
Purchasing and Supply Management Organization

Purchasing and Supply Management Organization

>Chapter 5: Purchasing and Supply Management Organization

>Chapter 6: Category Strategy Development

  • The difference between category strategies and sourcing strategies
  • The category strategy development process
  • Types of category strategy outcomes
  • Supply management transformation initiatives

>Wall Street Journal: “Amazon to Launch Its Own TVs in Push to Cement Itself in Living Rooms,” Link: (Links to an external site.)

Please review the assigned materials for answering the questions below.

Questions ————————————————————————————-

  1. How will launching Fire TV sets likely influence the organizational purchasing and supply management (P/SM) organization for Amazon (See Exhibit 5.2)?
  2. Describe how Porter’s Five Forces (Exhibit 6.10) can be used to create a Strategy Portfolio Matrix for Category Management (Exhibit 6.12) that Amazon can use to create a competitive advantage in the market for television sets.
  3. Discuss how Amazon can manage “Supply Chain Transformation” (page 237) utilizing the stages of supply management strategy evolution (Exhibit 6.14).
  4. Please provide an insightful question about category strategy development.

Due dates: =================================================

>Initial comments to questions: Thursday, September 16th at 11:59 p.m. Central Time

>Responses to other students: Sunday, September 19th at 11:59 p.m. Central Time

Requirements: as needed

the professor told us to use exhibit 6.13 instead of exhibit 6.14

Purchasing and Supply Management Organization Read More »

Purchasing and Supply Management Organization

Purchasing and Supply Management Organization

>Chapter 5: Purchasing and Supply Management Organization

>Chapter 6: Category Strategy Development

>Wall Street Journal: “Amazon to Launch Its Own TVs in Push to Cement Itself in Living Rooms,” Link: (Links to an external site.)

Please review the assigned materials for answering the questions below.

Questions ————————————————————————————-

  1. How will launching Fire TV sets likely influence the organizational purchasing and supply management (P/SM) organization for Amazon (See Exhibit 5.2)?
  2. Describe how Porter’s Five Forces (Exhibit 6.10) can be used to create a Strategy Portfolio Matrix for Category Management (Exhibit 6.12) that Amazon can use to create a competitive advantage in the market for television sets.
  3. Discuss how Amazon can manage “Supply Chain Transformation” (page 237) utilizing the stages of supply management strategy evolution (Exhibit 6.14).
  4. Please provide an insightful question about category strategy development.

Due dates: =================================================

>Initial comments to questions: Thursday, September 16th at 11:59 p.m. Central Time

>Responses to other students: Sunday, September 19th at 11:59 p.m. Central Time

Requirements: as needed

the professor told us to use exhibit 6.13 instead of exhibit 6.14

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Project Management Processes

Project Management Processes

Question 1 Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week (chapter – 7,8 ) and write what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding in each assigned textbook chapter. Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

Question 2 Activity I: Give an example of an organization with an ineffective or cumbersome structure. Explain the problems with the current structure and how these problems could be solved.

Activity II: Prepare a risk management plan for the project of finding a job after graduation.

Requirements: 4 – 5 pages

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Management Question

Management Question


PM Tools & Techniques – DataFlow Diagram

Dataflow Diagramming is a Process Modeling Technique. In order to understand how a business process operates and how the data flows step-by-step through the system, it helps to diagram the process.

The articles above will help you understand the dataflow diagram and other process modeling techniques. Once you have a better understanding, you will create a diagram of your own based on the scenario below. There are many different ways to diagram this process. The idea is that you understand how to create the diagram and work through the various steps properly.

Create an account on

Usecase EDU | Lucidchart

Case Scenario:

When new patients are seen for the first time, they complete a patient information form that asks for their name, address, phone number, and brief medical history, which are stored in the patient information file. When a patient calls to schedule a new appointment or change an existing appointment, the receptionist checks the appointment file for an available time. Once a good time is found for the patient, the appointment is scheduled. If the patient is a new patient, an incomplete entry is made in the patient file; the full information will be collected when the patient arrives for the appointment. Because appointments are often made far in advance, the receptionist usually mails a reminder postcard to each patient 2 weeks before the appointment.

Management Question Read More »

Nursing Leadership and Management, week 6 Qualities of a Nurse Leader

Nursing Leadership and Management, week 6

Qualities of a Nurse Leader

It is important for nurse leaders to engage with other nurse leaders to understand professional roles; a practice experience is assigned to achieve this end. It is expected that you will spend 8-10 hours with the nurse leader, shadowing them in their position, observing them go about their day, and interviewing them. The interview can take place before, during, or after the shadow period or can be on a different day.

**All students are to submit a completed Practice Hour Log of at least 8-10 hours into the Mod 6 dropbox. Note: Students who hold an RN license in the state of Washington must complete a minimum of 10 hours of practice experience as noted on their Log. Upload the Log as a separate document. **

You will engage with and interview a nurse leader in person. You should begin thinking about this activity as soon as possible and identify how you will identify and gain access to the interview. You may include photos, graphs, or charts.

  1. Choose a nurse leader who holds a leadership nursing position in their organization who have direct reports (they supervise other employees). Examples of this include Director of Nursing, Director, Unit Manager. *You may not be employed in the same facility as your interviewee or shadow during personal work hours* (If special accommodations need to be made, approval by your instructor is required first).
  2. Develop an interview guide before conducting the interview. Identify information that you want to know before the interview and plan clarifying questions. You must include at least one question about technology/informatics.
  3. Conduct an interview regarding their professional role in the organization, and a current health care issue that is of interest to you (ethics, conflict management, budget, staffing, culture of safety, “just culture”, career advancement, quality improvement, etc.). Identify the name of the organization and use names of all involved (no anonymity).
  4. Prepare a written report of the interview.

Required questions below. Feel free to add to the list below but these questions must be asked to your interviewee and answered.

  • Please describe the nursing and inter-professional teams that operate in this facility/on this unit.
  • Can you provide an example of a nursing practice that has been changed in the last year based on current best evidence?
  • Please identify the impact of change within your organization and your role as leader/manager in this change process
  • Please identify strategies used for fiscal and human resources that contribute to the organization’s ability to deliver quality cost-effective patient-centered care
  • What do you consider your biggest challenge as a leader/manager?
  • What do you love most about your job?
  • Why did you choose this job?
  • What other kinds of nursing/other job did you ever do?
  • How would you describe your company’s culture?
  • How would you describe your role in admission and staffing decisions? • What is your leadership style?

* If you are employed in a large healthcare facility that has more than one location, you may interview the nurse leader in that organization with prior permission from your instructor. The purpose of this is to get you out of your organization and explore other nursing leadership roles that you might be familiar with.

Assignment Expectations:

Length: 1500 to 1750 words in length; Upload log Separately

Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA format. These do not count towards the minimum word count for this assignment. Your essay must include an introduction and a conclusion.

References: Use appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. Your essay should have at least two scholarly references in addition to the textbook. Please be sure to cite the interview in APA format.

Rubric: This assignment uses a rubric for scoring. Please review it as part of your assignment preparation and again prior to submission to ensure you have addressed its criteria at the highest level.

Format: Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx) or a PDF document (.pdf)

Requirements: 1500 to 1750 words in length; essay must include an introduction and a conclusion.

Nursing Leadership and Management, week 6 Qualities of a Nurse Leader Read More »

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