
Humanities Essay

Humanities Essay

Please pick one of the prompts below to write a humanities essay. Using the materials I send you only, NO OUTSIDE SOURCES

5 full pages – you must cite texts/quotes from the readings to support your points….. As you see in the Prompts, you must use three authors to write this essay. I will post lecture slides for you later.

Your response should have a thesis and draw on specific references from the relevant texts.

Write an essay on one the following prompts:

  1. How should we use the traditions that have been handed to us, and why?

In your response, think broadly about what tradition includes – history, art, literature, religion, social values, etc. – and use three of the following: Césaire, lorde, King, Malcolm X, and Butler.

2. What role, if any, should religion or spirituality play in the modern world, and why?

Use three of the following authors to respond to this question: Césaire, lorde, King, Malcolm X, and Butler.

3. How can we create meaningful change in the modern world?

Use three of the following authors to respond to this question: Césaire, lorde, King, Malcolm X, and Butler.

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In the 1950s, two schools in California

In the 1950s, two schools in California

Reflection 5

  • In the 1950s, two schools in California did NOT transition from the 4-year BS degree to new 5-year BS degree in Pharmacy. What was the impact of them moving directly to the entry-level PharmD?
  • The entry-level PharmD degree is now 20 years old as the required degree to practice pharmacy in the USA. How do you feel this significant change in educational requirements has impacted our practice?
  • Are current “apprenticeship” requirements a key component to learning how pharmacy practice works? Should they be changed?
  • What other relevant questions would you ask about this content?

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Week 2 Forum

Week 2 Forum

Select ONLY ONE question listed below to write an essay for this week’s discussion forum.

1. What are some of the challenges to creating a strong corporate culture? Select an example (preferably one that you may have provided earlier), and describe a minimum of two issues and who you would resolve both.

2. In what way(s), should a manger be held accountable for both his/her private and public actions? Discuss your stance.

Initial Response:

  • Initial responses should have substance where students explores, explains, expands upon issues being discussed, and applies relevant course materials.
  • Initial responses should be very clear and contain relevant information that is understood and is incorporated into postings.
  • Students should analyzes course concepts, theories or materials correctly, using examples or supporting evidence.
  • Initial responses should be supported by at least two references.
  • Initial responses are due no later than 11:55 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Day 3 of each week. This allows time for other students to respond to your initial response.
  • Please be aware that just “cutting and pasting” sections of articles (in lieu of writing an original initial post) is not acceptable and will negatively impact your grade.

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Create an argument through the use of historical evidence.

Create an argument through the use of historical evidence.

. Create an argument through the use of historical evidence.

2. Analyze and interpret primary and secondary sources.

3. Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic, cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.


You’ve read in chapter 2 about the various Western European powers – the Spanish, French, Dutch, and English – attempting to establish colonial empires in the Americas. Now, imagine you are a Native American Indian. From your perspective, which of these European powers would be the best to encounter? Which would be the worst?

Now, write for 15 minutes, or about 250 words, in which you write from the perspective of a Native American Indian, of your encounters with European colonists? In which area of North America do you live? Which group of Europeans are attempting to colonize in your area? What are your thoughts about how these newly established relationships are unfolding with this particular group of Europeans who are colonizing your area?

Create an argument through the use of historical evidence. Read More »

Bewteen similarities and differences of any two countries in the early modern era

Bewteen similarities and differences of any two countries in the early modern era


Please write around 500 words

No Works Cited because it is in class essay


During the medieval and early modern period, a number of empires and absolutist states emerged stretching from Europe to East Asia. These include but are not limited to Qing China, the Russian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, the France of Louis XIV, Spain, and England. Using any two of these for the purpose of comparison, discuss how these states/empires were organized and expanded. In what ways were they similar and where did they differ? How might we explain these differences? You may focus on politics, economics, the military, education, or another perspective you would like to explore. Remember, this is open book/open note so feel free to bring in whatever materials you think might be helpful.

Bewteen similarities and differences of any two countries in the early modern era Read More »

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