Information Technology

Concert review

Concert review

You will watch a performance (live, video, or virtual) of any genre (please pick Beyonce, Kanye west, or Jay Z) and write a short review paper. While writing your review paper be sure to incorporate relevant information and musical terminology from class lectures, readings, etc. The papers may be written in either first or third person and should be in the style of a concert review that you would typically read in a newspaper or internet blog. I will provide an example of a review for you along with the assignment description on Blackboard. The papers should be approximately 2 pages, double-spaced, and 11- or 12-point font. . All papers are to be written in your own words with no cutting and pasting from internet sources or the textbook.

This link provides an example of what a review should look like

Jazz Concert Review: Vocalist Kurt Elling — Going Through the World with Curiosity – The Arts Fuse

Requirements: 2 pages

This is to be written in your own words no internet source or textbooks

Concert review Read More »

GEB4505CBE Section 01CBE Organizational Development – High-Performing Teams

GEB4505CBE Section 01CBE Organizational Development – High-Performing Teams


An American Internet Technology company has merged with a Canadian Social Media company. Because of this merger, performance is not as optimum as the executives would have hoped; morale is low, and stress is up. The new company has decided to hire you as an Organizational Development consultant. They have tasked you with finding out the issues and what they should do next to get back on track.


There has been much talk about the interaction of employees between the two merged companies which has created some conflict, lowered morale, and resulted in less optimum production. The executive team has asked you to prepare a presentation. This can be PowerPoint, Prezi, or any presentation tool. Make sure you address the following in your presentation as you will be giving it to the management team:

  1. Introduce the characteristics of a high performing team.
  2. Discuss best practices for managing conflict and fostering collaboration.
  3. How does effective goal-setting drive productivity?
  4. Discuss factors that you recommend their managers use in the workplace to develop high-performing teams.
  5. Conclude your presentation by explaining how team development is a positive factor of organizational efficacy.

Requirements  powerpoint

GEB4505CBE Section 01CBE Organizational Development – High-Performing Teams Read More »

10-1 Discussion:Reflection

10-1 Discussion:Reflection

In preparation for this discussion, read Chapter 15 and locate a free article from the SHRM website that pertains to challenges facing compensation professionals. Then address the following:

  • What are two key takeaways you have learned from this course? Reflect and discuss.
  • How will you use the knowledge gained over this course?
  • Do you think the SHRM website would be valuable to you in your current or future positions? Why or why not? Explain your answer.
  • Share and discuss some of the pertinent knowledge you gained from the article you located.

In response to peers’ posts, engage in a conversational tone as you respond to their comments and takeaways.

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric document.

Requirements: 1 page

10-1 Discussion:Reflection Read More »

Question Description: Examine how security t

Question Description: Examine how security t

HLS872 U7 IP
Choose Topic: Writing
Number of Pages: 5

Question Description: Examine how security tactics within the Homeland Security Enterprise (HSE) have been improved via the implementation of technology (in areas such as border security, aviation security, transportation security, cybersecurity, and so on). After examining the technological impact, identify a current technological tool or one that is forthcoming that has or will improve the overall security posture. Detail the key capabilities of the selected technology as well as the capability gaps.

Respond to the following questions (at a minimum):

How is the concept or tactic organized? How is it managed? Who are the key players?
Why is the concept tactically sound, and why will it be effective?
What are the political implications for the concept?
What laws are considered for this problem?
What are the economic implications for the concept?
What are the impediments to the development and integration of the concept?
How should public and private organizations work together in this area?

Question Description: Examine how security t Read More »

Information Savvy: Synthesizing Information

Information Savvy: Synthesizing Information

Information Discussion

After watching the video in the Activity “Information Savvy: Synthesizing Information,” think about a time where you have synthesized information to come up with your own conclusion. Explain the process you went through. How does your process compare or contrast to the information about synthesis given in the video? Provide specific examples from the video to support your response. How would you use this experience to synthesize information in future papers? Please explain in your own words.

Information Savvy: Synthesizing Information


In this Learning Activity, you will watch a short video. The video provides a brief explanation of and introduction to synthesis.

(, 2012)

-Post adds value by raising novel points or providing new perspectives.

-Post is concise and clearly written in an academic tone; Sentences are complete; spelling, grammar and punctuation are correct.

Requirements: More than 15 characters, Less than 4000 characters

Information Savvy: Synthesizing Information Read More »

Information Savvy: Synthesizing Information

Information Savvy: Synthesizing Information

Information Discussion

After watching the video in the Activity “Information Savvy: Synthesizing Information,” think about a time where you have synthesized information to come up with your own conclusion. Explain the process you went through. How does your process compare or contrast to the information about synthesis given in the video? Provide specific examples from the video to support your response. How would you use this experience to synthesize information in future papers? Please explain in your own words.

Information Savvy: Synthesizing Information


In this Learning Activity, you will watch a short video. The video provides a brief explanation of and introduction to synthesis.

(, 2012)

-Post adds value by raising novel points or providing new perspectives.

-Post is concise and clearly written in an academic tone; Sentences are complete; spelling, grammar and punctuation are correct.

Requirements: More than 15 characters, Less than 4000 characters

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An advisory board member for the engineering

An advisory board member for the engineering

Computer Science Question

Career Connections

Answer Discussion 120 WORDS

An advisory board member for the engineering technology programs recently approached us and described a problem his firm is having. The firm has embraced diversity and wants to hire more female engineers; however, they just don’t have any who apply. They are seeking ways, both internally and through outreach efforts, to increase the number of female job applicants for engineering positions. What ideas might you provide to the company? Is this a problem with which a professional engineering firm should be concerned?


Classmate Responses (Reply to these two please) 80 WORDS EACH


Jayson Coon


Outreach, by increasing advertisements for hiring out into the open, the possibility of more female applicants is possible. By adjusting the company’s site to be more diversity oriented, a potential applicant could be swayed to join the company. Going to local colleges’ engineering classes and handing out flyers to students. For internal efforts, ask the current female employees how the company could do better. Offer internships to female engineering students, and offer them jobs once they graduate. This is a problem for any engineering firm, as having a more diverse workforce could help them obtain better results from the work the firm has done.

Nasrudeen Ismail


I think one of the successful ideas that the company must follow in order to fill engineering positions is for the company to make field visits to secondary schools and colleges and talk to female students who want consultations in order to enter the ladder of higher education and correct the categorical concept that calls for engineering jobs to be limited to men only as it must The companies provide scholarship and counseling for female students and provide all facilities and temptations that are represented in incentives and rewarding salaries, some graduation and entry into the career path. Another thing that this company can do is to trains and rehabilitates some workers from the female component and sends them to engineering colleges for the purpose of learning and returning to the company to occupy engineering positions and offering them free scholarships to obtain certificates that help them perform their work without difficulty.

Requirements: 75 – 150 words for discussion

An advisory board member for the engineering Read More »

Computer Science Question

Computer Science Question

After a Lakewood IT management team meeting, they decided there is a need for even more information about the the IT service solutions you researched last week. The management team asked for more detail about the solutions you identified as the best selections. Revisit the solutions you selected in week 2’s paper in order to compare and contrast, at least five, features and functions in each solution. In addition, be sure to identify risks associated with implementing each recommended solution. Lastly, make sure to gather and include the capital costs and any on-going operational costs for the hardware/software associated with each solution.

The paper must not exceed 5 pages of content (the title page, abstract [if required], reference pages, figures/tables, and appendices are not content pages). In addition, the paper must use:After a Lakewood IT management team meeting, they decided there is a need for even more information about the the IT service solutions you researched last week. The management team asked for more detail about the solutions you identified as the best selections. Revisit the solutions you selected in week 2’s paper in order to compare and contrast, at least five, features and functions in each solution. In addition, be sure to identify risks associated with implementing each recommended solution. Lastly, make sure to gather and include the capital costs and any on-going operational costs for the hardware/software associated with each solution.

The paper must not exceed 5 pages of content (the title page, abstract [if required], reference pages, figures/tables, and appendices are not content pages). In addition, the paper must use:

Requirements: 3-5 pages

Computer Science Question Read More »

The implementation is the final part, everything is listed above

The implementation is the final part, everything is listed above


I have attached the previous portions.

The implementation is the final part, everything is listed above

Implementation Plan Phase

Describe how to make your solution design a reality within the target organization. Addressed to middle and senior management, the implementation plan builds upon the prior two phases and should be appended to the previous deliverable. This deliverable is due in Week 8.

The plan is a road map to improve the state of IT Governance. It typically describes “what happens”, “when it happens”, “who makes it happen”, and the proof that the design works. A successful completion of the Implementation Plan should suggest that the organization has now transitioned to a better compliance and IT Governance posture.

Here are the key components of the Implementation Plan deliverable.
• Schedule policy changes by departments, functions, or organization(s).
• Identify potential pilot projects to support the implementation plan.
• Define periodic internal and/or external compliance audits to validate the implementation.

Course Project Expectations

Here is the list of the required content for the course project.
• Cover page
• Table of contents – the three phases and their sections
• Executive summary – one page, or less
• Problem definition statement
• Solution design overview
• Solution design
• Presentation of issue discovered and addressed
• Diagrams where appropriate
• Supporting information for actual events, regulations, breaches, crimes, etc.
• Potential or actual consequences of not implementing the suggested design.
• Risk assessment used in the solution design phase.
• Cost estimates where possible.
• Implementation overview
• Implementation schedule, required resources, and new/updated policies.
• Implementation operational impact forecast.
• Method used to prove the design addressed the requirements.
• Post-implementation expectations, benefits, and follow-up activities.
• References

Research: Use credible sources upon which to base your project report. In cases where the source is necessary, but credibility is not assured, you must note it in the text of your documents. You are required to use the APA style for both in-text citations and the References section of the project deliverable.

Originality: Use citations to indicate where ideas have come from outside sources. All writing must be in your own words. No direct quotations of outside sources are allowed without citations.

Deliverables: Everything should add value and move the reader to the next point. The minimum length of the final deliverable — not counting the cover page, table of contents, and references — is four double-spaced pages. The maximum length is eight pages. Unless approved by your professor, do not submit deliverables that have fewer or more pages than what is expected.

Requirements: 5-10 pages

The implementation is the final part, everything is listed above Read More »

Oncology North: Navigator Intake Paper Form

Oncology North: Navigator Intake Paper Form

Computer Science Question

The purpose of this assignment is to identify and analyze the needs of an EHR in a clinical setting in order to determine a potential solution to an EHR problem.

Read the “Integrated Case Study”, “Oncology North: Navigator Intake Paper Form” and “Oncology South: Oncology Navigator Intake Form” resources prior to beginning the assignment and use the information in the resource to write a 750-1,000 word paper that provides answers to the following questions:

  1. What are the problems identified in the EHR?
  2. What are the gaps resulting from the identified problems?
  3. What are some opportunities to expand or develop the capabilities of the EHR?
  4. What developments could be made to the clinical workflow setting?
  5. What is a potential solution to the identified EHR problem?

Cite at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed resources in your analysis.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.……

Requirements: 750-1,000 word

Oncology North: Navigator Intake Paper Form Read More »

The goal of your Signature Assignment is to show that you can compute properties of solutions and analyze and interpret data.

The goal of your Signature Assignment is to show that you can compute properties of solutions and analyze and interpret data.

attached is main instruction .

The goal of your Signature Assignment is to show that you can compute properties of solutions and analyze and interpret data. You will create a PowerPoint presentation that shows the process of going through an acid/base titration like you would if you were in a physical lab.

For the presentation:

You will prepare a sample of an unknown acid to titrate using a known concentration of base. You will set-up a burette filled with a known concentration of base and use proper titration techniques to reach an end-point to the titration. You will then calculate the concentration of the unknown acid on your own.

For Part I:

  • Create a PowerPoint presentation (4-6 slides) that covers the lab scenario above.
  • Include your thoughts on why understanding acid/base titration is important to your future career, and how you will use this concept as you complete your degree.
  • Your presentation must consist of more than merely a series of bullet points to earn full credit.
  • Use the Notes section for each slide to fully explain your answers.

For Part II:

  • Your instructor will provide guidance and examples for completing calculations for titration.

Instructions and data for Online Lab Signature Assignment.docx  download

This assignment should be in current APA Style with both a title slide and a reference list that includes all of the sources used. At least two scholarly sources should be used (your textbook can be one of the sources).See rubric for specific grading criteria.

The goal of your Signature Assignment is to show that you can compute properties of solutions and analyze and interpret data. Read More »

Article on consumer privacy and data security

Article on consumer privacy and data security

Find and discuss a case or article of a current event involving cybersecurity (US). What other topics does it involve, such as consumer privacy or data security? Explain how the rapid development of e-Business is linked to that of the Internet. Use examples to illustrate.

Response should be approximately 3 pages (not counting the cover page and references page), supported with credible references and corresponding in-text citations, all in APA format 7th edition.

Requirements: 3 pages

Article on consumer privacy and data security Read More »

Integrating Technology into Literacy Instruction

Integrating Technology into Literacy Instruction

Literacy is developed throughout a young student’s day. In this technological age, schools are seeing technology as a tool to engage learners, as well as provide dynamic content not readily available in books.

Create a professional development digital presentation of 12-15 slides on incorporating technology in the early childhood classroom.

Presentation must address the following:

  • Explain the positive and the negative use of technology in the early childhood classroom to develop language and literacy skills. Include research to support your claims.
  • Explain the importance of considering the learners’ needs and development when selecting instructional technology.
  • Describe developmentally appropriate practices to ensure the safe, legal, and ethical use of technology in the classroom.
  • Identify three different literacy standards and discuss ways technology can support instruction for each standard.
  • Describe 3-5 technological tools to support literacy instruction and how the tools could be implemented in the early childhood classroom.

Include a title slide, reference slide, and speaker’s notes.

Support your findings with 2-3 scholarly resources.

While APA style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Ce

Requirements: 12-15 slides including speaker notes.

Integrating Technology into Literacy Instruction Read More »

AICPA Technology

AICPA Technology

You are the accountant for a mid-sized manufacturing company. Your boss has asked you to explain some of the most important technologies affecting accounting.

Visit the Information Technology Center (Links to an external site.) website for the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants ( and find the current list of top ten technology initiatives (found under the site’s Resources tab, but you may have to search for them). In a three- to five-page paper (not including the title and reference pages), write an analysis of each of the ten technology initiatives and, using scholarly research, provide a practical example of each initiative.

The paper must:

Requirements: 3-5 Pages

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Problems and Risk

Problems and Risk

Part 1

Referencing this week’s readings and lecture, identify unique problems and risks associated with accounting information systems. In addition, discuss two practical examples of specific problems and how risk could have been mitigated from these problems.

Part 2

View the IT Networks (Links to an external site.) video and referencing this week’s lecture, discuss the potential threats to the security of an organization’s network. What are some of the strengths and limitations of a wired versus wireless system?

Requirements: 2 Pages

Weekly Lecture

What is risk? According to Fadun (2013), “risk is commonly associated with uncertainty, as the event may or may not occur and is an essential part of business because firms cannot operate without taking risks” (p. 225). According to Laudicina (2005), risk is an inevitable component of doing business both domestically and globally. The most successful companies understand that growth requires risk because passive operations fail to capitalize on a company’s growth potential. Key to positive risk is “distinguishing between smart risks from dangerous gambles” (Laudicina, 2005, para. 2). The first step in understanding risk is being able to identify risk in the correct context. Risk identification is a tricky and complex process that requires an abstract look at the unquantifiable risks that could cause permanent damage to a company (Schwartz & Gibb, 1999). Once identified, the next step in the risk process is to mitigate that risk.

The process of mitigating risks and ethical decision-making is synonymous, as the procedures followed emulate one another. This process begins with a complete understanding of the facts (Baron, 2006). As the company understands the full environment and the options available to solve the issues, management must enumerate the reasons for the decision made (Baron, 2006). A critical approach to ethical decision-making and risk mitigation provides the decision maker with more than the relevant facts about the immediate issue (Baron, 2006). The basis for a historical review of past issues and decisions provides support for the immediate issue, as in most cases history tends to repeat itself. Although not meant to be a rubber stamp for future decisions, the consideration of past issues and situations helps provide the decision maker with valuable facts that were not previously considered.

Week 3 focuses on understanding how risk plays a role in contingency planning for potential disasters with one’s accounting information system. According to Arhail ALShbiel and Bani Ahmad (2013), the changing world of technology has had a direct effect on the way financial information is reported and on the accounting information system that delivers that financial information. One of the critical issues in regards to this changing technology is the potential “obstacles of communication between the internal control department and the computer department and its impact on the efficiency accounting information system” (Arhail ALShbiel & Bani Ahmad, 2013, p. 297). Arhail ALShbiel and Bani Ahmad (2013) found that four primary issues can increase the risk level of communication problems between those responsible for internal controls of an organization and those responsible the computer department of an organization. At stake is the efficiency of the organization’s accounting information system. As we learned in week 2, an effective accounting information system provides reliable data with effective accounting information that is in compliance with governmental regulations.

Please click on the link below to access a PDF version of the textbook PowerPoint Presentation for the weekly readings.

Chapter 6 PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)

Forbes School of Business Faculty


Arhal ALShbiel, M. O., & Bani Ahmad, A. A. (2013). The risks of communication between department of internal control & computer and its impact on the efficiency of the accounting information systems in the commercial banks. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 4(11),297-303.

Baron, D. P. (2006). Business and its environment (5th ed.).Upper Saddle River, NJ:Pearson Prentice Hall.

Fadun, O. S.(2013). Risk management and risk management failure: lessons for business enterprise. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 3(2), 225-239.

Laudicina, P. A. (2005). Managing global risk to seize competitive advantage. Ivey Business Journal Online. Retrieved from the ProQuest database.

Schwartz, P., & Gibb, B. (1999). When good companies do bad things. New York, NY: John S. Wiley & Sons.

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