to answer your statement in what I hope will be patient and reasonable terms“. In his letter, King acknowledged their views, while disagreeing with their statements point by point. King spends nearly half of his letter addressing counterarguments before he launches into his main argument to the clergyman. In doing so, King sort to establish common ground throughout his letter. Write a response analyzing this argument. What are his major claims, his assumptions, the types of evidence he uses to establish common ground in his letter? Cite evidence from King’s text to support your claims.
Write a response paper based on an assigned reading and writing prompt. Your response paper must be 500 words and in MLA format (see attached link MLA formatting and documentation guidelines: The introduction of your response should contain the name of the work being summarized, the author, and the general situation surrounding the text to help contextualize what will follow. The body of your response should make a claim about an aspect of the text that you find interesting and worthy of discussion. Additionally, the body of your response must include support for your claims in the form quotations. Follow closely the work you are responding to and cite an occasional word, phrase, or passage from the original to give your reader a taste of the original. Your response should begin to draw conclusions, possibly explaining how your understanding of the original is important in a broader context.
In “Letter from Birmingham City Jail,” Dr. King used the Rogerian method when he expressed understanding for his audience by reaching out to them saying “men of genuine good will and your criticisms are sincerely set forth, I would like to answer your statement in what I hope will be patient and reasonable terms”. In his letter, King acknowledged their views, while disagreeing with their statements point by point. King spends nearly half of his letter addressing counterarguments before he launches into his main argument to the clergyman. In doing so, King sort to establish common ground throughout his letter. Write a response analyzing this argument. What are his major claims, his assumptions, the types of evidence he uses to establish common ground in his letter? Cite evidence from King’s text to support your claims.
For your assignment, you topic below and use the Rogerian method to help opposing sides compromise within that topic. Remember that there are no enemies in this style of writing and no one side “wins.” You have to work with the opposing side and try to make them understand your views without offending them. It isn’t what you say but how you say it that makes Rogerian style work. Use the outline provided to help you structure your Rogerian Argument. Evidence is an essential component of a good, written argument and will be necessary in this paper. In-text citations will be necessary.
In China Men by Maxine Hong Kingston, the author conveys a story of a man who became a woman. Encased within Kingston’s hybrid factual/fictional prose of the book, as a whole, is this parable about gender and identity. It is a prose piece that invites consideration of how gender identity is formed and why it is such a powerful construct. After reading Kingston’s book, Simone de Beauvoir remarked that “one is not born a woman; one becomes a woman”. Based on Beauvoir’s assertion, one’s gender identity is more than biological. Write a Rogerian argument in which you explore both sides of the argument on whether gender is more than a biological construct to find common ground.
Your essay should show mastery in the following topics:
Typically, a favorable argument is one where there is a winner and a loser. From presidential debates to beverage advertisements, people are constantly persuaded to adopt a belief or take a side. Arguments, however, do not have to be black/white or yes/no to be effective. In fact, coming to a consensus that both parties can be happy with is sometimes seen as more realistic to the arguments we have in our day-to-day lives. Arguments that aim to find common ground are known as Rogerian arguments and they are based on research done by psychologist Carl Rogers.
Rogerian essays are meant to help opposing sides come to conclusions they can both agree on. The style is understanding, considerate and moves from common ground to a reasonable compromise. A Rogerian argument is called the “common ground” argument because this method requires you to identify the ideas, beliefs and arguments you and your audience share in common. The assumption, therefore, is that you and your intended audience share common ideas, beliefs and arguments. Hence, the task is to identify these commonalities and use them to further argue. Rogerian arguments are oftentimes used in essays such as position papers. One advantage of using Rogerian argumentation is that the writer or speaker gains the attention of the audience and prevents them from immediately arguing in opposition. The effect is that you’ll be more likely to persuade your listeners or readers.
The primary traits of the Rogerian argument are:
An introduction that provides extensive background on the topic, presented from a neutral point of view
An explanation of the significance of your topic. Oftentimes this happens subtly or is implied, but sometimes writers will have their own section for it
An empathetic summary of opposing views. This is key to the essay, as it forces you to critically think about the other side of the argument in a non-judgmental way. It needs to be written to the satisfaction of those who oppose your position. This section should draw on sources
Your position on the topic
Development of your claims that support your position using examples, explanation and reasons. You must draw on the sources that you’ve chosen here
Integration of your position and the opposing position, which demonstrates some compromise. Rogers believed that truly understanding opposing views could cause us to change our own. What change has occurred in your understanding and position, and what ground are you willing to give? This last part is more self-reflective
You may want to use headings to break up these sections, which is absolutely acceptable (and preferred) for this essay.
Sample Rogerian Argument Outline
You can use this sample outline if you are looking at two sides of an issue and want to reach a compromise with the point of view that is opposite yours.
I. Introduction
1. State the problem you hope to resolve.
2. Explain the type of positive change you would like to see pertaining to this issue.
3. Mention how your opponents may want to solve the same problem.
II. Summary of Opposing Views
1. Topic sentence: Explain the most important reason people disagree with your point of view.
2. Write a sentence using a quote or paraphrase from one of your sources that disagrees with your point of view.
3. Write a sentence of commentary to help your reader understand this point of view.
4. Optional: Write another a sentence of commentary to help your reader understand this point of view.
5. Write a sentence using a quote or paraphrase from one of your sources that disagrees with your point of view.
6. Write a sentence of commentary to help your reader understand this point of view.
7. Optional: Write another a sentence of commentary to help your reader understand this point of view.
III. Statements of Understanding and Validity
1. Write a topic sentence using a concept word from the finals sentence of the previous paragraphs in a different way. Be sure to use a transition word at the beginning of this paragraph.
2. Write a sentence in which you explain how the opposing arguments might be valid.
3. Write 2-3 sentences of commentary in which you give in to the opposing side (show how they have some valid points).
4. Write a sentence in which you explain how under certain circumstances you might be able to share the opposing side’s point of view.
IV. Statement of your position
1. Write a topic sentence in which you state your point of view.
2. Write a sentence in which you use quote or paraphrase from one of your sources, which supports your point of view.
3. Write a sentence or two of commentary.
4. Write another sentence in which you use a quote or a paraphrase, which supports your point of view.
5. Write another 2 sentences of commentary.
6. Write a concluding sentence.
• You may need to repeat this type of paragraph for the remaining reasons that support your point of view.
• You may need one or two more additional paragraphs using the above structure.
• Make sure to begin each new paragraph with a topic sentence that uses a concept word from the last sentence of the previous paragraph in a different way.
V. Statement of Context.
1. In your topic sentence, explain how your point of view is valid and has merit.
2. In a few sentences, describe the situations in which your point of view has merit, showing that you understand that people won’t agree with you all the time.
VI. Statement of Benefits.
This is your conclusion. Show your opponent how they would benefit from accepting your position, and end your essay on a hopeful note.
Other Requirements:
Minimum of 1250 words
Minimum of 5 sources, with two of those sources being from a journal or book (one for each side of the argument)
Works Cited page with all sources cited according to MLA standards
“Jia never shows emotion, not even in the wake of a terrible loss.” What does the previous sentence lead you to infer about Jia? As a psychologist, how would you judge what is reported to be Jia’s lack of emotion? The level of multicultural competence you achieve as a psychologist might likely influence how you assess this scenario. How might Jia’s cultural background as depicted in the Threaded Family media piece affect your assessment of her behavior? Your understanding of multicultural competence and why it is important has a profound impact on your client relationships.
For this Discussion, review this week’s Learning Resources. Consider your understanding of multicultural competence coming into this course. Think about populations in your community and how you might demonstrate multicultural competence working with those populations.
With these thoughts in mind:
Post by Day 4 an explanation of your understanding of multicultural competence coming into this course. Be specific in your explanation by describing a multicultural population in your community and what it would mean to work with clients from that community and to demonstrate multicultural competence. Then explain what effect this week’s readings have had on your understanding of multicultural competence.
Brown, S. D., & Lent, R. W. (Eds.). (2008). Handbook of counseling psychology (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Chapter 9, “Multicultural Competence in Counseling Psychology Practice and Training” (pp. 141–158)
Cohen, A. B. (2009). Many forms of culture. American Psychologist, 64(3), 194–204.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
Comas-Díaz, L. (2010). On being a Latina healer: Voice, consciousness, and identity. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 47(2), 162–168.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
Gallardo, M. E., Johnson, J., Parham, T. A., & Carter, J. A. (2009). Ethics and multiculturalism: Advancing cultural and clinical responsiveness. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 40(5), 425–435.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
Pedersen, P. B., Crethar, H. C., & Carlson, J. (2008). Conclusion: Developing multicultural awareness, knowledge, and skill. In P. B. Pedersen, H. C. Crethar, J. Carlson (Eds.), Inclusive cultural empathy: Making relationships central in counseling and psychotherapy (1st ed.) (pp. 223–241). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.