
Assess Death with Dignity laws

Assess Death with Dignity laws

This week, you looked at the provider and patient rights. The assignment this week gives you a chance to look at a state law that provides the right for patients to die with dignity and compare the patient’s right with the ethical duty of physicians set forth in the AMA’s Code of Ethics.

You will write an essay that compares and contrasts the law and Code of Ethics as it applies to your state. Incorporate the following into your essay:

  1. Referring directly to the law, provide verbiage for what a provider is or is not allowed to do.
  2. What requirements must be present for a patient asking for death-hastening medication?
  3. Describe what the AMA’s Code of Ethic’s stance is on these procedures, including any additional opinions published by the AMA.
  4. Explain the challenging ethical decision-making process a provider must go through in this case.
  5. How might this situation be resolved for a legal and ethical resolution?

Length: 3-4 pages, not including title page

References: The AMA Code Ethics.

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Critical Thinking Questions

Critical Thinking Questions

Chapter 4

  1. Please think of a research question that you would like to study that you could study using random sampling. What is your question, and how would you go about sampling randomly for this type of study?
  2. Please think of a research question that might lend itself well to using random sampling procedures, but which might be difficult to study using random sampling procedures. What question did you come up with and what sampling would you choose that closely mimics random sampling procedures?
  3. What do you make of the concept of sampling error? Does this idea make intuitive sense to you? Why or why not? What do you think would happen to a sample if sampling error was not included?

Chapter 5

  1. What do you think of the UCR? Do you like how it measures crime, why or why not? Do you think the improvements to the UCR made in the creation of NIBRS have helped? Why or why not?
  2. What do you think of NIBRS? Based on what you have read in the text, why do you think it is has not been widely adapted across the country? Do you think it will eventually replace the UCR or only act as a supplement to it?
  3. Do you think there are certain types of crime that lend themselves better to one type of measurement than another? If so, give examples of which types of crimes are best measured by the UCR, NCVS, and NIBRS.


Critical Thinking Questions


Chapters 6 and 7

Chapter 6

  1. In the perfect world of research what type of survey administration method do you think is the best? Please explain your answer and cite information from the text as to why your method of choice is the best.
  2. What do you see as some of the more salient (important) factors that might affect response rate? As a researcher besides from what has been discussed in the text, what do you think you can do to positively affect response rates? Can you do anything?
  3. What do you think of questionnaire design? Do you really think that it is important? Why or why not? Please explain your answer in detail.

Chapter 7

  1. What do you see as some of the inherent advantages of performing research with secondary sets of data? What are some of the weaknesses? Please think critically on this issue.
  2. Which type of data technique with secondary data interests you more? Content analysis or Meta-analysis? Why?
  3. What do you make of the argument between official data and self-report data? Which type of data do you see as being more valuable as a secondary data source? Why?

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Criminal Justice Question

Criminal Justice Question

So topics could be (but are not by any means limited to):

Marijuana trafficking

The effect of marijuana legalization (on crime, health, cost to society, etc. LOTS of new research)

The opioid crisis

The online drug market scene/controversy

Benzodiazepine addiction

Ecstasy and the rave culture

Alcohol and violence

The drug treatment system (or a paper comparing different treatment styles for a particular drug or class of drugs)

The legalization debate (mostly cannabis obviously, but there’s some other stuff too)

Law enforcement methods/tactics in combating illicit drug trade/use

International anti-drug efforts/campaigns

Or something similar

Size requirement: 10 to 15 pages, typed (word processed) and double spaced. I suppose I have to be precise: At least 10 full pages of body, using normal font (10-12 point, double spacing, and no more than 1-inch margins. Submitting a paper under 10 pages, will result in the loss of a minimum of 10% per page OR PORTION THEREOF. So if you give me 9 ¾ pages, you lose 10%. 8 pages, you lose 20%. So don’t go short.Principal Research Material:A: professional journals. This will be your primary source of information for your paper, and you must include a minimum of ten different journal articles as source material. If you are not comfortable with identifying high-quality journals and the FULL TEXT of the article you want to use, please consult the librarians, as they are the subject experts on that topic.B: books on the subject which are written for a professional audience. Not mass-market books, which are often poorly sourced or overtly biased.


C: Governmental publications such as the National Survey of Drug Use and Health, or Monitoring The Future. Both are considered fully trustworthy, and each has its strengths in providing information.D: your textbook. Do not neglect it as a starting point for your research. There are many papers referenced in your text which you can find the originals of, and read/potentially use.That’s pretty much it. Websites without authorship are not authoritative, so avoid most unless they are obviously sourceable to a reputable agency.Number of references: A minimum of 15. At least ten journal articles, plus at least five more sources which are primarily academic or professional in nature. Reference format: Please use APA. If you don’t know how, get a style guide or look online. Also, the Citation Machine ( is extremely cool, and can configure your references in the proper format for your refs page, and will also give you the proper format for an inline citation (inline parenthetical citations are, of course, required in APA format)Paper style:A: These papers are NOT to be written in the first personB: These papers are NOT to be written in conversation styleC: These papers are to be written in the formal third-person of academic research papers.

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Explain Personality Theory

Explain Personality Theory


For this task, prepare a PowerPoint presentation in which you address the following theorists and their perspectives on personality. The audience for this presentation is an undergraduate class studying personality theories.


  • George Kelly
  • Julian Rotter
  • Albert Bandura
  • Carl Rogers

In your presentation, you will need to provide an overview of how these theorists suggest people behave in social interactions.

Your presentation should include a discussion of relevant concepts including, but not limited to self-concept, self-efficacy, personal constructs attribution style and locus of control and self-actualization.

Incorporate appropriate animations, transitions, and graphics as well as “speaker notes” for each slide. The speaker notes may be comprised of brief paragraphs or bulleted lists.

Support your presentation with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources may be included.

Length: 10-12 slides (with a separate reference slide)

Notes Length: 100-150 words for each slide

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Philosophy Question

Philosophy Question

Find a key scene and an anomaly from one of the 12 books in the three volumes of Georgia. Then, use 3 principles from the human rights book to evaluate the anomaly in five pages long following exactly the below instructions.

Attached are the following:

1- The 3 volumes of Georgia. Where to pick a key scene and an anomaly.

2-The human rights book. Where to use 3 principles to evaluate the anomaly.

3-The rubric named “A Philosophical Response to Fiction”, where to follow the instructions. It’s also written below.

Professor Instructions:

1-Find a key scene and an anomaly from one of the 12 books in the three volumes of Georgia. ( the 3 volumes are attached)

2-use 3 principles from the human rights book (attached) to evaluate the anomaly.


What you need to do in order to fulfill this assignment is:

1- Create a summary sheet on the fictive piece that includes characters, plot, themes, and evaluation (for an example see:, blog, book reviews)—this will help you start your paper; it is not a part of your paper.

2- Isolate a single passage in the book that you feel is pivotal to the theme of the book (this passage can be consecutive, for example pages 10-22, or it can be constructed on a common theme, for example pages 135-137 & 192-195 & 238-240.

3- Briefly go through the scene highlighting character, plot, and tropes (metaphors, motifs, description, etc.)

4- Try to discern a particular point of view within the passage that mirrors the book

5- Decide whether you agree or disagree with this point of view

6- Set out the relevant practical and theoretical philosophical principles at stake and apply them to the problem.

7- Use 3 philosophical principles to help you create a positive or negative reaction to the author’s theme (in the small and the large realm). If it is positive, think of bringing up objectors and refute them. If it is negative, engage in a dialog with the author—ending up by rejecting position. The theme should be readily understandable from the scene you have chosen.

8- Reflect on the significance of your position. What abstract general points about the world have now been elucidated? * most important point. At least a page.

Rubric. If you represent all eight points sequentially in your paper you will earn some kind of “B” grade (so long as you are also close to 5 pages, i.e., within a half-page under or a full page over). To get a high “B” or an “A- “or “A” grade you will have to do well on the reflection bullet.

Requirements:   |   .doc file

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