
Writing Select number of pages: 3 Question Description: Topic: Motivation and Managing with the Use of Power 750 – 1,250 words (not including cover page, appendices, and references)

Choose Topic: Writing
Select number of pages: 3
Question Description: Topic: Motivation and Managing with the Use of Power
750 – 1,250 words (not including cover page, appendices, and references)

For this assignment, you are asked to review and respond to two case studies. The intention of the two case studies is to bring together your awareness and understanding of motivation and managing with the use of power. Conduct research on the subject matter and provide at least three scholarly resources as references with corresponding citations meeting APA standards.

Everyone wants power. Why do we want power? Because it is good for us. It gives us more control over our own lives. It gives us more freedom to do as we wish. There are few things worse in life than feeling helpless, and few better than feeling in charge of your destiny. In general, people with power and status appear to command more respect from others, have higher self-esteem, and enjoy life more than those with less stature.

Watch how “How to Win Power and Influence People” may be an important skill.

Focus your attention on the following two case studies:

Case Incident 1: Should Women Have More Power, Chapter 13, p. 464
For additional insight, watch How to Understand Power.
Respond to questions 13-14, 13-15, and 13-16.
Case Incident 2: Where Flattery will Get You, Chapter 13, p. 465.
For additional insight, watch The Power of Leadership.
Respond to questions 13-17, 13-18, and 13-19.
Read and review each case study and respond to the presented case study questions associated with the case studies in a single assignment input for this Individual Project.

If there are any questions you have regarding these two case studies, reach out to your instructor. In addition, be sure to attend or listen to the Live Chats because that is where you will be able to ask questions and gain further insight into what is being addressed in the case studies.


Emil Ihsan-Alexander Torabi. (2013, June 11). The power of leadership [Video file]. Retrieved from

mlabvideo. (2011, February 24). Jeffrey Pfeffer: How to win power and influence people [Video file]. Retrieved from

TED-Ed. (2014, November 4). How to understand power – Eric Liu [Video file]. Retrieved from

Writing Select number of pages: 3 Question Description: Topic: Motivation and Managing with the Use of Power 750 – 1,250 words (not including cover page, appendices, and references) Read More »

2 pages Essay about Management in a multicultural and diverse workforce

2 pages Essay about Management in a multicultural and diverse workforce

Note: Use the materials provided

Title: You are a manager working with a multicultural and diverse workforce. Given the existence of the wide variance, how would you or an executive manage national cultures, political systems, economic systems, social systems, languages and corporate cultures in a global environment?


Here are references and videos to assist you in understanding the content matter for your research.

Wk 2: External Forces & Factors in IB

References and Videos

Diversity in the Workplace

Watch VideoYouTube URL:

Diversity Management

Watch VideoYouTube URL:

External Business Environment

Watch VideoYouTube URL:

Watch VideoYouTube URL:

Internal & External Business Environment

Watch VideoYouTube URL:


Fuchs, E., & Kirchain, R. (2010). Design for location? The impact of manufacturing offshore on technology competitiveness in the optoelectronics industry. Management Science, 56(12), 2323-2349.

Hodge, D. (2009). Growth, employment and unemployment in South Africa. South African Journal of Economics, 77(4), 488-504.

Global Environmental Benefits. (2016, April 04). Retrieved from

Dodman, D. (2009). Blaming cities for climate change? An analysis of urban greenhouse gas emissions inventories. Environment and Urbanization, 21(1), 185-201.

Fern Fort University. (2017). T-Mobile US, Inc. PESTEL & Environment Analysis.
Retrieved from:–inc-.php

Kotler, P., & Keller, K. (2011). Marketing management. (14th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ, Prentice Hall.

Caprar, D., Devinney, T., Kirman, B., & Caligiuri, P. (2015). Conceptualizing and measuring culture in international business and management: From challenges to potential solutions. Journal of International Business Studies. 46, 1011-1027.

Lopez-Duarte, C., Vidal-Suarez, M., & Gonzalez-Diaz, B. (2016). International business and National culture: A literature review and research agenda. International Journal of Management Reviews. 18, 397-416. doi 10.1111/ijmr.12070

Puslecki, Z. (2016). Current re-shaping of international business. Wroclaw University Economics. 471-490. doi 10.15611/pn.2016.450.41

Hamilton, L., & Webster, P. (2015). The international business environment. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Keillor, B. D. (2013). Understanding the global market: Navigating the international business environment. ABC-CLIO.

Malgwi, C. A. (2016). Corollaries of corruption and bribery on international business. Journal of Financial Crime, 23(4), 948-964. Retrieved from

Zirra, A. (2015). Recent Developments of International Business Environment. Romanian Economic and Business Review, 10(4), 69-80. Retrieved from

2 pages Essay about Management in a multicultural and diverse workforce Read More »

What are your initial impressions about obesity coming into this class? What contributes to it? How do we fix it?

What are your initial impressions about obesity coming into this class? What contributes to it? How do we fix it?

Use the prompt above to write at least 300 words on your initial impressions of obesity coming into this class.

Don’t worry about a “right” answer, I just want to get a feel for where your thoughts are on the topic at the beginning of this class.

This is NOT an essay. This assignment will go on the class discussion post for the whole class to read.

Requirements: Other | 1 pages, Single spaced

What are your initial impressions about obesity coming into this class? What contributes to it? How do we fix it? Read More »

Common Fallacies in Explaining Organizational Problems

Common Fallacies in Explaining Organizational Problems

MSL Organizational Systems

Assignment 2

Common Fallacies in Explaining Organizational Problems

(25 points)

*Option-You may work in pairs/groups/individually

For this paper, select an organization with which you are familiar, (if working as a group brainstorm and decide on one) and use Bolman & Deal’s common fallacies to analyze the organization’s functioning and behavior. The organization may be one in which you work, volunteer, or otherwise interact – you should know it well enough to be able to describe it in detail and apply the organizational problems effectively.

  • Include analysis of at least one fallacy, demonstrating how the fallacies make sense of the organization’s systems. The fallacies from Bolman & Deal include: blaming people; blaming the bureauracy; thirsting for power. You must have a minimum of 5-7 articles outside the course texts in your reference list and the material from these articles must be integrated into the analysis.
  • APA style must be used throughout the paper, including headings, citations and reference list.

Your paper must include the following elements:

  • Description of the organization including overview of its systems.
  • Definition of fallacies and application of the fallacies to the organization
  • Discussion of how the fallacies interact or co-exist in the organization
  • Discussion of how identification of the fallacy can be applied to the improvement of your organization’s systems that deals with the specific leadership opportunities you identified for your organization through this assignment

If done as a pair/group – all names should appear on the cover sheet, each person should upload the final draft of the paper to their individual drop box – and “note well” each person receives the same grade.

Paper Requirements:

  • Length of paper 5-7 pages not including the title or reference page.
  • Use 5-7 scholarly references to support your research and arguments. Must be published within the last 5-7 years.
  • This is a scholarly paper that should be based on research, not just on personal opinions and experiences.
  • Submit (upload) as a Word document in the assignment area

Common Fallacies in Explaining Organizational Problems Read More »

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