
DiscussionBoard – Unit3Rosa – FederalRules of Evidence

DiscussionBoard – Unit3Rosa – FederalRules of Evidence

Assignment Details

You have worked in a regional crime scene unit for four years. The team recently hired three graduates from a Professional Certification Organization for Crime Scene Investigators. The three graduates’ specialties are firearms identification, blood spatter pattern analysis, and fingerprint comparison. You have been working under their respective specialty supervisors for several years and have been involved in research and live case work.

They have never testified on their own as expert witnesses and they have come to you asking what the credentials are to become an expert witness in a case and who makes the decision that they are an expert witness for that trial.

They also want to know, once they are found to be an expert witness in a trial, does it mean they are automatically considered to be an expert for the same subject in the next trial that they must testify in?

Address their concerns by answering the following:

  • What are two qualifying conditions that you would recommend the graduates pursue in order to be considered an expert witness in a trial? Why do you believe that these two conditions are important?
  • Review other student’s answers. Use your discussion board response to share which of their qualifying conditions would you add to yours and explain why.
  • You are at a friend’s party speaking to someone you just met. They seem interested in knowing how expert witnesses work. How would you explain to them the process of becoming an expert witness and how it applies to different trials?

Requirements: 300 or more words

here is the course textbook for reference – Garland, N. (2019). Criminal Evidence (8th Edition). McGraw-Hill Higher Education (US).

DiscussionBoard – Unit3Rosa – FederalRules of Evidence Read More »

How may these issues be addressed? COR202 AND CJT 202 ASSIGNMNETS

How may these issues be addressed? COR202 AND CJT 202 ASSIGNMNETS


In 1-2 pages, discuss issues jail administrators and correction officers may face during daily operations. How may these issues be addressed?

APA format required, title page, reference page, proper citation


In a minimum of 1-2 pages, discuss the federal prison system, the types of prisons, style of system, and programming. You may use outside resources to research this assignment.

APA format required, title page, reference page, proper citation


In 1-2 pages, discuss the process needed in order to obtain a search warrant, what information is needed? Explain the difference between a search warrant and an arrest warrant?

APA format required, title page, reference page, proper citation


In 1-2 pages, briefly discuss the types of evidence investigators may encounter while investigating a crime. Give an example of a least two types of evidence.

APA format required, title page, reference page, proper citation



How may these issues be addressed? COR202 AND CJT 202 ASSIGNMNETS Read More »

Persons with Mental Illness

Persons with Mental Illness

The criminal justice system often becomes the first point of contact for treatment of persons with mental illness. As such, professionals in the system must have strategies and processes for interacting ethically and safely with members of this population and for promoting the welfare of individuals with mental illness and the safety interests of the community. There are many programs that provide frameworks for working with this population. The crisis intervention team (CTI) or “Memphis Model” is considered one of the gold standards. It was developed in partnership with the Memphis Police Department and University of Memphis and is now promoted by the National Alliance on Mental Illness.

To Prepare

Explore the resources about the CIT model in this week’s Learning Resources.

Consider the value of such programs in our current criminal justice system.

The Assignment (2 pages)

Your submission should include the following:

An explanation of specific areas in which programs like CIT can benefit law enforcement and the communities they serve

An explanation of potential risks to people with mental illness, community members, and criminal justice professionals that could exist without commitment to such programs

Requirements: 2 pages

Persons with Mental Illness Read More »

COR 202 corrections

COR 202 corrections

Discussion 5

In 2-3 paragraphs, discuss the different security levels of the state prisons in your state. (Maryland) Do you believe prisoners should be separated by levels or should the population be integrated?

All initial posts should reference the textbook or at least one outside source. All sources must be cited using APA guidelines. Posts received after 11:59 p.m.


Assignment 5

In a minimum of 1-2 pages, discuss the different types of prison levels and which type of prisoner is held at each level. Use your own state’s (Maryland) prison system as a reference.

APA format required, title page, reference page, proper citation


Material for Discussion and Assignment 5


Discussion 6

In 2-3 paragraphs, discuss the prison population in the United States. What do you believe attributes to a change in the population?

All initial posts should reference the textbook or at least one outside source. All sources must be cited using APA guidelines.


Assignment 6

In 3-4 paragraphs, discuss the top 3 criminal convictions that make up the United States prison population.

APA format required


Material for Discussion 6 and Assignment 6

COR 202 corrections Read More »

Ethics around the globe PHI 1520-01

Ethics around the globe PHI 1520-01


Relate one’s moral framework to notable ethical theories on the topic of justice.


The topic of justice manifests itself in a variety of ways, and is often discussed in broad terms. What does justice mean to you? In this assessment you will address the subject of justice and related ethical theories. In a properly formatted, researched paper, you need to address the following questions:

  • What does justice mean to you?
  • What do you believe is a good foundation for justice?
  • What is Rawls’ foundation of justice and how does it relate to what justice means to you?
  • What are the key features regarding global economic justice?
  • What do you believe are the most important issues within social justice currently and why are these important?

In your paper, ensure that you use credible academic sources, and cite them properly.

Requirements: 3-5 pages

plagiarism check and just strictly answering the question as asked.

Ethics around the globe PHI 1520-01 Read More »

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