
Management Question

Management Question

  • What is your definition of Integrity?How can we develop greater integrity?Use specific details and examples from your readings, what you’ve heard in discussions and experienced.Use examples and evidence to support your ideas and communicates your message.(Min. 350 words).
  • Why is it important to study business ethics?Why are ethics important in managerial decision making?Explain the benefits of having an ethical culture in your organization.(Min. 250 words)
  • Explain Kohlberg’s Ethical and Moral development theory and how it is to be used.For each stage, give a brief example of how it may be used in a business setting. (Min. 250 words)
  • Why was the Sarbanes-Oxley Act created and how has it changed the legal aspects of business ethics?What was the role of the Enron case in its creation? Indicate some of the most important protections it has created.(Min. 250 words)
  • Research and Answer–What is corporate culture and what role does business ethics play an important part in it?Give an example of company which has a strong corporate culture, and after researching the culture, explain how business ethics plays an important part in that culture.Reference at least three resources you used in your resource. (Min. 350 words)
  • For your own company, design a 5-7 point code of ethics indicating the important aspects of serving your customer.
  • Describe how you would perform an ethics audit and social audit for your company.(Min. 250 Words)
  • Which would you focus on more in your company, a compliance orientation or a value orientation?Why and how would you implement it? (Min. 250 words)
  • Describe ethical leadership and why it is an advantageous and important leadership style.Give an example of a dilemma where ethical leadership can play a part. (Min. 250 words).
  • Should social responsibility be a requirement of companies?Explain how it is a benefit when money is used from company profits to fund those projects.Why should companies focus on social responsibility in their practices? (Min. 250 words).

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Critical Thinking of Foundations of Group Counseling

Critical Thinking of Foundations of Group Counseling

Culture, Diversity and Legal/Ethical consideration are required. You are encouraged to use outside cultural resources to enhance your understanding.

Discuss your understanding of the four domains of the Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling Competencies (MSJCC) that are critical to the development of multicultural and social justice competence

Assignment Outcome

Explore group leadership styles and approaches.& Discuss strategies in working with diverse populations.


This assignment MUST be typed, double-spaced, in APA style, 7th edition, and must be written at graduate level English. You must integrate your understanding of the material presented in the text. You may also use outside sources to enhance the text material, but not replace the text. Cite your work according to APA format.

Culture, Diversity and Legal/Ethical consideration are required. You are encouraged to use outside cultural resources to enhance your understanding.

Citing and Referencing the course textbook.

Please see the file on how to cite and reference the course text located under Resources.

Capuzzi, D & Stauffer, M.D.   (2019).   Foundations of Group Counseling.   (1st ed).   New York, NY   Pearson.     ISBN-9780134844800

(2013).   DSM-5 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.  (5th edition).   Arlington, VA   American Psychiatric Association.    ISBN 978-0-89042-555-8

American Psychological Association (2020).   Publication manual of the American Psychological Association.   (7th ed.).

Respond to each question in approx. 1-page per question

Total assignment should be of 6-8 pages plus a title and reference page.

Please do not rely on the text for examples; use your own, original examples liberally throughout your essays to demonstrate your understanding.

  1. Discuss your understanding of why group leaders welcome group conflict and why conflict can be helpful to the growth of the group members.
  2. Explain what it means when a group leader draws out group members. Provide and explain at least two techniques that you, as a group leader, might use to do this.
  3. Describe and illustrate the differences between a leader directed leadership style and a group directed leadership style, providing an original example that illustrates both leadership styles.
  4. There are several techniques which are commonly used in cognitive-behavioral therapy, solution focused therapy and transactional analysis models of group therapy. Illustrate how you might use a technique from each of the 3 models.
  5. When confidentiality becomes compromised in a group setting, group leaders should engage in self-reflection related to their process around group confidentiality. In the process of self-reflection, group leaders should ask themselves a series of questions. As a group leader, what self-reflection questions might you ask yourself regarding confidentiality in group process?
  6. Discuss your understanding of the four domains of the Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling Competencies (MSJCC) that are critical to the development of multicultural and social justice competence

Assignment Outcomes

Explore group leadership styles and approaches.

Discuss strategies in working with diverse populations.

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Case Project 14-5: Forensic Tools and Case Project 14-6: Online BackupServices

Case Project 14-5: Forensic Tools and Case Project 14-6: Online BackupServices

2 questions discussion

Please answer those 2 questions in the last slide and make it look clear and simple.

Read the presentation and do the 2 exercises at the end of the presentation. write what you found most surprising about your findings.

Please make it look simple and clear

Case Project 14-5: Forensic Tools
•Search the Internet for websites that advertise computer forensic tools. Locate reviews of four tools. Create a chart that lists the tool, the type of data it searches for, its features, the costs, etc. Which would you recommend if your company could only purchase one tool and budget were not a concern?
Case Project 14-6: Online Backup Services
•Several good online backup services can help make data backup easy for the user. Use a search engine to search for online backup service reviews and select three different services. Research these services and note their features. Create a table which lists each service and compare their features. Which would you recommend most for a company and why?

Case Project 14-5: Forensic Tools and Case Project 14-6: Online BackupServices Read More »

Explain Personality Theory

Explain Personality Theory


For this task, prepare a PowerPoint presentation in which you address the following theorists and their perspectives on personality. The audience for this presentation is an undergraduate class studying personality theories.


  • George Kelly
  • Julian Rotter
  • Albert Bandura
  • Carl Rogers

In your presentation, you will need to provide an overview of how these theorists suggest people behave in social interactions.

Your presentation should include a discussion of relevant concepts including, but not limited to self-concept, self-efficacy, personal constructs attribution style and locus of control and self-actualization.

Incorporate appropriate animations, transitions, and graphics as well as “speaker notes” for each slide. The speaker notes may be comprised of brief paragraphs or bulleted lists.

Support your presentation with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources may be included.

Length: 10-12 slides (with a separate reference slide)

Notes Length: 100-150 words for each slide

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Management Question

Management Question

Write a three-page analysis using the case study on “Kelly’s Assignment in Japan.”

Your analysis should address the questions listed below.

  • Explain the clashes in culture, customs, and expectations that occurred in this situation.
  • What stage of culture shock is Kelly’s family experiencing?
  • Turn back the clock to when Kelly was offered the position in Tokyo. What, if anything, should have been done differently, and by whom?
  • You are Kelly. What should you do now?

Your case study analysis should follow APA guidelines for formatting all resources, both in-text citations and references. Your analysis should include a title page and a reference page

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ow has this class influenced your thoughts, feelings, and assumptions

ow has this class influenced your thoughts, feelings, and assumptions

Writing Question
This assignment is broken down into two parts. 1.) How has this class influenced your thoughts, feelings, and assumptions on obesity compared to where they were at the onset of this course? 2.) Also, reflect on your experiences working with your client. What worked? what didn’t? What would you do differently? A total of 500 words for both questions. So about 250 words for the fist question and about 250 words for the second question. The second part of this assignment is based on a project that I had this semester. This project made me recruit someone and worked with him on a weight loss/fitness program goal. I made my project more based on a fitness goal rather than a weight loss goal. You can take a look at the Pre and post assessment pdf to see what my patient goal was before he started and what he achieved at the end. The Semester SOAP Notes has all the notes and fitness plan of my client that I wrote throughout the semester. For example, for the question what worked. You can put that having good relationship and communicating with my client(he’s my brother but lives with wife) helped. That he has soccer experience so he’s familiar with a soccer fitness program. Doing more soccer related exercises like agility drills, ball technique, and soccer skills. For what didn’t you can put that he diet plan wasn’t as good as it should’ve been. Bad eating habits on the weekend. On what would you do different. You can put that being with him and working out with him could’ve helped him. Should’ve been more stricter on a diet plan. These are just some ideas. You can use them if you want or write something else. If you look at the post assessment you can get a better picture of what worked and didn’t work. DO NOT cite any sources please. This is a discussion assignment and will post on class discussion board

ow has this class influenced your thoughts, feelings, and assumptions Read More »

For each prompt below, respond with a college-level.

For each prompt below, respond with a college-level.

For each prompt below, respond with a college-level. You should use terminology from the lectures and/or course videos in your discussion. Do more than mention the terms, show that you understand them by giving examples. You should have distinct paragraphs, proper capitalization, spelling, grammar, and organization. You should address all the prompts below in your post. Then respond to two classmates’ posts.  Your responses should refer to course material and add to the discussion.

  • Consider a workplace, team, or organization of which you have been a part
  • Why do you think diverse groups perform better?
  • After watching the Ted Talk, what are your thoughts about the results? What does this say about rewards? (We normally do this challenge in class? If you have ever done the challenge, discuss your experience.)



For each prompt below, respond with a college-level. Read More »

Internal Control Consideration

Internal Control Consideration

Attached is the case study

Read problem H.57 Internal Control Considerations in End-User Computing Environments on page 920 of the textbook.


Assume that you are participating in the audit of Chicago Appliance Company and that the background information was obtained during the planning phase of the engagement. You have been asked to (a) consider the potential internal control weaknesses that exist in this end-user application and (b) assess how those internal control weaknesses could alter the audit plan for the current year. Be sure to write your information so that Chicago Appliance Management can fully understand.

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Task 1: From your personal experiences working on a virtual team

Task 1: From your personal experiences working on a virtual team

Management Question

– Your project sponsor or team leader has asked that you prepare a 2-3 page memo to provide your recommendation with the following required elements:

Paragraph 1 – Introduction

Paragraph 2 – Analysis

Paragraph 3 – Strategy and why it will help

Paragraph 4 – Detail of how the strategy will be executed and expected results

Paragraph 5 – Risks Analysis of the actions including a response plan

Paragraph 6 – Conclusion

Task 1: From your personal experiences working on a virtual team (could be a project team, in-class team or another team you worked on), please evaluate the issues outlined below. Note: If you never worked on a virtual team then, pls create a scenario where you are leading a team that has members in various countries and time zones – so, you need to conduct communications and progress via virtual/remote technology. Feel free to make up any issues (the more dysfunctional – the more fun the analysis).

Task 2: As part of the analysis, determine the following:

– What stage of development the team is at [Tuckerman team building stages],

– What specifically is blocking its path forward,

– And what actions can be taken by the global project manager to move this team forward in its development. as an effective virtual team

Task 1: From your personal experiences working on a virtual team Read More »

Management Question

Management Question


Research Assignment 2: Week 6


Pay for Performance in America’s public schools is an extremely controversial issue. Although the process has made inroads in business and is a means to help determine promotions, pay, and retention, pay for performance has not been consistently well received in the Public school systems. There are some successful examples where teacher pay has been linked to student test scores. In Minnesota for example, some districts have stopped giving automatic raises for seniority and base 60% of all pay increases on employee performance. In Denver, unions and school districts designed an incentive program where teachers receive bonuses for student achievement and for earning national teaching certificates. On the other hand, some plans have not worked. For example, Cincinnati teachers voted against a merit pay proposal and Philadelphia teachers gave their bonus checks to charity rather than cashing them. It appears that having teachers involved in planning the incentive system is one key factor to success. The same can be said for all incentive plans – if employees do not buy into them, they will not work.


You have been asked by the organization’s senior leadership to explore the practicality of implementing such a program for your organization.

Questions to Research:

  1. How could an organization measure the effectiveness of their pay-for-performance plans?
  2. From an employee’s perspective, what are the advantages and disadvantages of using a pay-for-performance plan?
  3. From an employer’s perspective, what are the advantages and disadvantages of using a pay-for-performance plan?


  • The assignment is due Sunday, 11:59 PM EST
  • Submitted as an MS Word attachment in either a .doc, .docx, or .rtf format.
  • Your paper should be a minimum of five (5) full pages of double spaced content in 12-point font. This excludes your title page, abstract (0.5 pages), and reference pages.
  • Include a properly formatted APA cover page, an abstract, a properly formatted Introduction and Conclusion, and a minimum of 5 references to support your work, and 3 of those 5 need to be peer-reviewed.
  • Please refer the assignment tips for your Week 3 – Assignment 1 for additional guidance in researching and preparing your paper.

The course objectives addressed by this assignment are as follows:

  • Explain the various classifications of rewards.
  • Describe competency-based compensation programs.
  • Describe relative standards in the performance management system.
  • Discuss ethical issues in HRM

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risk management policy

risk management policy

Write a risk management policy and procedure for a health care organization.

Requirements: 6-8

Write a 3-4 page risk management policy and procedure for a health care organization. Analyze a specific issue that occurred in a health care organization and apply risk management best practices to it for the purpose of early risk identification and risk reduction or elimination in the future.

Health care organizations have always searched for ways to identify and reduce risks. An organization’s ability to identify and analyze its risk exposure is a determining factor in the effectiveness of its risk management program (Hoarle, 2015). Early identification and analysis are essential.

Current health care risk management practices developed in the mid-1970s as a result of a surge in malpractice suits. These suits caused rapid increases in claims costs for the industry and later in insurance premiums. Today, health care delivery systems and organizations realize the value of risk management and have developed formalized programs (Hoarle, 2015). In addition, organizations have established mechanisms to review potential incidents of risk and safety concerns (Pelletier & Beaudin, 2018). While risk management programs are responsible for daily management and risk operations, all health care stakeholders are responsible to participate in activities that will reduce unnecessary risks and improve safety and quality (Hoarle, 2015).

This second course assessment consists of two parts. You are to assume the role of a new risk manager within your organization’s risk management department. According to your director, employees lack awareness of the organization’s risk management program. Likewise, departments inconsistently apply risk management principles. As a result of these deficiencies, your director has given you your first assignment.

Part One: Risk Management Policy and Procedure

Your director has asked you to write a formal risk management policy and procedure for the organization.

Part Two: Application of Risk Management Principles to a Specific Incident

In addition to the policy and procedure, your director has asked you to apply your knowledge of risk management principles to a specific organizational risk that has occurred. You will select one of the three incidents from the Vila Health: Patient Safety media piece from Assessment 1. These incidents included a patient identification error, a medication error, and a HIPAA/privacy violation. Select the risk that holds the most interest for you.

Your director believes that the organization’s newly written risk management policy and procedure, coupled with your analysis from a risk management standpoint of a recent, specific incident that occurred, will help employees (and the organization) recognize how the hospital’s risk management program contributes to the overall organization’s safety and quality improvement efforts.

Demonstration of Proficiency

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 1: Analyze the quality and performance improvement activities within the health care organization.
  • Competency 2: Explain the risk management function in the health care organization.
  • Competency 4: Apply leadership strategies to quality improvement in a health care organization.
  • Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with health care professionals.
    • Write a clear, organized risk management policy and procedure that is generally free of errors and is reflective of professional communication in the health care field.
    • Provide citations and title and reference pages that conform to APA style and format.


To help prepare for successfully completing this assessment:

  • Conduct independent research on policy templates. You will find multiple policy templates from which to choose as you write your risk policy and procedure.
  • Select one of the organizational risks from the Vila Health: Patient Safety simulation from Assessment 1. These included a patient identification error, a medication error, and a HIPAA/privacy violation. For Part Two of your assessment you will conduct an in-depth analysis of the organizational risk you selected.


Part One: Risk Management Policy and Procedure (3–4 pages)

As the new risk manager in your health care organization, your director has assigned you responsibility for drafting the organization’s risk management policy and procedure. This assignment stemmed from your director’s perception that employees lacked knowledge and awareness of risk management’s contribution to furthering the organization’s safety and quality improvement efforts. Likewise, your director also saw evidence that departments within the organization were inconsistently applying risk management principles to their daily work practices.

The guidance you have received from your director about writing this policy and procedure is that it needs to include all of the following headings. It also needs to answer all of the questions underneath each heading:

  • Purpose Statement:
  • Key Risk Management Terms:
    • What is the definition for each of these risk management terms?
      • Risk prevention.
      • Risk reduction.
      • Regulatory compliance.
      • Patient safety.
      • Adverse event.
      • Near miss.
  • Risk Categories and Risk Identification Techniques:
    • What are the major risk categories in health care? In your answer, be sure to explain each risk category and to provide relevant examples from the literature to illustrate your points.
    • What risk management strategies will the organization use to identify potential organizational risks? Be sure your narrative identifies and describes such risk identification techniques as concurrent, retrospective, incident reporting, and previous trends. ‹Note: These are only a few of the risk identification techniques to address in your policy and procedure. Be sure to include other examples you are aware of from your professional experience or from reviewing your suggested resources.
    • What are examples of risk categories and their appropriate corresponding risk identification techniques? For example, coding errors are a type of financial risk. Retrospective auditing is the risk identification technique used to identify this risk type.
  • Risk Manager’s Role in Program Implementation and Compliance:
    • What is the risk manager’s role in risk management program implementation and compliance?
    • How can a risk manager impact effective management of the organization’s risk management program?
    • What is one example from the literature that shows how the risk manager role can positively impact a health care organization’s management of its risk management program?
Part Two: Application of Risk Management Principles to a Specific Incident (3–4 pages)

To further help employees and the organization at large see risk management’s contribution to helping the organization achieve its safety and quality goals, your director has asked you to analyze and apply risk management principles to a recent incident that occurred in the organization. Your director has asked you to include all of the following headings in your analysis and to address all of the questions underneath each heading.

  • Risk Description:
    • Which potential risk to your organization from the Vila Health: Patient Safety simulation are you analyzing? These included patient identification error, medication error, and a HIPAA/privacy violation.
  • Risk Implications:
    • What are the risks to patients, employees, and to the organization if this particular risk is not addressed? In other words, what could happen if the organization chooses to do nothing?
  • Risk Identification:
    • What risk management strategies and techniques will the organization employ to identify this type of risk in the future? For example, will the organization identify this type of risk by analyzing incident report data? What other strategies might the organization employ to identify the risk? Be sure to include your rationale for choosing the particular strategy(ies).
  • Risk Reduction/Elimination:
    • What risk management best practices could the organization employ to eliminate or reduce the risk in the future? For example, if you plan to identify the risk by analyzing incident report data, would you conduct a drill down to determine what is causing the risk? What other best practices might you employ? Consult your suggested resources for guidance on best practices for eliminating and reducing risk.
    • What steps would you take to implement your plan to eliminate or reduce your selected risk?

Additional Requirements

  • Length: Your risk management policy and procedure assessment will be 6–8 double-spaced pages, not including title and reference pages.
  • Font: Times New Roman, 12-point.
  • APA Format: In the health care environment, typically a policy and procedure and analysis document would not be written according to APA style and format. To make this assessment as authentic as possible to what you might actually encounter in the workplace, the body of your assessment does not need to conform to APA guidelines. Do make sure that it is clear, persuasive, organized, and well written without grammatical, punctuation, or spelling errors. At the same time, health care is an evidence-based field. As such, your title and reference pages need to conform to APA format and style guidelines. Likewise, you also must cite your sources according to APA guidelines. Your leaders may question you about the sources of the information you are providing them.
  • Scoring Guide: Please review this assessment’s scoring guide to ensure you understand how your faculty member will evaluate your work.

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NSG 456 Research Outcomes Management For The Practicing Nurse

NSG 456 Research Outcomes Management For The Practicing Nurse

Week 4- Finding Evidence

Evidence that supports a conclusion is part of the research process. Literature reviews often accompany research papers in the form of a summary and synthesis of the published information about the research topic. Although this week’s assignment is not a literature review, it is designed to familiarize you with the practice of finding appropriate sources and information on a topic.

Find three original research articles that apply to your research topic. The articles must be

  • peer reviewed,
  • recent (published within 5 years), and
  • statistically significant.

Write a 260-word summary of each article in which you identify (include these as headings).

  • participants
  • independent variable(s),* Students have difficulty with variables, I have added a guide for you under Week 4.
  • dependent variable(s),
  • methods, and
  • results.

For each of the articles, determine if the article is suitable for inclusion in a literature review for your research topic.

  • If it is not, explain why.
  • If it is, explain how the information can be used to inform practice.

Compile all summaries in one document.

Do not include the entire article, but include a link to the article

Include the APA citation for each article before each summary.

Submit the APA citation, link to the article and summaries.

It is 260 words per article. 3 articles needed

My research topic is about obesity and how it affects patient care and outcomes

NSG 456 Research Outcomes Management For The Practicing Nurse Read More »

Ethics and Leadership

Ethics and Leadership

Assignment 2 Ethics and Leadership (Due Week 3; 20 points)

The purpose of this assignment is to explore and critically present your views about ethics and its role in leadership.

Consider your views, experiences, and readings about ethics. In a paper (4-5 pages, excluding your title page and reference list), discuss the following:

  • Definition of ethics. Support comments with three or more relevant references.
  • Provide an overview about the role of and need for ethics in leadership.
  • Identify the main ethical responsibilities in your professional field and position.
    • Describe the main ethical challenges posed in your field of work, profession.


ElementNot Met (3-0 points)Met (4 points)Exceeded (5 points)
Critically defines ethics and supports definition with referencesDefinition is unclear or missing.Provides a definition of ethics and supports with 3 referencesProvides a comprehensive and appropriately documented (3 or more references) definition of ethics
Describes the role and for ethics in leadershipDescription about the role of ethics and need is unclear, vague, or not includedDescribes the role of ethics and establishes its needs for effective leadershipClearly describes the role of ethics and establishes its needs for effective leadership
Identifies key ethical responsibilities and main challenges in own fieldMain ethical responsibilities and challenges faced by leadership in their field/profession is unclear, vague, or not provided.Identifies the main ethical responsibilities and challenges faced by leadership in their field/professionClearly identifies the main ethical responsibilities and challenges faced by leadership in their field/profession. Implications are described and examples provided.
Follows APA format and uses documentationPaper does not adhere to the APA guidelines. There are multiple errors.Paper adheres to the APA guidelines. There are some minor errors (5 or 4)Paper clearly adheres to the APA guidelines. There are minimal (3 or less) errors or none. Errors are negligible.
Total: 20 points

Requirements: 4-5 pages

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Goal: Conduct/construct an experiential evaluation/assessment

Goal: Conduct/construct an experiential evaluation/assessment

Management Question

Goal: Conduct/construct an experiential evaluation/assessment of the business model of your organization (or one with which you are closely familiar) using the business model canvas and related text.

Introduction: Managers who want to improve the effectiveness of their business model and organization, as well as to increase their own ability to manage, use diagnostics/assessments to determine the reality of business effectiveness in comparison to what they originally envisioned. Good feedback contributes to the development of plans to improve business/organizational effectiveness and management performance.

Instructions: Students will write a 2500-3000 words  properly formatted APA paper (including a title page and references page, but no abstract) that evaluates/assesses the overall effectiveness of the business model used by your organization. This is the third of three assignments that draws from your association with your organization. The previous two “canvas” assignments flow into this one. Identify one or more of the building blocks from the business model canvas where modification should be recommended. Be careful to avoid bias in determining the issue/problem identified by using the canvas. Do not merely critique, but contribute to your organization’s overall success. This paper should be the culmination of the overall work you have done with the business model canvas so that all the pieces go together.

Your final paper should include:

  • Your business model canvas – Post-It notes discussion/observations (week 2)—summarize this area, but provide the initial canvas.
  • Identification of theoretical/behavioral trends that you observe in the business model and organization (week 5)—summarize this, do not merely cut and paste.
  • Discussion of appropriate theory, metaphors, and frames with which to describe your business model in operation, as well as to identify areas needing improvement and how to get there.
  • Use of the Osterwalder/Pigneur text to evaluate and diagnose your organization’s business model, as well as an integration of the course materials into your writing and consideration.
  • Recommendations for improvements identified using the canvas, theories, and assessment tools used in this course. What are the expected outcomes.
  • Use eight scholarly sources besides our textbook (especially case studies) to undergird your assertions from peer-reviewed literature.
  • Thoroughly familiarize yourself with the assignment specs and ask questions if you are unsure of expectations.

The paper must have at least eight additional scholarly sources in addition to the course textbook. No abstract is necessary, but a title page and references page should be included. Write your paper in third person, even though you are writing about an organization that you are familiar with. To do this, write from the perspective of a scholar who observes and researches about the case. Therefore, first person should be avoided.

Goal: Conduct/construct an experiential evaluation/assessment Read More »

HSN 476: Healthcare Policy And Financial Management

HSN 476: Healthcare Policy And Financial Management

All health care organizations must be aware of cost controls, regardless of their nonprofit or for-profit status. Managing costs at all levels of the organization affects the bottom line, which has a direct effect on all aspects of the organization. This assignment is designed to help you analyze why organizational policies are put in place.

Find a policy at a health care organization related to cost controls.

Summarize the details of the policy:

Explain how the policy impacts fiscal aspects of the organization:

  • How does the policy act as a cost control?

Describe how the policy impacts the quality of patient care:

  • Does the policy improve efficiency?
  • Are the goals to improve care and reduce cost?

Explore the unintended consequences:

  • What secondary affects does the policy have on the organization? Unit? Staff? Patient?
  • Does the policy need revision?

Suggest alternatives to the policy:

  • In your opinion, is the policy the best way to address the issue? Support your position by explaining why or why not.

Cite at least three peer-reviewed sources published within the last five years in an APA-formatted reference page.

Format your assignment as one of the following:

  • 18- to 20-slide presentation
  • 3- to 4-minute podcast
  • 15- to 20-minute oral presentation
  • 875-word paper
  • Another format approved by your instructor

Note: Students who do not work at a facility can research a policy related to cost controls by locating a facility and conducting an interview “virtually” (e.g., Skype or by phone).

Requirements: 875 words

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MGT517 Grantham Week 5 Organizational Behavior

MGT517 Grantham Week 5 Organizational Behavior

Organizational Behavior – Week #5

Project – Title Page, Outline, & References Page

Develop the format and framework for your final project.

Your submission should be a single document that includes an outline summarizing the main topics and sub-topics of the final project. Your summary should contain the following topics and sub-topics below as these will be required when organizing your final project.

Title Page

Table of Contents

I. Executive Summary

II. Background

III. Diagnosis

a. Current Situation

b. Supporting Data/Analysis

IV. Recommendation Intervention

V. Applicable Organizational Behavior Concepts

VI. References

Do not submit your entire paper during Week 5, but rather, summarize in 1-3 paragraphs the key points you will cover in each of the above topic and sub-topic sections. (Note: The description for each of the topics and sub-topics is found under the Week 1 Weekly Content module, under “Review This Week’s Lecture” section, titled “Final Project Preview” link.)

Your Outline Summary should have the following components:

Make sure your paper reflects scholarly writing. Use APA formatted outline summary with the inclusion of a title page and a References page.

Double space your lines, use 12 pt. Times New Roman font, and add the above bolded lines as “section headers”

Include a minimum of 5 resources (the resources found to complete Week 3’s Annotated Bibliography should be used along with other outside resources)

Place in-text citations to show where you plan to use resources to support your summary sections.

I have attached week 1 assignment with the Topic Selection and the week 3 assignment with 5- references that will be used in addition to others. The focus should be on schools/school boards in South Carolina intervention.

MGT517 Grantham Week 5 Organizational Behavior Read More »

Health Care Human Resource Management

Health Care Human Resource Management

  1. Week 4 Assignment – Health Care Human Resources Management


    Company mergers are very busy and challenging times for corporate leadership. The role that HR plays during a merger is often complex and far reaching. In this assignment, you write an executive brief that considers aspects of how an HR department might prioritize and operate to support the union of two companies.


    How to Brief an Executive

    There is no single correct way to brief an executive or other stakeholder. The final deliverable is your choice, but effective briefs have common elements; they should be clear, concise, relevant, well-structured, and provide decision-making information. Here are a couple of resources you may use to get started:


    Imagine that Anchor Hospital, a 250-bed medical center, is merging with the similar-sized Saint Mary’s Hospital to better serve the needs of their metropolitan community. An administrative board has been formed to guide all aspects of the merger. They have asked all departments to submit an executive brief that states their roles, intended model of operations, and initial steps to build interdepartmental relationships. The board’s primary concern for HR is how it will manage the merging of the workforces into a single, cohesive, and effective team. They want to understand HR’s primary role, guiding principles, and application of current practice. Specifically, they want your vision for the following:

    • A merger-related current best practice or trend that is being successfully employed by HR departments.
    • HR’s primary role in assimilating the workforces for the two hospitals.
    • The HR management model to be followed.
    • How to foster relationships between HR and department managers.


    Write a 3–4-page executive brief that address the following merger-related items:

    1. Recommend a relevant HR trend or practice that would be useful to consider as part of this merger. Justify your recommendation.
    2. Analyze HR’s primary role(s) as a strategic corporate partner in merging the workforces of the organizations.
    3. Recommend an HRM model that would effectively steer the joining of each organization’s employees into a single, cohesive workforce. Justify your recommendation.
    4. Recommend two initial steps that HR should initiate to develop an effective relationship between HR and management. Justify your recommendation.

    Additional Requirements

    • Resources: Use four sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides.
    • SWS: This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

    The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  2. By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.
  3. Recommend two initial steps that HR should initiate to develop an effective relationship between HR and management. Justify your recommendation.
  4. requirements

    • Resources: Use four sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides.
    • SWS: This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

    The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  5. By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.

Health Care Human Resource Management Read More »

Risk Management and Policy

Risk Management and Policy

I need help with an assessment. It consists of two parts. Attached are the instructions and the previous assessment for reference.

  • Length: Your risk management policy and procedure assessment will be 6–8 double-spaced pages, not including title and reference pages

Assessment 2 Instructions: Risk Management Policy and Procedure

Write a 3-4 page risk management policy and procedure for a health care organization. Analyze a specific issue that occurred in a health care organization and apply risk management best practices to it for the purpose of early risk identification and risk reduction or elimination in the future.

Health care organizations have always searched for ways to identify and reduce risks. An organization’s ability to identify and analyze its risk exposure is a determining factor in the effectiveness of its risk management program (Hoarle, 2015). Early identification and analysis are essential.

Current health care risk management practices developed in the mid-1970s as a result of a surge in malpractice suits. These suits caused rapid increases in claims costs for the industry and later in insurance premiums. Today, health care delivery systems and organizations realize the value of risk management and have developed formalized programs (Hoarle, 2015). In addition, organizations have established mechanisms to review potential incidents of risk and safety concerns (Pelletier & Beaudin, 2018). While risk management programs are responsible for daily management and risk operations, all health care stakeholders are responsible to participate in activities that will reduce unnecessary risks and improve safety and quality (Hoarle, 2015).

This second course assessment consists of two parts. You are to assume the role of a new risk manager within your organization’s risk management department. According to your director, employees lack awareness of the organization’s risk management program. Likewise, departments inconsistently apply risk management principles. As a result of these deficiencies, your director has given you your first assignment.

Part One: Risk Management Policy and Procedure

Your director has asked you to write a formal risk management policy and procedure for the organization.

Part Two: Application of Risk Management Principles to a Specific Incident

In addition to the policy and procedure, your director has asked you to apply your knowledge of risk management principles to a specific organizational risk that has occurred. You will select one of the three incidents from the Vila Health: Patient Safety media piece from Assessment 1. These incidents included a patient identification error, a medication error, and a HIPAA/privacy violation. Select the risk that holds the most interest for you.

Your director believes that the organization’s newly written risk management policy and procedure, coupled with your analysis from a risk management standpoint of a recent, specific incident that occurred, will help employees (and the organization) recognize how the hospital’s risk management program contributes to the overall organization’s safety and quality improvement efforts.


Hoarle, K. (2015). Risk management poised to grow as healthcare evolves. Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology, 49(6), 433–435.

Pelletier, L. R., & Beaudin, C. L. (2018). HQ solutions: Resource for the healthcare quality professional (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

Demonstration of Proficiency

  • By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:
  • Competency 1: Analyze the quality and performance improvement activities within the health care organization.
  • Propose evidence-based risk management strategies and techniques to identify and eliminate or reduce a particular risk.
  • Competency 2: Explain the risk management function in the health care organization.
  • Explain the importance of a risk management program to health care organizations.
  • Define key risk management terms.
  • Describe the major risk categories in a health care organization, along with their corresponding risk identification techniques.
  • Competency 4: Apply leadership strategies to quality improvement in a health care organization.
  • Analyze the risk manager’s role in effective management of the organization’s risk management program.
  • Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with health care professionals.
  • Write a clear, organized risk management policy and procedure that is generally free of errors and is reflective of professional communication in the health care field.
  • Provide citations and title and reference pages that conform to APA style and format.


To help prepare for successfully completing this assessment:

  • Conduct independent research on policy templates. You will find multiple policy templates from which to choose as you write your risk policy and procedure.
  • Select one of the organizational risks from the Vila Health: Patient Safety simulation from Assessment 1. These included a patient identification error, a medication error, and a HIPAA/privacy violation. For Part Two of your assessment you will conduct an in-depth analysis of the organizational risk you selected.


Part One: Risk Management Policy and Procedure (3–4 pages)

As the new risk manager in your health care organization, your director has assigned you responsibility for drafting the organization’s risk management policy and procedure. This assignment stemmed from your director’s perception that employees lacked knowledge and awareness of risk management’s contribution to furthering the organization’s safety and quality improvement efforts. Likewise, your director also saw evidence that departments within the organization were inconsistently applying risk management principles to their daily work practices.

The guidance you have received from your director about writing this policy and procedure is that it needs to include all of the following headings. It also needs to answer all of the questions underneath each heading:

  • Purpose Statement:
  • How can a risk management program help this organization advance its strategic safety and quality goals?
  • Key Risk Management Terms:
  • What is the definition for each of these risk management terms?

         Risk prevention.

         Risk reduction.

         Regulatory compliance.

         Patient safety.

         Adverse event.

         Near miss.

  • Risk Categories and Risk Identification Techniques:
  • What are the major risk categories in health care? In your answer, be sure to explain each risk category and to provide relevant examples from the literature to illustrate your points.
  • What risk management strategies will the organization use to identify potential organizational risks? Be sure your narrative identifies and describes such risk identification techniques as concurrent, retrospective, incident reporting, and previous trends. ‹Note: These are only a few of the risk identification techniques to address in your policy and procedure. Be sure to include other examples you are aware of from your professional experience or from reviewing your suggested resources.
  • What are examples of risk categories and their appropriate corresponding risk identification techniques? For example, coding errors are a type of financial risk. Retrospective auditing is the risk identification technique used to identify this risk type.
  • Risk Manager’s Role in Program Implementation and Compliance:
  • What is the risk manager’s role in risk management program implementation and compliance?
  • How can a risk manager impact effective management of the organization’s risk management program?
  • What is one example from the literature that shows how the risk manager role can positively impact a health care organization’s management of its risk management program?

Part Two: Application of Risk Management Principles to a Specific Incident (3–4 pages)

To further help employees and the organization at large see risk management’s contribution to helping the organization achieve its safety and quality goals, your director has asked you to analyze and apply risk management principles to a recent incident that occurred in the organization. Your director has asked you to include all of the following headings in your analysis and to address all of the questions underneath each heading.

  • Risk Description:
  • Which potential risk to your organization from the Vila Health: Patient Safety simulation are you analyzing? These included patient identification error, medication error, and a HIPAA/privacy violation.
  • Risk Implications:
  • What are the risks to patients, employees, and to the organization if this particular risk is not addressed? In other words, what could happen if the organization chooses to do nothing?
  • Risk Identification:
  • What risk management strategies and techniques will the organization employ to identify this type of risk in the future? For example, will the organization identify this type of risk by analyzing incident report data? What other strategies might the organization employ to identify the risk? Be sure to include your rationale for choosing the particular strategy(ies).
  • Risk Reduction/Elimination:
  • What risk management best practices could the organization employ to eliminate or reduce the risk in the future? For example, if you plan to identify the risk by analyzing incident report data, would you conduct a drill down to determine what is causing the risk? What other best practices might you employ? Consult your suggested resources for guidance on best practices for eliminating and reducingrisk.
  • What steps would you take to implement your plan to eliminate or reduce your selected risk?

Additional Requirements

  • Length: Your risk management policy and procedure assessment will be 6–8 double-spaced pages, not including title and reference pages.
  • Font: Times New Roman, 12-point.
  • APA Format: In the health care environment, typically a policy and procedure and analysis document would not be written according to APA style and format. To make this assessment as authentic as possible to what you might actually encounter in the workplace, the body of your assessment does not need to conform to APA guidelines. Do make sure that it is clear, persuasive, organized, and well written without grammatical, punctuation, or spelling errors. At the same time, health care is an evidence-based field. As such, your title and reference pages need to conform to APA format and style guidelines. Likewise, you also must cite your sources according to APA guidelines. Your leaders may question you about the sources of the information you are providing them.
  • Scoring Guide: Please review this assessment’s scoring guide to ensure you understand how your faculty member will evaluate your work.

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