
Read case answer

Read case answer


Instructions: the questions below is based on your reading of the case (see your casebook): “When the Tone of an Email Went Wrong”.On page 16

  • What is your opinion about the email exchange between Professor Sharma, Meeta Sing and Kumar? Who was right and who was wrong?
  • How would you handle this situation? Write your version of the email (Email 2 in Exhibit 1 of the case) as if you were in Meeta Singh’s place.

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Just Compensation” of The Eminent Domain Be Measured and Valued? Inbox

Just Compensation” of The Eminent Domain Be Measured and Valued?

I needAnnotatedBibliography

I need Annotated Bibliography for 13 articles attached, I need 7 pages each article take half of the page. I mean each page will have to annotated bibs.

Annotate the articles depending on my research paper question which is: How Should “Just Compensation” of The Eminent Domain Be Measured and Valued?

My outline will have some of the eminent domain history, just compensation history, just compensation measuring and how it valued.

Please annotate the articles in a good grammar and write why the article is relevant to the paper and provide comparison if found in the annonation.


Here some example of my previous annotation what I want

Lewis, G. (2001). Public Service Motivation and Job Performance. The American Review of Public Administration, 31(4). doi:10.1177/02750740122064992

Lewis sought to test the relationship between PSM and job performance in government. He established that there is conflicting evidence on the impact of PSM on performance ratings and grades. However, he found overwhelming evidence to suggest that employees with expectation for material reward for stellar performance had higher performance ratings as well as grades. On the other hand, there was no sufficient evidence that the relationship between material performance and reward had more significance to people with high PSM. The article is useful for this research since it provides detailed information about PSM and job performance. By testing three aspects, it offers valid information for various parts of my research. It particularly helps me to shape my argument that material reward leads to higher performance. Overall, the article is reliable, informative and interesting.

Naff, K. C., & Crum, J. (1999). Working for America. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 19(4), 5-16. doi:10.1177/0734371×9901900402


Naff and Crum sought to explore the link between PSM and attitudes of federal employees. They established that there are substantial impacts between PSM and other employee attitudes including job satisfaction, support for government, and performance. The article’s main argument is useful for this research that seeks to establish whether PSM affects the performance and satisfaction of employees. The findings correlate with other sources’ earlier confirmation that PSM leads to positive attitudes about the government and increased performance. The information in the article is reliable because of the use of Perry’s PSM scale that many authors and organizations use in their businesses. It has changed my thinking, particularly the finding that there is no evidence to suggest that there is a link between PSM and federal employees’ plans to leave the government. From the article, it is clear that PSM correlates with the thoughts of employees regarding the government and their performance.

Pendke, B. (2016). Employee Motivation of Public & Private Sector Banks – A Comparative Study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR EMERGING TRENDS IN ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT RESEARCH, 2(2).

Pendke sought to provide a comparison between job satisfaction, motivation, and work stress level in private and public sectors banks. The main finding was that employees working in public sector banks were more satisfied and had less job stress levels than employees working in banks in the private sector. The finding is important for my research because it emphasizes that PSM leads to higher satisfaction and performance compared to private sector motivation. It is also consistent with Naff and Krum (1999) study’s findings that PSM influences employee attitudes, and job satisfaction. It fits into my research and is useful for providing more resources that I can rely on to find more information. The article has not changed my thinking but has only increased my knowledge on the correlation between PSM and employee satisfaction.

Perry, J. L., & Porter, L. W. (1982). Factors Affecting the Context for Motivation in Public Organizations. The Academy of Management Review, 7(1), 89. doi:10.2307/257252

The authors use a comparative framework for assessing the current knowledge of motivation in public organizations. They review the work environment, external, individual and job variables that influence motivation. The authors also discuss the efficacy of job design, participation, monetary incentives and goal setting as motivational techniques. The source is important for providing pertinent information about factors that affect the context for motivation of public employees. Apart from providing the context, the resource is useful for highlighting the best way of motivating public service employees. As such, it highlights that PSM positively influences the performance and satisfaction of employees. The finding is consistent with previous results about PSM.

so could you please follow the same procedure? thank you!

Just Compensation” of The Eminent Domain Be Measured and Valued? Inbox Read More »

American History after 1865

American History after 1865

Please respond to the following: (Note: Please respond to one [1] of the following two [2] bulleted items in a primary posting of at least 125 words.

Southern Industrialization

Having depended on slave labor for much of their past, it is no surprise that Southerners found ways to maintain the institutions of slavery despite the laws. One of the most horrendous was called convict leasing in which prisoners were leased out to private firms. The state pocketed a profit and the business owner got very cheap labor. This institution still exists in some forms in some states. Explain how this system effected the African American community in the South. What other institutions created by Southern states kept African Americans in the status of second class citizens?

This documentary graphically explains the institution of convict leasing.

Slavery By Another Name


Western Industrialization

The industrialization of the Western US included the uprooting of the native people who lived all across the vast area between Mexico and Canada. What was the policy of the US government towards Native Americans and how did it explain this policy? What was the impact of these policies on Native Americans?

Here is a video presentation of images of Chief Joseph of the Nimiipuu tribe. He led his people in a desperate attempt to escape being forced onto a reservation in the US. His words graphically portray the contrast in world views held by his people and those in Washington, DC.

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