
Individual Project – Unit 3 – Drug law violation processing

Individual Project – Unit 3 – Drug law violation processing

Officer Landonio is now on the drug task force. He and three other officers have to serve a search warrant regarding a stolen 50-inch plasma television set. He serves the search warrant and walks into the residence with the three officers. Sitting on the coffee table is a variety of narcotics, both prescription and illegal. What are his options at this time?

During the search, one officer opens a kitchen cabinet and finds a kilogram of cocaine. Can Officer Landonio take this as evidence and arrest the residents? Why or why not? What would be the next step in this process?

Check the laws in a U.S. state of your choosing and the requirements of arrest warrants. Be sure to use references and citations in your material.

Assignment Guidelines

Address the following in 3–5 pages:

  • Can Officer Landonio take the cocaine as evidence? Why or why not?
  • Assuming that the residents of the dwelling are present, what are Officer Landonio’s options upon finding the prescribed and illegal narcotics on the table? Explain.
    • What actions will he be required to take by law? Explain.
      • You will need to fabricate the details or at least address multiple possibilities for this case.
    • How does discretion come into play in this case?
    • How can nonresidents present in the dwelling be handled? Explain.
      • With what can they be charged if arrested? Explain.
  • If the residents are arrested, what are the next steps in the process? Explain.
  • Can drug courts come into play regarding this case? Why or why not?
  • Typically, when will drug law offenders be fined, and when will they be incarcerated? Explain.
  • Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

When complete, submit your assignment.

The following grading rubric will be used for this assignment.

Requirements: 3 – 5 pages

here is our course textbook for reference: Abadinsky, H. (2017). Drug Use and Abuse: A Comprehensive Introduction (9th Edition). Cengage Limited.

Also my state is Texas if this helps

Individual Project – Unit 3 – Drug law violation processing Read More »

Juvenile justice & Delinquency Theory

Juvenile justice & Delinquency Theory

Assignment Details – in a 300 word post address the following

A young person is caught stealing a bicycle. It is the individual’s first criminal offense. Using what you’ve learned, address the following:

Be specific and refer to sources that have informed your opinion.

Requirements: 300 or more words in depth

This is the course text book we are using that you can use for a reference

Bartollas, C., & Schmalleger, F. (2017). Juvenile Delinquency (Justice Series) (3rd Edition). Pearson Education (US).

Juvenile justice & Delinquency Theory Read More »

The criminal justice system is a very complex system

The criminal justice system is a very complex system

cjt101 Final Project assigment

The criminal justice system is a very complex system with many moving parts and actors. Taking a critical thinking approach, in 2-3 pages, based on your readings from this course as well as other readings and research. Discuss the realities and challenges that the criminal justice system faces.

Proper APA format required to include a title page, reference page, and citations.

Requirements: 3 pages

The criminal justice system is a very complex system Read More »

Create a professional document in accordance with instructions

Create a professional document in accordance with instructions

Writing Question

Write a White Paper. It is 2025 and you are a captain working in the County Sheriff’s Department. The Sheriff and you were at a townhall meeting where many people complained about their concern with law enforcement’s increasing use of technology to invade their privacy. The Sheriff promised the people at the townhall meeting that she would discuss current and future technology at the next meeting. The Sheriff asked you to prepare a memo on emerging technologies and how it will impact the department. You must select two types of technology not yet used by the Sheriff’s Department. You are to briefly describe the technology, how it will be used, identify potential legal issues, and how you will inform the community of the technology’s use. After conducting research, you must write a white paper that follows the following criteria:

  1. Create a professional document in accordance with instructions in the Professional Writing Guide.
  2. The length must be between 500 and 1000 words. You will be penalized for shorter or longer memos.
  3. Word length applies to the body of the text only.
  4. Cite sources using footnote citations only.
  5. Text is single-spaced.
  6. Use proper grammar and punctuation.
  7. List word length at the end of your document.

You can use pros and cons of the selected technology to support your answer.

No title page needed. Single spaced.

Requirements: 500-1000 words max

Create a professional document in accordance with instructions Read More »

It is 2025 and you are a captain working in the County Sheriff’s Department.

It is 2025 and you are a captain working in the County Sheriff’s Department.

Writing Question

Write a White Paper. It is 2025 and you are a captain working in the County Sheriff’s Department. The Sheriff and you were at a townhall meeting where many people complained about their concern with law enforcement’s increasing use of technology to invade their privacy. The Sheriff promised the people at the townhall meeting that she would discuss current and future technology at the next meeting. The Sheriff asked you to prepare a memo on emerging technologies and how it will impact the department. You must select two types of technology not yet used by the Sheriff’s Department. You are to briefly describe the technology, how it will be used, identify potential legal issues, and how you will inform the community of the technology’s use. After conducting research, you must write a white paper that follows the following criteria:

  1. Create a professional document in accordance with instructions in the Professional Writing Guide.
  2. The length must be between 500 and 1000 words. You will be penalized for shorter or longer memos.
  3. Word length applies to the body of the text only.
  4. Cite sources using footnote citations only.
  5. Text is single-spaced.
  6. Use proper grammar and punctuation.
  7. List word length at the end of your document.

You can use pros and cons of the selected technology to support your answer.

No title page needed. Single spaced.

Requirements: 500-1000 words max

It is 2025 and you are a captain working in the County Sheriff’s Department. Read More »

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