
Individual Project – Unit 3 – Drug law violation processing

Individual Project – Unit 3 – Drug law violation processing

Officer Landonio is now on the drug task force. He and three other officers have to serve a search warrant regarding a stolen 50-inch plasma television set. He serves the search warrant and walks into the residence with the three officers. Sitting on the coffee table is a variety of narcotics, both prescription and illegal. What are his options at this time?

During the search, one officer opens a kitchen cabinet and finds a kilogram of cocaine. Can Officer Landonio take this as evidence and arrest the residents? Why or why not? What would be the next step in this process?

Check the laws in a U.S. state of your choosing and the requirements of arrest warrants. Be sure to use references and citations in your material.

Assignment Guidelines

Address the following in 3–5 pages:

  • Can Officer Landonio take the cocaine as evidence? Why or why not?
  • Assuming that the residents of the dwelling are present, what are Officer Landonio’s options upon finding the prescribed and illegal narcotics on the table? Explain.
    • What actions will he be required to take by law? Explain.
    • How does discretion come into play in this case?
    • How can nonresidents present in the dwelling be handled? Explain.
      • With what can they be charged if arrested? Explain.
  • If the residents are arrested, what are the next steps in the process? Explain.
  • Can drug courts come into play regarding this case? Why or why not?
  • Typically, when will drug law offenders be fined, and when will they be incarcerated? Explain.
  • Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

When complete, submit your assignment.

The following grading rubric will be used for this assignment.

Requirements: 3 – 5 pages

here is our course textbook for reference: Abadinsky, H. (2017). Drug Use and Abuse: A Comprehensive Introduction (9th Edition). Cengage Limited.

Also my state is Texas if this helps

Individual Project – Unit 3 – Drug law violation processing Read More »

Individual Project – Unit 3 – Drug law violation processing

Individual Project – Unit 3 – Drug law violation processing

Officer Landonio is now on the drug task force. He and three other officers have to serve a search warrant regarding a stolen 50-inch plasma television set. He serves the search warrant and walks into the residence with the three officers. Sitting on the coffee table is a variety of narcotics, both prescription and illegal. What are his options at this time?

During the search, one officer opens a kitchen cabinet and finds a kilogram of cocaine. Can Officer Landonio take this as evidence and arrest the residents? Why or why not? What would be the next step in this process?

Check the laws in a U.S. state of your choosing and the requirements of arrest warrants. Be sure to use references and citations in your material.

Assignment Guidelines

Address the following in 3–5 pages:

  • Can Officer Landonio take the cocaine as evidence? Why or why not?
  • Assuming that the residents of the dwelling are present, what are Officer Landonio’s options upon finding the prescribed and illegal narcotics on the table? Explain.
    • What actions will he be required to take by law? Explain.
    • How does discretion come into play in this case?
    • How can nonresidents present in the dwelling be handled? Explain.
      • With what can they be charged if arrested? Explain.
  • If the residents are arrested, what are the next steps in the process? Explain.
  • Can drug courts come into play regarding this case? Why or why not?
  • Typically, when will drug law offenders be fined, and when will they be incarcerated? Explain.
  • Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

When complete, submit your assignment.

The following grading rubric will be used for this assignment.

Requirements: 3 – 5 pages

here is our course textbook for reference: Abadinsky, H. (2017). Drug Use and Abuse: A Comprehensive Introduction (9th Edition). Cengage Limited.

Also my state is Texas if this helps

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Individual project – Drug Law Strategies – Unit 5

Individual project – Drug Law Strategies – Unit 5

Drug courts are supervised judicial entities that specifically deal with nonviolent drug offenses. The purpose of these courts is to accommodate recovery and restoration of the offenders to make them productive members of society.

Assignment Guidelines

Address the following in 6–10 pages:

  • What are the specific goals of drug courts? Explain.
  • When is a person tried at a drug court? Explain.
  • Find a drug court in a municipality near you.
    • What types of agencies are involved in this drug court? Explain
    • What methods and techniques does this drug court use for supervision, treatment, and graduation? Explain.
    • What specific types of offenses seem to be most common in this court? Explain.
    • What special programs are in place to ensure the success of this court? Explain in detail.
  • Are drug courts effective? Use research to support your response.
  • Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.
  • Content/60% (21 points each)
  • Organization/15% (21 points)
  • APA Formatting/10% (14 points)
  • Verbatim Text/5% (7 points)
  • Mechanics/10% (14 points)

Requirements: 6 – 10 pages

Here is the textbook to use for reference – Abadinsky, H. (2017). Drug Use and Abuse: A Comprehensive Introduction (9th Edition). Cengage Limited.

Individual project – Drug Law Strategies – Unit 5 Read More »

Individual Project – unit 1 Rosa – Real, Demonstrative, and Circumstantial Evidence

Individual Project – unit 1 Rosa – Real, Demonstrative, and Circumstantial Evidence

Assignment Details

You are a new member of a crime scene investigative (CSI) unit that is only a couple of months old. The Chief of Police asks you to create an introductory document for a new community outreach program. The goal is to help the community understand the different types of evidence and how they are used.

Write a 3-4 page paper that addresses the following points:

  • What is the difference between real or physical evidence and testimonial evidence?
  • Provide 5 examples of real or physical evidence that might require explanation in court by you because you are the one recording, recovering, processing, and packaging the evidence you recovered.
  • Why is real or physical evidence important for the triers of fact (jury)?
  • What is demonstrative evidence, and why is it used to clarify issues in trials?
  • What is the difference between direct evidence and circumstantial evidence? Explain.
  • What is the concept of overwhelming circumstantial evidence? Explain.
  • Can circumstantial evidence be enough for a conviction? Why or why not?

Requirements: 3 to 4 pages


here is the textbook for the course for a reference – Garland, N. (2019). Criminal Evidence (8th Edition). McGraw-Hill Higher Education (US).

The paper will need an introduction and conclusion as well. We are to use APA 7th addistion

Individual Project – unit 1 Rosa – Real, Demonstrative, and Circumstantial Evidence Read More »

Discussion Board – Unit 3 Sylvester – Pretrial Procedures

Discussion Board – Unit 3 Sylvester – Pretrial Procedures

Assignment Details – in 300 words or more

This week, you are continuing your study of the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments. Respond to 1 of the following questions. Support your answer with at least 1 published court case, such as a case from the U.S. Supreme Court.

  • What is the search incident to arrest doctrine, and how could be it be applied? Write a fact pattern with an example of search incident to arrest. Be specific with your facts, and cite a published case in which the court discusses a search incident to an arrest.


  • What are exigent circumstances, and how would they excuse the need for a search warrant? Write a fact pattern with an example of exigent circumstances. Be specific with your facts, and cite a published case in which the court discusses exigent circumstances.
  • Grading Rubric
    Assignment CriteriaProficient DescriptorPoints
    Quality of Main Post

    21 Points

    Student’s main post meets or exceeds the following requirements:

    • Responds completely to all of parts of discussion question. (6 points)
    Communicates content information accurately and/or logically (5 points)
    • Delivers a thoughtful response demonstrating insights and reflections (5 points)
    • Connects to key content concepts and personal experiences (if applicable) (5 points)

    /21 pts.
    Response to Peers

    20 Points

    Responds to a minimum of two peers. (10 points per response)
    o Substantive response (5 points)
    o Furthers the conversation with peers. Examples could include: (5 points)

    /20 pts.
    Support from Learning Resources

    4 Points

    At least one post references course resources or library resources./4 pts.
    Professional Writing

    5 points
    Response is well-organized, clear and free of grammatical and mechanical errors.

    Posts demonstrate courtesy and respect for others.

    /5 pts.
    Total50 Points Possible/50 pts.

Requirements: 300 or more words

Discussion Board – Unit 3 Sylvester – Pretrial Procedures Read More »

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