Write two well-written paragraphs about my assigned court case or law
Write two well-written paragraphs about my assigned court case or law (shown below) related to special education. And prepare 3 minutes slide show presentation about it. Follow the instructions and rubric below. Professor Instructions:
Write two well-written paragraphs about my assigned court case or law (shown below) related to special education. The first paragraph will be a description of your case or law. The second paragraph will detail the implications/outcomes of the case or law.
You will need to locate and cite two reliable resources about your court case or law so you may want to review our Library Resources tab for suggestions on how to evaluate educational articles.
Please submit your paper on Canvas and be ready to describe your findings in a practiced slideshow presentation in class.
My Assigned Case or Law:
Diana v. Board of Education (1970) Assessing children who are linguistically diverse.
Written Report:
Describe Court Case or Law _______/1 point
Describe Implications/Outcomes _______/1 point
Cite Resources (at least 2 valid resources) _______/1 point
Oral Presentation with Slideshow (2-4 minutes) _______/2 points
( * 1 point will be deducted for any presentation less than 1 1/2 minutes or more than 4 1/2 minutes)
The City of St. Albans has a unionized police force that is coming up for a contract renewal. The police have one issue: the cost of living increases. During the past 10 years, police officers have received minimal cost of living increases, and this time they want to match what other police forces are making. They claim that their salaries are below the national level. The incoming new police hire earns a salary of $48,200. Using the websites provided, prepare data and an argument on behalf of the police officers to support their position.
This assignment will be written as a PowerPoint slide show presentation (PowerPoint Tips (Links to an external site.)). Approach it as if you are giving the presentation to governing board of the City of Albans. You are trying to persuade the board that the police officers need a raise. Your proposal should be:
8-10 power point slides
The note section of the slides should be used to explain the slides.
At least two recent and credible sources in addition to the textbook must be used.
All sources must be cited using APA formatting.
Charts, tables, graphs, etc., may be used.
The first slide should be a title slide.
The last slide should be a reference list. (You can use other references but you MUST also use the following references)
Click on the check boxes that relate to your counseling work within the three areas of child abuse and neglect, child welfare, and adoption.
Click the “go” button to begin your search for your state’s statutes.
You will be provided with the specific citations and legal reference to those areas that you identified. Also, you should note that PDF files are available that correspond to these specific areas and that provide information so you can better understand the issue across the states.
Respond to the following:
Which topics did you choose and why?
What did you learn about the laws in your state related to the topics you chose?
How will this knowledge influence your work as a counselor?
requirements: Paper should be substantive, well-developed, and reflective of critical thinking and graduate-level writing. At least 2 scholarly source should be referenced. Paper should be a minimum of 700 words consisting of 2 – 3 well-formed paragraphs. APA guidelines should be followed.
Directions for case analysis1. Total length should be between 4-6 pages (11-12 pt size, Times New Roman Font, 1.5 line spacing) with margins on both sides. Annexures, exhibits are not included in the above page limit.2. You may have a short introductory paragraph or two which briefly presents the background of the case. Note however that the case analysis is not about summarizing the case facts. The reviewer has read the case and is aware of case details.3. Then define the problem/issue in the case and lay out the alternatives i.e., the possible options for the organization. This requires thinking.4. Next is the analysis of the case facts. This is the meat of your submission. Wherever possible make use of data to throw light on an issue or bolster your point. Analysis of numeric data and eye for detail is critical.5. Finally, come up with your recommendations/action plan. Your recommendations must flow from your analysis. Avoid generalizations in your recommendations such as give the best quality product at the best price. Pl. proof read your submission for typos and sentence structure. Remember how you say is as important as what you say!
Southwest Airlines Case Analysis Questions
While analyzing the case give attention to the following questions.
How does the company make money when other airlines do not? What are the most important contributors to its financial success?
How should management respond to the fact that SW Airlines has fallen next to last place among major airlines in on time performance as of Sept 2002?
Once operations are stabilized would you recommend to the management that it resumes its historic growth rate of 10 % to 15 % per year? Why? If you recommend resumption of previous growth rates what form should this growth take? For example, should it be achieved within the current network or through an expanded network? By means of a greater proportion of long haul flights (over three hours in length) or not? Why?
If you do not recommend a resumption of previous growth rates, how would you suggest dealing with the consequences of reduced growth?
What are the implications for SW Airlines of the actual or threatened bankruptcies of other major US airlines?