Families play a large and important role in their child’s education and even more so for students with disabilities. As a teacher, your understanding of a family’s unique circumstances and knowledge of how to be supportive through the family life cycle stages will go far in developing partnerships with them.
Create an 8- to 10-slide presentation, with detailed speaker notes (minimum of 50 words per slide), that addresses each of the topics below in the context of teachers working with families of students with disabilities. Summarize how the information you can glean from each topic can help inform your teaching strategy.
Please, below you will find all information regarding the Research project. Please, follow the instructions and questions that will guide your paper as well as general directions, grading criteria & grading rubric.
Andragogy Video: You can also view this brief video on adult learning theories. Use this only as an introduction since your text readings will go into much greater depth. For your assignment, cite from the class texts and not from the supplemental documents or videos.
Discussion Board – Adult Learning Theory
The student will post one thread of at least 750 words by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday of the assigned Module: Week. For each thread, students must support their assertions with broad references to the class sources in APA format. Draw from the sources broadly and cite per APA. Your narrative should include numerous references to the class content.
The assignment for this week will ask you to demonstrate higher-order thinking as it applies to adult learning theory. Please do the following presented in a complete narrative posted to the discussion board. Draw appropriately from the class sources and cite per APA 7th. Use headings to organize your main points. The overall purpose here is to think critically about the elements of adult learning. You will notice from the following that you integrate elements of application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and creation.
After reviewing the chapters on theories of adult learning (Merriam and Baumgartner chapters 5 and 16), and this module’s readings on self-directed learning, experience, adult development, and brain/memory/cognitive, judge what you conclude to be the most important concepts from each of those topics—make sure to address each of the concepts listed. Why do you come to that conclusion—that is provide valid rationale?
You were introduced to some enduring theories of adult learning. If you were constructing a theory of adult learning, what would you change, add or delete? Determining how adults learn, how would you design the perfect theory of how adults learn?
Of the elements of adult learning theory presented in the readings, do you identify any underlying themes? What are the similarities and differences between the different elements? Of the elements of adult learning under our control (we can’t change much about brain changes, for instance) what advice would you give to make adult learning the richest experience?
Project to your own teaching demonstration and explain how you will apply elements of adult learning to that teaching demonstration.
How does the new Career and Technical Education (CTE) differ from the old Vocation Education (Voc Ed)? To carry this forward, what is “Linked Learning” and what do its supporters envision for it? It does offer a very active role for career counselors. What is your opinion of Linked Learning? Do you think it could be successfully introduced into our current educational system? Why or why not? 2 sources required for reference and citation, necessary one attached below. 600 words.
Required source:
Dugger, S. M. (2016). Foundations of career counseling: A case-based approach. New York: Pearson
a) Summarize the business of Visa Inc. and identify the strategy it is pursuing. Consider relevant competitive forces and use SWOT Analysis to analyze the company. Identify, describe and evaluate the key strategic risks(2-3 risks)the company is facing as well as their potential upside/downside implications.
(b) Recommend approaches to mitigate the risks you identified. Identify one strategic risk that is common to both companies. (Mastercard and Visa) Contrast the different ways both companies address this risk.
(c) Determine which company’s strategy is more likely to be successful, and state the rationale for your decision.
(d) Based on your overall assessment in this memo, focusing on the strategy and the strategic risk posture of the firms, should the Pierre Group complete the acquisition of Mastercard, Visa, acquire both companies or neither. Why?