
Review your strategic plan to implement the change proposal

Review your strategic plan to implement the change proposal

strategic plan

Review your strategic plan to implement the change proposal (Fall prevention for at risk patients), the objectives, the outcomes, and listed resources. Develop a process to evaluate the intervention if it were implemented. Write a 200-250 word summary of the evaluation plan that will be used to evaluate your intervention.

The assignment will be used to develop a written implementation plan.

Requirements: 2000-250 words

I attached 2 documents for you to review and use for your answer,

Review your strategic plan to implement the change proposal Read More »

Week 2 Q Company Case Study

Week 2 Q Company Case Study

Before you jump into week 2’s the assignment, please make sure you are taking time to read the example pay philosophies that are posted in the weekly material. I’m going to spend some time breaking down this assignment since many students fail to include the key elements or focus on the intention of the assignment.

Where I see mistakes on week 2’s assignment is that students fail to review what a pay philosophy is and fail to review samples before they start the assignment. Additionally, this week’s paper should focus in on the Managed by Q case. What I will be looking for in your paper is that it is clear that you understand what Q’s pay philosophy is; which may include writing it out within the paper. Then you need to really analyze how this philosophy impacts the profitability of Q and then discuss what (if any) competitive advantage it gives Q. The purpose of the assignment is to explore the importance of a compensation philosophy on an organization and we’ll be doing this by looking at the Managed by Q company.

So, let’s breakdown the assignment, it reads as follows:

Q Case Compensation Philosophy: Using the Q Case Study listed below, (1) you will be writing a compensation statement for Managed by Q and then (2) looking at how this philosophy impacts their financial performance, competitive advantage, recruitment, etc. Please consider all the stakeholders who are impacted and how their particular approach impacts these different view points.

Utilizing the case study and additional information found via research (minimum three additional resources), (3) present an academic analysis of Managed by Q’s strategic compensation philosophy, its impact on the profitability of the organization, and any competitive advantage this strategy creates (please utilize data to support your conclusions). Must be 5 to 6 pages plus cover and references.

Elements that I will be looking for is Q’s compensation philosophy written out and identified. You may have to do this yourself based on what you find in the case.

Next, I will be looking for an assessment of this philosophy on how it has impacted the business. Think of items like: how has it impacted profitability? What type of impact on the finances of the organization has it had? Has it given Q a competitive advantage? Or, has it cause them to fall behind their customers? How has it impacted recruitment? And, so on –

I don’t know how to emphasize this enough – though “how much” Q pays is important data and should be included in the analysis – it isn’t a pay philosophy. Rather, a pay philosophy is a written statement that guides a company on their pay decisions. Listing what Q pays is not enough.

Week 2: Case Study

This week the focus is on compensation strategies. This is a very important first step of designing any compensation system and one that it actually utilized within the human resources community. It is not only a way to communicate with employees and candidates around how you intent to pay, it is an important tool to ensure that management is on the same page around compensation and benefit costs.

Q Case Compensation Philosophy: Using the Q Case Study listed below, you will be writing a compensation statement for Managed by Q and then looking at how this philosophy impacts their financial performance, competitive advantage, recruitment, etc. Please consider all the stakeholders who are impacted and how their particular approach impacts these different view points.

  1. Utilizing the case study and additional information found via research (minimum three additional resources), present an academic analysis of Managed by Q’s strategic compensation philosophy, its impact on the profitability of the organization, and any competitive advantage this strategy creates (please utilize data to support your conclusions). Must be 5 to 6 pages plus cover and references.

There are examples of pay philosophies out on the internet. Here are a few examples:

Q Case Study

Assignment Rubric

The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us | When Paying Doesn’t Pay Off | Exploring Employee Incentives | 25 Low-Cost Ways to Reward Employees|7 Keys to an Effective Compensation Strategy|5 Steps to a Compensation Strategy that Helps your Company Thrive

Requirements: 5 -6 Pages   |   .doc file

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Intercultural Management Case Study

Intercultural Management Case Study

Requirements: Case Study | 2 pages, Double spaced

As the managing director for your company, based in India, that manufactures computer equipment, you are negotiating with an official in China. His job is to select computer equipment for city employees. You are adamant that you want all the specifications named clearly in a contract. However, the Chinese official is not interested in the technical and financial details.

  • Explain why having a cultural profile of people in China could help you avoid a breakdown in communication in this situation.


  • How can you get through the intercultural impasse and obtain a contract that both you and the Chinese official find acceptable?

Your case study should be properly formatted to include a title page and reference list, which will not be included in the minimum page count. The paper should follow APA guidelines for all resources for in-text citations, paraphrasing, and references.

Minimum of two pages.

Reference: CSU Online Library

Requirements: 2 pages double space

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Records, Termination and Succession

Records, Termination and Succession

Week 9 Assignment – Records, Termination, and Succession


One of the major responsibilities of HR is to, of course, manage human capital. This continues after employee hiring and continues through termination and succession. Having effective policies in place that define these, and other functions in between, is critical to an organization’s commitment to ethical, legal, fair, and efficient operating practices. In this assignment, you are asked to share best practices or policies on these topics during a series of brown bag sessions (these are informal lunch time presentations).


Imagine that HR leadership is busy integrating the HR teams from both hospitals and they want to make sure department members are operating in concert with one another on a range of topics. Over the next several weeks, leadership plans to have you conduct three brown bag sessions (informal lunch-time presentations) that examine the topics of record keeping, ethics and law, and succession planning. They have asked you to write an executive summary of the content planned for each session in advance.

Session Descriptions:
  • Session 1: Maintaining Accurate Employee Records—In this session, you identify, and elaborate upon, four reasons for maintaining accurate and objective employee records.
  • Session 2: Ethical and Legal Termination—In this session, you examine the legal and ethical aspects of selecting and terminating an employee out of a group of people with similar performance, behaviors, and jobs as a part of a broad-ranging cost saving initiative. Employee differences:
    • One has a disability.
    • One is paid significantly more than others.
    • One is 60 years of age and older than the others.
    • One is planning on soon taking an extended family leave
  • Session 3: Succession Planning—In this session, you recommend a process to identify and groom an internal candidate to move into a senior-level leadership position in a health care organization such as CEO, COO, and CFO.


Consider the scenario above and imagine that your audience is a group of department managers. Write an executive summary that introduces the topics in an introductory paragraph and then describes the content to be delivered in each of the three sessions in detail. Each session description should be two pages in length (six total pages plus cover page).

Your work will be measured against the following criteria:

  1. Identify, and elaborate upon, four reasons for maintaining accurate and objective employee records.
  2. Analyze the legal implications or requirements of a termination decision. (Make sure to reference specific statutes or laws that govern this area of employment law.)
  3. Analyze the ethical facets of a termination decision. (Make sure to reference an ethical framework to support your assertions or positions.)
  4. Recommend and justify a process to identify and groom a candidate for a senior-level position.

Requirements: 6 pages

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Intercultural Management Case Study

Intercultural Management Case Study

Requirements: Case Study | 2 pages, Double spaced

As the managing director for your company, based in India, that manufactures computer equipment, you are negotiating with an official in China. His job is to select computer equipment for city employees. You are adamant that you want all the specifications named clearly in a contract. However, the Chinese official is not interested in the technical and financial details.

  • Explain why having a cultural profile of people in China could help you avoid a breakdown in communication in this situation.


Your case study should be properly formatted to include a title page and reference list, which will not be included in the minimum page count. The paper should follow APA guidelines for all resources for in-text citations, paraphrasing, and references.

Minimum of two pages.

Reference: CSU Online Library

Requirements: 2 pages double space

One attachment • Scanned by Gmail

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Workers’ Compensation PowerPoint

Workers’ Compensation PowerPoint

You are a human resources manager, and you have been asked to make a presentation to help employees understand how workers’ compensation works and their rights under the law. Create a presentation on workers’ compensation rights for the specific state in which you live or work. Be sure to include the items below in your presentation.

Your presentation must be a minimum of 10 slides. You must use a minimum of two sources, which may include your textbook. Be sure to cite any sources used on a separate reference slide in APA style (cover and reference slides do not count in the minimum slide count). If necessary, you may also use the slide notes function to explain slide contents, but this is not required.


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Goal: Conduct/construct an experiential evaluation/assessment

Goal: Conduct/construct an experiential evaluation/assessment

Management Question

Goal: Conduct/construct an experiential evaluation/assessment of the business model of your organization (or one with which you are closely familiar) using the business model canvas and related text.

Introduction: Managers who want to improve the effectiveness of their business model and organization, as well as to increase their own ability to manage, use diagnostics/assessments to determine the reality of business effectiveness in comparison to what they originally envisioned. Good feedback contributes to the development of plans to improve business/organizational effectiveness and management performance.

Instructions: Students will write a 2500-3000 words  properly formatted APA paper (including a title page and references page, but no abstract) that evaluates/assesses the overall effectiveness of the business model used by your organization. This is the third of three assignments that draws from your association with your organization. The previous two “canvas” assignments flow into this one. Identify one or more of the building blocks from the business model canvas where modification should be recommended. Be careful to avoid bias in determining the issue/problem identified by using the canvas. Do not merely critique, but contribute to your organization’s overall success. This paper should be the culmination of the overall work you have done with the business model canvas so that all the pieces go together.

Your final paper should include:

  • Your business model canvas – Post-It notes discussion/observations (week 2)—summarize this area, but provide the initial canvas.
  • Identification of theoretical/behavioral trends that you observe in the business model and organization (week 5)—summarize this, do not merely cut and paste.
  • Discussion of appropriate theory, metaphors, and frames with which to describe your business model in operation, as well as to identify areas needing improvement and how to get there.
  • Use of the Osterwalder/Pigneur text to evaluate and diagnose your organization’s business model, as well as an integration of the course materials into your writing and consideration.
  • Recommendations for improvements identified using the canvas, theories, and assessment tools used in this course. What are the expected outcomes.
  • Use eight scholarly sources besides our textbook (especially case studies) to undergird your assertions from peer-reviewed literature.
  • Thoroughly familiarize yourself with the assignment specs and ask questions if you are unsure of expectations.

The paper must have at least eight additional scholarly sources in addition to the course textbook. No abstract is necessary, but a title page and references page should be included. Write your paper in third person, even though you are writing about an organization that you are familiar with. To do this, write from the perspective of a scholar who observes and researches about the case. Therefore, first person should be avoided.

Goal: Conduct/construct an experiential evaluation/assessment Read More »

Power and Influence

Power and Influence

Week 3 – Assignment 1
After you have finished your team discussion, write a 3 to 4 page paper that addresses each question below. This is an individual assignment and should synthesize and demonstrate application of your learning from playing the simulation, the team discussion, and course material.
1. Summarize the results you achieved while playing the simulation.
a. What did you do well and what were some areas that needed improvement?
b. What were the important differences demonstrated from each of the four scenarios?
2. Analyze and discuss at least 3 comparisons between the simulation and what we have learned in the course.
3. How can you apply what you learned in this experience to the company you work for? Discuss at least 2 different applications.
4. What were the similarities and differences between how you did and how others on your team did? What were your biggest takeaways from your team discussion?
Professional Formatting Requirements:
• Include a Cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, professor’s name, and the course title and date
• Include a References page, showing all your sources
• The Cover page and the References page are not included in the required page length
• Double-spaced, professional font (Times New Roman or Ariel), 10-12 font size
• Headings used to identify main topics and subtopics

• Paragraphs are separated by a single space.


Requirements: N/A

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MGT517 Grantham Week 5 Organizational Behavior

MGT517 Grantham Week 5 Organizational Behavior

MGT517 Grantham Week 5 Organizational Behavior

Organizational Behavior – Week #5

Project – Title Page, Outline, & References Page

Develop the format and framework for your final project.

Your submission should be a single document that includes an outline summarizing the main topics and sub-topics of the final project. Your summary should contain the following topics and sub-topics below as these will be required when organizing your final project.

Title Page

Table of Contents

I. Executive Summary

II. Background

III. Diagnosis

a. Current Situation

b. Supporting Data/Analysis

IV. Recommendation Intervention

V. Applicable Organizational Behavior Concepts

VI. References

Do not submit your entire paper during Week 5, but rather, summarize in 1-3 paragraphs the key points you will cover in each of the above topic and sub-topic sections. (Note: The description for each of the topics and sub-topics is found under the Week 1 Weekly Content module, under “Review This Week’s Lecture” section, titled “Final Project Preview” link.)

Your Outline Summary should have the following components:

Make sure your paper reflects scholarly writing. Use APA formatted outline summary with the inclusion of a title page and a References page.

Double space your lines, use 12 pt. Times New Roman font, and add the above bolded lines as “section headers”

Include a minimum of 5 resources (the resources found to complete Week 3’s Annotated Bibliography should be used along with other outside resources)

Place in-text citations to show where you plan to use resources to support your summary sections.

I have attached week 1 assignment with the Topic Selection and the week 3 assignment with 5- references that will be used in addition to others. The focus should be on schools/school boards in South Carolina intervention.

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Risk Management and Policy

Risk Management and Policy

I need help with an assessment. It consists of two parts. Attached are the instructions and the previous assessment for reference.

  • Length: Your risk management policy and procedure assessment will be 6–8 double-spaced pages, not including title and reference pages

Assessment 2 Instructions: Risk Management Policy and Procedure

Write a 3-4 page risk management policy and procedure for a health care organization. Analyze a specific issue that occurred in a health care organization and apply risk management best practices to it for the purpose of early risk identification and risk reduction or elimination in the future.

Health care organizations have always searched for ways to identify and reduce risks. An organization’s ability to identify and analyze its risk exposure is a determining factor in the effectiveness of its risk management program (Hoarle, 2015). Early identification and analysis are essential.

Current health care risk management practices developed in the mid-1970s as a result of a surge in malpractice suits. These suits caused rapid increases in claims costs for the industry and later in insurance premiums. Today, health care delivery systems and organizations realize the value of risk management and have developed formalized programs (Hoarle, 2015). In addition, organizations have established mechanisms to review potential incidents of risk and safety concerns (Pelletier & Beaudin, 2018). While risk management programs are responsible for daily management and risk operations, all health care stakeholders are responsible to participate in activities that will reduce unnecessary risks and improve safety and quality (Hoarle, 2015).

This second course assessment consists of two parts. You are to assume the role of a new risk manager within your organization’s risk management department. According to your director, employees lack awareness of the organization’s risk management program. Likewise, departments inconsistently apply risk management principles. As a result of these deficiencies, your director has given you your first assignment.

Part One: Risk Management Policy and Procedure

Your director has asked you to write a formal risk management policy and procedure for the organization.

Part Two: Application of Risk Management Principles to a Specific Incident

In addition to the policy and procedure, your director has asked you to apply your knowledge of risk management principles to a specific organizational risk that has occurred. You will select one of the three incidents from the Vila Health: Patient Safety media piece from Assessment 1. These incidents included a patient identification error, a medication error, and a HIPAA/privacy violation. Select the risk that holds the most interest for you.

Your director believes that the organization’s newly written risk management policy and procedure, coupled with your analysis from a risk management standpoint of a recent, specific incident that occurred, will help employees (and the organization) recognize how the hospital’s risk management program contributes to the overall organization’s safety and quality improvement efforts.


Hoarle, K. (2015). Risk management poised to grow as healthcare evolves. Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology, 49(6), 433–435.

Pelletier, L. R., & Beaudin, C. L. (2018). HQ solutions: Resource for the healthcare quality professional (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

Demonstration of Proficiency

  • By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:
  • Competency 1: Analyze the quality and performance improvement activities within the health care organization.
  • Propose evidence-based risk management strategies and techniques to identify and eliminate or reduce a particular risk.
  • Competency 2: Explain the risk management function in the health care organization.
  • Explain the importance of a risk management program to health care organizations.
  • Define key risk management terms.
  • Describe the major risk categories in a health care organization, along with their corresponding risk identification techniques.
  • Competency 4: Apply leadership strategies to quality improvement in a health care organization.
  • Analyze the risk manager’s role in effective management of the organization’s risk management program.
  • Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with health care professionals.
  • Write a clear, organized risk management policy and procedure that is generally free of errors and is reflective of professional communication in the health care field.
  • Provide citations and title and reference pages that conform to APA style and format.


To help prepare for successfully completing this assessment:

  • Conduct independent research on policy templates. You will find multiple policy templates from which to choose as you write your risk policy and procedure.
  • Select one of the organizational risks from the Vila Health: Patient Safety simulation from Assessment 1. These included a patient identification error, a medication error, and a HIPAA/privacy violation. For Part Two of your assessment you will conduct an in-depth analysis of the organizational risk you selected.


Part One: Risk Management Policy and Procedure (3–4 pages)

As the new risk manager in your health care organization, your director has assigned you responsibility for drafting the organization’s risk management policy and procedure. This assignment stemmed from your director’s perception that employees lacked knowledge and awareness of risk management’s contribution to furthering the organization’s safety and quality improvement efforts. Likewise, your director also saw evidence that departments within the organization were inconsistently applying risk management principles to their daily work practices.

The guidance you have received from your director about writing this policy and procedure is that it needs to include all of the following headings. It also needs to answer all of the questions underneath each heading:

         Risk prevention.

         Risk reduction.

         Regulatory compliance.

         Patient safety.

         Adverse event.

         Near miss.

  • Risk Categories and Risk Identification Techniques:
  • What are the major risk categories in health care? In your answer, be sure to explain each risk category and to provide relevant examples from the literature to illustrate your points.
  • What risk management strategies will the organization use to identify potential organizational risks? Be sure your narrative identifies and describes such risk identification techniques as concurrent, retrospective, incident reporting, and previous trends. ‹Note: These are only a few of the risk identification techniques to address in your policy and procedure. Be sure to include other examples you are aware of from your professional experience or from reviewing your suggested resources.
  • What are examples of risk categories and their appropriate corresponding risk identification techniques? For example, coding errors are a type of financial risk. Retrospective auditing is the risk identification technique used to identify this risk type.
  • Risk Manager’s Role in Program Implementation and Compliance:
  • What is the risk manager’s role in risk management program implementation and compliance?
  • How can a risk manager impact effective management of the organization’s risk management program?
  • What is one example from the literature that shows how the risk manager role can positively impact a health care organization’s management of its risk management program?

Part Two: Application of Risk Management Principles to a Specific Incident (3–4 pages)

To further help employees and the organization at large see risk management’s contribution to helping the organization achieve its safety and quality goals, your director has asked you to analyze and apply risk management principles to a recent incident that occurred in the organization. Your director has asked you to include all of the following headings in your analysis and to address all of the questions underneath each heading.

  • Risk Description:
  • Which potential risk to your organization from the Vila Health: Patient Safety simulation are you analyzing? These included patient identification error, medication error, and a HIPAA/privacy violation.
  • Risk Implications:
  • What are the risks to patients, employees, and to the organization if this particular risk is not addressed? In other words, what could happen if the organization chooses to do nothing?
  • Risk Identification:
  • What risk management strategies and techniques will the organization employ to identify this type of risk in the future? For example, will the organization identify this type of risk by analyzing incident report data? What other strategies might the organization employ to identify the risk? Be sure to include your rationale for choosing the particular strategy(ies).
  • Risk Reduction/Elimination:
  • What risk management best practices could the organization employ to eliminate or reduce the risk in the future? For example, if you plan to identify the risk by analyzing incident report data, would you conduct a drill down to determine what is causing the risk? What other best practices might you employ? Consult your suggested resources for guidance on best practices for eliminating and reducingrisk.
  • What steps would you take to implement your plan to eliminate or reduce your selected risk?

Additional Requirements

  • Length: Your risk management policy and procedure assessment will be 6–8 double-spaced pages, not including title and reference pages.
  • Font: Times New Roman, 12-point.
  • APA Format: In the health care environment, typically a policy and procedure and analysis document would not be written according to APA style and format. To make this assessment as authentic as possible to what you might actually encounter in the workplace, the body of your assessment does not need to conform to APA guidelines. Do make sure that it is clear, persuasive, organized, and well written without grammatical, punctuation, or spelling errors. At the same time, health care is an evidence-based field. As such, your title and reference pages need to conform to APA format and style guidelines. Likewise, you also must cite your sources according to APA guidelines. Your leaders may question you about the sources of the information you are providing them.
  • Scoring Guide: Please review this assessment’s scoring guide to ensure you understand how your faculty member will evaluate your work.

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Referring to a case study based on course work, your choice, explain sense making approach to change.

Referring to a case study based on course work, your choice, explain sense making approach to change.

Answering the following questions

Q1. Referring to a case study based on course work, your choice, explain sense making approach to change.

Q2. Evaluate and explain any three contingency approaches to change management.Use a case of your choice as an example to support your argument.

Q3. Explain the benefits and disadvantages of resistance to change that can occur in Nestle.

Q4. Discuss the pitfalls they can arise when seeking to sustain change in Nestle.

Referring to a case study based on course work, your choice, explain sense making approach to change. Read More »

AICPA Professional Code of Conduct

AICPA Professional Code of Conduct

Option #1: AICPA Professional Code of Conduct

The following scenarios might constitute a violation of the AICPA’s Code of Professional Conduct.

  1. Carrie Jones, CPA, performs various management services for The Perry Corporation including bookkeeping and preparing tax returns, but does not perform the audit function. One management service involved a needs assessment on computers and the identification of equipment to meet those needs. Jones recommended a product sold by a computer store, which has agreed to pay Jones a 10% commission if the Perry Company purchases it.
  2. Jonathan Keys, CPA, was overbooked for the next few months. When a prospective client asked if Keys would conduct the next year’s audit, he declined but referred them to Janet Rivera, CPA. Rivera paid Keys $5,000 for the referral.
  3. Katherine Porter, CPA, signed on to perform an inventory control study for a new client, River Forest Company. Once the study is complete, she recommends a new inventory control system. Currently, River Forest engages another audit firm to audit its financial statements. The financial arrangement is that River Forest will implement the new systems and over the next 10 years, they will pay Porter 60% of the savings in inventory costs.
  4. Thomas Caper, CPA, has served as the auditor for the Rover Corporation for many years. In addition, Caper has performed other services for the company. This year, the Chief Financial Officer has asked Caper to perform a major computer system evaluation.
  5. Due to the death of its CFO, an audit client had its external auditor, Sandra Richardson, CPA, perform the CFO’s job for two months until a replacement was hired.


Knowing the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct, answer the following:

  1. For each of the five scenarios, indicate which principle or rule would be violated, or if none would be violated.
  2. State why the rule would be violated.
  3. Explain if there is a way to avoid breaking the rule by doing something different in these examples.

Your written response paper should be 3-4 pages in length. Please type your assignment in a Word document and follow APA format, according to CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.). Include a title page and reference page. Use two (2) outside academic sources other than the textbook, course materials, or other information provided as part of the course materials.

Requirements: 3-4 Pages Not Counting Title and Reference Pages

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Discussion Ethical Considerations for Restraint and Physical Management

Discussion Ethical Considerations for Restraint and Physical Management

Behavior analysts work hard to ensure that they have carefully and ethically performed the required tasks to determine an intervention that offers the greatest potential for successfully dealing with a behavior. With most behaviors, interventions can be developed that are reasonable and less stressful for the individual to participate in. But what do you do if the individual is getting physical and injuring themselves or others?

In circumstances like this, potentially problematic interventions need to be considered, such as physically restraining or secluding the individual. When these serious interventions are considered, it is absolutely crucial to evaluate and re-evaluate ethical considerations as painstakingly as possible to ensure that the intervention can be implemented with the lowest risk for negative consequences.

For this Discussion, you will think about a situation involving restraint or another physical management technique, and you will discuss methods for implementing the technique in the most ethical manner possible.

To prepare:

  • Review the Learning Resources for this week, including the required weekly media programs, to gain an understanding of restraint and physical management. Note: It will be critical for you to review all the media for this week to complete this Discussion.
  • Consider a situation where restraint or physical management was necessary for this Discussion

Post a description of a situation where restraint or physical management was necessary. How can this situation be implemented in the most ethical manner?

Be sure to support your postings with specific references to the Learning Resources and identify current relevant literature to support your work.

Requirements: One Page

I am attaching all the needed required readings that need to be used for this discussion, if you want to use any extra scholarly resources feel free to use them however please make sure to cite it APA7.

I am also attaching the audio and the transcript for the required media as well.……

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Public vs Private Company Controls Standards

Public vs Private Company Controls Standards

Option #1: Public vs. Private Company Controls Standards.

Your long-time client, Colorado Company, has been growing fast, prompting the board to consider taking the company public. CEO Billy Jean has heard that due to the Sarbanes–Oxley Act, costs have increased significantly when operating a public company. Jean is especially apprehensive with reports that he can anticipate double the audit fees due to the internal control provisions of the Act and PCAOB Auditing Standard No. 2201. Jean has asked you to explain how the Sarbanes–Oxley requirements may affect the audit.


Organize and share your thoughts if the company decides to go public. How would complying with the Sarbanes–Oxley and PCAOB Auditing Standard No. 2201 change the company’s responsibilities for internal control? Then use your thoughts to:

  • Describes the changes in internal controls (due to PCAOB and Sarbanes-Oxley standards) needed once they become a public company.

Your deliverable should be 3-4 pages in length. Please type your response in a Word document and follow APA format, according to CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.). Include a title page and reference page. Use two (2) outside academic sources other than the textbook, course materials, or other information provided as part of the course materials.

Requirements: 3-4 Pages not counting cover or reference pages

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Demonstrate Understanding of Interviewing and Selection TopicS

Demonstrate Understanding of Interviewing and Selection TopicS

For this week’s assignment, assume that you are the HR manager in a medium-sized hospital. One of the managers in the Radiology department has come to you for advice on selecting the best candidate for a position. The situation as described to you:

  • Both candidates are equally technically qualified for the position.
  • Both candidates are willing to work the shifts expected of this position.
  • One has a bachelor’s degree, one has an associate’s degree, both degrees are relevant to the education needed for this position.
  • One candidate is male, one is female. The position requires that more female procedures are performed than male procedures.
  • The male applicant is a single dad, the female has a stay-at-home husband.
  • The pay scale for this position is about average, although there is a nearby hospital that is paying more for the same job.
  • One candidate has lived here since childhood, one just moved here from a bigger city.

Based on this information, prepare a memo to the hiring manager with your recommendation. Include:

  • What additional information do you need to know in order to make the best recommendation to the hiring manager?
  • Suggestions on how to overcome the pay disparity issue if it is brought up by one or both applicants.
  • Counsel on what information provided should not be used in making the decision and why.
  • If the hiring manager can use cultural fit to help decide.
  • How the manager should make the ultimate decision.

Length: 4 pages, not including the title and reference page

References: Include a minimum of 3 scholarly resources

Requirements: 4 pages/focus on the aging population/3 references

Demonstrate Understanding of Interviewing and Selection TopicS Read More »

Public vs Private Company Controls Standards

Public vs Private Company Controls Standards

Option #1: Public vs. Private Company Controls Standards.

Your long-time client, Colorado Company, has been growing fast, prompting the board to consider taking the company public. CEO Billy Jean has heard that due to the Sarbanes–Oxley Act, costs have increased significantly when operating a public company. Jean is especially apprehensive with reports that he can anticipate double the audit fees due to the internal control provisions of the Act and PCAOB Auditing Standard No. 2201. Jean has asked you to explain how the Sarbanes–Oxley requirements may affect the audit.


Organize and share your thoughts if the company decides to go public. How would complying with the Sarbanes–Oxley and PCAOB Auditing Standard No. 2201 change thefor company’s responsibilities internal control? Then use your thoughts to:

Your deliverable should be 3-4 pages in length. Please type your response in a Word document and follow APA format, according to CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.). Include a title page and reference page. Use two (2) outside academic sources other than the textbook, course materials, or other information provided as part of the course materials.

Requirements: 3-4 Pages not counting cover or reference pages

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Discussion Questions on Strategic Management

Discussion Questions on Strategic Management

Using solid academic writing and 300-400 words, please answer the below DQ’s:

DQ1: Discuss how doing case analysis will help you develop skills needed to prepare recommendations for consideration in a Strategic Plan. What is a business model and how can it disrupt a company, industry and or both? Provide at least two examples.

DQ2: Throughout the course, you will need to identify various technology trends and sources of data that will help you understand those things impacting your Collaborative Learning Community’s company. Sources may include the following:, GCU library, government sites, white papers, etc. Of the sources that you have identified, which sources do you believe would be most useful and why, as it applies to the strategic case analysis and recommendations for strategic plan development?

Requirements: 300-400

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Job analysis & competency modeling

Job analysis & competency modeling

Assignment Introduction


Job analysis, job competencies, and job descriptions form critical elements of employee recruiting, selection, and organizational staffing. We must understand the job, know its nature, and describe its competencies before we can announce the position and attract quality applicants. To get to this point, the HR professional must have the skills to conduct research, including employee and supervisor interviews. These interviews will contain valuable real-life information that will describe the job to be advertised and filled. For this assignment, you will be assisting our senior HR professional Kimberly by developing a position description.

Your Challenge

Use O*Net Online to develop a job description and competencies for any job of your choosing. The job should have five to seven competencies. Your job description and competency model should follow this example of a medical job description for a Physician Assistant:

Serves in the Occupational Medicine Program (OMP), Occupational and Environmental Medicine (OEM) and other Occupational Health (OH) services and related matters.

Advises on Occupational Health (OH) program development, management, administration and evaluation. Formulates OH service policies and objectives as required. Advises on program requirements and procedures. Establishes criteria for OH program evaluations and assessments. Advises on the development, interpretation, and application of occupational health standards. Provides technical assistance on health conservation requirements, OH practices, and delivery of OH services that impact worker health as needed. Participates in epidemiological investigation of disease, illness, or accidents of particular importance to the OH program as required.

Plans, coordinates, and conducts OH program consultation reviews, visits, and special studies. Evaluate the effectiveness of OH programs. Analyzes and interprets data on OH programs. Resolve complex OH problems to improve OH clinical services, health education, and wellness. Researches trends and patterns. Reports on findings and conclusions, with recommendations as needed.

Reviews state and federal regulations on occupational health for organizational impact, recommending changes as needed. Develops new OH program evaluation methods and criteria. Develops standard procedures, model administrative documents, and informational material relating to the development and management of installation OH programs. Develops innovative and unique methods of problem solving and evaluation.


Department of the Army (n.d.) Army position description: Physician’s assistant. Retrieved from:…

Assignment Instructions

Prepare a 1–2-page job description and competency model that follows the example given. Use O*Net Online to select the job you will describe, and include the following:

Provide a description that includes knowledge of the content information and expertise associated with the work.

Analyze what someone in this job would need to know and be able to do.

Would they need to have special skills, training, licenses or degrees?

Define tasks and technology skills that are aligned to the context of the environment in which the work is done.

Does the description include details on what the main tasks and skills are?

How does the work environment impact the work?

Create descriptions of work activities that match the context of the work.

Are the job elements described?

Are they consistent with job framework, setting, or expectations?

Develop a description of work that displays a clear connection to measurable elements of performance.

How are things connected and do they make sense?

Would a potential job applicant be able to read the description and understand the job expectations?

Review the HR Challenge: Job Analysis and Competency Modeling Scoring Guide to see the criteria by which your assignment will be evaluated. Before submitting your assignment for evaluation, review your draft in SafeAssign to check your use of source material.

Submission Requirements

The deliverable for this assessment applies professional skills in Human Resources Management (HRM) to workplace situations which you will likely encounter in your day-to-day work in HRM. As part of your learning, we focus on the development of effective professional communication skills for the workplace. Your assessment should meet the following additional requirements:

Length: Your plan should be 1–2 typed, double-spaced pages, not including the cover and resources pages.

The first page should be a cover sheet with your name, the course number, assessment title, and date. No other information is required on this page.

The last page should be the reference list.

Organization: Make sure that your assessment writing is well-organized, using headings and subheadings to organize content for the reader.

Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point font.

Resources: Use 1–2 references from trade publications or other relevant sources.

Evidence: Support your assertions with data and/or in-text citations.

APA formatting: Resources and in-text citations are formatted according to current APA Style and Format guidelines.

Written communication:

Support main points and recommendations with relevant and credible evidence.

Address the appropriate audience, using familiar, discipline-specific language and terminology.

Use spell-check and other tools to ensure correct spelling and grammar.

Requirements: 500-1000?

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Organizational Change and Culture Project

Organizational Change and Culture Project

Change is part of the game. Leaders must set the vision and navigate of the challenges of implementing change. Effective leadership requires you to harness both the minds and hearts of employees to enable change to occur and take root in the company’s culture. For this assignment, you will identify one change management need within your company or from a company you previously worked for. You will create a plan for a change initiative, describing it in your Business Brief and presenting it in your Change Vision Video. Think of your Business Brief as a summary document that could be used as a reference by the Board of Directors and think of your Change Vision Video as your pitch to the Board members to gain their support for your initiative.

Business Brief

(2–3 pages) Identify a needed organizational change and your perceived employee resistance to the change. Then utilize the first six (6) elements of Kotter’s eight-stage framework to create your plan for the change initiative. Write a Business Brief that summarizes your change initiative plan in 2 to 3 pages. It should be written in a professional format and include a cover page, as detailed in the Formatting Requirements section below. Use the prompts below to guide you:

1. Provide a brief background of the company and its culture.

2. Identify the problem you want to address and explain why it is important.

3. Describe your change initiative according to Steps 1 through 6 of Kotter’s eight-stage framework. Provide answers to each of the following questions to create this description:

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