Law Question
Law Question
Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper on the goals, objectives, and challenges of criminal justice organizations and private security entities.
Compare and contrast criminal justice organizations and private security entities by discussing the following:
- Differing goals and objectives of federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies
- Challenges facing federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies
- Roles of the federal, state, and local court systems with respect to public safety and civil rights
- Objectives of probation, parole, and correctional organizations in regard to public safety and individual rights
- The privatization of government services with respect to policing, courts, and corrections
- The role of corporate or private security
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Compare and contrast criminal justice organizations
Compare and contrast criminal justice organizations
Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper on the goals, objectives, and challenges of criminal justice organizations and private security entities.
Compare and contrast criminal justice organizations and private security entities by discussing the following:
- Differing goals and objectives of federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies
- Challenges facing federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies
- Roles of the federal, state, and local court systems with respect to public safety and civil rights
- Objectives of probation, parole, and correctional organizations in regard to public safety and individual rights
- The privatization of government services with respect to policing, courts, and corrections
- The role of corporate or private security
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Compare and contrast criminal justice organizations Read More »
Records,Termination and Succession
Records,Termination and Succession
Week 9 Assignment – Records, Termination, and Succession
One of the major responsibilities of HR is to, of course, manage human capital. This continues after employee hiring and continues through termination and succession. Having effective policies in place that define these, and other functions in between, is critical to an organization’s commitment to ethical, legal, fair, and efficient operating practices. In this assignment, you are asked to share best practices or policies on these topics during a series of brown bag sessions (these are informal lunch time presentations).
Imagine that HR leadership is busy integrating the HR teams from both hospitals and they want to make sure department members are operating in concert with one another on a range of topics. Over the next several weeks, leadership plans to have you conduct three brown bag sessions (informal lunch-time presentations) that examine the topics of record keeping, ethics and law, and succession planning. They have asked you to write an executive summary of the content planned for each session in advance.
Session Descriptions:
- Session 1: Maintaining Accurate Employee Records—In this session, you identify, and elaborate upon, four reasons for maintaining accurate and objective employee records.
- Session 2: Ethical and Legal Termination—In this session, you examine the legal and ethical aspects of selecting and terminating an employee out of a group of people with similar performance, behaviors, and jobs as a part of a broad-ranging cost saving initiative. Employee differences:
- One has a disability.
- One is paid significantly more than others.
- One is 60 years of age and older than the others.
- One is planning on soon taking an extended family leave
- Session 3: Succession Planning—In this session, you recommend a process to identify and groom an internal candidate to move into a senior-level leadership position in a health care organization such as CEO, COO, and CFO.
Consider the scenario above and imagine that your audience is a group of department managers. Write an executive summary that introduces the topics in an introductory paragraph and then describes the content to be delivered in each of the three sessions in detail. Each session description should be two pages in length (six total pages plus cover page).
Your work will be measured against the following criteria:
- Identify, and elaborate upon, four reasons for maintaining accurate and objective employee records.
- Analyze the legal implications or requirements of a termination decision. (Make sure to reference specific statutes or laws that govern this area of employment law.)
- Analyze the ethical facets of a termination decision. (Make sure to reference an ethical framework to support your assertions or positions.)
- Recommend and justify a process to identify and groom a candidate for a senior-level position.
what is the Critical Race Theory concept of “interest convergence?”
what is the Critical Race Theory concept of “interest convergence?”
Weekly Discussion RaceTheory
Answer each question separately, does not have to be in essay format. All readings assigned to questions will be listed below.
(1) According to Derrick Bell, what is the Critical Race Theory concept of “interest convergence?” How might it affect the ability to achieve meaningful social change through law?
(2) After reading Sora Han’s essay, Brown’s Many Times, do you think law can address the violence of structural inequality? Why or why not?
(3) What is one example of psychological harm caused by inequality today, either in your own life, or in society in general? What is so harmful about it?
what is the Critical Race Theory concept of “interest convergence?” Read More »