


Describe a conflict situation that you have experienced in which you had to use negotiation skills. Identify the type of conflict and discuss how you worked through the negotiation process. Then, evaluate both the process and the outcome of the negotiation.

Address the following questions in your assessment:

  • What worked well?
  • What would you have done differently?
  • What was the most difficult part of the negotiation process?
  • What part of the process (if any) went more smoothly than expected?

Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length and conform to APA Requirements. Include at least two scholarly references in addition to the course readings.

Grammar and punctuation are KEY!

Some notes:

Interpersonal conflict is the focus of this course. Interpersonal conflict occurs between two individuals, such as co-workers, partners, family members, and neighbors. Problems that may arise with respect to negotiation include:

  • Filtering: When the receiving party manipulates information to make it appear more favorable to his or her side.
  • Emotions: The emotional state of the receiver will affect how the messages are interpreted.
  • Information overload: When the amount of information given exceeds the individuals’ processing capacity.
  • Defensiveness: When one of the negotiating parties feels threatened, he or she may react by making sarcastic remarks or verbal attacks, or by questioning motives.
  • Culture: A negotiator uses different tactics with different cultures; for example members of an individualistic society (e.g., the United States) versus members of a collectivist society (e.g., Japan) (Dontigney, 2014).
  • Contending Strategy: Competitors or parties who feel very strongly about achieving a desired outcome will choose a contending strategy. This occurs when one party works hard to persuade the other party to accept their desired outcome, and pushes against any compromises and concessions that the other party may offer.
  • Yielding Strategy: When one party works to accommodate the other party’s needs, then the accommodating party is choosing the yielding strategy. The yielding strategy is not simply a “doormat” approach; in fact, there can be advantages to accommodating the other party, particularly when a long-term relationship is at stake.
  • Inaction: The third strategy for managing conflict is inaction. Inaction can be similar to choosing not to negotiate, or it may be a strategy used during the concession-making process. Silence and inaction toward the other party’s concession communicates disapproval.
  • Collaborative Strategy: Problem solving together with the other party, called collaborative or integrative negotiating, is a strategy that results in maximizing the outcome for both parties. Negotiating on this level requires cooperation from both parties and a clear desire to achieve the best and most synergistic outcome possible together.

Compromising Strategy: The fifth strategy for managing conflict is compromising. It is distinguished from problem solving because the parties are not necessarily working together positively. The parties may be reluctantly compromising during the concession-making process in order to continue the negotiation and achieve a relatively acceptable outcome.

Conflictsituation Read More »

Conflict Resolution Scenario

Conflict Resolution Scenario


A female Hispanic floriculture supervisor, Ana Mendez, has reported to Employee Relations that she has been sexually harassed by Ellis Wilson in which he has created a hostile working environment by frequently stopping by to see her at her worksite and constantly commenting on how sexy she is and pressing her to “just go for a few drinks” on too many occasions. She declares she has rejected his advances and informed him if he did not stop harassing her she would report it to management. He did not stop. Ellis’ position is that he happens to have work and audits to be done in areas where she happens to be. He does not believe any comments complimenting her should be taken as seriously because he is just a friendly type of guy. Ellis does not seem to realize when certain actions can be perceived as sexual harassment.

Employee Relations Manager, Roberto Miranda, discussed the matter with you. You direct Roberto to apply conflict resolution techniques in hopes of keeping the matter from accelerating into a full-fledged EEOC complaint. Smith has informed you he wants this matter resolved quietly and quickly.

Design a conflict resolution that is reasonable, fair to both sides, and results in everyone being educated about sexual harassment in the workplace.

Use headings to appropriately signal the topics and keep your document organized

Use a minimum of three in-text citation sources within your paper and identify them in your APA correctly formatted References page.

Conflict Resolution Scenario Read More »

Assessment of systems and control

Assessment of systems and control

Assume you are a manager in a large international organization. You have been asked to assess the company’s information systems and security controls.

Keep in mind, we are more interested in your ability to describe the steps you would take to review security goals than providing an answer to this scenario. Remember the strategy of Think, Plan, Design, Implement, and Evaluate.


Paper should be 4-5 pages in length and formatted according to APA style guidelines. Use at least two scholarly sources.

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Elements of Reasoning and Intellectual Standards

Elements of Reasoning and Intellectual Standards


For our assignment this week, you may choose either Option A or Option B. Regardless of the option you choose, be sure to read through the entire assignment directions before crafting your essay.

Additionally, use the Week Six Assignment Organization Guide to help you organize your paper.

HU260 W6 Assignment Organization Guide

Option A

Using the Eight Elements of Reasoning that were outlined in week two (purpose, problem, information, concepts, assumptions, inferences, points of view, implications, or consequences) choose a news article and break it down according to those elements. Make sure you address each of these elements. If one of these elements does not apply to your article (rare), address that in your essay and explain how the article could have been improved by including it or how the author is justified in leaving it out.

Option B

Describe how each of the Eight Intellectual Standards (clarity, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breadth, logic, and fairness) were used or not used in the article, supported by an example. If one of these standards does not apply to your article (rare), address that in your essay and explain how the article could have been improved by including it or how the author is justified in leaving it out.

For either option you choose:

Write an introduction identifying the reasons for choosing either Option A or Option B and justify your reasoning.

In the conclusion of your essay, describe how you feel the article is biased.

Keep in mind, for either option you are being asked to analyze the article/author itself/himself/herself, NOT the topic discussed. Do not include your own opinion/position on the topic being addressed.

Your completed assignment should be 500-750 words in length. If you use sources in your writing, be sure to identify them. If you use any direct language from a source, be sure to place those words in quotation marks.

Your assignment should adhere to the stated page length requirement for the week and use APA style formatting including a title page and reference section. You should use Times New Roman, 12pt. font, double-spaced lines, and one inch margins.

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I need help writing my paper

I need help writing my paper

Principles of Business Management Week 2 Assignment S.M.A.R.T. Goals To complete this week’s S.M.A.R.T. goals assignment please include all of the following elements: Step 1: List 3 goals you either have, or would like to have (Financial, Fitness, Career, Education, Relationship, etc.)

Step 2: Use the S.M.A.R.T goal format to further develop those goals.

Step 3: In 500-750 words (approximately 2-3 pages), explain how the process of creating a S.M.A.R.T. goal changed the way you look at goals. Be sure to include all three steps in your assignment. The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded: • Use APA style. • Use font size 12 and 1” margins. • Include cover page

I need help writing my paper Read More »

Topic 6 Short Answer Questions Worksheet

Topic 6 Short Answer Questions Worksheet

Complete the Topic 6 Short Answer Questions Worksheet.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Must have at least TWO scholarly resources.

Topic 6 Short Answer Questions Worksheet Read More »

Change Management vs. Change Leadership

Change Management vs. Change Leadership

Watch the video, “Change Management vs. Change Leadership — What’s the Difference?” ( by Dr. John Kotter.

In your own words, describe the difference between change management and change leadership. Use at least two scholarly sources to support your descriptions. Source citations should conform to the requirements in the APA guidelines.

Discussion should be at least 250-300 words in length.

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Communications Management

Communications Management

Communications Management

In the article “Lessons Learned from Managing the Design of the ‘Water Cube’ National Swimming Centre for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games,” there were many stakeholders involved in this massive project. Lessons learned ranged from project design to effective communication. Managing communications for a large, complex project such as this requires careful planning and ongoing assessment of the effectiveness of the communication.

A Communication Management Plan is a written document that provides details on the communications requirements and expectations that are needed for a project from start to finish. Communications requirements should be developed jointly with project stakeholders and documented in the communications plan. The plan should also include communication methods and technology and any special considerations for communicating with a virtual, multi-cultural team.

Answer the following

  • Why it is important to determine stakeholder communications requirements for a project?
  • As a project manager, what steps would you take to determine how each stakeholder prefers to be involved in the organization’s projects?
  • What questions would you ask to determine the most effective way to communicate with this stakeholder throughout each project phase?
  • What accommodations would you need to make to adapt your communications to a complex project in a virtual environment?


Zou, P. X. W., & Leslie-Carter, R. (2010). Lessons learned from managing the design of the ‘Water Cube’ National Swimming Centre for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 6(3), 175–188.

Project Management Institute. (2017). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide). Sixth edition. Newtown Square, PA: Author.

Communications Management Read More »

case study

case study


Please answer the following questions. Your grade will be based heavily on how well you use course information/topics, as well as examples of information from the case, to support your answers. This case deals primarily with issues of personality, organizational culture, leadership, cross-cultural issues, motivation, and job satisfaction, but feel free to utilize other concepts if you see them as relevant.

  1. What type of organizational culture does New Wave Music appear to have? Does it seem appropriate for the company, given their industry and goals as a firm? Do you believe that a different type of organizational culture would be more appropriate? Why?
  2. What are your thoughts about Moritz as a leader? What are his strengths and weaknesses? Overall, is his leadership style working well for the firm? Why/why not?
  3. The firm appears to be experiencing difficulty balancing the desire for flexibility and independent work styles with concerns about communication and coordination. How can this be reconciled? If the firm decides to grow in size and locations, what will need to change to improve the communication channels throughout the organizational hierarchy to ensure that organizational effectiveness is not jeopardized?
  4. Consider some of the cultural issues that affect companies operating in such different parts of the world. Are the conflicts in the case a function of the different cultures of the countries where the firm has offices or are they a function of the type of work that is being performed in these locations, or both?
  5. Based on what you know about motivation and personality, what types of people are likely to be satisfied working in each area/location of the company? Using concepts from job characteristics theory, what might need to change to increase employee satisfaction in all areas of the firm?
  6. In terms of hiring, which Big Five traits and abilities might supervisors want to use for selection and why? How can the company orient employees for creativity and independence in those locations where it is needed? Finally, what kind of performance measures might be appropriate for each office location?

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Trait, Skills, and Behavioral Approaches to Leadership

Trait, Skills, and Behavioral Approaches to Leadership

For this assignment, analyze and discuss your personal leadership style. Based on your experiences, current readings, work experience, education, and use of self-assessment instruments describe what you think your personal leadership styles are. Include the following in your response:


  • Write a three-part essay (i.e., an essay that includes an introduction paragraph, the essay’s body, and a conclusion paragraph) that addresses the assignment’s guide questions. Do not address the questions using a question and answer format.

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be three to five pages in length, which does not include the title page, abstract or required reference page, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
  • Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.
  • Support your submission with course material concepts, principles and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles unless the assignment calls for more.
  • Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment
  • Here some information,

    Leadership Traits

    What makes an effective and successful leader? While the profiles of leaders vary significantly, there are some common traits:

    • Optimism and self-confidence,
    • Honesty and integrity, and
    • Drive.


    1- Technical Skills

    2- Interpersonal Skills

    3- Conceptual Skills

    Leadership Style that i wish to write about is (Transformational Leadership).

Trait, Skills, and Behavioral Approaches to Leadership Read More »

Critical Thinking: Systems and Controls Assessment (50 points)

Critical Thinking: Systems and Controls Assessment (50 points)


Critical Thinking: Systems and Controls Assessment (50 points)

Assignment Details:

Assume you are a manager in a large international organization. You have been asked to assess the company’s information systems and security controls.

Keep in mind, we are more interested in your ability to describe the steps you would take to review security goals than providing an answer to this scenario. Remember the strategy of Think, Plan, Design, Implement, and Evaluate.


Your paper should be 4-5 pages in length and formatted according to Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines. Use at least two scholarly sources as well as information from your module to support your decision.

Critical Thinking: Systems and Controls Assessment (50 points) Read More »

Key issue analysis is a way an organization can plan for significant and relevant events that would influence the strategic plan

Key issue analysis is a way an organization can plan for significant and relevant events that would influence the strategic plan

1-True or false? Key issue analysis is a way an organization can plan for significant and relevant events that would influence the strategic plan

2-True or false? The management style of being mindfulis especially useful in predictable environments

3-True or false? Systems thinking highlights the importance of the details of a single process

4-True or false? The 10 essential services of public health as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are examples of a product mix

5-True or false? Important aspects of managing that have recently emerged include applying systems thinking, continuously improving quality, and providing excellent customer service

6-True or false? Both quarantine and sheltering in place are effective methods to prevent geographic spread in a disease outbreak

7-True or false? The Medicare Act of 1965 expands services to low income populations, broadens initiatives to increase racial and ethnic diversity in the health care professions, and strengthens cultural competency training for health care providers.

8-True or false? SWOT analysis is based on an internal and external environmental assessment

9-True or false? Users of social media sites are more likely to be younger and female

10-True or false? Structuring decisions tend to cluster because dimensions of structure are interdependent

Key issue analysis is a way an organization can plan for significant and relevant events that would influence the strategic plan Read More »

Writing Assignment : Rhetorical Analysis

Writing Assignment : Rhetorical Analysis

Purpose: The student writer’s purpose is to demonstrate the ability to read, understand, summarize, and analyze an article, using the conventions of composition and of standard English. The student writer will demonstrate the ability to incorporate source material into his or her own writing and use proper documentation.

Description: Write a summary and rhetorical analysis/critique of ONE of the following argumentative articles:

official english gingrich.docxPreview the document

Pappano – The iGen Shift.docxPreview the document

Premack – GenZs Never Watch TV Are Stressed about Snapchat.docxPreview the document

Twenge – Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation.docxPreview the document


EXAMPLE OUTLINE.docxPreview the document

Example outline 2.docxPreview the document

An idea for organization (for more help with organization, see readings and ppt in course materials folder for Rhetorical Analysis)

I. The first paragraph of the paper should be a summary of th earticle.

-For guidance,review the readings for summary.

-Include the main ideas; leave out most details; don’t insert your own opinion.

II. The next several paragraphs should analyze the article.

Begin with an introduction, summarizing your assessment of the article and including your analytical/evaluative thesis statement (see example in Rhet Analysis ppt.) Then use the guidelines in the readings to explain the main argument of the article, the type of appeals used (logos, pathos, ethos), whether the author is credible, and the probable audience. b. Useevidencefromthetexttosupporteachofyourclaims.

-Does the author use any logical fallacies? How doest his affect the overall argument’s effectiveness?

-Is the evidence used by the author appropriate?

-Is the argument effective? How do you know?

-What seems to be the purpose of thearticle?

-Is the article written in response to an ongoing


-Is the purpose appropriate for the audience?

-What is the author’s point of view?

-Does the author consider and respond to other points of


-What contribution does the article make?


III. In the conclusion, don’t merely repeat the introduction. Consider using some of the following ideas in the conclusion: Explain the implications of the article. In other words, who or what might be affected by what the article advocates? What conclusions can be drawn from the article? Does the article settle the matter, or is there still room for discussion? Should the reader do something? Explain whether you believe the article is important to those who are interested in the subject and why.

Source usage: The only source used for Essay Three should be the article you are working with. Each time you refer to a specific part of the article or quote from it, cite the source following MLA style. Incorporate the source material into your own writing smoothly, taking care that the entire sentence is coherent and is punctuated correctly. Before quoting the source, explain the context for the reader. Then provide the quotation, incorporating the most relevant portion of the source into your own sentence. Finally, comment on the quotation so that the reader understands why it was important for you to use that information.

Documentation format: Use MLA style. See the textbook or Purdue’s OWL MLA help with in-text citation and Works Cited. The last page of the document should be a Work Cited page listing the article in MLA style.

MLA PPT.pptPreview the document

Grading Rubric:

Appropriate article: Use the assigned article [or one of the specified articles]

Summary: The summary should express, in your own words, the main ideas of the article. It should not contain details to support the main ideas.

Rhetorical analysis: The rhetorical analysis should identify the audience, credibility of the author, appeals, use of language, and presumed purpose of the article.

Quality of writing: Sentences should be clear and concise, using language appropriate to the assignment. One idea should flow logically into the next. Claims should be supported with evidence, whether from a source or your own fine reasoning.

Grammar, punctuation: Use standard grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Do not use comma splices, run-on sentences, or sentence fragments.

COMMA PPT.pptPreview the document

sentence clarity.pptPreview the document

Understanding Fragments and Runons WR.pptPreview the document

MLA style, format: Use the 12 point Times New Roman font and double-spacing. Use parenthetical documentation like this (Smith 17). The last page of the document should be a Works Cited page that lists the source in MLA style, using double spacing and the hanging indent. See the textbook or the online Purdue OWL for more information.

Writing Assignment : Rhetorical Analysis Read More »

Management Development

Management Development


Identify the goals of a management development system and a learning method to achieve these.

Groups will be formed to create a proposal that clearly identifies the goals your management development system will achieve and the learning methods you will use to get there. We will self-assign in groups of 2 in Black Board.

Deliverables will be presentation of your ideas in class with a assistance from your PowerPoint.

Proposal that will be used by the Leadership of Beltway Healthcare to choose a consulting group. There is no requirement for length or format

Both of these will be submitted online to the assignment, one submission per group.


PowerPoint to propose the management development system (goals, learning methods) to be used in class.

Proposal – formulated in a word document.

Please address both questions posed in exercise 11-1

Resources and Useful Information

Chapter 11 provides key information on leader behaviors, and skills.

Refer to the goals of Beltway…(found in exercise 11-1) what does Beltway hope to accomplish as a result of the Management development program.

Add to this information, additional research on management development programs, as you search keep your client’s goals in mind, as well as the basic skills that are needed in leaders (per chapter 11)

Management Development Read More »

Different aspects of Management

Different aspects of Management

about 3/4 page each topic

Week 8 Learning Activities (10%)

Directions: Reflect on each of the previous seven weeks. Briefly describe seven management concepts (one from each week) that you can apply to your management career. Be as specific as you can. Consider both information from the course materials and the experiences you had in your group work. Whenever referencing concepts from course materials, be sure to provide in-text citations and references.

Respond to a minimum of three classmates by Saturday at midnight in the following manner: select ONE of the concepts highlighted by your classmate and describe how you could also use that new knowledge in your leadership career.

(Note the Saturday deadline for responses to classmates.)

Completing the Learning Activity

  • Read the grading rubric for the project. Use the grading rubric while completing the project to ensure all requirements are met that will lead to the highest possible grade.
  • Third person writing is required. Third person means that there are no words such as “I, me, my, we, or us” (first person writing), nor is there use of “you or your” (second person writing). If uncertain how to write in the third person, view this link:….
  • Contractions are not used in business writing, so do not use them.
  • Paraphrase and do not use direct quotation marks. Paraphrase means you do not use more than four consecutive words from a source document, but put a passage from a source document into your own words and attribute the passage to the source document. Not using direct quotation marks means that there should be no passages with quotation marks and instead the source material is paraphrased as stated above.
  • Provide the page or paragraph number when using in-text citations. Note that a reference within a reference list cannot exist without an associated in-text citation and vice versa.

Week 1- Organizational theory

Week 2- Competitive advantage

Week 3- Planning

Week 4- SWOT analysis

Week 5- Organizing

Week 6- Leading

Week 7- Control

Different aspects of Management Read More »

assignment 6

assignment 6

You are a manager working for an international company and have just been promoted to Global Acquisitions. Your firm is a US leader in athletic footwear and wants to expand overseas thinking that the international segments would love your products. Additionally, this expansion can also include lower manufacturing costs then experienced in the United States.

You are to create an argument for this move to upper management based on careful analysis of a) cultural implications b) a culture analysis for a country that your firm might seek expansion to and c) implications of global management.

You get to choose the country in Europe, Asia or Africa. Write an essay that includes all three items. Please note your reply must be comprehensive. This denotes that all work must include proper title page and bibliography. Your work minimally should three to four pages and follow the proper rules for APA guidelines including but not limited to spelling and grammar. Please note that the use of “wiki’s” are unacceptable in academic work as are blogs and unauthorized websites. Included in this are the use of sites such as “” All reference works must be scholarly therefore it is suggested to use the available links in the electronic library to aid your efforts.

assignment 6 Read More »

5-2MilestoneFour: Draft of firstthreesections of Component2

5-2MilestoneFour: Draft of firstthreesections of Component2

Submit Milestone Four, a draft of the first three sections of Component 2: Statement of Need, Program Proposal Description and Goals and Objectives, addressing all critical elements from Sections I, II and III of Capstone Component 2.

I. Statement of Need: This section serves as a summary of the community assessment document you just created. This is where you should highlight the most important points of your needs analysis, being sure to also address specific cultural considerations.

II. Program Proposal Description: In this section, you will describe the evidenced-based program you think the community should implement and discuss how and why it will make a positive difference in the community.

III. Goals and Objectives: A “logic model” (see chart below) is the format you must use for summarizing how you will evaluate implementation of your proposed program in a chart format. It is an opportunity for you to offer a description of what your program aims to do and how those goals will be achieved. Define potential measurable improvements in behavior, performance, and/or process, or highlight a tangible item that will result from the project. You may format your information in a chart using the Logic Model Chart Template provided. The chart should be an Appendix to your Capstone and you are to briefly describe it in this section of your paper. Please see an example of how this chart should be filled out for this milestone below. You are only required to fill out the Goals and Objectives columns as part of this milestone, but be sure to save your chart, as you will continue filling out this chart in Milestone Five and again, you will include the complete chart as part of your final project.


5-2MilestoneFour: Draft of firstthreesections of Component2 Read More »

The Future of the Industrial/Organizational Profession

The Future of the Industrial/Organizational Profession

The current trends and changes in the industrial/organizational (I/O) profession will be addressed in this assignment. The impact of these changes also drives how the industrial/organizational (I/O) professionals will help leaders drive change in their organizations. With these changes, leaders will need to understand what challenges they must overcome when managing the change within the organization. In addition, the specific tools that a leader can use to help overcome these challenges will be learned.

Choose one area of change your organization is currently going through and address current challenges and tools or recommendations you can use to overcome the challenges to change management.

In your response, answer the following:

The Future of the Industrial/Organizational Profession Read More »

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