
For this assignment, choose a peer-reviewed article to review from the databases

For this assignment, choose a peer-reviewed article to review from the databases


For this assignment, choose a peer-reviewed article to review from the databases in the CSU Online Library. Find an article about international human resource management (IHRM) that is of interest to you and covers the multinational manager training topics from this unit. The article you choose must be at least two pages in length and be written within the last five years. Write a two-page review of the article that includes the following information.

Your completed article review must be at least two pages in length. You are required to use at least two outside sources, one of which must be the article you reviewed. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations.

Article is attached.

Citation: Farooq, W., Bhatti, O. K., & Latif, S. (2019). Islamic Human Resource Management (IHRM) Practices Impact on Employees’ Work Engagement: An Empirical Study. Al-Adwa, 34(51), 1–18.Accessed April 1, 2022. https://search-ebscohost-com.libraryresources.colu…

For this assignment, choose a peer-reviewed article to review from the databases Read More »

MGT520 – Managing Perform for Results

MGT520 – Managing Perform for Results

In light of this module’s required readings and your own research, respond to the scenario and prompts below.


For five years, Reham has worked as a Printing Manager for a Saudi Print Shop. During this time, the organization has grown to be a 24/7 operation, employing 75 employees. Saudi Print Shop is located in a large city, and customers often complain of having to travel 20-30 miles to submit and pick-up orders. The owner has decided he will open a second shop on the opposite side of the city. Until this point, the owner and management team has run operations without a performance management process. The owner recognizes a performance management process is highly needed to sustain growth. He has given Reham the duty of developing a performance management process.

Thoroughly evaluate and develop the following five elements of a performance management process:

1. In the context of Saudi Print Shop, critically evaluate the availability of any prerequisites to implementing a performance management process.
2. Discuss your plans for developing formal job descriptions for the employees at the second print shop.
3. Explain key features of developing performance plans for the employees. Provide examples of factors you would consider in developing a plan for customer service personnel (who are employed by the shop).
4. In the context of Saudi Print Shop, create three results-oriented performance standards for all employees. How will you measure each performance standard?

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be 4-6 pages in length, which does not include the title and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
  • Use academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.
  • Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.
  • Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.

Requirements: 5 pages

MGT520 – Managing Perform for Results Read More »

Human Resource Discussion

Human Resource Discussion

The Learning Activity titled “Approaches to Job Design” mentions several ways to motivate employees through job design. Select two of the examples mentioned in the reading and elaborate on how these ideas worked for the industries in the examples. Then, describe whether or not these ideas would work for your organization and explain why or why not.


Approaches to Job Design


Many of us assume the most important motivator at work is pay. Yet, studies point to a different factor as the major influence over worker motivation—job design. How a job is designed has a major impact on employee motivation, job satisfaction, commitment to an organization, absenteeism, and turnover.

The question of how to properly design jobs so that employees are more productive and more satisfied has received attention from managers and researchers since the beginning of the 20th century. In this activity will review major approaches to job design starting from its early history.

Motivating Employees Through Job Design

Scientific Management and Job Specialization

Perhaps the earliest attempt to design jobs came during the era of scientific management. Scientific management is a philosophy based on the ideas of Frederick Taylor as presented in his 1911 book, Principles of Scientific Management. Taylor’s book is among the most influential books of the 20th century; the ideas presented had a major influence over how work was organized in the following years. Taylor was a mechanical engineer in the manufacturing industry. He saw work being done haphazardly, with only workers in charge. He saw the inefficiencies inherent in employees’ production methods and argued that a manager’s job was to carefully plan the work to be performed by employees. He also believed that scientific methods could be used to increase productivity. As an example, Taylor found that instead of allowing workers to use their own shovels, as was the custom at the time, providing specially designed shovels increased productivity. Further, by providing training and specific instructions, he was able to dramatically reduce the number of laborers required to handle each job.

Photo of the Ford assembly line in Berlin, Germany.

This Ford panel assembly line in Berlin, Germany, is an example of specialization. Each person on the line has a different job.© Comstock/Stockbyte/Thinkstock

Scientific management proposed a number of ideas that have been influential in job design in the following years. An important idea was to minimize waste by identifying the most efficient method to perform the job. Using time–motion studies, management could determine how much time each task would require and plan the tasks so that the job could be performed as efficiently as possible. Therefore, standardized job performance methods were an important element of scientific management techniques. Each job would be carefully planned in advance, and employees would be paid to perform the tasks in the way specified by management.

Furthermore, job specialization was one of the major advances of this approach. Job specialization is the breaking down tasks to their simplest components and assigning them to employees so that each person would perform few tasks in a repetitive manner. There are a number of advantages to job specialization. Breaking tasks into simple components and making them repetitive reduces the skill requirements of the jobs and decreases the effort and cost of staffing. Training times for simple, repetitive jobs tend to be shorter as well. On the other hand, from a motivational perspective, these jobs are boring and repetitive and therefore associated with negative outcomes such as absenteeism (Campion & Thayer, 1987). Also, job specialization is ineffective in rapidly changing environments where employees may need to modify their approach according to the demands of the situation (Wilson, 1999).

Today, Taylorism has a bad reputation, and it is often referred to as the “dark ages” of management when employees’ social motives were ignored. Yet, it is important to recognize the fundamental change in management mentality brought about by Taylor’s ideas. For the first time, managers realized their role in influencing the output levels of employees. The concept of scientific management has had a lasting impact on how work is organized. Taylor’s work paved the way to automation and standardization that is virtually universal in today’s workplace. Assembly lines where each worker performs simple tasks in a repetitive manner are a direct result of job specialization efforts. Job specialization eventually found its way to the service industry as well. One of the biggest innovations of the famous McDonald brothers’ first fast-food restaurant was the application of scientific management principles to their operations. They divided up the tasks so that one person took the orders while someone else made the burgers, another person applied the condiments, and yet another wrapped them. With this level of efficiency, customers generally received their order within one minute (Spake, 2001).

Note: Adapted from “Motivating Employees Through Job Design,” by Bauer, T., and Erdogan, B., 2010, Organizational Behavior, v. 1.1, Chapter 6. Copyright 2010 Flat World Knowledge, Inc.

-Post adds value by raising novel points or providing new perspectives.

-Post is concise and clearly written in an academic tone; Sentences are complete; spelling, grammar and punctuation are correct.

Requirements: Less than 3000 words

Human Resource Discussion Read More »

MGT560 – Leadership Development

MGT560 – Leadership Development

Hello. I need help answering these questions. I have done the self-assessment and attached the score and the interpretation of the result. for question 3, I’ve talked to my professor and he said use a hypothetical situation.

Understanding our leadership styles will help us maximize our skills. This will also help us evaluate our effectiveness in specific leadership situations.

Not all leadership styles are as effective in the same situations. Understanding the best leadership style for each situation will help us create effective strategies to achieve organizational goals.

As part of this assignment, you are asked to take the following self-assessment from MindTools website ( to determine your leadership style.

Once you have completed the self-assessment, please answer the following questions:

  1. Based on the self-assessment, what is your leadership style? Do you agree or disagree with the results presented? Explain.
  2. Describe three characteristics and skills associated with your leadership style.
  3. Describe a situation where your leadership skills helped you.
  4. How can your leadership style create a stronger workplace environment during the COVID-19 pandemic?
  5. How can you enhance your leadership style to better improve the organizational culture?

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be 4-5 pages in length (double-spaced), which does not include the title and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
  • Use academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.
  • Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least three current, scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles. Current articles are those published within the last five years.

Requirements: 5 pages

MGT560 – Leadership Development Read More »

Human Resource Discussion post

Human Resource Discussion post

Examine Figure 4.6 in the Activity titled “Completing and Conducting the Appraisal.” Choose two of the suggestions from Figure 4.6 and explain why they are vital to developing a performance evaluation system. If you were responsible for improving your appraisal process, which suggestion from the table would you focus on implementing immediately and why? Please include specific examples from the reading to support your response.

Completing and Conducting the Appraisal


In a management role, you have to prepare yourself to conduct an effective performance review with your employees. This requires preparation and thoughtfulness. Read this section to learn about best practices for developing and completing appraisals.

It is necessary to provide formal feedback to employees through a systematic performance evaluation system. The HR professional should know how often performance evaluations should be given and if they are tied to pay increases.

The next step is to make sure you know the goals of the performance evaluation; for example, is the goal to improve performance and also identify people for succession planning? You will then determine the source for the performance evaluation data, and then create criteria and rating scales that relate directly to the employee’s job description. Once this is done, the successful functioning of the performance evaluation system largely depends on the HR professional to implement and communicate the system to managers and employees. This will be the primary focus of our next section.

Best Practices in Performance Appraisals

The most important things to remember when developing a performance evaluation system include the following (see Figure 4.6):

  1. Make sure the evaluation has a direct relationship to the job. Consider developing specific criteria for each job, based on the individual job specifications and description.
  2. Involve managers when developing the process. Garner their feedback to obtain “buy-in” for the process.
  3. Consider involving the employee in the process by asking the employee to fill out a self-evaluation.
  4. Use a variety of methods to rate and evaluate the employee.
  5. Avoid bias by standardizing performance evaluations systems for each job.
  6. Give feedback on performance throughout the year, not just during performance review times.
  7. Make sure the goals of the performance evaluation tie into the organizational and department goals.
  8. Ensure the performance appraisal criteria also tie into the goals of the organization, for a strategic HRM approach.
  9. Review the evaluation for each job title often, since jobs and expectations change.

Figure 4.6

Performance appraisal

As you can see from Figure 4.6, the performance appraisal aspect is just one part of the total process. We can call this a performance review system. The first step of the process is goal setting with the employee. This could mean showing the employee his or her performance appraisal criteria or sitting down with the employee to develop MBOs. The basic idea here is that the employee should know the expectations and how his or her job performance will be rated.

Constant monitoring, feedback, and coaching are the next step. Ensuring the employee knows what he or she is doing well and is not doing well in a more informal manner will allow for a more productive employee.

Next, of course, is the formal performance evaluation process. Choosing the criteria, rating scale, and source of the evaluation are steps we have already discussed. The next step is to work with the employee to develop improvement plans (if necessary) and offer any rewards as a result of excellent performance. The process then begins again, setting new goals with the employee.

-Post adds value by raising novel points or providing new perspectives.

-Post is concise and clearly written in an academic tone; Sentences are complete; spelling, grammar and punctuation are correct.

One attachment • Scanned by Gmail

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CaseStudy: ReverseLogistics

CaseStudy: ReverseLogistics

Case Study

Write a minimum of a four-page paper, plus the title page and a reference page on the following statement:

1. To complete this Case Study: Reverse Logistics primarily concerns itself with recovering material and/or economic value from products which are at the end of their useful life. This class will familiarize participants with motives, theory, and practical application, using a variety of sources including textbooks and case studies as well as scientific literature.

2. Review Managing Reverse Logistics reading text and specifically, CH 3 Case studies. Choose a case Study, review the information and pull together the past exercises to develop your methodology and supporting methods to either agree or disagree with the Case Study. Explain your reasoning in an APA style paper of 1-2 pages. Write your Case study in a memorandum format, with a business header, Include the Case Study problem statement; You do not need to post Case Study Response to the Discussion Folder, You will be graded on Content, Understanding, Timeliness, Critical Thinking, Correctness of Writing.

– Readings: SPMR – Managing Reverse Logistics deBrito – CH 3; LO – 1-13

– Read readings your chosen Case Study.

– Post your Case Study to the Assignments Folder

– Then read your Case Study.

– ______________.

– Identify, assess, analyze and solve problems related to supply chain management Issues.

– Develop and apply research skills appropriate to the requirements of the unit and discipline

– Understand how the concepts of related management disciplines are applied in the development of Reverse Logistics problems

– Understand and apply the concepts learned to L&SCM problems and support their solutions with logical argument

– Communicate an understanding of the unit’s concepts and their application in written and verbal/ presentation media

– To develop individual intellectual inquiry and application skills

– To demonstrate the realization of these outcomes by achieving an adequate overall standard in the assessment process

Incorporate at least one reference from articles listed within the online APUS library.

Requirements: 4 pages: 2 pg explanation paper of case study and 2 pg case study

I have attached the book to choose the case study from CH3. I left it up to you which case study you would like to choose from. I have also attached my past forum posts if it helps.

The post had said a 2 pg apa style paper for the reasoning and the case study in a memo format

CaseStudy: ReverseLogistics Read More »

After reading the case study, imagine you have been tasked by the VP of Manufacturing

After reading the case study, imagine you have been tasked by the VP of Manufacturing

After reading the case study, imagine you have been tasked by the VP of Manufacturing of your firm to develop a 2-to-4 page technology strategy evaluation memo.

Your memo should briefly describe the technology described in the white paper, its purpose, the return on investment and risks inherent in implementing the technology.

Then, you should make and articulate some assumptions about the level of development maturity of the technology, what a technology roadmap might look like for this type of decision making software and what you think the adoption or commercialization path will look like for this technology. I.e. Who will be the innovators, early adopters, etc.

Finally, when analyzing the risks inherent in implementing the technology, what do you think the authors mean when they say “The biggest obstacle (in implementing this technology) is no longer technology but social order?”

Using some of the concepts from the leadership and culture module, imagine and describe the cultural impediments and challenges for a company that would adopt this technology. Here we are asking you draw deeply upon your experience and imagination to those visible things that have to be changed.

Please be specific.

Requirements: report

After reading the case study, imagine you have been tasked by the VP of Manufacturing Read More »

CaseStudy HRIS

CaseStudy HRIS

Read the SHRM case study Integrating a Human Resource Information System and answer the questions below based on the case study and information provided for context. You may use information from the lectures and readings to supplement your answers if necessary.

  1. What cultural issues are interwoven in this project that affected HR?
  2. Who should be involved in future global integration projects?
  3. What skills should team members have and how should they be selected?

Please see attached. Guidelines for Submission: Case study analysis assignments must follow these formatting guidelines: double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations (APA format). Page length requirements: 2–4 pages.

Requirements: 2-4 pages

CaseStudy HRIS Read More »

Benchmark – Risk Management Evaluation Presentation

Benchmark – Risk Management Evaluation Presentation

Assessment Description

The purpose of this assignment is to critically think through all aspects of risk management.

Assume that you have been newly hired as the manager of the Patient Safety and Quality Improvement team for a midsize hospital that will soon be opening a new wing. You will need to conduct a risk assessment analysis on the new wing and present it to the hospital board. Choose whether you will be assessing a new maternity unit, a new outpatient clinic, or a new supply and storage wing.

Refer to the ASHRM’s “Strategic Plan 2019-2021” resource for assistance in completing this assignment.

In a 12-15 slide PowerPoint presentation (not including title and reference slides), incorporate the following points:

  1. Describe the key elements of risk management.
  2. Identify key risk factors of the unit you chose that will need to be addressed.
  3. Legal, regulatory, and accrediting risk factors that will need to be addressed.
  4. Stakeholders that will need to be involved in the risk management process, along with their roles and the context of their involvement in the evaluation and decision-making process.
  5. Evaluate the hospital’s short-term strategic plan to mitigate and provide solutions for identified risks. How do these risk management solutions compare to the ASHRM’s strategic plan to improve risk management?
  6. Evaluate the hospital’s long-term strategic plan to mitigate and provide solutions for identified risks. How do these risk management solutions compare to the ASHRM’s strategic plan to improve risk management?

Cite a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources to support your position.

Comprehensive speaker’s notes are required.

Refer to the resource, “Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

Benchmark Information

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Human Resource Management service Delivery

Human Resource Management service Delivery


Provide examples from the module resource readings or from your own experience in the workplace to support your responses.

In response to your peers, provide feedback about their initial post and offer strategies for overcoming the challenges of a shared service delivery model and employee resistance to new self-service technology. Provide examples and supportive evidence.

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric document.

Requirements: 1 page

Human Resource Management service Delivery Read More »

Research Proposal

Research Proposal


Final Proposal Project:

Please find the rubric attached.

Each student will be required to complete the term project, which is a research proposal written in an APA Style. The project should have at least 8-10 pages of substance not counting the cover and reference page. Please include a Cover Page, an abstract, and a list of references. The research proposal you write in this course will NOT be sent to the IRB for approval. This is because you will not be conducting actual research for the purpose of this class. You will, however, gain insight as to how to write a research proposal.

Each student will be required to complete a research proposal, as the term project. The research proposal will include the following:

The research proposal (Term Project) must be in a Word Document (.doc) uploaded to the student’s folder through the assignment section. Students will be required to use at least five scholarly references in their work.

Students are required to follow APA Style guidelines.

Please make sure that you are using the course-writing rubric to use as a checklist so that you write a solid paper.

Students must use a topic, which was approved by the instructor or their research proposal.

Do not include quotes in your work. The student needs to display good critical thinking skills and not a string of quotes written by published authors. Your proposal is what is needed for a successful research project to be conducted in the future.

Do not wait until the last minute to research, write, format, and edit. Proper time management is required to turn in a quality research proposal that highlights your understanding of how to conduct scholarly research.

Your Term Project must be submitted by the end of week 8. No late submissions will be accepted past the official end of the semester.

Due Sunday 11:59 pm EST

Requirements: 8-10 pagesh

Research Proposal Read More »

MAN4701CBE Analyzing Leadership

MAN4701CBE Analyzing Leadership

MAN4701CBE Analyzing Leadership

Assignment Content


    Analyze leadership and management roles in change management.


    View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.


    An effective leader must possess the skills, emotional intelligence, and knowledge base to influence and convince the members of the organization to not only adopt, but to become advocates for the change that the leader seeks to implement.
    In order for one to develop the leadership skills that are required to affect change within the organization, one must become familiar with a variety of approaches previously utilized by successful leaders and managers in organizational transformation.
    For this assignment, utilize the Rasmussen Business Library resource to research a business case study of an organization going through strategic change. Then research two leadership strategies that have been used to successfully drive organizational change during the past 10 years. Once you have located these strategies, write a paper analyzing the effectiveness of each strategy, and relate how effective management strategy alone may well be challenged to achieve desired change without effective leadership.
    In your analysis, address the following:

    • Identify and research two leadership strategies.
    • Develop a description of the leadership strategies.
    • Formulate an overview of how the strategy is used and rate its effectiveness.
    • Argue whether the strategy is still relevant and effective in present day organizations. Why or Why not?
    • Describe how management alone will fall short of achieving desired organizational change without all levels of leadership effectively operating in their rolls.

    Please identify these strategies from references found in the Rasmussen College Library.
    Assignment Requirements are as follows:

    1. The body of the paper should be 2-3 pages.
    2. The paper should include an APA formatted cover page and reference page.
    3. The paper should include at least two peer-reviewed sources, such as journal articles from the Rasmussen Library.
    4. The paper should be proofread for correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

    A note about peer reviewed resources: A peer-review is a process by which a scholarly work (such as a paper or a research proposal) is checked by a group of experts in the same field to make sure it meets the necessary standards before it is published or accepted.

Grading Rubric:
  1. Provides a thorough explanation of chosen leadership strategies, includes detailed research and argument of whether strategies still hold relevance today.
  2. Provides a thorough description chosen leadership strategies used to drive change over the past 10 years
  3. Provides thorough overview of how the two leadership strategies are used and rate their effectiveness in detail.
  4. Provides a thorough description of how management alone will fall short of achieving desired organizational change without all levels of leadership effectively operating in their rolls, including examples.

Requirements: 2 – 3 pages

MAN4701CBE Analyzing Leadership Read More »

Unit VII Essay Choose Topic: Engineering Number of Pages: 2

Tittle: Unit VII Essay
Choose Topic: Engineering
Number of Pages: 2

Question Description: Unit VII Essay
For this assignment, you will write an essay describing the arson investigation process. You should tie it to the importance of suppression personnel (i.e. fire captain, fire engineer, and firefighters), understanding their role as first responders on a scene.
In your essay, also include the following.
Explain the arson investigation process.
Explain the professional certification and training requirements for fire investigators.
Explain how fire tests and fire-rated materials assist in investigations.
Discuss fire suppression systems importance to arson.

Explain model fire marshal law and its connection to fire investigation.

Your essay should be two pages in length. This does not include the optional cover page and required references page. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary. A minimum of two references are required for this assignment. Paper shall be original and plagiarism free.

Unit VII Essay Choose Topic: Engineering Number of Pages: 2 Read More »

As a student of organizational behavior,

As a student of organizational behavior,

need to answer questions

1. As a student of organizational behavior, you have the opportunity to investigate what factors lead employees to make certain choices. What can this in turn help you do within your job?

2. It is important for service organizations to include customer needs and requirements in assessing their effectiveness. Why is this so? Discuss

The assignment is to answer the question provided above in essay form. This is to be in narrative form. Bullet points should not to be used. The paper should be at least 1.5 – 2 pages in length, Times New Roman 12-pt font, double-spaced, 1 inch margins and utilizing at least one outside scholarly or professional source related to organizational behavior. This does not mean blogs or websites. This source should be a published article in a scholarly journal. This source should provide substance and not just be mentioned briefly to fulfill this criteria. The textbook should also be utilized. Do not use quotes. Do not insert excess line spacing. APA formatting and citation should be used.

Requirements: 2 page   |

As a student of organizational behavior, Read More »

Supply Chain Question

Supply Chain Question

A recent article in Logistics Management identified five trends disrupting technology to watch in
2022. Please see the article below:

Article: “Five Trends Disrupting the Technology Supply Chain and How to Navigate Them,”

For this assignment please provide:
• A summary of the five trends and their importance in 2022
o A detailed discussion of two of the key trends supported by ten news articles
(five articles for each trend) discussed in the Logistics Management report.
• A discussion of how the content of this course is related to at least two trends
• A discussion of the potential impact on businesses and customers in 2022
• A discussion of implications for organizations beyond 2022
• Conclusions
• References

The key to success for this assignment will be the ability to describe the relevance of these
articles to International Logistics Management.
• Only news articles that were published after November 1st, 2021, will be valid for this
• The use of terms and concepts from the assigned materials for this course will be critical
for success.

NOTE: A written report in Microsoft Word is not required for this assignment.

Please add notes under each slide so I know what to say in each slide because I have to record a video presentation5-15 minutes.

“””Recordings should be 5-15 minutes in length. Please keep the length of the recording under 15 minutes by
focusing on the critical points of your report.”””

Supply Chain Question Read More »

What comes to mind when you think of the term information systems?

What comes to mind when you think of the term information systems?

Business Question

What comes to mind when you think of the term information systems? Has your definition changed after reading this week’s Learning Resources? You might focus on the technological components that collect data and disseminate information. Or, you might focus on how people interact with information systems, such as how they use the information or how management information systems are implemented. Whichever aspect stands out, it’s important to know how information systems continue to grow and affect organizations around the world.

In this Assignment, you will respond to a set of questions on information technology, management information systems, and hardware and software.

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources.
  • Refer to the Academic Writing Expectations for 2000/3000-Level Courses as you compose your Assignment.

Submit your responses to the following prompts:

  • Define information and information technology and provide examples of each. (75 words, or 1 paragraph)
  • Describe the role of management information systems in supporting a company’s business functions. (150 words, or 2 paragraphs)
  • Select two types of information systems a company might need and explain why those systems are important. (75–150 words, or 1–2 paragraphs)
  • People, information, and information technology are key resources in an organization. Place these three resources in order of importance to an organization (1 being most important, 3 being least important), and explain why you have ordered them as you have. (150–225 words, or 2–3 paragraphs)
  • Describe the role of the knowledge workers, or people, in a company in ensuring the management information
  • systems are used effectively. (75–150 words, or 1–2 paragraphs)
  • Define the terms hardware and software. (75 words, or 1 paragraph)
  • Identify three types of hardware required to support a company’s operations and describe how they support those operations. (75 words, or 1 paragraph)
  • Identify three types of software required to support a company’s operations and describe how they support those operations. (75 words, or 1 paragraph)

Requirements: 4 pages

What comes to mind when you think of the term information systems? Read More »

MAN4701CBE Section 091CBE Change Management Models

MAN4701CBE Section 091CBE Change Management Models

MAN4701CBE Section 091CBE Change Management Models

Assignment Content


    Evaluate different change management models.


    View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.


    Gaining an understanding of the various models of leadership theory is critical in order to understand what skills and abilities are needed to influence the desired change in an organization.
    Research at least two organizations that have had similar issues and successes during a change management process.For this assignment, write a 2-3 page analysis of the problems and the change models that were implemented to address each organization’s problems.
    Next, you will compare and contrast the change models used.
    Assignment Requirements are as follows:

    1. Provide an overview of the issues that each organization faced.
    2. Include an example of at least three similarities and three differences between each change model.
    3. The paper should include an APA formatted cover page and reference page.
    4. The paper should include at least two peer-reviewed sources, such as journal articles from the Rasmussen Library.

    A note about peer reviewed resources: A peer-review is a process by which a scholarly work (such as a paper or a research proposal) is checked by a group of experts in the same field to make sure it meets the necessary standards before it is published or accepted.

Requirements: See instructions

Grading Rubric:

– Provides a detailed overview of the problems faced by each organization.

– Provides, in detail, three or more similarities, and three differences of the exchange models being utilized.

– Provides two peer reviewed references and reference page is properly APA formatted.

– No APA, spelling, nor grammatical errors.

MAN4701CBE Section 091CBE Change Management Models Read More »

POL2301 Scholarly Review

POL2301 Scholarly Review

Scholarly Review 2-4 pages in length

The President and Crisis Management

Today is your presidential Inauguration Day. You were elected as president last November by a slim margin in both the popular vote and the electoral vote. You attended a worship service this morning with your family and about a dozen high-ranking members of the U.S. House and the U.S. Senate. Then, you and the current president took a ride in a convertible car to the U.S. Capitol, where you were sworn in as the new president of the United States. It is now official; you are the president!

As you and your family are enjoying the parade, your new chief of staff and one of the key military advisors who is a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff whispers to you that there has been a major cyberattack on key federal financial institutions across the United States that compromised the personal financial data and passwords of hundreds of thousands of citizens.

Even though you have held office for just a few hours, you know it is critical to act swiftly and decisively so that the perpetrators of the crime, the American citizens, and political leaders (those who support you and those who do not) see you as a competent and strong leader. What are your first three actions?

In your paper, you will describe these three actions in detail. Organization is important in this paper. Make certain to include the following information in your paper and organize major sections using headings.

  • Briefly describe the cyberattack and its implications for the nation.
    • This section should be located early in the paper (i.e., in the first or second paragraph).
    • Do you know who the perpetrators are?
    • What was the goal of the crime?
    • How much damage was caused?
  • What is your first action?
    • Why is this action your first? Why is it so important?
    • What is the goal of the action? What purpose does it serve?
    • What individuals, groups, or organizations does it involve?
  • What is your second action?
    • Why is this action your second? Why is it so important?
    • What is the goal of the action? What purpose does it serve?
    • What individuals, groups, or organizations does it involve?
  • What is your third action?
    • Why is this action your third? Why is it so important?
    • What is the goal of the action? What purpose does it serve?
    • What individuals, groups, or organizations does it involve?
  • Provide a conclusion.
    • What are your next steps?
    • Briefly describe how your actions were limited by the U.S. Constitution. For example, you may feel constrained by the other two branches—powers denied to you by the U.S. Constitution or law (e.g., declaring war or appointing to key positions in your administration loyal and trusted friends without going through the formal appointment process or the civil services system).

Your paper must be 2–4 pages in length, not counting the title page and references page. Make certain to double-space, apply 1-inch margins, and use 12-point font. Utilize headings to separate major sections of your plan (e.g., First Action, Section Action). Cite all sources in-text and on the references page using APA Style.

The following resources may be helpful as you complete the assignment. As aforementioned, make certain to cite all sources—in-text and on the references page—that you use to support your work.

Haley, J. A. (2018, February 8). Crisis management in the Trump era: Could the United States chart a course out of economic turmoil? Centre for International Governance Innovation.…

Raphelson, S. (2017, August 18). Fathers of our country: How US Presidents exercised moral leadership in crisis. NPR. (Includes podcast and article)

Young, L. (2013, June). Unilateral presidential policy making and the impact of crises. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 43(2), 328–352.…

Requirements: 2-4 pages in length

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