Information Technology

easy short paragraph

easy short paragraph


Please respond to two of the following prompts.

Prompt 1

  • Explain the advantages of using a Microsoft Word template to write an effective set of minutes. Describe any experience you have had using an online template

Prompt 2

  • In what ways are the following definitions flawed?
  1. “Booting a computer is when you turn it on.”
  2. “In a bankruptcy action, a nonsecured debt is a debt that is not secured.”
  3. “A transistor is a device used in transistorized electronic equipment.”
  4. “Bubonic plague is caused by an organism known as Pasteurella pestis.”
  5. “A cactus is a succulent.”

Prompt 3

Prompt 4

  • Define the four types of signal words used to indicate safety information. Explain why the following would not be an effective safety label: “It is required that safety glasses be worn when inside this laboratory.”


Initial Post

  • Minimum 150 words
  • Include at least one reference from the text or outside source in your analysis

easy short paragraph Read More »

Research:Operational impacts of Li-FI technology: a review

Research:Operational impacts of Li-FI technology: a review


This is the place where you will put the abstract. The abstract must summarize the whole report starting with the purpose of the report, what are the major issues, what is the key solution. The abstract must cover the whole report and be providing a summary of the report to the reader. The reader should be able to understand the report just by reading the abstract. Use (100 to 150 words). Don’t use bullet points. Don’t have many paragraphs.

(Keywords—identify and put 4 to 5 keywords about this topic)

1. Introduction (Heading 1):

The purpose of introduction is to introduce the topic to the reader and express the need for this study. Your writing must convince the reader to read the full report. Keep in mind that the reader has no idea of what you are going to write or what you wrote. He /she is going to understand the topic only by reading your introduction.

Please mention the organization of the report. Means, what is in the next section? It should show the flow of the report.

You may ((use 200 to 250 words)) for this purpose in two or three paragraphs.


This section should be used to collect data and research finding from the literature. You need to collect from academically accepted sources and avoid using Wikipedia and webopedia. All data, information must be accompanying by in-text citation in Harvard Style.

Try to use few case studies. Try to include data and statistical information. Ensure the paragraphs are logically constructed and have flow of information. Avoid disjoint paragraphs.


You may have (600 to 750 words) in this section with multiple sub-sections.Sub heading for each case study.


Based on the literature review identify the major issues / drawbacks/ problems from the topic and discuss in detail. Identify the root cause of the issue and describe it with possible details. Support your argument with evidences such data from other researches. You can have (400 TO 500 words) for this section. Try to (((use tables and images to support your argument)).


This is the most critical part of the research paper. Here you are going to suggest ways to fix the issues that were identified in the analysis section.

Your discussion points can have supported data from internet sources to strengthen your statement. You may also use data from surveys and other form of research output. You may have 400 to 500 words.


This section is used to summarize the key findings and gives future research directions.


List all references used in the research in Harvard style. Advised to use the latest sources.

Its better to look at the guidelines in the attached file below, its more clear i guess?

(2150 TO 2250 WORDS).


please make the structure and the style as the sample below.


Research:Operational impacts of Li-FI technology: a review Read More »

This week’s reading centered around how Big Data analytics can be used with Smart Cities. This is exciting and can provide many benefits to individuals as well as organizations. For this week’s research assignment, you are to search the Internet for othe

This week’s reading centered around how Big Data analytics can be used with Smart Cities. This is exciting and can provide many benefits to individuals as well as organizations. For this week’s research assignment, you are to search the Internet for othe

This week’s reading centered around how Big Data analytics can be used with Smart Cities. This is exciting and can provide many benefits to individuals as well as organizations. For this week’s research assignment, you are to search the Internet for other uses of Big Data in RADICAL platforms. Please pick an organization or two and discuss the usage of big data in RADICAL platforms including how big data analytics is used in those situations as well as with Smart Cities. Be sure to use the UC Library for scholarly research. Google Scholar is the 2nd best option to use for research.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

• Be approximately 3-5 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.

• Follow APA guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.

• Support your response with the readings from the course and at least five peer-reviewed articles or scholarly journals to support your positions, claims, and observations. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.

• Be clear with well-written, concise, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

For Example/Reference: Please find the attached sheet

This week’s reading centered around how Big Data analytics can be used with Smart Cities. This is exciting and can provide many benefits to individuals as well as organizations. For this week’s research assignment, you are to search the Internet for othe Read More »

To facilitate cultural assimilation, IT and non-IT must become more integrated. What are some strategies to implement to allow this type of interaction to occur? (should be atleast 300 words))

To facilitate cultural assimilation, IT and non-IT must become more integrated. What are some strategies to implement to allow this type of interaction to occur? (should be atleast 300 words))

Please feel free to write on your own if you don’t find anything in text books.

Course: Operational Excellence

Text boooks:

Bourgeous, D., Smith, J., Wang. S., Mortati, J. (2019). Information Systems for Business and Beyond.

Langer, A. M. (2018). Information Technology and Organizational Learning. 3rd edition. Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. ISBN: 978-1-4987-7575-5

To facilitate cultural assimilation, IT and non-IT must become more integrated. What are some strategies to implement to allow this type of interaction to occur? (should be atleast 300 words)) Read More »

Review the strategicintegrationsection. Note what strategicintegration is and how it ties to the implementation of technologywithin an organization. Review the informationtechnologyroles and responsibilitiessection. Note how IT is dividedbasedo

Review the strategicintegrationsection. Note what strategicintegration is and how it ties to the implementation of technologywithin an organization. Review the informationtechnologyroles and responsibilitiessection. Note how IT is dividedbasedo

Review the strategic integration section. Note what strategic integration is and how it ties to the implementation of technology within an organization.

Review the information technology roles and responsibilities section. Note how IT is divided based on operations and why this is important to understand within an organization.

Two essays each for two sections (should be two pages, one page for each essay)

Course: Operational Excellence

Text book: Langer, A. M. (2018). Information Technology and Organizational Learning. 3rd edition. Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. ISBN: 978-1-4987-7575-5

Attached text book pdf below.

Review the strategicintegrationsection. Note what strategicintegration is and how it ties to the implementation of technologywithin an organization. Review the informationtechnologyroles and responsibilitiessection. Note how IT is dividedbasedo Read More »

Key differences between data, information, information technology (IT), and information systems (IS)

Key differences between data, information, information technology (IT), and information systems (IS)

In this unit, you have learned about management information systems (MIS) and the importance of it. For this assignment, compose a paper that discusses the key differences between data, information, information technology (IT), and information systems (IS). Your paper should address the components listed below.

  • Define what is meant by information.
  • Define what is meant by data.
  • Create two matrices (one for data and one for information) that illustrate the key differences between information and data, place the matrices into your paper, and briefly discuss the differences in one or two paragraphs. Each matrix should contain characteristics and/or facts about the subjects (data and information) that show how they are different.
  • Define IT.
  • Define IS.
  • Using the five-component model as an example, discuss some differences between IT and IS.

If you are using Microsoft Word, you can develop a matrix using this program. For an example of how to create a matrix using Microsoft Word, see the explanation by clicking the link below.

Microsoft. (n.d.). Create a matrix. Retrieved from

You may use another computer software program that you are familiar with to create the matrices. However, you must submit your assignment in a Microsoft Word document, and the matrices should be included in the body of your paper.

Your paper must be a minimum of two pages in length (not counting the title and reference pages), and you must use at least two resources as references. Any information from these resources must be cited and referenced in APA format.

Key differences between data, information, information technology (IT), and information systems (IS) Read More »

As the manager of the information technology (IT) security department, you were asked by your boss to present a summary of what the organization should do to prevent this from happening again.

As the manager of the information technology (IT) security department, you were asked by your boss to present a summary of what the organization should do to prevent this from happening again.

Recently, a terminated employee used his mobile device to log in to the company network and steal sensitive data. As the manager of the information technology (IT) security department, you were asked by your boss to present a summary of what the organization should do to prevent this from happening again. Create a PowerPoint presentation of your summary. In your PowerPoint presentation, you should include the components listed below.

  • Explain the goal of information security in relation to mobile devices.
  • Identify the three sources of threats, provide a summary of each, and provide at least one example of each.
  • Explain technical safeguards, and discuss which technical safeguard(s) should be used for mobile devices.
  • Explain data safeguards, and discuss which data safeguard(s) should be used in this type of scenario.
  • Explain human safeguards, and discuss which human safeguard(s) should be implemented.
  • Discuss why the organization needs an incident response plan to secure information and knowledge.

Your presentation must be a minimum of eight slides in length, not counting the title and reference slides. Be sure that any graphics used are appropriate and support the content of your presentation.

As the manager of the information technology (IT) security department, you were asked by your boss to present a summary of what the organization should do to prevent this from happening again. Read More »

Choose Topic: Computer Science

Choose Topic: Computer Science
Select number of pages: 4
Question Description: Prepare a 4 – 6 page paper in Microsoft Word on one of the topics below. I encourage you to leverage outside sources/references, which can help bolster and strengthen your arguments and discussion.
If you discuss outside sources, be sure to cite them accordingly within your document and on your references page.
The 4 – 6 pages does not include the title page, abstract page, or references page (if outside sources are used).
Paper should be written in APA format (title page, double-spacing, abstract, page header, 1″ margins, references page, etc.)
Save the file using the following file naming convention:

The 4 – 6 page requirement means at least 4 FULL pages minimum, not 3 pages, not 3.5 pages, etc.
Adding numerous images/clipart, applying narrow margins or multiple blank lines will not count toward the required page count.

Case Study #1

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is interested in using technologies to identify suspected of money laundering operations within the United States. The system would perform data mining in order to determine purchases and travel patterns that could ultimately identify individuals who are engaged in, or at least planning to launder money. DHS asks a panel of information security professionals to determine the feasibility of this project. Several participants believe a major challenge would be to determine the patterns of transactions and other indicators. As a participant, you suggest that it might be possible to construct a computer program that uses artificial intelligence to mimic money laundering activity. The program would determine the transactions needed to execute money laundering activities. Once these transactions were determined, it would be possible to search related databases and other information resources to locate further evidence. A large population of individuals would need to be monitored/searched, potentially violating their privacy rights.

As an information security professional assigned to this project, what would ethical and moral issues might arise from developing a computer program capable of violating numerous individuals’ privacy in order to identify criminal activities of a few?
How does this play into what we learned in the course, regarding issues related to violating an individual’s privacy?
Is the greater good of society served by using this approach? What course of action would you take if placed into this situation?

Choose Topic: Computer Science Read More »

Information Systems Best Practice Essay

Information Systems Best Practice Essay

Discuss some of the key issues to be aware of and the best practices to mitigate them.

  • Discuss strategic analysis decisions in the next five years, what we need to watch out for in the information technology (IT) field, and how these decisions will impact the overall company.
  • Examine potential changes in IT related to innovation and organizational processes.
  • List and describe internal (online) information security risks and mitigation tactics and how they will affect decision-making strategies.
  • List and describe external (building) information security risks and mitigation tactics and how they will affect decision-making strategies.

Your scholarly activity submission must be at least three pages in length. You are required to use the two attached sources and at least one outside source to support your explanation. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations and be cited per APA guidelines.

Your scholarly activity should be formatted in accordance with APA style.

you have to reference the two attachments in the paper plus one more outside source. Thanks!

Information Systems Best Practice Essay Read More »

User Frustration

User Frustration

The quality of the user experience is very important to the success of an application. In the early days of computing, users often experienced long delays since computing power was poor and networks had comparatively slow throughput. Modern systems have largely eliminated these delays due to increased network and computing power, yet users still report a high level of frustration.

Write a four- to five-page paper in which you:

  1. Describe three reasons users are still frustrated with modern applications.
  2. Suggest one method for reducing the frustrations for each of the reasons you supplied in Question 1.
  3. Describe methods for determining if user frustration is caused by poor system design or from the natural frustration associated with learning a new software product.
  4. Suggest at least three methods to reduce the frustrations among the disabled population and how this population can be better served.
  5. Use at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Determine reasons for user frustration with modern applications, and methods to reduce that frustration.
Please be sure not to use old papers because this instructor looks for it. But you do amazing work so I know I won’t have any problems with your work.

User Frustration Read More »

Technology Priorities Presentation

Technology Priorities Presentation

Technology can be defined as the application of scientific knowledge for practical, industrious purposes. The technological innovations most important in the automotive industry are safety, economy, performance, comfort or enjoyment, and convenience.

For this assignment, you will focus on electrical and electronic technology in automobiles. In a presentation, you will identify your most desirable electric or electronic technology in each of these categories: safety, economy, performance, and comfort/convenience.

  • Create a presentation your response.
  • Use APA format for your references.

Step 1. Research
Investigate and research automobile technological features available on current new-model cars in each of these four categories:

  • Safety
  • Economy
  • Performance
  • Comfort/convenience/overall cabin experience

Technological features studied must include some sort of electrical or electronic component or control.

Step 2. Select
Select one preferred automobile technological feature for each category.

Step 3. Justify
Write a brief rationale for each of your selections.

Step 4. Relate
Write a brief summary of physics concepts related to each selection.

Step 5. Evaluate
Write a concluding paragraph about the importance of technology in today’s automotive industry.

Step 6. Create
Create a slide presentation incorporating your work from Steps 1-5. Include talking points or a script in the Notes section for each slide (not necessary for a video presentation). Include a title, introduction, conclusion, and references in the presentation.


The assignment this week focuses on safety, economy, performance and comfort of a vehicle. You will be researching these technological features of an automobile and presenting your findings. You will find several resources within the module that will help. Don’t forget to do your own research and include references both within and outside of the module. At minimum, you should submit a presentation as outlined in the assignment and a word document outlining steps 3, 4 and 5.

Here (Links to an external site.) is an article that goes over some tips on making effective PowerPoint presentations. Remember that the point of a slide presentation is to display visual aids that support the points you are trying to make. Try to limit your text and instead present figures that enhance your presentation. Do not forget to cite any images that you did not create yourself. With the assignment, you will also turn in a script. The assignment asks you to place your script in the notes section for each slide. The notes section does not show up in Speedgrader so instead of doing this, I would prefer one of the following options:

  1. Submit a video of you presenting your assignment. Make sure you also upload the presentation so I can make comments.
  2. Alternate slides. Following each presentation slide, include a text slide that contains your script for the previous slide. Make it clear what slide is designed for presenting and what slide is meant as a script.
  3. Submit a text document with your script. Clearly indicate what slide each section highlights.
  4. If you must use the Notes section for your script, please make a comment in the assignment submission page stating where your script is located.

Remember to use proper APA 7th edition formatting for all your references. The same rules apply to a presentation as a paper. Within the presentation, use in-text citation rules. Include full citations at the end, on a reference slide. Remember, that every reference that is listed on the reference slide should have a corresponding in-text citation within the presentation.

Technology Priorities Presentation Read More »

Women in Technology (in STEM)

Women in Technology (in STEM)

I am looking for someone who can write 10-15 minutes of speech on the subject “Women in Technology (STEM)” . I want speech to be about how people underestimate women in STEM fields and how does one can inspire/encourage todays young girls to be part of todays technology and to pursue their dreams/studies in STEM fields.

.doc file

Thank you for responding very quickly. I do have some resources which might help you. here it is —> News & Press (

Research on how to write a speech so that you can be able to write a good speech.

Women in Technology (in STEM) Read More »

Discussion Question 3

Use the following materials to examine the current state of cloud computing:

By now, it is a safe assumption that techies and non-techies alike have heard of cloud computing and its associated benefits: cost savings, increased efficiency, improved agility, opportunities for growth and innovation, and so on.

  • Discuss a strategy for implementing a cloud solution.
  • Examine the possible innovations that cloud computing has yet to realize in organizations.
  • Provide at least three recommendations that you could suggest to a CEO that would invoke disruptive change to an organization.

Requirements: 1 OR 2 Pages

Discussion Question 3 Read More »



Industry experts believe blockchain is a technology that has the potential to affect the business of most IT professionals in the next five years. Pick an industry you feel will be most affected by blockchain and how blockchain may be used in that industry. As an IT manager, how would you embrace blockchain? For instance, how would training occur for your team, what strategies might you use, what security methods may you recommend be used?

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be approximately 2-3 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations.
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques.

Blockchain Read More »

Discussion board post around 250 words on an article…

Look for a cyber attack using malware that has happened in the last 6 months (since June 2020) and don’t duplicate someone else’s posts.

  1. Explain the details of the attack.
  2. Indicate the source and web link to the attack.
  3. Explain the type of malware.
  4. What could have been done to protect against such an attack.
  5. Respond to 2 colleagues about their attack.

Please make it look simple and clear, I have attached the link for the cyber attack I chose

Requirements: around 250 words





Discussion board post around 250 words on an article Read More »

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