You will be investigating your local area or state and identify one scarce resource.
Writing Question
You will be investigating your local area or state and identify one scarce resource. Please identify an environmental policy or program you plan to examine in the paper that has been used to deal with this scarce resource. Make sure that the proposed topic has a sustainability component to it. Define the policy or program, discuss its importance/relevance, outline its scope and objectives, and identify the stakeholders that are in the project. Do you think the policy or program to deal with this scarce resource will allow for more sustainability or not? What are your recommendations given all of the research you have done? Do you agree with the regulations/laws that have been proposed to help bring about sustainability? This paper should be five pages in length, which does not include your title and reference page that should be in APA formatting. You will need to make sure that you have at least 5 academic sources in your paper that are clearly noted to help either support or refute your position. You will need to include either one graph or table in your paper to present the data you are working with.
Please submit a three to five page paper; this does not include your title page nor your reference page. The project should address all questions listed above.
The project should be in APA Format and incorporate research and sources should be credited using APA format. Academic research should include text books, journals, articles and organizational resources.
Requirements: 3/5 pages
If you want to pick Virginia, that would be great. I posted another question if you’re interested.
As a behavior analyst, it is likely that you will work with many different types of clients, including clients with disabilities. It is especially critical that behavior analysts understand the requirements and ethical considerations in working with this population. Over the years, two critical pieces of legislation have been enacted in the United States to make sure individuals with disabilities have rights and are protected in this country.
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a law that was enacted in 1975. It ensures that public education is available at no charge to eligible children with disabilities, including special education and related services. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) became law in 1990. This is a law about fundamental civil rights for persons with disabilities. It protects individuals with disabilities against discrimination “in all areas of public life, including jobs, schools, transportation, and all public and private places that are open to the general public” (ADA National Network, n.d.).
This week’s Discussion focuses on IDEA and ADA. You will review these two laws and explore their impact on behavior analysts and how they practice their craft.
To prepare:
Review the Learning Resources for this week, as well as the required weekly media programs, to gain an understanding of the types of single-subject designs and when each is appropriate. Note: It is critical for you to review all media for this week prior to completing this Discussion
Consider the IDEA and the ADA. Post a response to the following question:
Be sure to support your postings with specific references to the Learning Resources and identify current relevant literature to support your work.
Requirements: one page
I am including the links to the required resources that need to be used for this discussion, if you would like to use extra scholarly resources make sure that you cite it APA7.
Who killed Clotilda? Polymerase Chain reaction for forensic science
Write a one-page affidavit identifying the killer for the court. To justify your identification, note where the DNA samples came from, describe how PCR analysis works (the components, their roles, and the purpose of each step in the reactions), and explain how you came to your conclusion.The Affidavit does not have to be an official formatted document. It can be in the form of a paper as long as it answers all the required questions!
Compose an affidavit identifying the suspect and the supporting PCR evidence
The steps to follow:
Research the technique and science of PCR, using the suggested videos, and complete DNA Analysis: PCR (file can be found above).
Using PCR Profiles: Who Killed Clotilda? (file can be found above), read background information on the crime. Compare the PCR profiles derived from crime scene evidence to those of the victim and the suspects.
Write a one-page affidavit, according to the directions in PCR Profiles: Who Killed Clotilda?. Justify your identification by discussing the validity of PCR analysis in criminal cases.
Your presentation should illustrate your understanding of how this issue affects your own life, the lives of those around you, and society. Give examples from your own personal and/or professional life that illustrate the impact this issue has. Present research that supports the need for social justice.
Prepare and Present Presentation
Written Presentations are brief discussions of a focused topic delivered to a group in order to impart knowledge or to stimulate discussion. Presentations are like short papers in that there is an introduction, main body and conclusion.
Prepare an outline of topic. Bullet or number the main points
This written presentation is roughly equivalent to 2 double spaced pages in 12-pt. font and 1” margins.
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Content
25 pts
Presentation content shows a thorough understanding of the topic. Substantive research effort is evident. Content is accurate and sequenced in a clear, logical way.
18.75 pts
Presentation content shows an adequate understanding of the topic. There some evidence of research. Content may contain inconsistencies or some connections made may not be supported.
Presentation content shows a lack of understanding of the topic. There is inadequate evidence of research and insufficient relevant information and facts. Content is confusing and/or contains frequent inaccuracies. Content is randomly organized.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Supporting Materials
25 pts
A variety of types of supporting materials (explanations, examples, illustrations, statistics, analogies, quotations from relevant authorities) make appropriate reference to information or analysis that significantly supports the presentation or establishes the presenter’s authority on the topic.
18.75 pts
Some use of supporting materials (explanations, examples, illustrations, statistics, analogies, quotations from relevant authorities) make appropriate reference to information or analysis that partially supports the presentation or establishes the presenter’s authority on the topic.
12.5 pts
Supporting materials (explanations, examples, illustrations, statistics, analogies, quotations from relevant authorities) make appropriate reference to information or analysis that generally supports the presentation or establishes the presenter’s authority on the topic.
6.25 pts
Not Proficient
Insufficient supporting materials (explanations, examples, illustrations, statistics, analogies, quotations from relevant authorities) make appropriate reference to information or analysis that minimally supports the presentation or establishes the presenter’s authority on the topic.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Speaker Credibility
25 pts
Displays outstanding confidence, and seriousness of purpose and is highly effective in delivering a well-polished oral presentation demonstrating excellent communication skills and is within the set time limit. Preparation was strongly evident.
18.75 pts
Displays confidence, and seriousness of purpose and is effective in delivering the oral presentation demonstrating good communication skills and is generally close to the set time limit. Preparation was evident.
12.75 pts
Displays some confidence, and seriousness of purpose and is somewhat effective in delivering the oral presentation demonstrating average communication skills and is slightly over or under the set time limit. More preparation was needed.
6.25 pts
Not Proficient
Displays marginal confidence, and seriousness of purpose and is ineffective in delivering the oral presentation demonstrating below average communication skills and is substantially over or under the set time limit. Lack of preparation was evident.
25 pts
Activity Outcomes
Identify social justice issues in diverse and special populations.
Based upon Frontline: Inside the Meltdown (Links to an external site.) and
the corresponding transcript/information (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external
site.), in a 750 to 1000 word essay, discuss key points, including in relation to Unit 6
course material and the research article used in the discussion.