
help with 5 questions Each forum question at least 250 words with APA style reference Question 1

help with 5 questions

Each forum question at least 250 words with APA style reference

Question 1

Research a company that has moved some of its operations overseas.

  1. Discuss how this has directly affected the American workforce.
  2. Applying concepts you learned in the required readings, discuss who has benefited more from this practice: the United States, or the foreign country?
  3. Outside research may be required to thoroughly answer questions posed.

Question 2

Research a domestic company that has not performed well overseas (do not use Walmart or Best Buy).

  1. Using the concepts presented in the required readings, identify circumstances that may affect the decision to downsize and withdraw from the country.
  2. Why do some companies choose to stay open abroad in spite of diminishing returns?
  3. Outside research may be required to thoroughly answer questions posed.

Question 3

Review the following: Why it pays to be socially responsible in business.

  1. Discuss the main topics presented in the video in relationship with your readings this week.
  2. What points of symmetry do you find and what points of conflict might exist within the context of your materials.
  3. What viewpoints do you more closely align with personally, and why?
  4. Outside research may be required to thoroughly answer questions posed.


Question 4

Review this article on Corporate Social Responsibility: Freeman, R.E. & J. Liedtke (1991) Corporate Social Responsibility: A Critical Approach. Business Horizons. Jul/Aug91, Vol. 34 Issue 4.

  1. It is tempting to praise the benefits of CSR. After-all, who wouldn’t want to help the community or environment? However, what is the primary purpose of a for-profit corporation?
  2. Using the concepts learned in the required readings, discuss whether a company should attempt to solve the world’s problems, while at the same time working towards a profit for the shareholders.
  3. Outside research may be required to thoroughly answer questions posed.

Question 5

Review LSBF Global MBA – Case Study: Wal-Mart

  1. Discuss Wal-mart as a supply chain leader in the retail industry.
  2. Discuss who are their major competitors today in the global marketplace?
  3. Outside research may be required to thoroughly answer questions posed.

help with 5 questions Each forum question at least 250 words with APA style reference Question 1 Read More »

reaction paper

reaction paper

Choose One:


After reading one of the above selections complete the following:

  • One Page Typed Paper (minimum length)
  • Single Spaced
  • Font Size no larger than 12
  • Turn in by deadline.
  • Turn in via Canvas
  • Do not write a summary
  • Include: Identifications, Analysis & Reaction

Write a 3 paragraph, one page paper. Please use the following format.

Paragraph #1: Identifications

Using specific terms, people, places from history (the powerpoints and/or textbook) connect the reading to specific historical developments. This paragraph must have 5-7 specific terms in complete sentence and paragraph format. Do not write a summary.

Paragraph #2: Analysis

Analyze the reading for its importance and value. All of these readings are very old, so why do we still bother reading them today? What is their value to us? Why are they important? Analyze the reading in paragraph format.

Paragraph #3: Reaction

There are the suggested Analyses that you can follow up:

Trial of Socrates – Socrates is the foundation of all Western Philosophy and the first of the great thinkers, his life and teachings greatly influence The West – how does his trial & execution show the importance of Freedom of Speech and Religion?

The Aeneid– What is the Greco-Roman Heritage and how is the Aeneid an example of this tradition? Include examples of Greco-Roman influence on our society. How does the Aeneid connect with and tie into other mythology we have already discussed/learned about in class?

Beowulf – Beowulf is a Scandinavian/Anglo-Saxon version of the classic Hero’s Journey epic myth, what connections or similarities can you find between the Beowulf story and The Epic of Gilgamesh or The Odyssey? What is cultural diffusion and how is Beowulf a great example of it?


Identification Terms:








Aegean Sea

Council of 500




Mt Olympus


Trojan War


Caesar Augustus


Roman Empire








Olde English




Middle Ages


Hero’s Journey



And the suggested analyses is for paragraph two that my professor suggested the ideas and term that you can follow

reaction paper Read More »

Write a 4 pages essay to answer the question: What were the major effects of the Judgment of Paris of 1976 on Californian wines?

Write a 4 pages essay to answer the question: What were the major effects of the Judgment of Paris of 1976 on Californian wines?

What were the major effects of the Judgment of Paris of 1976 on Californian wines?

The paper must be a formal research paper of at least 4 pages (not counting the title and reference pages). The final paper format must follow the APA (American Psychological Association) writing style. APA asks for an abstract- this need only be 2-3 sentences.

Please follow the formatting as outlined on the Owl Purdue Online Writing Lab: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/

Write a 4 pages essay to answer the question: What were the major effects of the Judgment of Paris of 1976 on Californian wines? Read More »

one page background about the policy paper

one page background about the policy paper

i need one page paragraph about the policy paper am working on. this is the description about the policy paper:

Examining Policies and Programs to Improve Racial Equity (Los Angeles World Airports)

The purpose of this project (or these projects) is to assist Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) in analyzing various policies and programs that both LAWA and the City of Los Angeles currently have in place to combat racial inequity, assess the extent to which such policies have been successful in fostering racial equity or have come up short in that regard, and develop recommendations to improve racial equity.

LAWA has established an interdepartmental task force – the Racial Equity Core Team – to examine this issue. The Core Team has identified two separate projects:

1.Internal Staff Project : Surveying data from the 3000+ staff members about this issue. The purpose of this is to engage airport employees in identifying issues and solutions to address racial equity, identifying training, education, work assignments, or other factors that have contributed to promotional success of minority staff members, and developing recommendations for programs or policies to improve the diversity of airport staff members across all positions.

this is what the professor asked for the background : am just looking for a few paragraphs that describe the nature of the problem and perhaps a brief description of the status quo.

so LAWA made a team and they are working with us to spread the survey and get the results to find the problem, now we are nearly done from the survey.

one page background about the policy paper Read More »

one page background about the policy paper

one page background about the policy paper

i need one page paragraph about the policy paper am working on. this is the description about the policy paper:

Examining Policies and Programs to Improve Racial Equity (Los Angeles World Airports)

The purpose of this project (or these projects) is to assist Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) in analyzing various policies and programs that both LAWA and the City of Los Angeles currently have in place to combat racial inequity, assess the extent to which such policies have been successful in fostering racial equity or have come up short in that regard, and develop recommendations to improve racial equity.

LAWA has established an interdepartmental task force – the Racial Equity Core Team – to examine this issue. The Core Team has identified two separate projects:

1.Internal Staff Project : Surveying data from the 3000+ staff members about this issue. The purpose of this is to engage airport employees in identifying issues and solutions to address racial equity, identifying training, education, work assignments, or other factors that have contributed to promotional success of minority staff members, and developing recommendations for programs or policies to improve the diversity of airport staff members across all positions.

this is what the professor asked for the background : am just looking for a few paragraphs that describe the nature of the problem and perhaps a brief description of the status quo.

so LAWA made a team and they are working with us to spread the survey and get the results to find the problem, now we are nearly done from the survey.

one page background about the policy paper Read More »

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