
Intergovernmental Relations

Intergovernmental Relations

After reading the article “‘Big Questions About Intergovernmental Relations and Management: Who Will Address Them?” by Kincaid and Stenberg, choose two of the questions from the article that intrigued you the most. Then in 750-1,000 words, do the following:

*I choose Question 9 and Question 12 (see the attached article for the questions) please complete the following based on these 2 questions

Explain whether the questions still need answering or if they have been addressed by government since the article was published.
If they have been answered, explain why and how. If they have not been answered, explain what government can do to start finding answers to them.
Describe the importance of the questions as they relate specifically to state and local governments.

Use three to five scholarly resources to support your explanations.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide

NO PLAGIARISM and Original work please!

Intergovernmental Relations Read More »

Do you feel that countries and companies need explicit strategies for technology development….

Do you feel that countries and companies need explicit strategies for technology development….

Do you feel that countries and companies need explicit strategies for technology development, given the tremendous amount of largely spontaneous creativity that occurs today, often in areas where new technologies are not expected to exert a great influence. Why or why not?

  • At least one scholarly source should be used, cited properly in APA

Requirements: .doc file | APA | Discussion | 1 pages, Double spaced

Do you feel that countries and companies need explicit strategies for technology development…. Read More »

Analyzing Current Involvement Programs Analyzing Current Involvement Programs

Analyzing Current Involvement Programs

Analyzing Current Involvement Programs

As research shows, family and community involvement has a positive impact on student learning. Therefore, it is imperative for schools to expand community involvement interactions and support from parents, relatives, businesses, and agencies.

In this module’s analysis, you will describe and analyze two of your school’s community involvement programs, their goals, their levels of participation, impact on student learning, and various aspects preventing and promote their success.

  • View/Download the Template TablesPreview the document (DOC) for use in this assignment.
  • Create a Word document for your response. Use APA format.
  • Include a title page, a labeled conclusion paragraph, and references page in APA format.
  • Complete the assignment by following the steps.

Step 1. Compose
Compose a well-developed introductory paragraph for your paper to introduce your school and its school/parent/community involvement programs.

Step 2. Create
Create a table in your Word document to chart information. You may use the template (Table 1) provided in the Template Tables document (linked above), or recreate the table yourself.

In the chart, identify up to four parent/community involvement programs your school currently has in place. Your list needs to include at least one parent program and one community (external partner) program.

  • List the student need(s) each program addresses.
  • Rate the current level of participation in each program by the three contributors: School personnel, families, and communities. A rating of 1 indicates minimal participation and 5 indicates full participation.
  • Rate the current impact of each program’s contributors on student learning. A rating of 1 indicates lowest impact on student learning and 5 highest.

Step 3. Analyze
Analyze and consider the partnership information you gathered. Respond to each question in a well-developed paragraph.

  1. Which programs most effectively involve parents/family, school, and community? Explain.
  2. Which programs most effectively impact student achievement at your school? Describe.
  3. Overall, who provides the most support for your school’s programs? What evidence do you have to support your choice?
  4. How is program information communicated to parents/family, the community, and throughout the school? How could the communication be made more effective?
  5. Who could become involved in specific programs to increase the programs’ effectiveness? Explain why these stakeholders are appropriate.
  6. How could additional participants be drawn into these community engagement programs? Suggest several strategies.
  7. What unaddressed needs do students at your school have? What type of community engagement program might best address those student needs?

Step 4. SWOT
A SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool used to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for a program or organization.

Create and complete a SWOT table in your Word document. You may use the template (Table 2) provided in the Template Tables document (linked above), or recreate the table yourself.

Step 5. Analyze
Referencing the list you developed in Step 2, select two programs (one involving parents/families and one involving the larger community). Analyze each program by completing the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) Table 2 analysis.

Requirements: .doc file | Research Paper | 5 pages, Double spaced

I am attaching a model paper and the template that is to be used

About the community to use,

Roy J. Smith MS…

Military Outreach & Student Advisory Committee

Below is a paper I wrote with the school dynamics and statistics already compiled

Analyzing Current Involvement Programs Analyzing Current Involvement Programs Read More »

YOU NEED TO WRITE 250 WORDS CORRELATING my job responsibilities(Electrical Engineer) TO MY COURSE (Project MANAGEMENT)

YOU NEED TO WRITE 250 WORDS CORRELATING my job responsibilities(Electrical Engineer) TO MY COURSE (Project MANAGEMENT)

YOU NEED TO WRITE 250 WORDS CORRELATING my job responsibilities(Electrical Engineer) TO MY COURSE (Project MANAGEMENT)

Here are outcomes from the Course:

1.Describe and discuss the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK).

2.Evaluate the processes and various approaches used in implementing project management.

3.Demonstrate the knowledge and skills needed in controlling project scope, schedule, and budget.

Question: Apply Your Work Experiences to The Course – Correlate your job responsibilities with the Project Management course outcomes listed above

Requirements: .doc file

YOU NEED TO WRITE 250 WORDS CORRELATING my job responsibilities(Electrical Engineer) TO MY COURSE (Project MANAGEMENT) Read More »

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