
Define each negative factor and explain why it is an issue.

Define each negative factor and explain why it is an issue.

Management Question

Guidelines for the project assignment:

  • This is an individual project, which is part from your course score. It requires effort and critical thinking.
  • Your answer must be supported by different resources.
  • At least 2 references sources.
  • Any proof of copying will result to 0 mark.
  • Use font Times New Roman, Calibri or Arial.
  • Use 1.5 or double line spacing with left Justify all paragraphs.
  • Use the footer function to insert page number.
  • Ensure that you follow the APA style in your project.
  • Your project report length should be between 400-500 words

Due to the remarkable raise and advancement of technology, lots of large companies are moving forward to digitalize and virtualize how they do business internally and externally, such as virtual teams. Moreover, one of the virtual team advantages is the ability for a company to create the dream team without boundaries as it eliminates the element of desistance, core knowledge and skills limitation. With all these wonderful components there are many issues and might have a large negative impact to the whole process of creating a virtual team and working as and within a virtual team. These concerns can be outlined as the following:

  • Communication
  • Trust
  • Productivity


  1. Define each negative factor and explain why it is an issue.
  2. Outline 2 solutions for each of the presented issues.

Define each negative factor and explain why it is an issue. Read More »

Human resources

Human resources


Reflect on the status of human resource management in your current position or organization.

What elements can you identify that provide a human resource management perspective that focuses on the employees within the organization?

What elements can you identify that provide a more strategic human resource management focus on the whole of the organization?

Describe, if possible, how your company accepts the HR department as a strategic partner.


Read “Defining Aspects of Human Resource Management Strategy Within the General Strategy of the Modern Organization,” by Emanoil and Nicoleta, from Annals of the University of Oradea, Economic Science Series (2013).

Requirements: 2

Human resources Read More »

Write a reader response to the reading

Write a reader response to the reading

Writing Question


Write a reader response to the reading and focus on a character’s development. Focus on characterization, but choose any character you like. See the Character Analysis Resources provided. Set a new minimum word count of 200 for each journal. MLA Style document design required.

Include mention of the author, the title of the work, the genre (short story, novella), the time period, and offer a direct quote from the text to support your strongest point. Cite your sources. Optional: Go further and quote the author of Binti < ? or the following literary analysis of “The Mulatto” : “Seeds of Rebellion.”

Requirements: 200 Words

Write a reader response to the reading Read More »

transactional, Charismatic, and Transformational Approaches to Leadership

transactional, Charismatic, and Transformational Approaches to Leadership

Dr. Wassmiah is a leader in a local hospital and works well in the environment. The hospital’s environment is characterized by well-defined individual roles where each employee knows what is expected of him or her. Employee conflicts are minimized as everyone understands his or her responsibility, and the coordination of all activities leads to goal attainment. There is no duplication of work. Dr. Wassmiah encourages people to perform well and rewards positive behavior to boost productivity. Most goals Dr. Wassmiah sets are short-term, making them easier to fulfill, less intimidating to achieve, and as a result, employees are interested in obtaining the various rewards. When a problem arises, Dr. Wassmiah directs the employees in what to do and is quick to point out if the employee does not deliver results. However, Dr. Wassmiah suspects that employees are not working when there is no supervision.

What style of leadership is most likely described in this case and why have you reached that conclusion? What are the advantages of this type of leadership and what examples from the case support your position? What are the disadvantages of this type of leadership and what examples from the case support your position? What are the implications for employee motivation with this type of leadership? What other styles of leadership might be complementary to that described in the case and why?


  • Write an essay that includes an introduction paragraph, the essay’s body, and a conclusion paragraph to address the assignment’s guide questions. Do not address the questions using a question-and-answer format.

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be 3-5 pages in length, which does not include the title and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
  • Use academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.
  • Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two current, scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles. Current articles are those published in the last five years.

Requirements: Be 3-5 pages in length, which does not include the title and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements. Use academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.

please follow the rules and directions and keep in mind no plagiarism

use the newest APA style

must use 7apa style that is what i mean

transactional, Charismatic, and Transformational Approaches to Leadership Read More »

Creative Writing Question

Creative Writing Question

Needs and Readiness Assessment

Submit the assignment by 11:59 PM PT Sunday of Module 1.

In this assignment, you will create and survey a target audience in an educational setting of your choice using two types of needs assessments – one to determine professional development needs and the other to determine readiness for collaborative participation in a professional learning community.

  • Create a 4 to 5-page paper (not including title and references pages) in a Word document for your response.
  • Use APA format for the paper, title page, references page, and in-text citations.
  • Develop an introduction and conclusion for your paper.
  • Follow the directions to submit your final Word document.

Determining Needs and Readiness

Selecting a Target Audience

Select and introduce a target audience in an educational setting to survey and determine (1) professional learning needs and (2) readiness for participation in a collaborative professional learning community. Identify the type of educational organization, the number of staff members surveyed, and their roles in the organization. NOTE: The target audience for your needs assessment may be an entire staff, department, or small group of coworkers. Summarize your purpose for administering the survey.

Designing and Compiling the Survey

Design the two-part survey according to the following directions:

Digital Learning Connections icon

Professional Learning Needs Assessment Survey (Part 1)

Design a comprehensive needs assessment survey to determine the professional learning needs of staff members in an educational setting. For guidance, access the “Needs Assessment Example QuestionsPreview the document.” Needs Assessment will be Part 1 of yoursurvey.

Readiness for a PLC Assessment Survey (Part 2)

Access the “Current Readiness Survey for a Professional Learning Community.”Preview the document Using or adapting the items provided, design a readiness assessment for your survey. Readiness Assessment will be Part 2 of your survey.

Compile the two surveys in a single instrument.

Administering the Survey

Compose an email invitation to target audience members asking them to participate in the survey. Include the title and purpose of the survey and how the results will be used to plan a customized professional learning experience for them. Include either the survey document or the link to the survey in the email. Include the email in your paper.


Compose a conclusion in which you reflect on the process so far.

Compile the parts of your paper for submission in Module 1:

  • Introduction
  • Survey instrument
  • Email invitation
  • Conclusion/Reflection

Preparing for the Module 2 Assignment

In preparation for the Module 2 assignment:

Collect the data separately for Parts 1 and 2 of the survey, and analyze the results. Determine how you will display each set of results.

For Part 1, consider:

  • How will you prioritize the needs?
  • What trends do you see in the data?
  • How can these data help you design and implement meaningful professional learning experiences for the target audience?

For Part 2, consider:

  • What trends do you see in the data? What barriers are present?
  • How will you address the barriers through professional learning?

Creative Writing Question Read More »

Construction Risks Scenario

Construction Risks Scenario

This paper should be 5/6 pages, Times New Roman, size 12, double-spaced (4 pages are too short; 7 pages are too long).

Use Hypo #3, Please find the attached document.

From it, choose three (3) issues/problems to analyze and discuss thoroughly and thoughtfully as to the impact (if any) on each of the four main roles identified in this class: Owner; Architect/Engineer; Contractor; and, Sub-Contractor/Supplier.

Consider the impact of likely contract terms, allocation of risk (including possible insurance and/or bonds); possible fixes/remedies; how the problem/issues—and possible resolutions/fixes–may influence/impact the relationship(s) between and among the four roles.

Explain and defend your analyses and conclusions.

The reflection must answer the following prompts FULLY. Prompts require deep analysis.

Please review the attached scenario and let me know what three issues/problems you will address.

The attachment came as four PNG’s due to there being a size limit on the file so I sent them as screenshots. Let me know if you have any questions.

Requirements: 5/6 pages, Times New Roman, size 12, double-spaced

Construction Risks Scenario Read More »

Management Question

kmManagement Question

I provide you a link to the textbook so you could use it for the research, Decision Making is chapter 6.

The textbook, Organizational Behavior, is freely available online at:

Description : ?

We like to think that decisions should be, and are, made using a rational process. As described in Chapter Six, issues are defined, alternatives are generated, criteria for evaluating these alternatives are developed, and the alternatives are evaluated against these criteria. Pros and cons of each alternative are generated and considered. In human resource management, the process that should be used when evaluating candidates for a job is described in this fashion. (See Table 17.2)

In reality, many decisions are made in much less rational manner. Chapter Six describes some biases in decision-making, and people often use heuristics to try and narrow down choices. The chapter provides many examples of challenges in making decisions, including a table with some logical fallacies. (A “less than scientific” list of many potential biases and fallacies is available in Wikipedia ( In a current decision as to whether to get rid of some office furniture in my home, I am probably influenced by the “IKEA Effect.”)

For this paper, focus on one “significant” decision you have made in your life. It could be regarding a job, where to attend college, what major to study, who to marry (or not), or involve a major purchase. Look back on that decision and reflect on how rationally, or irrationally, the decision was made. Identify the biases and heuristics that may have influenced the decision, and describe their impact. Finally, describe whether you believe the final decision, however flawed the process, was a good one or not.

Requirements: ?

– 1400 – 2000 words

– Referencing of all sources used.

– APA format for the paper and references.

Management Question Read More »

Aligning Professional Learning, Vision, and Mission

Aligning Professional Learning, Vision, and Mission

In this assignment, you will work from the topics identified in the proposal (Module 2) to plan a customized professional learning experience for the target audience. As a part of the planning process, you will research the vision and mission statements of the educational organization and use them as models to compose vision and mission statements for professional learning.

  • Create a 6 to 8-page paper (not including title and references pages) in a Word document for your response.
  • Use APA format for the paper, title page, references page, and in-text citations.
  • Develop an introduction and conclusion for your paper.
  • Follow the directions to submit your final Word document.

Part 1: Aligning Professional Learning, Vision, and Mission

As a part of the planning process for a customized professional learning experience for the identified target audience, locate the vision and mission statements for the educational organization.

Using these as models, work collaboratively with at least two colleagues to compose vision and mission statements for the professional learning experience. The goal is to align the statements to the organizational vision and mission. NOTE: You will submit the vision and mission statements as part of Part 2: Planning Professional Learning.

Part 2: Planning Professional Learning

Based on the topics identified in the proposal (Module 2), plan a professional learning experience for the identified target audience at the selected educational organization. You may use a narrative format or design a template for your plan.

Components of the plan should include:

Specific Topics to Be Addressed: (1) Readiness for a Professional Learning Community and (2) Needs Assessment

Purpose of the Professional Learning Experience – Explain what is to be experienced and how it is customized to the target audience.

Learning Objectives – Select 2-3 learning objectives, and begin them with measurable verbs.

Professional Learning Vision and Mission (Part 1) – State the vision and mission you developed collaboratively in Part 1 for professional learning.

Readiness for a Professional Learning Community – Address the topic(s) identified in the proposal related to the (a) overall state of readiness for collaborative professional learning based on the survey results and (b) potential barriers to collaborative work. Identify 2-3 activities/strategies to strengthen readiness and/or eliminate barriers. (NOTE: You may use the same or similar strategies/activities to address the topics related to needs.

Professional Development Needs – Address the topic(s) identified in the proposal based on the priority needs of the target audience. If appropriate, apply the same or similar strategies/activities used for the readiness portion of the plan. This will provide participants more practice in collaborative work.

Essential Resources – List the resources needed for the professional learning experience.

Post-Course Self-Evaluation – Design and administer a post-course self-evaluation of 5 items (4 multiple choice and 1 open-ended) to determine if the objectives of the professional learning experience are met. Include the 5 self-evaluation items in the plan.

Requirements: 5 pgs

Aligning Professional Learning, Vision, and Mission Read More »

Leadership and Management—A Personal Perspective

Tittle: Leadership and Management—A Personal Perspective
Choose Topic: Psychology
Select number of pages: 1
Question Description: For this Assignment, you assess your strengths and areas for growth in order to determine what aspects of leadership and management are a good “fit” with your personality, leadership style, and relevant skills. You also address how external factors might influence you as you serve in a leadership or management role.

Assignment (4–5 paragraphs): Complete the following:

Assess your strengths and areas for growth with regard to both the leadership and management roles based on what you understand about these roles so far. Be sure to address whether your skills and interests align better with the leadership or management role.
Identify at least one area of growth in either of these roles you would like to further develop, and explain why.
Identify two significant external factors that might influence your work if you served in a leadership or management role in social work. Explain why these external factors are significant and how they might affect your work as a leader or manager.

Leadership and Management—A Personal Perspective Read More »

Appraisal and performance Discuss the question cite 3 APA reference .

Appraisal and performance

Discuss the question cite 3 APA reference .

The appraisal process is one step involved in identifying potential improvements on individual performances. What is the most difficult part in determining the dimensions to be appraised? What is most helpful on a job analysis for designing an appraisal tool?


Read “Performance Management vs. Performance Appraisal,” located on the website.

Read “Implementing Performance Appraisal: Exploring the Employee Experience,” by Farndale and Kelliher, from Human Resource Management (2013).

Requirements: 12   |   .doc file

Appraisal and performance Discuss the question cite 3 APA reference . Read More »

Proposal for what you plan-on researching, developing and delivering as a 10 minute oral presentation: a Ted Talk OR an Academic Lecture.

Proposal for what you plan-on researching, developing and delivering as a 10 minute oral presentation: a Ted Talk OR an Academic Lecture.

need help to write

should write a paragraph about the major and my major is Management Information System include the works cited

  • Turn-in a ~ 1 page Proposal for what you plan-on researching, developing and delivering as a 10 minute oral presentation: a Ted Talk OR an Academic Lecture. Include a short write-up of your Ted Talk or Lecture and a couple of sources you’ve already found (other TTs, Lectures, articles, definitions, etc.).
  • If you have a couple of ideas for a TT or Lecture, include this in your ~1 page write-up. This is just getting your ideas on the page and start to this project.
  • There is no strict formatting for this. Just put this in clear paragraph form.

Requirements: Presentation | 1 pages, Double spaced

I need your help to write apargragh about my major Management Information System


but I need you to use smply words because I have to present and I’m second language

and I will send to you the laucture to have better idea about what you have to include in the paragraph

I’m studying in SDSU and my major Management Information System

Please let me know if you are able to complete it on the time

Proposal for what you plan-on researching, developing and delivering as a 10 minute oral presentation: a Ted Talk OR an Academic Lecture. Read More »

Cultural Competence and Care Management

Cultural Competence and Care Management


Q1. Think for a while about cultural practices and how they affect health or illness in your own family (diabetes type 2 and hypertension). They may be difficult to identify as such at first, but they do exist. What ideas about illness prevention does your family adhere to? What do you do when someone gets sick? What rituals does your family practice when someone dies?

Q.2 In thinking of five social determinants of health as identified in Healthy People 2020, identify the social determinants specifically that may be barriers to home care and case or care management services, and explain why.

Req: APA style, 500 words in total (250 each questions) 3 paragraphs (3-4 sentences each), 3 references per question including the textbook. Demarco, R. F., & Healey-Walsh, J. (2020). Community and Public Health Nursing. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health.

Requirements: 500

Cultural Competence and Care Management Read More »

500 words, APA 6th Edition – interorganizational relationships

500 words, APA 6th Edition – interorganizational relationships

Research the key term “interorganizational relationships” for organizational theory class.

Minimum 500 words, APA 6th Edition (Font: Times new roman, Font size :12, Double spaced).

Follow this format:

DEFINITION: a brief definition of the key term + add in text APA citation with refererence. This does not count in the word requirement.

SUMMARY: Summarize the article in your own words- this should be in the 150-200-word range. Be sure to note the article’s author, note their credentials and why we should put any weight behind his/her opinions, research, or findings.

DISCUSSION: Using 300-350 words, write a brief discussion, of how the article relates to ” interorganizational relationships “. Do not rehash what was already stated in the article, but add value by sharing your experiences, thoughts, and opinions. This is the most important part of the assignment.

REFERENCES: Have at least 1 reference with intext citation (peer-reviewed academic journal articles written within the past 3 years)

Requirements: Definition+500 words   |   .doc file

Please remember to include why we should put any weight behind the authors credentials and have a citation in the definition.

500 words, APA 6th Edition – interorganizational relationships Read More »

case study “Top Management Team at Ortiv Glass Corporation.”

case study “Top Management Team at Ortiv Glass Corporation.”


Q.1 Why it is important for a group design to be congruent with the larger organization design. Support your answer using two examples from this case study

Q.2 How the group design of Ortiv’s Glass Corporation could positively or negatively impact on the diagnosis of design components at the individual level

case study “Top Management Team at Ortiv Glass Corporation.” Read More »

The Wall Street Journal

The Wall Street Journal

Term project

The Wall Street Journal will be used as a text supplement and will be the basis of the term project. Each student must have access to the WSJ in order to complete the assigned project.

Each student will choose two companies within the same industry to track during the fall semester. Throughout the semester, you will be required to evaluate the two companies’ activities across multiple disciplines includingmanagement, marketing, and finance. You will be asked to review articles in the WSJ which deal with the two companies selected. The term project will include the following sections:

1) Historical development of the two companies

2) A current comprehensive strategic(SWOT) and financial analysis of the companies

3) Comparing the two companies in terms of managerial and financial decisions and other events that impact their respective stock prices

4) Future direction of the industry and the two companies in the industry

Overall, the term project asks you to track your selected companies in the WSJ and other sources you may have access to, to keep article summaries on the two companies and to address the issues identified above in the analysis of the two companies.

paper length should be 10-12 pages

Requirements: Term project

The Wall Street Journal will be used as a text supplement and will be the basis of the term project. Each student must have access to the WSJ in order to complete the assigned project.

Each student will choose two companies within the same industry to track during the fall semester. Throughout the semester, you will be required to evaluate the two companies’ activities across multiple disciplines includingmanagement, marketing, and finance. You will be asked to review articles in the WSJ which deal with the two companies selected. The term project will include the following sections:

1) Historical development of the two companies

2) A current comprehensive strategic(SWOT) and financial analysis of the companies

3) Comparing the two companies in terms of managerial and financial decisions and other events that impact their respective stock prices

4) Future direction of the industry and the two companies in the industry

Overall, the term project asks you to track your selected companies in the WSJ and other sources you may have access to, to keep article summaries on the two companies and to address the issues identified above in the analysis of the two companies.

paper length should be 10-12 pages

Requirements: Term project

The Wall Street Journal Read More »

Organizational vs. Individual Outcomes in Selection

Organizational vs. Individual Outcomes in Selection

Organizational vs. Individual Outcomes in Selection

Traditional individual outcomes expected of a personnel selection process might include increasing desired levels of work performance, job satisfaction, and employee morale. On an organizational level, expectations may relate more to acceptable levels of productivity, low turnover, and promotion of organizational citizenship behavior. Often, there is greater focus by human resource activities on expected individual outcomes and not those needed by the organization. It is important to assess and foster solid outcomes for both the individual employee as well as the organizational employer (Wilk & Cappelli, 2003).

Post by Day 4 explanations of three outcomes an organization might expect from its personnel selection processes. Explain whether these outcomes are consistent with those desired by job candidates, and provide rationale for any inconsistencies. Provide concrete examples and citations from the Learning Resources and current literature to support your post.


Hi please use at least 3 of the attached articles in APA 7th, thank you. Feel free to use additional resources if you wish.


Cabrera, E. F., & Raju, N. S. (2001). Utility analysis: Current trends and future directions. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 9(1/2), 92–102.


Campion, M. A., Outtz, J. L., Zedeck, S., Schmidt, F. L., Kehoe, J. F., Murphy, K. R., & Guion, R. G. (2001). The controversy over score banding in personnel selection: Answers to 10 key questions. Personnel Psychology, 54(1), 149–185.

Cascio, W. F., & Aguinis, H. (2005). Test developments and use: New twists on old questions. Human Resource Management, 44(3), 219–235.


Jereb, E., Rajkovic, U., & Rajkovic, V. (2005). A hierarchical multi-attribute system approach to personnel selection. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 13(3), 198–205.


Roehling, M. V., & Wright, P. M. (2006). Organizationally sensible versus legal-centric approaches to employment decisions. Human Resource Management, 45(4), 605–627.

Requirements:   |   .doc file | Essay | 1 pages, Double spaced

Organizational vs. Individual Outcomes in Selection Read More »

Research Article: Global Teams, 500 words APA 6 Research the key term “global teams” for organizational theory class. Minimum 500 words, APA 6th Edition (Font: Times new roman, Font size :12, Double spaced). Follow this format: DEFINITION: a brief definition of the key term and 1 in text APA citation with reference. This does not count in the word requirement. SUMMARY: Summarize the article in your own words- this should be in the 150-200-word range. Be sure to note the article’s author, note their credentials and why we should put any weight behind his/her opinions, research, or findings. DISCUSSION: Using 300-350 words, write a brief discussion of how the article relates to ” global teams “. Do not rehash what was already stated in the article, but add value by sharing your experiences, thoughts, and opinions. This is the most important part of the assignment. REFERENCES: Have 1 reference with intext citation (peer-reviewed academic journal articles written within the pas

Research Article: Global Teams, 500 words APA 6 Research the key term “global teams” for organizational theory class. Minimum 500 words, APA 6th Edition (Font: Times new roman, Font size :12, Double spaced). Follow this format: DEFINITION: a brief definition of the key term and 1 in text APA citation with reference. This does not count in the word requirement. SUMMARY: Summarize the article in your own words- this should be in the 150-200-word range. Be sure to note the article’s author, note their credentials and why we should put any weight behind his/her opinions, research, or findings. DISCUSSION: Using 300-350 words, write a brief discussion of how the article relates to ” global teams “. Do not rehash what was already stated in the article, but add value by sharing your experiences, thoughts, and opinions. This is the most important part of the assignment. REFERENCES: Have 1 reference with intext citation (peer-reviewed academic journal articles written within the pas

Research Article: Global Teams, 500 words APA 6

Research the key term “global teams” for organizational theory class.

Minimum 500 words, APA 6th Edition (Font: Times new roman, Font size :12, Double spaced).

Follow this format:

DEFINITION: a brief definition of the key term and 1 in text APA citation with reference. This does not count in the word requirement.

SUMMARY: Summarize the article in your own words- this should be in the 150-200-word range. Be sure to note the article’s author, note their credentials and why we should put any weight behind his/her opinions, research, or findings.

DISCUSSION: Using 300-350 words, write a brief discussion of how the article relates to “ global teams “. Do not rehash what was already stated in the article, but add value by sharing your experiences, thoughts, and opinions. This is the most important part of the assignment.

REFERENCES: Have 1 reference with intext citation (peer-reviewed academic journal articles written within the past 3 years)

Requirements: 500 words+ Definition

Research Article: Global Teams, 500 words APA 6 Research the key term “global teams” for organizational theory class. Minimum 500 words, APA 6th Edition (Font: Times new roman, Font size :12, Double spaced). Follow this format: DEFINITION: a brief definition of the key term and 1 in text APA citation with reference. This does not count in the word requirement. SUMMARY: Summarize the article in your own words- this should be in the 150-200-word range. Be sure to note the article’s author, note their credentials and why we should put any weight behind his/her opinions, research, or findings. DISCUSSION: Using 300-350 words, write a brief discussion of how the article relates to ” global teams “. Do not rehash what was already stated in the article, but add value by sharing your experiences, thoughts, and opinions. This is the most important part of the assignment. REFERENCES: Have 1 reference with intext citation (peer-reviewed academic journal articles written within the pas Read More »

BBA 3221 Sales Management PowerPoint on evaluation of individual salesperson.

BBA 3221 Sales Management PowerPoint on evaluation of individual salesperson.

You were recently hired as a new sales manager and are about to conduct your first evaluations of individual salespeople. You have called a sales staff meeting to explain what you plan to do. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation of at least 8 slides with a title slide and reference slide. Please use at least one outside scholarly source in addition to your textbook. The title slide and reference slide are not included in the required slide count. Your slides should use bullet points and the notes section of the slides to add detail. Be sure you include at least the following components:

three reasons why you are conducting the evaluations,

three criteria you will measure as a part of your evaluation,

some advantages and disadvantages of an outcome-based evaluation,

some advantages and disadvantages of a behavior-based approach, and

how you plan to use salesperson job satisfaction in your evaluations.

BBA 3221 Sales Management PowerPoint on evaluation of individual salesperson. Read More »

Selecting and Analyzing an Adult Education Program

Selecting and Analyzing an Adult Education Program

You will imagine you have been chosen to conduct an outcomes-based evaluation of an adult education program, specifically the instructional approaches and engagement strategies, in an organization of your choice.

In an analysis paper, you will provide an overview of the organization, the adult education program, the student and program outcomes, and the instruments used to measure the outcomes. Then you will outline the steps you will use to carry out the evaluation.

  • Create a paper in a Word document for your response.
  • Use APA format for the paper, title page, references page, and in-text citations.
  • Develop an introduction and conclusion for your paper.
  • Follow the steps to complete the assignment.

Imagine you have been chosen to conduct an outcomes-based evaluation of an adult education program in an organization of your choice.

Step 1.
Choose an organization with an adult education program.

Step 2.
Work with the organization to conduct a preliminary study to obtain information on the organization and the potential needs in the adult learning program, specifically the instructional approaches and engagement strategies. In the preliminary study, identify and gather numerical data which can be used to determine need.

Step 3.
Compose a 3- to 5-page analysis paper (not including the title and references pages) that provides an overview of the organization, the adult education program, student and program outcomes, and the instruments used to measure the outcomes. Provide a few examples of the current numerical data. Outline the steps you will use to carry out the program evaluation. The steps should be specific to the adult education program you are evaluating.

Selecting and Analyzing an Adult Education Program Read More »

5 Step Cross Cultural Management Case Study

5 Step Cross Cultural Management Case Study

Conduct a case study analysis based on two scholarly studies that are related to Cross Cultural management. After a concise, but thorough, analyses of the cases, summarize the benefits of cross-cultural management in business.

Usecasestudies that werepublishedwithin the lasttenyears. After a concise, butthorough and cleardelineation and analysis of the cases, complete the paper with a summary of what yougleaned from using the cases to understandmanagementpracticewithinorganizations.Include a titlepage and references page (no abstract is required). When you upload your paper, also upload pdfs of BOTH casestudies. Should be submitted as Word.doc attachment

Please use the three attachments to help write the case study.

Requirements: APA | Case Study | 2 pages, Double spaced

Answer must have substantive points with solid explanations.

5 Step Cross Cultural Management Case Study Read More »

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