
Federal Government essay

Federal Government essay

This written assignment includes essay questions which probe your understanding of the course materials, theories and concepts covered in this course. Students are asked to show competence in critical thinking and writing skills.

  • Essay must be at least two (2) pages in length. This includes your own words and excludes citations and works cited.
  • You are expected to read the prompt carefully and address its questions in a concise way.
  • Paper must include an introduction, body/discussion/review of literature (at least two peer-reviewed articles), conclusion, and a bibliography or works cited page.
  • Use MLA format. For information on formatting, you may consult the College library online or the Writing Center.
  • Review and cite two peer-reviewed articles that are relevant to the topic you have selected. This includes academic articles, books and other published works. Wikipedia,, etc. are not acceptable sources. An essay without reviewed articles won’t be graded.
  • Upload your completed work in MS Word FORMAT (please check the content of your file prior to uploading).
  • Include a cover page that has your name, course information and selected topic number and its prompt.
  • Carefully review your work prior to submission, essay will be checked for plagiarism using

Essay topics: (select one)

  1. Winston Churchill is famously said to have quipped that “Democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.” What do you think he meant by this? Do you agree? Why or why not?
  2. Describe the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). Why were some opposed to the ERA? Compare and contrast the ERA and the Nineteenth Amendment. How has the ERA impacted civil rights in the United States?
  3. One of the most pressing challenges any democratic government faces is in addressing the appropriate balance between national security and a free press. How has the government traditionally attempted to find this balance? Has it been successful? Why or why not?
  4. Compare and contrast levels of political participation by race and gender in the United States. Who participates the most? Who participates the least? Are such differences important? Why or why not? Support your essay with data from relevant literature.
  5. Compare the U.S. electoral system to European proportional representation systems and address how candidates for U.S. office behave in response to our system. In your opinion which system is more democratic (that is, responsive to the desires and opinions of the people)? Explain your rationale?
  6. Describe the major ways in which the presidency has changed since the beginning of the twentieth century. Be sure to include a description of the changes and the reasons why these changes occurred. Include a conclusion to summarize your key points.
  7. Do you agree or disagree with the Supreme Court’s decision in the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission

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Criminal Evidence U4

Criminal Evidence U4

Conduct an online search for a news article about a criminal case that occurred in the past 5 years. Your article review should address the information below.

Support your article review with a minimum of one reference from the CSU Online Library.

Your article review must be at least two pages in length, not counting the title or reference pages. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment and include in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed

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International Law situational questions

International Law situational questions

7 International Law situational questions:

1.The International Court of Justice is frequently referred to informally as “the World Court.” But is that term accurate? Is the ICJ “the World Court”?

2.As you know, the International Criminal Court has jurisdiction over such internationally-recognized offenses as genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. At the Kampala Conference in 2010, the Assembly of States Parties added to that list the crime of aggression. Should the jurisdiction of the ICC be expanded to include other crimes? If so, which, and why? If not, should we be concerned that this list is too narrow, which may allow serious human rights abusers to evade justice?

3.The Refugee Convention of 1951 defines a refugee as someone who has fled, or is in any event outside, his or her country of nationality, and is unable to return because of “a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, [or] membership of a particular social group or political opinion.” Europe, and to a lesser extent the Unites States, are currently being inundated by individuals described by the mainstream media as “refugees,” but who do not meet the Convention’s definition: they are seeking improved quality of life, not fleeing from persecution. Assuming that “economic migrants” are not eligible to receive the benefits to which refugees are entitled under the 1951 Convention and the 1967 Protocol, what obligations must receiving states honor in their treatment of these people?

4.Ever since it handed down its judgment in the Gabcikovo-Nagamaros Project Case in 1997, the ICJ has increasingly suggested that states depending on a common natural resource, such as a watercourse, are bound by an obligation, established through customary international law, of “equitable sharing.” Numerous international environmental treaties are based on this principle. This is said to derive from the concept of sic utere tuo, which the Court held in the Corfu Channel Case in 1949 is a rule binding on all states.

That sounds delightful, doesn’t it? Who could be against “equitable sharing”? But it is terribly vague. When, say, a river flows from Country A into Country B, and Country A desires to build a dam that will substantially reduce the river water available in Country B but will bring substantial improvements to the quality of life of the people of Country A, what considerations should be taken into account in determining whether the proposed “sharing” of the watercourse is “equitable”?

5.If a Panel established under the World Trade Organization Agreement finds that a Member has denied another Member a benefit guaranteed under the treaty (for example, by denying its products most-favored-nation status or national treatment), and the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) accepts this finding, the DSB will grant the offending Member an opportunity to bring its trade measure into conformity with the WTO Agreement. If the offending Member does not do so within the time allotted, the DSB may authorize the affected Member to retaliate against the offender by imposing tariffs or other trade restrictions on import of its goods. Should the WTO Agreement be amended to allow the DSB to award monetary damages as compensation to the injured Member?

6.What would be the outcome were the General Assembly to seek an advisory opinion from the ICJ on the question: “Is the practice of capital punishment for the commission of certain criminal offenses in domestic legal systems consistent with conventional and customary international law?”

7. In the last two decades, three of the five permanent members of the Security Council have been accused of serious violations of international law (some examples are: Russia – the shooting down of Malaysian Airlines flight #17 over Ukraine and the invasion of Crimea; China – the treatment of the Uighur minority, human rights violations in Hong Kong, and the unilateral claims of sovereignty over areas in the South China Sea; the U.S. – unauthorized invasion of Iraq, human rights violations at Guantanamo and elsewhere, and the use of drones in places like Yemen and Somalia).

Obviously, all three deny these allegations, and to answer this question you need not accept that any of them is (or is not) accurate. But whether or not the charges are legally supported, the mere fact that they have generated widespread discussion raises this issue: what, if any, opportunities does the international legal regime provide to review the legality of acts and omissions of the P-5?

Others sources can be used as well, just vailid ones, if you need anything message me.

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Question Description: (MSCJ) Assignment: Ethical Challenges in the Criminal Justice System

Tittle: Mr
Choose Topic: Writing
Select number of : 10
Question Description: (MSCJ) Assignment: Ethical Challenges in the Criminal Justice System
In this Assignment, you are a criminal justice practitioner with 5 years of experience. You have been asked by your supervisor to prepare a PowerPoint presentation (with slide notes) for recent academy graduates on ethical challenges in the criminal justice field.

The (MSCJ) Assignment: Using the Walden University PowerPoint Presentation Template, create a 10-slide PowerPoint presentation (including annotated slide notes) that includes the following:

Title/name of presentation (1 slide)
Ethical challenges related to the following areas (1 slide each):
Use of authority
Relationships between personal and professional interests
Personal and professional commitments to clients
Criminal justice policy
Policing policy
Information sharing
Media reporting
Human rights
APA reference slide (1 slide)
In addition to the Learning Resources, use two additional scholarly resources to support your presentation.

Question Description: (MSCJ) Assignment: Ethical Challenges in the Criminal Justice System Read More »

common committed fraud in the state of Alabama

common committed fraud in the state of Alabama

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

  • Search the library’s database for an article about the most commonly committed fraud in a geographic area of your choice (Alabama).
    • Note: Do not duplicate other students’ articles.
  • Summarize the article in your posting.
  • Identify and describe the type of fraud that is mentioned in the article.
  • Did the fraud case involve civil or criminal court actions?
  • If you use sources to support your discussion, please cite your sources. (APA)

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Discussion post Employment law in action 

Discussion post Employment law in action

In this module you looked at employment law and ethical considerations. In reviewing the relevant laws discussed from past to present, how would you say American culture is evolving in terms of workplace expectations? Which do you believe evolves more quickly, ethics or the law? What problems might this lead to? Explain your answer with examples.

Two paragraphs is fine

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The Five Federal Laws and the Human Service Movement

The Five Federal Laws and the Human Service Movement

Discuss the intent of each of these five laws that are presented in Chapter Two of your course text:

  1. The establishment of the National Institute of Mental Health (1946)
  2. The Mental Health Study Act (1955)
  3. The Community Mental Health Centers Act (1963)
  4. The Economic Opportunity Act (1964)
  5. The Schneuer Sub-professional Career Act (1966)

Additionally, describe the role of the National Organization for Human Service Education and the Council for Standards in Human Service Education in their application.

Your assignment should be two- to- three pages (excluding title and reference pages). Include at least two references to online sources and at least one peer-reviewed journal article that was published within the last five years found at the Ashford online library. All sources must be formatted according to APA guidelines as outlined in the Ashford University Library.

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strategic planning outline/paper

strategic planning outline/paper

Research and select a criminal justice organization in your community in relation to outlining a strategic planning process. Make sure you are able to access information about the organization for all the required parts of the assignment.

Assess the public safety issues in your selected criminal justice organization as they correlate with the agency’s mission, vision, and goals.

Create a 1-page outline that details the initial steps in the strategic planning process for the selected criminal justice organization and correlating public safety issues.

Include the following in your outline:

  • Relevant stakeholders and their roles
  • Public safety issues/challenges
  • Strategies for scanning and assessing
  • Data and resources needed to address the issues/challenges

Write a 350-word paper that discusses:

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

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Discussion State Laws vs Federal Laws and peer responses

Discussion State Laws vs Federal Laws and peer responses

One important role of an HR professional is to distinguish state laws from federal laws.

What advice concerning these laws would you provide if you were an HR professional advising top executives who had employees in different states and possibly other countries?


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Criminology and Victimology

Criminology and Victimology

Your response must be at least 200 words in length for each question.

1. What is the difference between criminology and victimology?

2. Summarize one event contributing to the rise of the victims’ rights movement.

3. Explain the differences and similarities of von Hentig’s and Mendelsohn’s theories of victimization.

4. What progress has been made since passing the Violence Against Women Act of 2013?

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I need help with writing a discussion using 500 words or more

I need help with writing a discussion using 500 words or more

For this discussion: You can get Carla Wagner’s story Online just by Google it: Carla Wagner was an 18-year-old high school student, You can Google her to get her update status. Her story is also located in your module. Put it in your own words

Requirements: 500 words or more

Critical Thinking

Many juvenile delinquents commit crimes while under the influence of alcohol or drugs or because they are addicted and need to support their habit. If this is the case, should these juveniles be court-ordered into a treatment program? Why or Why Not? What can be done to prevent alcohol and drug abuse in the teen population?

Teens close to the age of 18, like Carla, maybe too old for the juvenile justice system, but too young for the adult system. What should be done with juveniles who are close to 18 when they receive a delinquency charge? Should something be done to bridge the gap between the juvenile justice system and the adult criminal justice system?

Do you think that Carla’s sentences were too harsh or not harsh enough? Consider the impact of wealthy parents on the criminal justice system. Carla was granted bond and released. What effect do money and race have on the legal system?

I need help with writing a discussion using 500 words or more Read More »

Juvenile Sentencing and Policy

Juvenile Sentencing and Policy

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word analysis of Juvenile sentencing that addresses the following:

Include two or three peer-reviewed articles to support your analysis.

Format your analysis consistent with APA guidelines.

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I need help with writing a discussion using 500 words or more

I need help with writing a discussion using 500 words or more

For this discussion: You can get Carla Wagner’s story Online just by Google it: Carla Wagner was an 18-year-old high school student, You can Google her to get her update status. Her story is also located in your module. Put it in your own words

Requirements: 500 words or more

Critical Thinking

Many juvenile delinquents commit crimes while under the influence of alcohol or drugs or because they are addicted and need to support their habit. If this is the case, should these juveniles be court-ordered into a treatment program? Why or Why Not? What can be done to prevent alcohol and drug abuse in the teen population?

Teens close to the age of 18, like Carla, maybe too old for the juvenile justice system, but too young for the adult system. What should be done with juveniles who are close to 18 when they receive a delinquency charge? Should something be done to bridge the gap between the juvenile justice system and the adult criminal justice system?

Do you think that Carla’s sentences were too harsh or not harsh enough? Consider the impact of wealthy parents on the criminal justice system. Carla was granted bond and released. What effect do money and race have on the legal system?

I need help with writing a discussion using 500 words or more Read More »

Juvenile Sentencing and Policy

Juvenile Sentencing and Policy

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word analysis of Juvenile sentencing that addresses the following:

Include two or three peer-reviewed articles to support your analysis.

Format your analysis consistent with APA guidelines.

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Assignment Description

Assignment Description

You will research one of the topics below as it relates to disability justice. You will create an accessible Powerpoint presentation. The PowerPoint should be at minimum 4 slides but can be up to 8 slides. To make your assignment accessible you are required to follow the accessibility instructions listed below. Your assignment must meet the following requirements.

Step 1: Pick one of the topics listed below:

Step 2: Research the selected topic.

Make sure to list your sources somewhere on the assignment. It does not need to be a formal APA/MLA format but we need to know where you got your information from. We HIGHLY encourage you to seek out sources that were not used in the class so far.

Step 3: Create a Powerpoint slide presentation using the guidelines below:

Your PowerPoint slides must be accessible. In addition to accessibility, you must include the 6 following parts to your PowerPoint slides. You do not have to present this to us or other students.

  1. Slide 1 – Describe/Define the Disability Justice Movement?
    What is Disability Justice? Include the definition and cite your source of the definition.
    – Provide an image that represents disability justice in the context of your topic or issue. Your image must be accessible (it must include alt text description).
  2. Slide 2 – Describe/Define First Point or Argument of Chosen Topic
    What is one angle, point, or argument of your chosen topic and what is one way that it relates to disability justice (facts, quotes, arguments, controversy, etc.
    -Provide an image that represents disability justice in the context of this angle, point, or argument. Your image must be accessible (it must include alt text description).
  3. Slide 3 – Describe/Define Second Point or Argument of Chosen Topic
    – What is a second angle, point, or argument of your chosen topic and how does it relate to disability justice (facts, quotes, arguments, controversy, etc.)
    – Provide an image that represents disability justice in the context of this angle, point, or argument. Your image must be accessible (it must include alt text description).
  4. Slide 4 – Personal Reflection
    Why did you pick this topic? What is your personal motivation or connection to it?
    – Was anything uncomfortable and why (controversial, conflicting, confronting, explain)?
    – Provide at least one image that represents your reflection on this issue. Your image/s must be accessible (images must include alt text description).
    – Put your bulleted main ideas in the slide itself.
    – Put a more detailed reflection paragraph in the notes section of your reflection slide.

    This is the basic outline. It is the bare minimum required. If you discover the need to include more slides in order to accommodate more points or arguments, you may do so. We suggest no more than 8 slides.

  5. All Slides – Accessibility
    You must check the accessibility of your Powerpoint slide deck prior to submitting.
    – To check accessibility, go to “Review.” Then go to “Check Accessibility.” This will guide you in ensuring that your Powerpoint is accessible to screen readers and other assistive technology that readers may be using.
  6. Sources
    You must include 3 separate sources of information within your presentation. Sources may include books, online journals, blogs, newspaper articles, disability justice or advocacy websites or podcasts, etc.
    – Each slide must include its own citation of sources for information, as well as for images. Source may be listed on the slide itself or in the notes section underneath.


Microsoft Powerpoint is available at no cost to SDSU students.

Requirements: slide show

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Law Question

Law Question

Each student will write a final course paper on a criminal justice topic of her/his choosing. Ideally, the topic will be a topic discussed either in class or in a part of the reading materials assigned as part of the course reading requirements. A topic that has not been discussed or assigned as part of the reading may also be a suitable final paper topic, and please check with me prior to beginning your research on a topic that was not covered during the course. Here is a sampling of topics, which you may consider researching and writing a final course paper:

Each student has wide latitude in writing this final paper as well as the approach used to research and write on the ethical issues of a particular topic. The final paper should be 5 to 7 type written pages (does not include title page/bibliography/etc). Please use Times Roman 12 point font, and double-space with standard margins when writing the final paper. The final paper is an academic paper, which means that your writing should include multiple sources, and sources should be cited as appropriate in your work. Please include a bibliography that includes

Requirements: 5-7 pages without the title page or bibliography included   |


Final Paper Outline (Sample)

Overview and history of the topic (1 to 2 pages)

The main ethical issues of the topic (2 pages)

Choose one ethical theory to apply/discuss in regards to your selected topic (1 page)

Personal ethical reflection on the topic i.e. where do you stand ethically on the topic (1 page)

Conclusion (1 page)

Total = 5 to 7 pages


Guiding Questions

The following is a list of guiding questions as you begin to research and write your final paper:

  • What is the history of the topic?
  • What are the main ethical issues regarding the topic?
  • What are the current societal views on the topic i.e. the prevailing views?
  • Is the topic of concern to the media at this time?
  • What ethical theory is most applicable to understanding or evaluating the topic?
  • Do governmental policies provide support or non-support for the topic?
  • Who are the main stakeholders that are involved in the topic?
  • What are your personal views on the topic? Your own ethical framework of the topic?
  • What value matters the most in the topic? E.g. The sanctity of life for the death penalty.

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