
Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Theory – Unit 3 Rogers – Delinquency Influences

Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Theory – Unit 3 Rogers – Delinquency Influences

Assignment Details – In 300 words or more address the following providing references for support

Assignment Details

Part 1: Review the U.S. Department of Justice definition of a gang.

Part 2: Invent a fictional character and select at least 3 specific elements, known or unknown to them, that might have influenced their decision to join a gang. Consider the following:

Part 3: Using what you’ve learned thus far (Delinquency Theories) , address the following:

  • Explain how the elements you selected influenced your character’s choice to join a gang.

( Examples – Strain Theory, Rational Theory )

  • Once you have explained the elements you selected, address at least 1 myth related to gang activity.

The textbook we are using in class that you can use as a Reference:

Bartollas, C., & Schmalleger, F. (2017). Juvenile Delinquency (Justice Series) (3rd Edition). Pearson Education (US).

Requirements: 300 words or more

Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Theory – Unit 3 Rogers – Delinquency Influences Read More »



Law Question

1 short essay question and 1 fact-pattern. ( 200WORDS PER PART)

please check the file for instructions on the assignment.

Please follow the rubric.

please include foot-notes as citations.

I will provide the book that has to be used once we get in contact and some powerpoints to aid with it

Requirements: Refer to instructions


book link:

LAWS2202 – Winter – Just Between the Law and Us Obligations, 2e



please use the book to answer the assignment. and or the powerpoints . make sure to cite everything as footnotes

Here is the link for one of the powerpoints let me know if you’re able to acess it, so I can send you the rest:…

Fwd: B501 1.5PAGES DUE NOON Read More »

Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Theory – Unit 3 Rogers – Delinquency Influences

Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Theory – Unit 3 Rogers – Delinquency Influences

Assignment Details

The gangs in your town have become increasingly more violent over time. There have been several serious incidents of violence and drive-by shootings, an increase in drug traffic, and attempts to recruit new gang members in the local middle and high schools. In the past, your local police department chose not to partner with the community and failed to see a lasting reduction in gang activity. You know that they have recently started a new community policing program in an effort to try and address this situation.

Your supervisor at the juvenile justice non-profit organization where you work has asked you to create a plan for a community gang initiative that works with the police efforts. You recognize that increasing police patrols and gang arrests in the area are only a short-term solution. You want to implement a program that will provide a long-term solution through community and police cooperation.

Write an action plan of at least 3-5 pages that addresses this problem in the community. Your action plan should include, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Several initiatives that will assist in rectifying the problems, including the following:
  • How can the negative effects of violence on children be lessened?
  • Do you believe that there should be a limitation on the violent video games that children are permitted to play? Explain your position.
  • What type of assistance will you ask for from the community as a whole?
  • What role will the police department take?
  • How will you measure the effectiveness of your plan?

Use this tutorial to help you complete this assignment.

Requirements: 3 – 5 pages in depth

Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Theory – Unit 3 Rogers – Delinquency Influences Read More »

Please read: citing is very important to this assignment

Please read: citing is very important to this assignment

Please pay attention to citations

Please read: citing is very important to this assignment and making sure you site properly and refer to the citation and not making anything up and then putting a citation at the bottom( please don’t do that )

You are a prosecutor and you are working a high profile case in your jurisdiction. The case involves the murder of a two young boys. The police arrested two males – one who was 17 years old and another who was 18 at the time of the murders. The evidence collected by the police includes the testimony of two eyewitnesses: a 9 year old boy who claimed to see the two victims talking to the defendants on the day of the homicides and a former girlfriend of one of the defendants who claims he confessed to the murders. It comes to your attention that both eyewitnesses have changed details of their stories throughout the investigation, however, police did manage to get the 17 year old defendant to confess to the crime. He later recanted his confession claiming police coerced him to confess. Both defendants have a history of drug arrests and the older defendant has been arrested for assault twice in the past. The citizens in your jurisdiction believe that the two men sacrificed the boys in some sort of satanic ritual because the two men had made claims to worship the devil while in high school and both had pentagram tattoos on their necks. As the trial approaches and you are reviewing all of the evidence submitted by police, you happen upon a piece of exculpatory evidence indicating that the two defendants are innocent. You know that the election is coming up and that if you do not win the case, you’ll likely lose the next election.

  1. What would you do?
  2. What ethical system influenced your decision? Explain thoroughly.
  3. Based on what you have read about the rules governing legal professionals, was what you did ethical? Explain.

Reminders for Grading (refer to syllabus and discussion board rubric for full details):

  • You must make at least two contributions a week to the discussion board. This includes: your own response to the discussion question(s) AND at least one response to other posts in the discussion area. You must ANSWER ALL PARTS OF THE QUESTION(S).
  • Comments to other students’ discussion posts cannot be “I agree/disagree.” You must provide substantive feedback in responses to other students’ post. This means you must provide an explanation for why you agree or disagree, and/or raise possible concerns/questions you may have regarding the arguments set forth in the post.
  • You must cite any source(s) you use to support your statements/arguments. All citations should be in APA format. DO NOT COPY AND PASTE INFORMATION from sources – this is plagiarism! If you copy and paste information in your discussion post, then you will be given a zero for the assignment.
  • Each discussion post is worth 6% of your final grade. Half of your grade is based on your original response to the discussion question(s) and the remainder is based on your response to other posts in the discussion board. To receive full credit for the assignment, you must answer/address all parts of the discussion prompt.
  • Incorporate course readings into your posts (original and response). See syllabus and rubric for details

Required Texts: Pollock, J. M. (2019). Ethical dilemmas and decisions in criminal justice, 10th edition. Boston, MA: Cengage.

if you cant access the book I will send you pictures of the chapter required. Please cite from the book twice at least and include the chapter and page in the citation . Citation is in APA and so is the paper

please site from the book I have listed. Do you need me to submit screenshots of the chapter required

citations should be from chapter 10 of the boo

Please read: citing is very important to this assignment Read More »

Write two paragraphs regarding the German system

Write two paragraphs regarding the German system

Discussion Post

Write two paragraphs regarding the German system and how it’s clearly based on a different philosophy of human nature because the conditioning techniques they use are quite different in many ways from the style of behaviorism practiced here in the U.S. prison system. Your first paragraph should be 4-6 sentences long and explain what you think are the three most important differences in how the German system treats its prisoners compared to the system we have here in the United States. This paragraph should reference direct and specific examples from the video clip. In your second paragraph of 4-6 sentences offer your overall impression and opinion after watching the video. What do you like and dislike about their system? Do you think it could work well here in the U.S.?

This youtube is necessary to view: The German prison program that inspired Connecticut – YouTube

Requirements: 1-2 Pages 

Write two paragraphs regarding the German system Read More »

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