
Healthcare Quality Management: Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

Healthcare Quality Management: Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

Writing Question

Pick five (5) of your core courses from your field of study while attending Belhaven University.

Each student will write a 1,500-page Synthesis Paper Only core courses can be covered in the synthesis papers. Biblical references and workplace applications are important and should be used throughout the synthesis paper. See attached Rubric for requirements. Address the following: What you learned in the course, add some CWV and then some workplace application.

Select something you learned, something you can apply, and write about it following the rubric: Topic, CWV, Workplace Application.

Example: Business Policy – you should have picked up something on Strategic Planning, ex: Vision, Mission, Goals, Objectives – Add Genesis Chapter 1 and possibly 2, and then Workplace Application.

FIve Topics that can be discussed.

Healthcare Quality Management

Ethics in Healthcare Admin

Financial Admin of Healthcare

Healthcare Marketing

Business Policy

Human Resources

Requirements: 1500 words


Healthcare Marketing: key components of an effective marketing plan

  • Product Description:
  • Budget:
  • Strengths:
  • Market:
  • Assessment:

Healthcare Quality Management: Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

Ethics in Healthcare Admin: End Stages of Life

Healthcare in the US: the transformation of/to healthcare servant leadership. Christian Servant Leadership in Today’s Long-Term Care Facilities – Servant Leadership in Private Practice Hospitals or Groups – Christian Servant Leadership as a Way of Life

Business Policy: Strategic Planning, ex: Vision, Mission, Goals, Objectives – Add Genesis Chapter 1 and possibly 2, and then Workplace Application.

Healthcare Quality Management: Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Read More »

Demonstrate Understanding of Interviewing and Selection TopicS

Demonstrate Understanding of Interviewing and Selection TopicS

For this week’s assignment, assume that you are the HR manager in a medium-sized hospital. One of the managers in the Radiology department has come to you for advice on selecting the best candidate for a position. The situation as described to you:

  • Both candidates are equally technically qualified for the position.
  • Both candidates are willing to work the shifts expected of this position.
  • One has a bachelor’s degree, one has an associate’s degree, both degrees are relevant to the education needed for this position.
  • One candidate is male, one is female. The position requires that more female procedures are performed than male procedures.
  • The male applicant is a single dad, the female has a stay-at-home husband.
  • The pay scale for this position is about average, although there is a nearby hospital that is paying more for the same job.
  • One candidate has lived here since childhood, one just moved here from a bigger city.

Based on this information, prepare a memo to the hiring manager with your recommendation. Include:

  • What additional information do you need to know in order to make the best recommendation to the hiring manager?
  • Suggestions on how to overcome the pay disparity issue if it is brought up by one or both applicants.
  • Counsel on what information provided should not be used in making the decision and why.
  • If the hiring manager can use cultural fit to help decide.
  • How the manager should make the ultimate decision.

Length: 4 pages, not including the title and reference page

References: Include a minimum of 3 scholarly resources

Requirements: 4 pages/focus on the aging population/3 references

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Public vs Private Company Controls Standards

Public vs Private Company Controls Standards

Option #1: Public vs. Private Company Controls Standards.

Your long-time client, Colorado Company, has been growing fast, prompting the board to consider taking the company public. CEO Billy Jean has heard that due to the Sarbanes–Oxley Act, costs have increased significantly when operating a public company. Jean is especially apprehensive with reports that he can anticipate double the audit fees due to the internal control provisions of the Act and PCAOB Auditing Standard No. 2201. Jean has asked you to explain how the Sarbanes–Oxley requirements may affect the audit.


Organize and share your thoughts if the company decides to go public. How would complying with the Sarbanes–Oxley and PCAOB Auditing Standard No. 2201 change the company’s responsibilities for internal control? Then use your thoughts to:

  • Describes the changes in internal controls (due to PCAOB and Sarbanes-Oxley standards) needed once they become a public company.

Your deliverable should be 3-4 pages in length. Please type your response in a Word document and follow APA format, according to CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.). Include a title page and reference page. Use two (2) outside academic sources other than the textbook, course materials, or other information provided as part of the course materials.

Requirements: 3-4 Pages not counting cover or reference pages

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Discussion Questions on Strategic Management

Discussion Questions on Strategic Management

Using solid academic writing and 300-400 words, please answer the below DQ’s:

DQ1: Discuss how doing case analysis will help you develop skills needed to prepare recommendations for consideration in a Strategic Plan. What is a business model and how can it disrupt a company, industry and or both? Provide at least two examples.

DQ2: Throughout the course, you will need to identify various technology trends and sources of data that will help you understand those things impacting your Collaborative Learning Community’s company. Sources may include the following:, GCU library, government sites, white papers, etc. Of the sources that you have identified, which sources do you believe would be most useful and why, as it applies to the strategic case analysis and recommendations for strategic plan development?

Requirements: 300-400

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Organizational Change and Culture Project

Organizational Change and Culture Project

Change is part of the game. Leaders must set the vision and navigate the challenges of implementing change. Effective leadership requires you to harness both the minds and hearts of employees to enable change to occur and take root in the company’s culture. For this assignment, you will identify one change management need within your company or from a company you previously worked for. You will create a plan for a change initiative, describing it in your Business Brief and presenting it in your Change Vision Video. Think of your Business Brief as a summary document that could be used as a reference by the Board of Directors and think of your Change Vision Video as your pitch to the Board members to gain their support for your initiative.

Business Brief

(2–3 pages) Identify a needed organizational change and your perceived employee resistance to the change. Then utilize the first six (6) elements of Kotter’s eight-stage framework to create your plan for the change initiative. Write a Business Brief that summarizes your change initiative plan in 2 to 3 pages. It should be written in a professional format and include a cover page, as detailed in the Formatting Requirements section below. Use the prompts below to guide you:

1. Provide a brief background of the company and its culture.

2. Identify the problem you want to address and explain why it is important.

3. Describe your change initiative according to Steps 1 through 6 of Kotter’s eight-stage framework. Provide answers to each of the following questions to create this description:

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Records,Termination and Succession

Records,Termination and Succession

Week 9 Assignment – Records, Termination, and Succession


One of the major responsibilities of HR is to, of course, manage human capital. This continues after employee hiring and continues through termination and succession. Having effective policies in place that define these, and other functions in between, is critical to an organization’s commitment to ethical, legal, fair, and efficient operating practices. In this assignment, you are asked to share best practices or policies on these topics during a series of brown bag sessions (these are informal lunch time presentations).


Imagine that HR leadership is busy integrating the HR teams from both hospitals and they want to make sure department members are operating in concert with one another on a range of topics. Over the next several weeks, leadership plans to have you conduct three brown bag sessions (informal lunch-time presentations) that examine the topics of record keeping, ethics and law, and succession planning. They have asked you to write an executive summary of the content planned for each session in advance.

Session Descriptions:


Consider the scenario above and imagine that your audience is a group of department managers. Write an executive summary that introduces the topics in an introductory paragraph and then describes the content to be delivered in each of the three sessions in detail. Each session description should be two pages in length (six total pages plus cover page).

Your work will be measured against the following criteria:

  1. Identify, and elaborate upon, four reasons for maintaining accurate and objective employee records.
  2. Analyze the legal implications or requirements of a termination decision. (Make sure to reference specific statutes or laws that govern this area of employment law.)
  3. Analyze the ethical facets of a termination decision. (Make sure to reference an ethical framework to support your assertions or positions.)
  4. Recommend and justify a process to identify and groom a candidate for a senior-level position.

Requirements: 6 pages

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Records, Termination and Succession

Records, Termination and Succession

Week 9 Assignment – Records, Termination, and Succession


One of the major responsibilities of HR is to, of course, manage human capital. This continues after employee hiring and continues through termination and succession. Having effective policies in place that define these, and other functions in between, is critical to an organization’s commitment to ethical, legal, fair, and efficient operating practices. In this assignment, you are asked to share best practices or policies on these topics during a series of brown bag sessions (these are informal lunch time presentations).


Imagine that HR leadership is busy integrating the HR teams from both hospitals and they want to make sure department members are operating in concert with one another on a range of topics. Over the next several weeks, leadership plans to have you conduct three brown bag sessions (informal lunch-time presentations) that examine the topics of record keeping, ethics and law, and succession planning. They have asked you to write an executive summary of the content planned for each session in advance.

Session Descriptions:
  • Session 1: Maintaining Accurate Employee Records—In this session, you identify, and elaborate upon, four reasons for maintaining accurate and objective employee records.
  • Session 2: Ethical and Legal Termination—In this session, you examine the legal and ethical aspects of selecting and terminating an employee out of a group of people with similar performance, behaviors, and jobs as a part of a broad-ranging cost saving initiative. Employee differences:
    • One has a disability.
    • One is paid significantly more than others.
    • One is 60 years of age and older than the others.
    • One is planning on soon taking an extended family leave
  • Session 3: Succession Planning—In this session, you recommend a process to identify and groom an internal candidate to move into a senior-level leadership position in a health care organization such as CEO, COO, and CFO.


Consider the scenario above and imagine that your audience is a group of department managers. Write an executive summary that introduces the topics in an introductory paragraph and then describes the content to be delivered in each of the three sessions in detail. Each session description should be two pages in length (six total pages plus cover page).

Your work will be measured against the following criteria:

  1. Identify, and elaborate upon, four reasons for maintaining accurate and objective employee records.
  2. Analyze the legal implications or requirements of a termination decision. (Make sure to reference specific statutes or laws that govern this area of employment law.)
  3. Analyze the ethical facets of a termination decision. (Make sure to reference an ethical framework to support your assertions or positions.)
  4. Recommend and justify a process to identify and groom a candidate for a senior-level position.

Requirements: 6 pages

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Another Special Project

Another Special Project

Learning Goal: I’m working on a management discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Another Special Project

“Dana, we have another special project,” Kimberly announced.

“Does corporate ever get tired of giving us special stuff to do?”

“It is the nature of modern HR,” Kimberly said, shrugging. “Change and transitions are all around us. To remain viable and relevant as a part of the company and as a field, we have to be ready to adapt.” Dana nodded in understanding.

“We have to do the research and then prepare talking points for the HR VP on which of the two areas we need to focus on for the next quarter and the quarter after that. She wants us to talk about contemporary performance appraisal approaches and the employee experience.”

The way that performance management and the employee experience are viewed today is very different from how it has been viewed the past. The performance appraisal in particular is being scrutinized, and in some cases, even rejected. However, we still need the content of the appraisal for many different reasons.

The concept of the employee experience is also being debated. It can mean different things to different people, so determining the right balance of options to create a positive experience is a challenge.

Today, performance management and the employee experience are being framed in very different ways from the past. The performance appraisal is being criticized and even rejected for good reasons. The challenge is that we still need the content of the appraisal for many different reasons. At the same time, many organizations and professional environments may have gotten to a point in the evolution of work that the use of traditional performance appraisals may have come to their natural end. However, there are still many organizational contexts and commercial settings where the old approach or something like it will be necessary.

The HR concept of the employee experience comes from the field of marketing and seeks to provide HR professionals and their clients a very different perspective of work and the workplace. This means many different things to different people. From well-conceived and executed onboarding processes, to access to good cuisine, an accommodating place to work, opportunities for advancement, work rotations, and personal growth. The challenge is to create the best possible experience for the employees in the organization, which will attract employees with high potential to make valuable contributions. Determining what makes work a positive experience by a significant majority is similar to benefits programs but from the view of demographic influences. There will be generational differences and lifestyle-oriented preferences.


The discussion this week requires that you research the following two topics and provide your views on each: For this discussion, help Dana and Kimberly create talking points for the HR VP on the following:

Contemporary performance appraisal approaches.

No more performance appraisals?

The employee experience.

Is there value in either or both and if so, why? The following resources will help you with this week’s discussion.

Performance Appraisal

Heneman, H. G., III, Judge, T. A., & Kammeyer-Mueller, J. (2019). Staffing organizations (9th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education. ISBN:9781259756559.

In Chapter 10, read the section on “Performance Appraisal,” pages 528–530.

In Chapter 14, read the following sections:

“Staffing Levels and Quality,” 727.

“Performance Appraisal,” 730–731.

Smith, A. (2018). More employers ditch performance appraisals: Disadvantages of traditional reviews are legion. HRNews, 1–2.

Venne, R. A., & Hannay, M. (2018). Generational change, the modern workplace and performance appraisal: Why changing workplaces need a developmental approach to performance appraisal. American Journal of Management, 18(5), 88–102.

The Employee Experience

Nexthink launches digital employee experience scoring system: First-of-its-kind scoring system gives organizations a way to quantify the success of their employee experience initiatives. (2019, Mar 18). NASDAQ OMX’s News Release Distribution Channel, 1–2.

Qualtrics simplifies closing the employee experience gap with powerful new methodology: Methodology helps companies create winning employee experience (EX(TM)) programs by driving engagement, culture and productivity. (2017, Aug 24). PR Newswire, 1–2.

Respond with a posting that describes the value and importance of performance appraisals and the employee experience. You can use the materials provided and also use other peer-reviewed or trade publication sources from the Library. The intent in the discussion posting is to provide a thoughtful product that would support our HR team’s task to provide ideas and a framework for recruiting, talent management, and employee retention strategy. Focus on the things you see as most important.

Requirements: 250

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MN580 FNP Key elements of pediatric growth and development

MN580 FNP Key elements of pediatric growth and development

Discussion will address the growth and development of the child from the neonate to the young adult. Emphasis will be placed on communication with the child and family in respect to age and developmental considerations. This will build a solid knowledge base for the provider when caring for the child.

Please complete each initial post in APA format, but not limited to the following:

Apply a principle of human growth and development, identify a developmental milestone related to that age, and then discuss at least two developmental concerns or red flags from your chosen age group

  • Middle Childhood (also known as “school aged”) five to twelve years old

About one page in length, at least 3 references, no more than 5 years old.

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You are a contracting officer’s technical representative

You are a contracting officer’s technical representative

Writing Question

Question: You are a contracting officer’s technical representative, a security system engineer, at a military hospital. Your department’s leaders are adopting a new medical health care database management system. And they’ve tasked you to create a request for proposal for which different vendors will compete to build and provide to the hospital.

A request for proposal, or RFP, is when an organization sends out a request for estimates on performing a function, delivering a technology, or providing a service or augmenting staff. RFPs are tailored to each endeavor but have common components and are important in the world of IT contracting and for procurement and acquisitions.

To complete the RFP, you must determine the technical and security specifications for the system. You’ll write the requirements for the overall system and also provide evaluation standards that will be used in rating the vendor’s performance. Your learning will help you determine your system’s requirements.

As you discover methods of attack, you’ll write prevention and remediation requirements for the vendor to perform. You must identify the different vulnerabilities the database should be hardened against.

Deliverables: An RFP, 10 pages, in the form of a double-spaced Word document with citations in APA format. The page count does not include figures, diagrams, tables, or citations. There is no penalty for using additional pages. Include a minimum of six references. Include a reference list with the report.

Requirements: 10 pages

please use a bold subheadings.

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Develop a Population Health Management Strategy

Develop a Population Health Management Strategy

In this assignment, you are to determine the most effective strategy or strategies for managing the health of a population. Remember, that the term intervention is used interchangeably with the term strategy.

Using your text and the resources for this week, identify PHM strategies designed as interventions for three chronic diseases (e.g., hypertension, diabetes, obesity). If you are currently employed in a position where you are involved with the management of chronic diseases, you may select one or two from your place of employment. The third must come from this week’s resources. Once this process is completed, please do the following:

  • Identify the chronic disease you have selected and cite the resource.
  • Identify and describe the intervention(s).
  • Explain your reason for using the intervention(s).
  • Discuss how you plan to implement the intervention(s).
  • Identify at least one challenge of implementing the intervention(s).
  • You should allow one to one-and-a-half pages for each chronic disease selected.

Length: 3-5 pages, not including title and reference pages


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Organizational behaviour case study

Organizational behaviour case study


1. Identify some of the problems likely to occur in a boundaryless organization like Newskool Grooves. What are the advantages of boundaryless organization?

2. What is the corporate culture of the boundaryless organization? Do you think it is beneficial for the business or not?

Based on the above questions, write down a report to answer all of the questions and make sure the report is an integrated one.

Requirements: 1000… textbook link, please read the case in attached file and then ans

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Managing Hospitality and Luxury Operations

Managing Hospitality and Luxury Operations

This assessment is designed to bring together the final learning for this course.

Your task is to research a hospitality/hotel management concept and discuss its application in the industry.

Produce the following two elements ;

  1. Write a professional paper of 4 content pages (with a further two pages for the title page and reference list) for a group of young journalists wishing to specialize themselves in the Hospitality sector and its key elements
  2. Produce an 8-slide PPT presentation for the group of young journalists

Requirements: you can decided

Assignment overview:

This assessment is designed to bring together the final learning for this course.
Your task is to research a hospitality / hotel management concept and discuss its application in the industry.


To critically analyse Hospitality / Hotel Management concept(s).
To evaluate up to date Industry examples related to the concept(s).
To propose recommendations for best industry practice in relation to a set problem or scenario.

To develop a research culture.

Overall aim:

During this project students will carry out research and develop synthesis skills while exploring the most important recent trends in the hospitality / hotel industry.

The development of the topic will make use of theoretical models and also take into account current and future trends in the sector.

Innovation, creativity and the transferable skill of communication will be developed.

Learning Outcomes and Transferable Skills

LO1 Critically distinguish between strategies for successfully operating within standard and luxury sectors.

LO2 Recommend procedures to optimize service delivery systems ensuring guest satisfaction across a range of hospitality sectors.

LO3 Evaluate a strategy which contributes to quality and cost control management, using qualitative and quantitative data.

  • TS1 Communication
  • TS2 Working with others
  • TS3 Information literacy
  • TS4 Numeracy skills

Resources Available:

Reference material should be extracted from current periodicals or media (Library database, books, academic journals, professional magazines). If you find it necessary (consult with the faculty) to conduct primary data research, please do it in a professional manner: Set appointments and prepare questions. Do not forget that you are representing GIHE and that your image will open (or not) doors for your future colleagues!




Using the library resources and the Internet, you should choose and research 1 topic among the 4 topics listed below. Marks will be given for a critical approach and the use of any evidence to support your work.

Topic 1:

Cost management is useful and requires skills from managers. In today’s economic climate with low demand forecasts, recommend solutions as to how you would save money, in both the short and long term, without reducing customer value and loyalty. Please use two examples from the hospitality industry in your work.

Topic 2:

Quality is key in business. Critically review 3 Quality Management (QM) models. Is there a model that ‘best fits’ hospitality? In other words, would the introduction of a QM strategy into hospitality enable companies to up performance and returns for all stakeholders? Make recommendations on how a small privately-owned hospitality company can develop its own quality systems and techniques. In your answer please show ‘lesson learned’ from larger corporations and other industries.

Topic 3:

How a business performs is a very important indicator. Robert G. Eccles has given academics the ‘performance manifesto’ with a view of changing management perception of performance. Evaluate his arguments whilst commenting on the use of Corporate Social Responsibility policies that have become very popular today. Would you recommend, with full justifications, CSR development in the hospitality industry? Are companies fully CSR or is it just marketing hype?

Topic 4:

Analyze Engel’s generic decision-making model and state its usefulness for hospitality managers. In other words, does it give true insight into the decision-making process for service industries? During these hard-economic times how are hospitality companies making sure their customers stay loyal? What future service trends will develop to attract customers?

Produce the following two elements:

  1. Write a professional paper of 4 content pages (with a further two pages for the title page and reference list) for a group of young journalists wishing to specialize themselves in the Hospitality sector and its key elements (40%)

(The Paper is to have an Introduction, Discussion and Conclusion of 4 pages, and Reference List, written and presented in a clear professional style).


  1. Produce an8-slide PPT presentation (60%) for the group of young journalists with an integrated recorded narrative for each slide using the following structure:
  2. Slide 1 – Title of your Presentation, your name and class 1821, Managing Hospitality and Luxury Operations, Date of submission

Slide 2 – The reason why you chose this topic and the purpose of the presentation (with voice recording)

Slide 3 – The objectives of your presentation and the methodology you are going to use to reach these objectives (with voice recording)

Slide 4 – Explanation of the concept / topic that is being researched (with voice recording)

Slide 5 – Examples that illustrate the information given on slide 4 (with voice recording)

Slide 6 – Critically propose your own suggestions / recommendations for best industry practice in relation to the topic (with voice recording)

Slide 7 – Concluding thoughts (with voice recording)

Slide 8 – List of the 6 most important sources used in your research in APA style

(with voice recording of why each of the 6 sources have been used)


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BMAL500 Research Topic: change management/transformational leader

BMAL500 Research Topic: change management/transformational leader

Looking for a sample draft for a research topic.

Requirements: 8-10 pages

everything needed for the assignment is attached: grading rubric, assignment instructions and submitted topic. Within the submitted topic attachment, it lists the article and brief organizational challenges. The article should have in depth analysis, coupled with the organizational theory – acquired theory.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

BMAL 500



Please refer to the Article Submission Assignment from the beginning of the course to complete the Research Paper Assignment. Please follow and format your paper accordingly.


Step 1

In the beginning of this course, you submitted a scholarly, peer-reviewed article for approval. For this research paper, you will discuss the importance of that article in regards to organizational behavior while using the problem-solving, integrative framework learned in Chapter 1. With your organizational problem, provide the following information:

  1. Brief summary of the organization.
  2. Synopsis of the organizational challenges (Step 1 on the problem-solving approach)
  • What is the major overriding issue?
  • Provide the facts and examples to support the explanation of the problem.
  • Discuss key issues that merit the discussion.
  1. Who are the various individuals and what part do they play? (Step 2 on the problem-solving approach)

As you discuss these areas to address the first portion of the problem-solving framework, provide examples and research to support your discussion.

Step 2

Now that you have laid the foundation of the problem, explain how the theory you researched applies. Provide in depth analysis with your article as the main evidence.

  1. Explain the author’s current view on the chosen organizational theory and how it relates to your problem.
  2. Provide key indicators that the author applies from theory to the concept in organizational behavior.
  3. Discuss what you believe are the most relevant portions of the article that tie the theory and concepts with your organizational issue to create an explanation for the problem. In other words, if you had to explain the organizational issue to someone, how would you relate it to what the author has stated?

Step 3

The final process (Step 3) in the problem-solving framework is recommendations. Based on your research, use this final step to provide recommendation plans for the problem. Do you want to resolve, solve, or dissolve the problem? Consider the consequences as well for the plan of action in your recommendation. Use well-thought-out ideas and research to support your plan. Describe where you see your personality style fitting into your recommendation for the organization to make your plan work, to tie in the previous papers. Apply what you have learned through Scripture, describing how the Lord can utilize your strengths to implement the recommendation plan.


  1. Use proper, current APA format for every element of the paper. Be sure to include the APA-formatted cover page, abstract, and reference page. Refer to your APA manual for help.
  2. Write in first person—this is allowed due to the personal nature of the assignment.
  3. To facilitate the instructor’s grading of these assignments, you must have major headings for Step 1, Step 2, and Step 3. Additionally, under the major headings, you must have subheadings as you see fit for the outlined instructions.
  4. The exact number of paragraphs that you include in each section is your decision; your instructor will not be grading you on how many paragraphs you used per section, but rather the extent to which you specifically addressed each of the areas above.
  5. The 8–10 required pages do not include the title page, abstract page, or reference page. Those must be counted as additional pages.
  6. Be sure to double-space, using Times New Roman 12-point font only, use 1-inch margins, and avoid bold font (except for headlines, per current APA format), underlining, and contractions.
  7. The reference page must include a minimum of the 5 following references in current APA format (all sources must be evident within the paper):
  • The approved article for research
  • Both of the course textbook(s)
  • 2 other scholarly sources from a peer-reviewed journal

Note: For further questions regarding current APA format, visit Liberty University’s Online Writing Center.

Submit the Research Paper Draft Assignment to the appropriately labeled Turnitin link first to review your percentage of originality. Then submit the Research Paper Final Assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of the assigned Module: Week.





Please use the Research Paper Assignment Instructions so you can follow along with these important notes. As with any assignment, please review the instructions and the rubric carefully.

Here are a few helpful tips on writing your research paper:

  1. You are required to use the same approved topic you submitted in Module 1: Week 1. Faculty will check that the same topic is used in the paper to ensure you have researched the approved article/topic. Remember that week 1 article submission was a 0/0 points because the submission goes into the research paper points. Failure to submit a topic for approval by week 3 results in a zero score for the week 7 paper. The purpose is to research the topic throughout the course.
  2. Ensure you apply the topic to a specific organization as you noted in your article summary. Often, it’s easy to get caught up in the topic itself, you can forget to apply it.
  3. Do not forget to utilize the problem-solving framework. Your DB assignments have helped you in applying and writing this with various case studies so now you get to apply it with your specific article/topic. Remember the steps and include this as part of your solution.

Formatting your paper

  1. The instructions are very specific on how to format your paper. Please ensure you read this portion carefully. Remember that the length does not include the title, abstract, or reference list.


BMAL500 Research Topic: change management/transformational leader Read More »

In this research-based assessment, you will be applying a Kantian perspective to a contemporary moral issue.

In this research-based assessment, you will be applying a Kantian perspective to a contemporary moral issue.

Question 1



In this research-based assessment, you will be applying a Kantian perspective to a contemporary moral issue. Current contemporary moral issues range from genetic engineering to issues related to the use of torture in wartime. For this assessment you will need to research contemporary moral issues and select one that will be the focus of your paper as you apply the Kantian perspective. Once you select your moral issue, you will need to address the following in a properly formatted research paper.

In your paper, ensure that you use credible academic sources, and cite them properly.


Question 2


Creating the perfect boss
Your company, Ye Old Paper Mill, recently experienced some organizational chart changes, mostly related to management positions. After posting low profits and even lower employment satisfaction scores, the CEO decided it was time for a change. The CEO, who prefers consequentialist views when it comes to ethical decisions, approached you, along with the rest of the human resources department, and tasked the team with weighing consequentialist ethical theories and selecting which theory would be best for potential managers. For this assessment, you will draft a proposal that addresses the following questions:

  • What are key features of consequentialist theories?
  • What are the differences between the consequentialist theories?
  • How does happiness and pleasure factor in to these theories? Remember employee satisfaction is at an all-time low.
  • What are the pros and cons of each view for the company if the majority of its employees would follow one of the particular theories?
  • Would it be possible for a manager, who follows a different ethical perspective, to effectively manage subordinates who follow a particular consequentialist theory?
  • Select and defend which consequentialist theory for management would be best for the company.

Your properly formatted proposal will need to include the following sections:
Introduction: Explain why you are sending this proposal. Provide an overview of the issue and discuss the task from the CEO.

  1. Address the questions listed above with applicable support and research
  2. Conclusion: In this part, you will wrap up the proposal and select and defend which consequentialist theory for management would be best for the company.
  1. Proper Proposal Formatting: This a professional document and needs to be structured as a proposal and not as an essay. You will still need to supply both in text and full citations for the sources of your information


Question 3


For this assessment, you will get the chance to highlight your creative writing skills and your knowledge surrounding Aristotle. Be the Best You, is a career coaching and mentorship agency that works with employees to not only achieve their professional goals, but their personal goals as well. By using a virtue and character-based approach. As a coach for Be the Best You, you are part of the training committee that creates new training material for the clientele. The agency is seeking 3 new training sessions related to the golden mean, Aristotelian friendship, and eudemonia. Part of these trainings include scenarios that the clientele read and then answer applicable questions. You will be creating three, fully developed scenarios for the golden mean, Aristotelian friendship, and eudemonia.

Your submission, in its final state will include 3 scenarios including 1 for the golden mean, 1 Aristotelian friendship, and 1 for eudemonia. For each scenario, include 3 questions, 9 in total.

Each scenario must include:

  • A fully developed fictional scenario that clearly highlights which of the three (the golden mean, Aristotelian friendship, and eudemonia) is being presented. Clearly define the characters and the actions that are representative of the selected topic.
  • Three, open-ended questions pertaining to the scenario that the clientele would answer in relation to the facts and the topic of the scenario.


Question 4


Often, when one thinks of ethical perspectives in the workplace, the focus tends to be on theories such as utilitarianism and egoism. While there is certainly a place for these two theories in the workplace, there remains a whole world of different perspectives and systems. For this deliverable, you will be creating a pamphlet that highlights Eastern Ethical Systems and their benefits within the workplace. Your pamphlet will need to address the following topics:

The pamphlet that you are creating will vary in length. Draw attention to your pamphlet by using well-placed art, an easy to read design with your content, and effective use of color.




The topic of justice manifests itself in a variety of ways, and is often discussed in broad terms. What does justice mean to you? In this assessment you will address the subject of justice and related ethical theories. In a properly formatted, researched paper, you need to address the following questions:

  • What does justice mean to you?
  • What do you believe is a good foundation for justice?
  • What is Rawls’ foundation of justice and how does it relate to what justice means to you?
  • What are the key features regarding global economic justice?
  • What do you believe are the most important issues within social justice currently and why are these important?

In your paper, ensure that you use credible academic sources, and cite them properly.


In this research-based assessment, you will be applying a Kantian perspective to a contemporary moral issue. Read More »

International Hospitality and Service Marketing

International Hospitality and Service Marketing

Part 1: The Paper is to have a Title page, an Introduction, Discussion and Conclusion of 4 pages, and a Reference page

Part 2: Based on your initial paper, produce an 8-slide PPT presentation using the following



Imagine that you are required to advise a hotel on how to provide a great service experience as the pandemic gradually recedes within your chosen region.

1.Name the actual hotel or use a fictional example within a defined location.

2.Use course concepts and relevant sources to highlight how a great service experience will be provided.

3.Include up to 10 of the most important rules that are currently required by your regional or national government to enhance customer safety.

4.Include any advice that is also offered by industry experts or industry associations on ensuring customer safety.



Imagine that you are now required to present a synthesis of your research and findings to the hotel management in a formal PPT presentation. However, due to social distancing and conflicting schedules of the management team, the presentation needs to be recorded with your voice narrating and elaborating key points (not reading out slides)

Requirements: you can decided

The specific requirements are in the document.Please read the requirements carefully, this is very important to me.You don’t need to record, but I hope you can leave some speech scripts for me to record

manuscript try to be more colloquial, Make it look like it’s not read?

And PPT, please try your best to look good, it’s really very important.

International Hospitality and Service Marketing Read More »

strategic mgmt

strategic mgmt

Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week (chapter -8) and then write what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding in each assigned textbook chapter. Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

Requirements: 3 pages


textbook attached

no plagiarism

strategic mgmt Read More »

7.1 [Draft(s)] Revised Evaluation Argument Claim

7.1 [Draft(s)] Revised Evaluation Argument Claim

7.1 [Draft(s)] Revised Evaluation Argument Claim


evaluate a problem that links back to the topic of Narrative Assignment. I upload my Narrative Assignment below.

Write an evaluative claim about a problem; this argument must be based on three reasons. For example, argue that something is harmful, unethical, failing, backfiring, etc. based on three reasons. Determine a set of criteria you will use to argue your claim. Your thesis statement will be tailored to establish that the topic is a problem.

  • X is (harmful/unjust/another adjective) because [insert three reasons based on your evaluation criteria: A, B, and C].

Be sure your topic is specific and debatable. For example, most people would agree that violence is harmful, but not everyone would agree that the death penalty is ethical. Claiming that violence is harmful to society is not only too broad a topic, but it is also not debatable. Thus, it would not make an effective claim. It would be much more manageable to argue that California’s (or another state’s) application of the death penalty is unjust or to argue that the appeals process for inmates on death row discriminates against (or disproportionately affects) a particular group. Because you will also need to introduce and respond to an opposing view in your essay, it’s especially important that you choose a topic about which there is at least some disagreement.


To identify a problem that links to your narrative argument topic and to learn how to create an evaluation claim that addresses a social issue. You will use ethos, pathos, and logos to persuade your audience.

Requirements: 500   |   .doc file

7.1 [Draft(s)] Revised Evaluation Argument Claim Read More »

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