Read the brief vignette of a ficticious crime below and then write a 600 word paper (about 2 pages double spaced) that addresses the “steps” below.
A robbery of a liquor store occurs at 11:00 on a Friday night. Two men enter with shotguns and steal the contents of the register and some lottery tickets. An employee working at the store, is the only witness and there is no recording of the crime. The student was drinking a beer at the time of the robbery but has a BAC far below the legal limit for intoxication at the time of the crime and the police notes and body camera recordings show no signs of intoxication. The employee recognizes one of the men from a pick-up basketball game he plays in every couple of weeks but he says the man was disguised with sunglasses and a wig during the robbery. In a line-up he identifies the man and says he is highly certain that it is the robber.
As the robbers left the store, one of them grabs a bottle with his barehands and throws it on the floor. It breaks into several pieces. The crime scene investigators reassemble the bottle in a lab and pull two partial finger prints off of it. A finger print analyst matches the print to the one taken from the suspect at booking.
There are a lot of potential details left out of the vignette. That is to give you room to ask pointed questions in court to try to reinforce the efivence/testimony or to undermine it.
Steps for the paper:
1. Imagine that you are working for a prosecutor or a defense attorney (pick only one)…PROSECUTOR
2. If you had the choice between the eyewitness identifying the defendant or the physical evidence that links the defendant to the crime, which would you prefer to present to the jury as evidence of the suspects guilt OR to have to argue against before the jury (depending on the role you chose)? PHYSICAL EVIDENCE
3. Using what you learned in class and other resources, why did you pick the witness or the physical evidence?
4. What is the point that you would reinforce the most or attack the most to make your case to the jury?
Papers should be DOUBLE SPACED and proofread for grammar and spelling.
References should be cited in a professional format (e.g., APA or MLA
Requirements: 2 pages not including cover and reference
Answer 5 of the 6 following questions and submit to the correct Dropbox. General instructions for completion of the Nuts and Bolts assignments are in the General Assignment Instructions section of the Content area. Please number your answers to correspond to the number of the applicable question.
Explain how the Anglican System influenced the rules of evidence in the United States. What is the main difference between the rules of evidence in the Anglican and American systems?
Discuss the adoption of the Federal Rules of Evidence for Federal courts and explain to what extent the Federal Rules of Evidence are being adopted in state courts. In answering the question, please explain the role of Congress and the Supreme Court in the adoption of the rules.
What is the difference between an objection based on the form of the question and an objection based upon the substance of the question?
What effect do the decisions of the United States Supreme Court have upon state rules of evidence? Explain your answer.
Is direct evidence, such as eyewitness identification, more reliable than circumstantial evidence? Explain your answer.
This is a formal writing assignment; therefore, you must cite all references, and all written assignments must comply with proper English grammatical and spelling rules. No specific citation style is required; however, you must use quotations when appropriate and include enough information to sufficiently identify your source(s). If quoting a reference verbatim, you must also include the page number. Please cite your source after each answer; one reference to the text at the end of the assignment is not sufficient. Failure to cite sources or improper citation of sources will result in a one-point deduction per answer. Our Stafford Library has an excellent guide on Citing Sources to guide you. Formal writing style also requires that, except for bona fide emphasis, your work shall be in prose and not in “bullet” format. Complete, grammatically-correct sentences are expected.There will be deductions from a student’s written assignment if the vast majority of the assignment submission consists of cut-and-paste, verbatim material from sources, even if you cite the source.
Locate a sociological theory (it does not have to be one of the theories listed previously). Explain that theory with its relation to juvenile delinquency.
Please note that sociological theories relate to society and external influences over a juvenile, not psychological influences (which relate to internalization within a person) or biological influences (which concern physical problems).
Once you decide on a theory, write a 800-1000 word essay addressing the following:
Describe how it relates to juveniles by explaining what the theory believes causes the juvenile problems.
Your essay should follow APA format. The first part should define the sociological theory. The second part should provide details about addressing the problem. Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.
Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon has introduced multiple proposals intended to reform the criminal justice system in LA. For your final project, you will summarize and evaluate the evidence on the impact of ONE of the 11 Special Directives listed on the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office lice of Polices. All are linked here: (you can copy paste them on google to view)
Each student should select one of these directives to evaluate, in a double spaced, 12 point times new roman, 7 page term paper. All external sources should be cited using APA format. Your evaluation should address the following three issues:
What is the problem that the directive is trying to solve? Clearly explain how the directive alters the incentives facing potential criminals, defendants facing adjudication, defense attorneys, district attorneys or judges relative to the status quo – note that not all groups might be affected by all directives.
Is there any empirical evidence on the likely impact of the suggested reform? What sources of data might be used to evaluate the extent to which the directive improves social welfare?
Do any of the theoretical concepts covered in class, or examples from US of World history offer any lessons for how this directive might impact the crime rate, incarceration rate, and racial disparities in who interacts with the criminal justice system?