Information Technology

Writing Assignment (2-3 pages)

Writing Assignment (2-3 pages) Read More »

Argument Research Essay Thoroughly read this feedback on the outline you did already. (Would suggest developing your topic sentences a bit more. While you do provide examples from the sources, it is mostly unclear from which source you are finding the information. Remember to use all of the sources listed on your WC page in the body of your essay.) Revise your outline as needed. Develop an effective 3-4 page Argument Research Essay on fracking using your revised outline. Include a strong introduction for your essay as well as a strong conclusion. Make sure your essay is in MLA format and uses proper in-text citations. Include proper source citations listed in a separate Works Cited after the 3-4 pages of text. Attached is the outline you did 3 sources are the screenshots I had to send you last tim. You can ref back to the initial question

Argument Research Essay

Thoroughly read this feedback on the outline you did already. (Would suggest developing your topic sentences a bit more. While you do provide examples from the sources, it is mostly unclear from which source you are finding the information. Remember to use all of the sources listed on your WC page in the body of your essay.)

Revise your outline as needed.

Develop an effective 3-4 page Argument Research Essay on fracking using your revised outline.

Include a strong introduction for your essay as well as a strong conclusion.

Make sure your essay is in MLA format and uses proper in-text citations.

Include proper source citations listed in a separate Works Cited after the 3-4 pages of text.

Attached is the outline you did 3 sources are the screenshots I had to send you last tim. You can ref back to the initial question

Argument Research Essay Thoroughly read this feedback on the outline you did already. (Would suggest developing your topic sentences a bit more. While you do provide examples from the sources, it is mostly unclear from which source you are finding the information. Remember to use all of the sources listed on your WC page in the body of your essay.) Revise your outline as needed. Develop an effective 3-4 page Argument Research Essay on fracking using your revised outline. Include a strong introduction for your essay as well as a strong conclusion. Make sure your essay is in MLA format and uses proper in-text citations. Include proper source citations listed in a separate Works Cited after the 3-4 pages of text. Attached is the outline you did 3 sources are the screenshots I had to send you last tim. You can ref back to the initial question Read More »

Discuss the benefits of virtualizationsoftware, as described in the text. Doyouagree/disagree with thesebenefits, or canyouthink of additionalbenefitsnotalreadypresented? Alsodiscuss the securityconcernshighlighted by serversprawl and how

Discuss the benefits of virtualizationsoftware, as described in the text. Doyouagree/disagree with thesebenefits, or canyouthink of additionalbenefitsnotalreadypresented? Alsodiscuss the securityconcernshighlighted by serversprawl and how

Discuss the benefits of virtualization software, as described in the text. Do you agree/disagree with these benefits, or can you think of additional benefits not already presented? Also discuss the security concerns highlighted by server sprawl and how you would propose to solve those in your (real or hypothetical) organization.

Please prepare one main discussion and two response posts substantive. A substantive post will do at least two of the following:

  • Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic
  • Answer a question (in detail) posted by another student or the instructor
  • Provide extensive additional information on the topic
  • Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the UC Library) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA)
  • Make an argument concerning the topic.

At least two scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources from the UC Library. Use proper citations and references in your post.

I will post other student discussions here once you are done with main discussion.

Requirements: APA | Discussion | 2 pages, Double spaced

Discuss the benefits of virtualizationsoftware, as described in the text. Doyouagree/disagree with thesebenefits, or canyouthink of additionalbenefitsnotalreadypresented? Alsodiscuss the securityconcernshighlighted by serversprawl and how Read More »

Touchstone 3: Informative Essay

Touchstone 3: Informative Essay

ASSIGNMENT: Select ONE of the following writing prompts and complete a a 3-5 page (approximately 800-1300 words) informative essay. As a part of your completed draft, complete the color coding activity described below. In addition, answer the “Think About Your Writing” questions on a separate sheet of paper and include it with your draft submission.

In order to foster learning and growth, all essays you submit must be newly written specifically for this course. Any recycled work will be sent back with a 0, and you will be given one attempt to redo the touchstone.

Note: Touchstone 4 will be a revision of the draft that you submit for Touchstone 3.

Sample Image Analysis Essay: Prompt A
Sample Extended Definition Essay: Prompt B

  1. Instructions

Choose ONE of the following prompts for your informative essay.

PROMPT A: IMAGE ANALYSIS: Although we look at print advertisements every day, we often do not consider the ways in which they affect us. Visual images in ads can influence and persuade us, so it is important to evaluate them critically to understand their meanings. Good image analysis involves examination of the components of an image to gain an understanding of the whole.

Select an advertisement to analyze. The advertisement you choose should be directed towards a specific audience. To identify the intended audience, think about the members of the potential audience for the advertisement that you have chosen. Who are they? Ads for a beauty product, for example, may be aimed at young girls; ads for a deodorant might target men; a diaper commercial is likely intended for new parents; ads for cruise trips might be aimed at retirees. You can use any academically-appropriate advertisement to complete this assignment, as long as its intended audience is clearly identified.

Your thesis must inform the reader of your topic and purpose. Because you are writing in the informative mode, use objective language and a neutral point of view.

Draft an analytical essay that examines the audience, context, and purpose of the advertising image you’ve chosen. Read the article by Jenna Pack titled “Breaking Down an Image” for ideas about how to write an image analysis. Your analysis should lead to a conclusion about the ad’s effectiveness, based on examination of its components. Include the image with your draft.

PROMPT B: EXTENDED DEFINITION: Define or redefine one of the following words:

  • Family
  • Success
  • Courage
  • Art
  • Beauty

In your draft, briefly explain how society, or the dictionary, defines the word you’ve selected, and then explain your unique or extended definition of the word. Provide examples and explanations to support your definition. Your thesis must inform your readers of your new definition and, because you are writing in the informative mode, you must use objective language.

Draft an extended definition essay that defines or redefines a word or concept. Read the article by Dan Richards titled “Digital Ethics” for ideas about how to write an extended definition essay.

  1. Think About Your Writing

As a part of your completed draft, complete the color coding activity and include answers to all of the questions below your draft.

PART 1: Color Coding Activity:
Using the color codes provided, evaluate your draft as follows:

  • Use red text to indicate your thesis statement.
  • Use green text to indicate the topic sentence of each body paragraph.

Part 2: Questions
1. What is the significance of your essay? Why should readers care about what you have written? (2-3 sentences) Sophia says: Think about why you decided to analyze this particular image, or why you picked the word you chose to define. Your interest in in your subject matter should be clear to readers.
2. Which areas of your draft do you think will benefit most from revision? (2-3 sentences) Sophia says: Consider the organization, style, focus, development, and conventions of your draft. Which areas did you struggle to complete?
3. Consider the strengths and weaknesses of your writing. How can you capitalize on your strengths and improve on your weaknesses in future essays? (3-4 sentences) Sophia says: Think about what was easy about writing the draft, and what was more difficult. For example, if you write paragraphs with strong topic sentences, but repeatedly use the same type of sentence to provide supporting details, you can improve your paragraphs by varying sentence structure.

  1. Informative Draft Guidelines

DIRECTIONS: Refer to the checklist below throughout the writing process. Do not submit your Touchstone until your draft meets all of the guidelines. Print this checklist!

Essay Prompt: Image Analysis

❒ If you chose the image analysis prompt, have you analyzed and interpreted — and not just described — the ad’s design?
❒ Have you made conclusions about the audience and effectiveness of the ad?
❒ Did you include the image in your draft?
❒ Did you complete the color-coding activity?
❒ Is your draft 800-1300 words long?

Essay Prompt: Extended Definition

❒ If you chose the extended definition prompt, did you indicate how society defines the word you selected, and then explain your definition (or an extended definition) of it?
❒ Have you included examples and explanations to support your definition?
❒ Did you complete the color-coding activity?
❒ Is your draft 800-1300 words long?

Working Thesis

❒ Have you included a clear, focused, and detailed thesis statement?
❒ Does your thesis state the topic and purpose of your essay?
❒ Is your thesis a single sentence, and is it located in the introductory paragraph?

Focus and Organization

❒ Is there an adequate number of body paragraphs, each with a clear topic sentence?
❒ Is there a conclusion paragraph that makes a concluding statement?
❒ Are your draft paragraphs sequenced properly?
❒ Have you used transitions to connect ideas between sentences and paragraphs?
❒ Can your draft be described as having a good flow?
❒ Does your draft have a clear focus?
❒ Are all supporting details relevant?

Style and Tone

❒ Is the tone of your draft unbiased and informative?
❒ Is it clear that the purpose of your essay is to inform readers about your topic?
❒ Have you carefully considered your word choices?


❒ Have you checked your draft for grammatical errors?
❒ Have you used Spell-Check or another method to check spelling?
❒ Have you punctuated your draft correctly?

Before You Submit

❒ Have you included your name, date, and course at the top left of the page?
❒ Have you completed the “Think About Your Writing” questions and color coding activity?
❒ Is your draft between three and five pages long (approximately 800-1300 words)

  1. Scoring

Your draft will be scored according to the Touchstone 3 Rubric, which considers required elements for either the analysis essay OR the definition essay, the thesis statement, organization, style and tone, focus, conventions, completion of the color-coding activity and answers to the “Think About your Writing” questions above.

  1. Helpful Tutorials

Drafting and the Rhetorical Situation
Narrowing Your Thesis
Thesis Statements
Introduction to Informative Writing
Writing Effective Informative Essays
Model Informative Essays

  1. Rubric
 Advanced (90-100%)Proficient (80-89%)Acceptable (70-79%)Needs Improvement (50-69%)Non-Performance (0-49%)
Image Analysis

Prompt A: Analyze an advertisement using parts to draw conclusions.

Consistently goes beyond description to analyze the design choices made in the advertisement, including layout, color schemes, text, and/or other design components. Effectively draws conclusions about the intended audience, and the likely impact and effectiveness of the advertisement.Primarily goes beyond description to analyze the design choices made in the advertisement, including layout, color schemes, text, and/or other design components. Draws conclusions about the intended audience, and the likely impact and effectiveness of the advertisement.Includes some analysis of the design choices made in the advertisement (i.e., layout, color schemes, text, and/or other design components), but focuses primarily on description. Somewhat effectively draws conclusions about the intended audience, and the likely impact and effectiveness of the advertisement.Focuses heavily on description. Analysis of the design choices made in the advertisement is limited or absent. Conclusions about the intended audience, and the likely impact and effectiveness of the advertisement are very limited.Does not describe or analyze the advertisement. Does not draw conclusions about the advertisement.
Extended Definition Essay

Prompt B – Define a meaningful word or concept in a unique or compelling way.

Defines a meaningful and nuanced word or concept in a coherent and compelling way, consistently using critical thinking and thoughtful discussion to explore the definition. Consistently goes beyond traditional definitions to define or redefine the word in a new and unique way.Defines a meaningful and nuanced word or concept in a coherent way, primarily using critical thinking and thoughtful discussion to explore the definition. Primarily goes beyond traditional definitions to define or redefine the word in a new and unique way.Defines a meaningful and nuanced word or concept adequately, but only sometimes uses critical thinking and thoughtful discussion to explore the definition. Only sometimes goes beyond traditional definitions to define or redefine the word in a new and unique way.Defines a word or concept, although critical thinking and thoughtful examination are largely absent. Often relies too much on the traditional or dictionary definition and does not sufficiently explore a new or unique definition.Does not define a word or concept from the list provided and/or does not explore the definition in a thoughtful or critical manner. Relies almost entirely on the traditional or dictionary definition.
Working Thesis

State the focused central claim of the essay.

Has a clear, focused, and detailed working thesis that is expressed in a single sentence that states the central claim of the essay.Has a clear and focused working thesis that is expressed in a single sentence that states the central claim of the essay.Has an acceptable working thesis that states a claim, but it may be unclear or unfocused, or consist of more than one sentence.Has a working thesis, but it is not clear and/or focused and/or it does not state a claim.Does not have an identifiable working thesis and/or the thesis is extremely unclear or unfocused.

Exhibit competent organization, flow, and writing techniques.

Includes all of the required components of an essay, including an introduction with a strong thesis; an adequate number of body paragraphs (3-6), each with an effective topic sentence; and a conclusion with an effective concluding statement. The sequence of sentences and paragraphs is logical and flows well.Includes all of the required components of an essay, including an introduction with a thesis; an adequate number of body paragraphs (3-6), each with a topic sentence; and a conclusion with a concluding statement. The sequence of sentences and paragraphs is predominantly logical and flows well.Includes all of the required components of an essay, including an introduction with a thesis; an adequate number of body paragraphs (3-6), each with a topic sentence; and a conclusion with a concluding statement. However, some components may be ineffective. The sequence of sentences and paragraphs is somewhat logical, and may lack good flow.Is missing one of the required components of an essay or most of the components are ineffective. The sequence of sentences and/or paragraphs is frequently illogical and lacks flow.Is missing multiple required components of an essay or all of the components are ineffective. The sequence of sentences and/or paragraphs is consistently illogical and there is no flow.
Style and Tone

Establish a consistent, informative tone and make thoughtful choices.

Demonstrates thoughtful and effective word choices and uses a wide variety of sentence structures. Establishes a consistently unbiased and impersonal tone that is appropriate for an informative essay.Demonstrates effective word choices and uses a variety of sentence structures. Establishes an unbiased and impersonal tone that is appropriate for an informative essay, with occasional minor exceptions.Demonstrates generally effective style choices, but may include poor word choice, and/or repetitive sentence structures. Primarily establishes an unbiased and impersonal tone that is appropriate for an informative essay; but some sections express bias or include personal observations.Frequently includes poor word choices, and/or repetitive sentence structures. Primarily establishes a tone that is biased, and personal observations and opinions are expressed frequently.Consistently demonstrates poor word choices and/or repetitive sentence structures. Tone is consistently biased and the essay is dominated by personal observations and opinions.

Include relevant details, effective connections.

Details are relevant and support the purpose of the essay. The writer consistently makes effective connections between the supporting details and the working thesis.Details are relevant and support the purpose of the essay. The writer makes some effective connections between the supporting details and the working thesis.Details are predominantly relevant and generally support the purpose of the essay, though some details may be irrelevant and/or distracting.Details are often irrelevant and frequently distract from the purpose of the essay.Details are irrelevant and distract from the purpose of the essay.

Demonstrate command of standard English grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, and usage.

There may be a few negligible errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, formatting, and usage.There are occasional minor errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, formatting, and usage.There are some significant errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, formatting, and usage.There are frequent significant errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, formatting, and usage.There are consistent significant errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, formatting, and usage.
Think About Your Writing

Answer reflection questions thoroughly and thoughtfully.

Demonstrates thoughtful reflection; consistently includes insights, observations, and/or examples in all responses. Answers all reflection questions effectively, following or exceeding response length guidelines.Demonstrates thoughtful reflection; includes multiple insights, observations, and/or examples. Answers all reflection questions effectively, following response length guidelines.Primarily demonstrates thoughtful reflection, but some responses are lacking in detail or insight. Answers all reflection questions, primarily following response length guidelines.Shows limited reflection; the majority of responses are lacking in detail or insight. Answers reflection questions inadequately: may not answer all of the questions and/or may not follow response length guidelines.Does not answer the majority of reflection questions or the majority of answers do not follow response length guidelines.
  1. Requirements
  • Your draft must be 800 to 1300 words in length (approximately 3-5 pages).
  • Informative Guidelines and Topic Selection Guidelines must be followed or your submission will not be graded.
  • Double-space your draft and use one-inch margins.
  • Use an easily-readable 12-point font.
  • All writing must be appropriate for an academic context.
  • Your draft must be original and written for this assignment.
  • Plagiarism of any kind is strictly prohibited.
  • Your submission must include your name, the name of the course, the date, and the title of your draft.
  • Your submission must include both your color-coded informative draft and your answers to the “Think About Your Writing” questions.
  • Submit a only single file that contains all of the assignment components.
  • Acceptable file formats include .doc and .docx.

© 2021 SOPHIA Learning, LLC. SOPHIA is a registered trademark of SOPHIA Learning, LLC.


Touchstone 3: Informative Essay Read More »

Write a response paper that summarizes the main points

Write a response paper that summarizes the main points


One topic that continues to draw a great deal of attention are whistleblowers.  Through unit 5 and the entire course we are learning the importance for the enterprise to have a strong reporting mechanism and whistleblower protection program.  Sherron Watkins, former Enron Vice President, was the primary whistleblower leading to the collapse of Enron. IT Academic Technologies published a presentation delivered by Sherron Watkins.  Please watch this presentation located at



Write a response paper that summarizes the main points and analyzes/critiques the main points.  What were the strong points and the weak points of this film?  What was interesting, relevant, and connected to our readings in unit 5, what are the advantages and disadvantages to reviewing this presentation, and finally who should be an audience for this presentation?  Your paper is required to be written in APA format including a cover page and reference page.  Your paper main content must be at least two full typed written pages, not including the cover page and reference page.



Moeller, R. R. (2011). COSO enterprise risk management: Establishing effective governance, risk, and compliance processes. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.


Write a response paper that summarizes the main points Read More »

Based on information in Chapter 12,

Based on information in Chapter 12,

DB Unit 6 Research Methods

1. Based on information in Chapter 12, identify and explain quantitative data types. Address when and how they are used. Explain the implications of data type for subsequent analysis.

2. After reading Chapter 12, section 12-4 specifically, describe the measures of location (Central Tendency) and the measures of dispersion of data collected. Demonstrate a thorough understanding of each of these descriptive statistics and how they are used to interpret data and make decisions.

  • Requirements: 250 words minimum for each question.
  • Outside references are not required.

Requirements:   |   .doc file | Discussion | 1 pages, Double spaced

Based on information in Chapter 12, Read More »



Discuss the question using 3 APA reference within the last 5years with nursing content.

As technology continues to advance, organizations are using social media and online platforms to seek and acquire eligible employees. What processes, procedures, and specific websites are currently being used in your organization to seek and acquire potential employees from the online setting? As a potential employee, discuss the benefits and challenges that accompany social media, including LinkedIn, when seeking employment? What are drawbacks that an employer faces when using websites to attract future applicants for positions and how can these drawbacks be reduced?

Technology Read More »

Technology Integrated InstructionalLessonPlan

Technology Integrated InstructionalLessonPlan


For the final project, design an instructional lesson plan incorporating all of the learnings and emerging technologies you have explored in this course. Keep in mind the students that you will be teaching this lesson to and how best to engage them in the learning of your content.

Choose any content that you are interested in teaching and choose any grade level. Focus on the skill or concept and design the lesson integrating the technology. Refer to the technology project and the emerging technology assignments and incorporate them into your lesson.

The lesson plan should include details and should be between 5-8 pages. Spelling and grammar are of utmost importance.

Instructional Lesson Plan Components.

  • Design for a blended learning model – face to face and/or virtual. Include the content, grade level and time span. Include details on technologies students need to have access to for the course. (1-2 pages).
  • Describe how you plan to teach the lesson and how students will navigate through the learning. You can choose to create a table to provide details of the interactivity and timeline. (2-3 pages).
  • Include audio/visual media that you have created to support teaching and learning. Describe how you plan to use it in your lesson plan. (1 page).
  • Plan for an assessing student learning – quiz, project or visuals. (1-2 pages).


  • Audio or video media to support lesson plan
  • Presentations to support teaching.
  • Website/online resources.

Resources for Lesson Plan


  • Flipgrid
  • Screencastify (free for 5 minutes)
  • Zoom


  • Slides
  • Powerpoint
  • Prezi
  • Canva


  • Flipgrid
  • Quizzes
  • Quizlet
  • Socrative
  • Canva
  • Google Forms
  • Google Slides
  • Google Doc

Technology Integrated InstructionalLessonPlan Read More »

Data-Informed Decision Making and Professional Learning

Data-Informed Decision Making and Professional Learning

Data-Informed Decision Making and Professional Learning

In this assignment, you will research data-informed decision-making related to collaborative

experiences and explain how what you learned supports the process you used to determine the needs and topics for the identified target audience (Modules 1-3). From the articles, you also will identify other strategies/activities that you could use to amplify the professional learning experience to make it more collaborative and meaningful.

  • Create a 5 to 8-page paper (not including title and references pages) in a Word document for your response.
  • Use APA format for the paper, title page, references page, and in-text citations.
  • Develop an introduction and conclusion for your paper.
  • Follow the directions to submit your final Word document.

Locate and summarize three peer-reviewed articles on data-informed decision-making related to professional learning and collaborative work in an educational organization.

Relate the information to the professional learning experience you planned in Modules 1-3. Explain how data guided and informed your decision making and how the articles supported your approach. Describe other strategies/activities in the articles that you could have used to make the professional learning experience more collaborative and meaningful for the target audience

Requirements: 5 pages

Data-Informed Decision Making and Professional Learning Read More »

ACT425 Bitcoin

ACT425 Bitcoin


Review theBitcoin Video (Links to an external site.)

  • Write a 4-5-page paper including a summary of what you learned about Bitcoin, how this IT product is useful to accountants, and how it addresses web security and privacy concerns.
  • Assignment should follow APA guidelines with respect to use of subheadings, 1″ margins, and double-spaced. Use the CSU Global APA Instructions (Links to an external site.).
  • Page length requirements for the assignment exclude the title page and the reference page.
  • References need to include your textbook plus two additional credible academic references. All sources used, including your textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations and cited per APA guidelines. Use of the CSU Global library is necessary.

Requirements: 4-5 Pages

ACT425 Bitcoin Read More »

Cyber Security Question

Cyber Security Question

Q1. Discuss the purpose of an Information Security Policy and how it fits into an effective information security architecture. Your discussion should include the different levels of policies and what should be covered in an information security policy.

Q2. Discuss how an organization can apply the information life cycle to protect information. Make sure you discuss the different states of data and protection measures for those states.

Assignment Formatting Requirements:

  • APA Standard 1-inch margins all around
  • Standard font (e.g., Arial, Times Roman, Calibri, Tahoma, etc.)
  • 12-pt font size
  • Double-spaced
  • No cover page – use a simple heading at the top of the first page with Course #/Title, Exam Name, Your Name, and Date (this heading can be left-justified, centered or right-justified)
  • No Abstract
  • Identify the question number for each response (e.g., “Essay Question #1”) – do not repeat the actual question text
  • When using external sources, list the references immediately following the end of the essay question where used (do not put all references at the end of the document)
  • Start Q2 on a new page

Cyber Security Question Read More »

Cas 283 Comm and Info of Technology

Cas 283 Comm and Info of Technology


In this assignment you will be demonstrating your understanding of how infrastructure effects access to and use of technology and summarizing the idea of affordances, complete with examples of how affordances impact technological choice and usage.


Follow the steps below to complete the assignment.

  1. Describe the ways in which infrastructure affects access to technology. In your response consider the ways that hardware, software, and internet access affect being a citizen in an increasingly digital world.
  2. In your own words describe affordances. Then provide at least two examples of affordances and talk about how they have impacted your personal technology choice or use.


  1. The essay should be a minimum of 200-400 words but no more than 600.
  2. Number your answers 1 and 2.
  3. Please include a word count at the bottom of your responses and BOLD any course terms or concepts.
  4. Times New Roman 12

Requirements: 200-400 words but no more than 600

Cas 283 Comm and Info of Technology Read More »

a short summary of how to best use social media in recruiting

a short summary of how to best use social media in recruiting

Kimberly and Dana are asked to visit the corporate headquarters to meet with the company’s Vice President for HR, Kathleen Bandy, and the staffing director, Matt Hayes.

“CapraTek needs new IT programs and products, and we need new people to develop them. Kimberly, your team will be responsible for recruiting 20 new employees. The programs will require employees from several different disciplines within IT.” Matt added. “I realize that this will add to your team’s workload, but it will be for the good of the company.”

Kimberly believes the team can handle this task, but realizes it may slow down some other aspects of her work. After they get back to their office, Kimberly and Dana talk.

“Dana, how can we organize our priorities to support the new major responsibilities we have been given? I have some ideas, but we will have to move some areas to a lower priority.”

“It is best if we think this through and come up with a plan before we make any changes. I have had to deal with competing priorities when I ran a retail store. I have some ideas about how to manage the challenge.”

This week, Kimberly and Dana begin assessing their current strategies for recruiting, retaining, and managing talent. You will help them tweak the strategies that are working so that they work better, and you will help them come up with new strategies as well.

Not long ago, while attending their local SHRM chapter meeting, Kimberly and Dana heard several of the other members share the challenges they were facing in sourcing information technology professionals. They were hoping to get someone to speak to the chapter about the challenges and best practices for recruiting employees in high tech. Kimberly and Dana decided to jump into this project, working on it most afternoons of the week if the pace of their regular work allows. Since they are also working on the strategy for recruiting, talent management, and employee retention, they plan to hire a temporary employee who is retired but wants to come back to help for a few months. Things are really picking up, and the team can see how their important work can directly influence the future of the organization.


To help Kimberly and Dana as they work to recruit the IT professionals needed for the new research and development branch, use the following resources to explore options:

Social Media in Recruiting

Koch, T., Gerber, C., & de Klerk, J.,J. (2018). The impact of social media on recruitment: Are you LinkedIn? SA Journal of Human Resource Management, 16, 1–14.

O’Connor, J. (2019, 03). Recruiting strategies for social media. Talent Acquisition Excellence Essentials, 1–2.

Internet Recruiting

Leong, C. (2018). Technology & recruiting 101: How it works and where it’s going. Strategic HR Review, 17(1), 50–52.

Online Applicant Assessment

Kulkarni, S. B., & Che, X. (2019). Intelligent software tools for recruiting. Journal of International Technology and Information Management, 28(2), 2–16.

Dane’s Challenge: How HR Professionals Guide Supervisors in the Recruiting and Selection Process


Dane is a Data Scientist working in the CapraTek research and development (R&D) division. Dane has three new team leaders who will have four new teammates each. Two of the new team leaders are being supportive and cooperative in the process of developing a job announcement that Kimberly and Dana need to go forward in the recruiting process. One teammate is not. Calvin has prepared extensive, detailed work competencies that are very difficult for fellow IT peers to understand, and even harder for the HR staff to understand. Calvin said that these materials are essential for a successful set of hires. Dane is the supervisor, and he does not understand the material. Calvin works very hard and is currently doing the work of multiple employees.

HR Consultation

In Dane’s Challenge: Part 1, consider how Dane consults with our HR professionals, Kimberly and Dana, on how to respond to the situation with Calvin and the list of work competencies that are so unique, even he does not understand the level of technical detail.

Create a short summary of how to best use social media in recruiting, internet recruiting, and online applicant assessment to recruit applicants for the new department in the new research and development branch. You can use the materials provided and also use other peer-reviewed or trade publication sources.

a short summary of how to best use social media in recruiting Read More »

Modern technology allows board access to digital conten

Modern technology allows board access to digital conten

Writing Question

1. Modern technology allows board access to digital content that can be duplicated in violation of copyright laws. Is the threat of criminal prosecution the most effective way to prevent people from illegally acquiring digital content or would other types of deterrents be better? In an essay to be read by an audience of educated adults, take a position on this issue. Support your position with logical arguments and specific examples.

2. Being present at an event, whether it is a concert, theater performance, family celebration, or sporting event, can have an effect on those who experience it. In an essay to be read by an audience of educated adults, describe a memorable event you experienced, and explain why the event was memorable for you. Support your essay with specific details.

3. We have all been lead my a leader at some point. Explain when you felt you have been lead by a leader in your life with supporting details.

4. Some people think schools should start later to accommodate adolescent sleeping patterns. While others thinks that leaves no time for sports or extra curricular activities. Using logic, state your arguments with supporting details.

NOTES: it is a assignment essay, please write personal own words and ideas with NO references. it is timed assignment with no resources.

Requirements: 300-500 word / topic


please make sure it’s personal ideas no references or resources

300-500 per each section

they are separate essays NOT related

Modern technology allows board access to digital conten Read More »

Communication skills are a key to success in any sector

Communication skills are a key to success in any sector

Discussion and


Communication skills are a key to success in any sector but are particularly important in highly technical sectors such as IT, where the language used can become full of jargon. It is important that you are able to communicate with technical and non-technical staff. For this discussion, assume that your peers are non-technical staff, and communicate in a way that is suited for a non-technical audience. Describe standard or commonly used communications and network elements in use today and describe at least three ways that networks contribute to business success.

PART 2: tell your classmate how you think this course ( Infrastructure Management ) will help you with your future goals. What are you expecting to learn? How will you apply this knowledge? My major is Information technology.


For this individual project, you will assume the role of an information technology consultant. An established big-box retailer with 200 stores needs to ensure it is using information and communication technologies that best satisfy its information management needs. You have been asked to prepare a PowerPoint presentation identifying and explaining at least four emerging enterprise network applications. As part of your role as consultant, be sure to identify and describe at least two examples of convergence and at least two examples of unified communications that can be used for effective and efficient business data communications . Your audience for this PowerPoint presentation consists of technical employees. Present the information in ways that are suited for the purpose of this activity and for a technical audience.

Requirements: As stated in the rubric

Communication skills are a key to success in any sector Read More »

Integrating Technology into Literacy Instruction

Integrating Technology into Literacy Instruction

Literacy is developed throughout a young student’s day. In this technological age, schools are seeing technology as a tool to engage learners, as well as provide dynamic content not readily available in books.

Create a professional development digital presentation of 12-15 slides on incorporating technology in the early childhood classroom.

Presentation must address the following:

  • Explain the positive and the negative use of technology in the early childhood classroom to develop language and literacy skills. Include research to support your claims.
  • Explain the importance of considering the learners’ needs and development when selecting instructional technology.
  • Describe developmentally appropriate practices to ensure the safe, legal, and ethical use of technology in the classroom.
  • Identify three different literacy standards and discuss ways technology can support instruction for each standard.
  • Describe 3-5 technological tools to support literacy instruction and how the tools could be implemented in the early childhood classroom.

Include a title slide, reference slide, and speaker’s notes.

Support your findings with 2-3 scholarly resources.

While APA style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Ce

Requirements: 12-15 slides including speaker notes.

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AICPA Technology

AICPA Technology

You are the accountant for a mid-sized manufacturing company. Your boss has asked you to explain some of the most important technologies affecting accounting.

Visit the Information Technology Center (Links to an external site.) website for the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants ( and find the current list of top ten technology initiatives (found under the site’s Resources tab, but you may have to search for them). In a three- to five-page paper (not including the title and reference pages), write an analysis of each of the ten technology initiatives and, using scholarly research, provide a practical example of each initiative.

The paper must:

  • demonstrate graduate level work including appropriate research and critical thinking skills;
  • be presented as a written analysis (not a question/answer format);
  • be written in a coherent manner with proper use of grammar, spelling and punctuation;
  • be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center (Links to an external site.);
  • include citations and references for the text and at least two scholarly sources from the University of Arizona Global Campus Library.

Requirements: 3-5 Pages

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