
Field Experience Interview Discipline Process

Field Experience Interview Discipline Process

Important policies, guidelines, and procedures are mandated concerning the discipline of students who receive special education services. The staff, parents, district and campus administration, and related service providers may all be involved in the decision making process regarding consequences for actions that may be related to the disability. There are procedural processes involved in determining the following: manifestation hearings, the need to conduct a functional behavioral assessment (FBA), and the development and implementation of behavior intervention plans (BIP). IEP team members must also document decisions regarding suspension, expulsion, or a need for a change of placement. Administrators, lead teachers, and other key special education staff are responsible for implementing the policies and disciplinary regulations. Failure to comply with these important regulations can place these individuals and the district in a liable situation.

Allocate at least 2 hours in the field to support this field experience.

Interview two of the following: a principal; assistant principal; administrator; lead special education teacher; school psychologist, or behavior interventionist/coach.

Discuss the role in which the interviewee plays regarding the following:

  • In your role, what types of discipline issues have you found to be the most common with students with disabilities?
  • In regards to IDEA, what is your responsibility regarding the discipline components for students identified as receiving special education services?
  • How do you play a role with in-school suspension versus out-of-school suspension for students who receive special education services?
  • How are you involved in the decision making process regarding the discipline of students with disabilities?
  • What types of data do you collect regarding behavior/discipline issues of students with disabilities? If you do not collect the data, do you review the data to assist with any discipline issues?
  • How are special education services provided to students with disabilities who are suspended, if needed? Does your role have responsibilities in determining or providing these services or ensuring these services are met?
  • What other additional insight can you offer in the areas of due process, discipline, and student/family rights related to your role and responsibilities?

In 250-500 words, summarize your interviews and reflect upon professional practices related to legal and ethical discipline for students with disabilities. Discuss the similarities and differences of roles and responsibilities based on your feedback from the interviews. In addition, provide any additional insight the interviewees provided you might not have realized until now. Explain how you will use your findings in your future professional practice.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.


Requirements: 250-500 words

Field Experience Interview Discipline Process Read More »

Discussion: Absenteeism and Staff Satisfaction

Discussion: Absenteeism and Staff Satisfaction

As a supervisor, it is important to actively address supervision challenges in order to protect productivity levels and support positive morale with those you supervise. During this week, you will consider variables that influence absenteeism and staff satisfaction. In addition, you will explore strategies that decrease absenteeism and increase staff satisfaction.

  • Review the Learning Resources for this week, including the required weekly media, and consider the variables as well as the strategies used to address absenteeism and staff satisfaction.
  • Search the internet and/or the Walden library for any additional information on variables as well as the strategies used to address absenteeism and staff satisfaction.
  • Review the interactive media in the Learning Resources, “Supervision Practices.”

Post variables that influence absenteeism and staff satisfaction within the work environment and describe strategies that decrease absenteeism and increase staff satisfaction.

Read your colleagues’ postings.

Note: For this Discussion, you are required to complete your initial post before you will be able to view and respond to your colleagues’ postings. Begin by clicking on the To Participate in this Discussion link, then select Create Thread to complete your initial post. Remember, once you click on Submit, you cannot delete or edit your own posts, and cannot post anonymously. Please check your post carefully before clicking on Submit!

I am attaching all the needed required readings that need to be used for this discussion, if you want to use any extra scholarly resources feel free to use them however please make sure to cite it APA7.

I am also attaching the audio and the transcript for the required media as well.


Requirements: One Page

Discussion: Absenteeism and Staff Satisfaction Read More »

2-1 Discussion: John D. Rockefeller and the Standard Oil Trust

2-1 Discussion: John D. Rockefeller and the Standard Oil Trust

Read the Standard Oil case study beginning on page 75 of the textbook as well as pp. 145–150 of Exxon and the Control of Oil. Your instructor will designate whether you are to support the position of either the pluralist theory or dominance theory of business power. My position is dominance theory.

From the perspective of the theory which you have been assigned, consider the following prompts in your initial post:

Also in your post, state which theory (pluralist or dominance) you personally ascribe to. Did the arguments you read on this discussion topic change your perspective?

My position is dominance theory. (please put each of these questions in bold, and then answer for each question)

Requirements: 1-2 paragraphs   |   .doc file

2-1 Discussion: John D. Rockefeller and the Standard Oil Trust Read More »

International Sustainability and Social Responsibility

International Sustainability and Social Responsibility

As a pharmacist working as district manager for Rite Aid pharmacy

This week you will choose a title that determines your research topic for this course. Your research topic should have the following characteristics:

First, clearly determine the content of the research paper.

Second, a good title should be interesting to the reader.

Third, it should reflect the tone of the writing and the type of research (quantitative, qualitative, mix).

Fourth and finally, it should contain important keywords that will make it easier to be located during a keyword search.

Resources for Further Reading

In addition to the tips above, there are many resources online that you can use to help write your research title. Here is a list of links that you may find useful as you work on creating an excellent research title:

  1. The University of Southern California has a guide specific to social science research papers:
  2. The Journal of European Psychology Students has a blog article focusing on APA-compliant research paper titles:
  3. This article by Kristen Hamlin contains a step-by-step approach to writing titles:


  1. Hairston, M., & Keene, M. 2003. Successful writing. 5th ed. New York: Norton.
  2. University of Southern California. 2017Organizing your social sciences research paper: choosing a title. [Online] Available at:

Requirements: 500

she want us to start building our research paper (Title and Proposal ) related to my work

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Ethics in Organizational Communication

Ethics in Organizational Communication

The true measure of an individual is how he treats a person who can do him absolutely no good.

Ann Landers

Objectives: 1) summarize why ethics are key leadership and organizational issues, 2) develop a personal philosophy concerning ethics, and 3) apply text and lecture material in development of the philosophy.

Write a 2-3 page paper analyzing ethics in organizations. First, summarize why ethics is a key issue today. Second, develop a personal ethical philosophy. In this philosophy, you should have two elements: an aspirational section, that sets out the ideals you hope to live up to; and some rules or principles, which you expect yourself to adhere to. Third, explain why you think your philosophy will be an effective guide for you in the future.

Note: you can organize this however you wish. Just be sure you have

  • summarized the research from the text and readings on ethics and on diversity AND
  • you have a philosophy on both ethics and on diversity AND
  • you have a justification of why your philosophy will work.

You will want to review the ethical standards listed in the text and lectures. I should be able to see you applying material we have learned.

Remember in your paper to have an introduction that sets the tone of your paper and previews and a conclusion that reviews. Use one-inch margins and a 10-12 character per inch font. Proof read and grammar check as errors undercut your credibility. Remember to put your name on your paper.

Requirements: More in-depth guide with all the details.

Ethics in Organizational Communication Read More »

Write a 3-paragraph letter to the editor of your local newspaper

Write a 3-paragraph letter to the editor of your local newspaper

Writing Question

here are 2 assignments for this one:

Assignment 1:

Discussion Question:

Write a 3-paragraph letter to the editor of your local newspaper arguing for more city, state, or federal government funding for The Harford Center and the services it provides. Put together a legitimate argument with scholarly resources to support your editorial. ***The article should include current data and facts about the issue.

Assignment 2

Final Project: The Harford Center Part 4

Section 4 Headings:


Your draft should be 3–5 pages, contain a minimum of 5–6 specific, evidence-based best practices, and utilize proper APA formatting.

Please use the resources provided:

******Need access to this book:

BoardSource. (2010). The handbook of nonprofit governance. San Francisco, CA: Wiley.

  • Chapter 10, “Strategic Thinking and Strategic Planning” (pp. 189–210)
  • Chapter 11, “Communications and Outreach” (pp. 211–232)

Crutchfield, L. R., & Grant, H. M. (2012). Forces for good: The six practices of high-impact non-profits (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Jossey-Bass.

  • Chapter 2, “Advocate and Serve” (pp. 47–72)

Heyman, D. R. (2011).Nonprofit management 101: A complete and practical guide for leaders and professionals. Hoboken, NJ: Jossey-Bass.

  • Chapter 12, “Nonprofit Advocacy and Lobbying” (pp.181–196)
  • Chapter 25, “Nonprofit Marketing” (pp.409–428)

BoardSource & Taproot Foundation. (2011). Marketing literacy for the non-profit sector: Why marketing professionals make great board members. Retrieved from

Smart Chart 3.0. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Interactive tool that helps non-profits create communication plans and strategies

National Council of Non-profits. (2015). Retrieved from

Center of Lobbying in the Public Interest. (2007). Writing a letter to your legislator. Retrieved from

Fortney, S., & Tassé, M. J. (2021). Urbanicity, Health, and Access to Services for People With Intellectual Disability and Developmental Disabilities. American Journal on Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities, 126(6), 492–504.

Kristen Foley, Stacie Attrill, & Chris Brebner. (2021). Co-designing a methodology for workforce development during the personalisation of allied health service funding for people with disability in Australia. BMC Health Services Research, 21(1), 1–15.

The Harford Center. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Requirements: 5 pages

Write a 3-paragraph letter to the editor of your local newspaper Read More »

Discussion and Annotated Bibliography

Discussion and Annotated Bibliography

Part 1


Must be 1 page and include:


Part 2

Annotated Bibliography APA Format and Must be at least 1-2 paragraphs for each Annotation

  • Based on the organization you are analyzing for your Final Project, The Harford Center, develop an annotated bibliography of four scholarly sources that will be used in the Final Project. These resources should support a variety of sections of your Final Project paper.

(The Final Paper is on the non-profit organization The Trevor Project and consists of Headings such as: Introduction, Mission and Vision, Governance, Ethics, Leadership and Management, Volunteers and Staff, Organizational Budget, Strategic Planning, Social Change Impact, Conclusion)

Annotated bibliography resources:…

Resources to use for Annotated Bibliography

  • Ahmed, F., Bahoo, S., & Ayub, A. (2019). Accountability, Governance and Structure of Non-Profit Organizations: Evidence from Ghana, South Africa, and Zimbabwe. New Horizons (1992-4399), 13(2), 19–36.
  • Almas, S., Chacón-Fuertes, F., & Pérez-Muñoz, A. (2020). Direct and Indirect Effects of Transformational Leadership on Volunteers’ Intention to Remain at Non-profit Organizations. Psychosocial Intervention, 29(3), 125–132.
  • Benevene, P., Dal Corso, L., De Carlo, A., Falco, A., Carluccio, F., & Vecina, M. L. (2018, November 16). Ethical leadership as antecedent of Job Satisfaction, affective organizational commitment and intention to stay among volunteers of non-profit organizations. Frontiers. Retrieved January 2, 2022, from
  • Lee, Y.-J. (2021). Nonprofit Arts Organizations’ Pursuit of Public Interests: The Role of Board Diversity. Nonprofit Policy Forum, 12(4), 563–587.

Requirements: 3-4 pages

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Discussion: Group Contingencies: Strengths and Limitations

Discussion: Group Contingencies: Strengths and Limitations

In situations where using individual contingencies is impractical or when a group’s behavior needs to be addressed quickly, group contingencies are often used. These contingencies are often employed in classrooms to reduce problem behavior, increase academic achievement, and capitalize on peer influence. Research has supported the use of group contingencies as effective methods of altering behavior.

One common independent group contingency, corporal punishment, continues to be scrutinized in the public school sector. According to The New York Times (Caron, 2018), the use of corporal punishment has been banned in a number of facilities and organizations but continues to be legal in 19 states. The use of corporal punishment has declined over the years. However, in areas where corporal punishment is still used, the punishment is not distributed equally, and this disparity is a cause for concern about its use.

For this Discussion, you will identify examples of group contingencies. Then, you will analyze the strengths and limitations of group contingencies.


Caron, C. (2018, December 13). In 19 states, it’s still legal to spank children in public schools. The New York Times.…

  • Review the Learning Resources for this week, including the required weekly media program, to gain an understanding of group contingencies. Note: It is critical for you to review the media for this week prior to completing this Discussion.

Requirements: One Page

I am including the links to the required resources that need to be used for this discussion, as well as the transcript for the media mentioned, if you would like to use extra scholarly resources make sure that you cite it APA7.

Post responses to the following:

Identify and give an example of the following group contingencies:

  • Independent
  • Dependent
  • Interdependent

Explain the strengths and limitations of each group contingency example.

Discussion: Group Contingencies: Strengths and Limitations Read More »

For this assessment, imagine you have decided to leave your position at the primary care office from your previous assessment.

For this assessment, imagine you have decided to leave your position at the primary care office from your previous assessment. You have accepted an administrator position at an academic medical center that is noted for its diversity in staffing. Using the resources provided, along with a minimum of two peer-reviewed articles based on your own research, complete a 3–5 page paper discussing the following:

Organize your paper using the following headings (please use these headings):

  • Title Page.
  • Introduction.
    • Preview the main themes of your paper.
  • Continuum of Care.
  • Scope of Responsibility and Authority.
    • Analyze the scope of responsibility and authority that you had at the physician practice, compared to your new role as a hospital administrator.
  • The Management Approach.
    • Describe how your management approach has changed across the two settings.
  • Conclusion.
    • Summarize the main themes of your paper.
  • References.

Paper Requirements

  • Your paper will be a minimum of 3–5 double-spaced pages in length, not including title and reference pages.
  • Font: Times New Roman 12-point.
  • Cite at least two references in addition to the resources offered in this assessment.
  • Format your paper according to APA style.

For this assessment, imagine you have decided to leave your position at the primary care office from your previous assessment. Read More »

The following articles provide an overview of the various responsibilities of managers that are commonly found in the hospitality and tourism industry.


The following articles provide an overview of the various responsibilities of managers that are commonly found in the hospitality and tourism industry.

•   Career Paths of a Hospitality Management Student.

•   A Day in the Life of David Lindahl, General Manager of Daily Diner Frogtown.

•   A Day in the Life of a Hotel General Manager.


Write a 4–5 page paper in which you:

•   Describe the various types of management careers that can be offered within each industry (lodging, and food & beverage).

•   Compare and contrast the differences between the General Management (GM) positions within the two industries.

•   Analyze and describe the growth in overall employment within these two industries and how this overall growth is forecasted within the next 10 years.

•   Recommend at least three human resource practices in which each industry can better recruit and retain management talent for their respective industry.

•   Use the Basic Search: Strayer University Online Library to find at least three academic resources. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites are not considered quality references.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

•   Describe management careers, employment outlook, and HR staffing practices of the lodging and food and beverage industries.

4 (1200 words) (Double Spaced)

The following articles provide an overview of the various responsibilities of managers that are commonly found in the hospitality and tourism industry. Read More »

MGT560 – Leadership Development

MGT560 – Leadership Development

Hello. I need help answering these questions. I have done the self-assessment and attached the score and the interpretation of the result. for question 3, I’ve talked to my professor and he said use a hypothetical situation.

Understanding our leadership styles will help us maximize our skills. This will also help us evaluate our effectiveness in specific leadership situations.

Not all leadership styles are as effective in the same situations. Understanding the best leadership style for each situation will help us create effective strategies to achieve organizational goals.

As part of this assignment, you are asked to take the following self-assessment from MindTools website ( to determine your leadership style.

Once you have completed the self-assessment, please answer the following questions:

  1. Based on the self-assessment, what is your leadership style? Do you agree or disagree with the results presented? Explain.
  2. Describe three characteristics and skills associated with your leadership style.
  3. Describe a situation where your leadership skills helped you.
  4. How can your leadership style create a stronger workplace environment during the COVID-19 pandemic?
  5. How can you enhance your leadership style to better improve the organizational culture?

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be 4-5 pages in length (double-spaced), which does not include the title and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
  • Use academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.
  • Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least three current, scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles. Current articles are those published within the last five years.

Requirements: 5 pages

MGT560 – Leadership Development Read More »

Human Resource Discussion post

Human Resource Discussion post

Examine Figure 4.6 in the Activity titled “Completing and Conducting the Appraisal.” Choose two of the suggestions from Figure 4.6 and explain why they are vital to developing a performance evaluation system. If you were responsible for improving your appraisal process, which suggestion from the table would you focus on implementing immediately and why? Please include specific examples from the reading to support your response.

Completing and Conducting the Appraisal


In a management role, you have to prepare yourself to conduct an effective performance review with your employees. This requires preparation and thoughtfulness. Read this section to learn about best practices for developing and completing appraisals.

It is necessary to provide formal feedback to employees through a systematic performance evaluation system. The HR professional should know how often performance evaluations should be given and if they are tied to pay increases.

The next step is to make sure you know the goals of the performance evaluation; for example, is the goal to improve performance and also identify people for succession planning? You will then determine the source for the performance evaluation data, and then create criteria and rating scales that relate directly to the employee’s job description. Once this is done, the successful functioning of the performance evaluation system largely depends on the HR professional to implement and communicate the system to managers and employees. This will be the primary focus of our next section.

Best Practices in Performance Appraisals

The most important things to remember when developing a performance evaluation system include the following (see Figure 4.6):

  1. Make sure the evaluation has a direct relationship to the job. Consider developing specific criteria for each job, based on the individual job specifications and description.
  2. Involve managers when developing the process. Garner their feedback to obtain “buy-in” for the process.
  3. Consider involving the employee in the process by asking the employee to fill out a self-evaluation.
  4. Use a variety of methods to rate and evaluate the employee.
  5. Avoid bias by standardizing performance evaluations systems for each job.
  6. Give feedback on performance throughout the year, not just during performance review times.
  7. Make sure the goals of the performance evaluation tie into the organizational and department goals.
  8. Ensure the performance appraisal criteria also tie into the goals of the organization, for a strategic HRM approach.
  9. Review the evaluation for each job title often, since jobs and expectations change.

Figure 4.6

Performance appraisal

As you can see from Figure 4.6, the performance appraisal aspect is just one part of the total process. We can call this a performance review system. The first step of the process is goal setting with the employee. This could mean showing the employee his or her performance appraisal criteria or sitting down with the employee to develop MBOs. The basic idea here is that the employee should know the expectations and how his or her job performance will be rated.

Constant monitoring, feedback, and coaching are the next step. Ensuring the employee knows what he or she is doing well and is not doing well in a more informal manner will allow for a more productive employee.

Next, of course, is the formal performance evaluation process. Choosing the criteria, rating scale, and source of the evaluation are steps we have already discussed. The next step is to work with the employee to develop improvement plans (if necessary) and offer any rewards as a result of excellent performance. The process then begins again, setting new goals with the employee.

-Post adds value by raising novel points or providing new perspectives.

-Post is concise and clearly written in an academic tone; Sentences are complete; spelling, grammar and punctuation are correct.

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ApplyingLessonsLearned to Enterprises [WLOs: 2, 4] [CLOs: 4, 6]

ApplyingLessonsLearned to Enterprises [WLOs: 2, 4] [CLOs: 4, 6]

Much of the focus of this class has been on how countries, institutions, entrepreneurs, and others can systematically encourage innovation and entrepreneurship, and how these can be leveraged into sustainable economic gains. Write a paper that takes the lessons learned from this research and analysis and applies it to individual enterprises. Be certain to answer the following questions:

  • What techniques associated with encouraging innovation and entrepreneurship at a country scale can be successfully applied to individual enterprises?
  • How can the principles and practices associated with microenterprise and microfinance be applied to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship within individual enterprises?
  • How must these techniques be adapted to fit in the enterprise context?
  • What are the unique challenges associated with encouraging innovation and entrepreneurship at the enterprise scale vs. the country scale?
  • What institutional mechanisms can be put in place by governments and other entities that can help encourage innovation and entrepreneurship?

Wherever possible, apply your answers to your specific organization context and use examples from your own experience to support your views. Be sure to reference any case studies that you may have come across that illustrate how these techniques have been applied successfully to individual enterprises

Requirements: 6 pages


Required Resources


Diniz, F., & H. Vale Leitao. (2016). Entrepreneurship and social innovation in training and human capital development: The case of the Bank Palmas. Ekonomika Regiona, 12(3), 865-874.

Huggins, R., & Thompson, P. (2015). Entrepreneurship, innovation and regional growth: A network theory. Small Business Economics, 45(1), 103-128.

Paweta, E., & Kirillov, Y. (2016). Analysis of determinants of early-stage entrepreneurial activity In Russia. Comparative Economic Research, 19(1), 65-76.

  • The full-text version of this book is available through the Directory of Open Access Journals database in the University of Arizona Global Campus Library.

Su, J., Zhai, Q., & Landström, H. (2015). Entrepreneurship research in China: Internationalization or contextualization? Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 27(1-2), 50-79.

  • The full-text version of this book is available through the EconLit database in the University of Arizona Global Campus Library.


Columbia Business School. (2011, December 9). The next convergence: The future of economic growth in a multispeed world (Links to an external site.). YouTube.

ApplyingLessonsLearned to Enterprises [WLOs: 2, 4] [CLOs: 4, 6] Read More »

CaseStudy: ReverseLogistics

CaseStudy: ReverseLogistics

Case Study

Write a minimum of a four-page paper, plus the title page and a reference page on the following statement:

1. To complete this Case Study: Reverse Logistics primarily concerns itself with recovering material and/or economic value from products which are at the end of their useful life. This class will familiarize participants with motives, theory, and practical application, using a variety of sources including textbooks and case studies as well as scientific literature.

2. Review Managing Reverse Logistics reading text and specifically, CH 3 Case studies. Choose a case Study, review the information and pull together the past exercises to develop your methodology and supporting methods to either agree or disagree with the Case Study. Explain your reasoning in an APA style paper of 1-2 pages. Write your Case study in a memorandum format, with a business header, Include the Case Study problem statement; You do not need to post Case Study Response to the Discussion Folder, You will be graded on Content, Understanding, Timeliness, Critical Thinking, Correctness of Writing.

– Readings: SPMR – Managing Reverse Logistics deBrito – CH 3; LO – 1-13

– Read readings your chosen Case Study.

– Post your Case Study to the Assignments Folder

– Then read your Case Study.

– ______________.

– Identify, assess, analyze and solve problems related to supply chain management Issues.

– Develop and apply research skills appropriate to the requirements of the unit and discipline

– Understand how the concepts of related management disciplines are applied in the development of Reverse Logistics problems

– Understand and apply the concepts learned to L&SCM problems and support their solutions with logical argument

– Communicate an understanding of the unit’s concepts and their application in written and verbal/ presentation media

– To develop individual intellectual inquiry and application skills

– To demonstrate the realization of these outcomes by achieving an adequate overall standard in the assessment process

Incorporate at least one reference from articles listed within the online APUS library.

Requirements: 4 pages: 2 pg explanation paper of case study and 2 pg case study

I have attached the book to choose the case study from CH3. I left it up to you which case study you would like to choose from. I have also attached my past forum posts if it helps.

The post had said a 2 pg apa style paper for the reasoning and the case study in a memo format

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Survey the Generations in the Workplace

Survey the Generations in the Workplace

Survey the Generations in the Workplace

“Why is demographics so important in an engagement survey?” Robert asked.

“Our employees, by age, fall into one of four groups. Each one of these groups of employees has a different set of attitudes and opinions.”

“Okay, okay, I got it – so I have to put in questions to determine who is who when they respond to the survey.”

“Robert, our data shows that, as a group, millennials have more than three times the turnover rate of boomers and generation X employees.We need to know why they’re leaving.The engagement survey will show us if there is a problem in that area.”

“Analyses of recruiting costs show us that we are spending more recruiting dollars now than we did two years ago when we had fewer millennial employees. So, we have to get a handle on this and work to understand how to connect with what will soon be the largest group of employees in the organization.”

“Now I understand,” Robert acknowledged. “They should be making the company money instead of costing it money!”

The workplace has four generations of workers—baby boomers, generation X, millennials, and gen z—all at the same time. Each group has different attitudes and expectations around the work they do and the culture of the workplace. This week, you will learn more about each generation and their characteristics as well as how to build a culture in an organization that works for all generations.

Alley explained how to best tailor the employee experience to employees of different generations. Interestingly, all three major employee populations have different sets of expectations and place their priorities in different areas. While boomers respond superbly well to engaged supervisors, millennials have more complicated relationships with authority and hierarchy.Some of them have a more expensive set of professional expectations. Learners will work to understand the generational differences among baby-boomers, generation X’ers, and millennials. As you learn about the employee experience, post a response to one of the specific areas below:

What can HR pros do to retain millennials in the organization?

What support can HR pros seek from other staff to create an employee experience that will positively influence millennial retention?

How can information technology support a framework for an enhanced employee experience?

What can we do to ensure other generations in the company also have a positive employee experience leading to retention?


Generational Characteristics in the Workplace

(2019, September 21). DataPath, Inc.: Benefits strategies for baby boomers in the workplace. News Bites – Private Companies.

This is an article from the HR industry that describes benefits strategies for Baby Boomers, including benefit preferences and engagement styles. This resource will help you learn about this generation and engagement strategies for them.

(2019, December 10). Survey: When it comes to recruiting Gen Z, meet them on their terms. Business Wire.

This is a very short article that outlines some of the characteristics of Gen Z. This resource will help you learn about this generation and engagement strategies for them.

Mitchell, K., (2016). We are all gen Z-and Y and X. HRMagazine, 61(10), 18–19.

This article answers the question”Is an employee’s age a reliable factor in determining the most effective HR or management strategies?” and it may contrast to some of the other articles you are reading this week.

Generations Working Together

Wubbe, E. (2014). From millennial to traditionalist making it work in the workplace: Asset-based financial services industry The Secured Lender, 70(7), 16–21.

This article is about all of the generations, “Traditionalists or The Silent Generation (born before 1945), Baby Boomers (born around 1946-1964), Generation X (born around 1965–1976) and Generation Y (born around 1977–1992) all working in the same office. Generation Z (born 1993–2000).” It talks about how managers can work with the interplay between the generations to support mentoring and other programs.

Implications of Generations on Organizational Culture

Jones, V. R. (2018). Changing of the guard: Influence on organizational culture of millennials surpassing baby boomers as the largest generational cohort: A systematic review of the evidence. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.

Despite the fact that this is a dissertation, this final chapter is very readable and it outlines some of the intrinsic and extrinsic motivators for the different generations that are currently in the workplace. It is important to learn about these motivations because the “work environment may encounter productivity challenges if changes are not made to accommodate employees with very different attitudes and expectations.”

Meng, J., Reber, B. H., & Rogers, H. (2017). Managing millennial communication professionals: Connecting generation attributes, leadership development, and employer engagement. Acta Prosperitatis, (8), 68–83, 119.

This is a qualitative case study that illustrates the key attributes that millennials (born 1982–2004) look for in employers and organizations. This resource gives specific examples of how to engage this generation.

Requirements: 150

Survey the Generations in the Workplace Read More »

CaseStudy HRIS

CaseStudy HRIS

Read the SHRM case study Integrating a Human Resource Information System and answer the questions below based on the case study and information provided for context. You may use information from the lectures and readings to supplement your answers if necessary.

  1. What cultural issues are interwoven in this project that affected HR?
  2. Who should be involved in future global integration projects?
  3. What skills should team members have and how should they be selected?

Please see attached. Guidelines for Submission: Case study analysis assignments must follow these formatting guidelines: double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations (APA format). Page length requirements: 2–4 pages.

Requirements: 2-4 pages

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Benchmark – Risk Management Evaluation Presentation

Benchmark – Risk Management Evaluation Presentation

Assessment Description

The purpose of this assignment is to critically think through all aspects of risk management.

Assume that you have been newly hired as the manager of the Patient Safety and Quality Improvement team for a midsize hospital that will soon be opening a new wing. You will need to conduct a risk assessment analysis on the new wing and present it to the hospital board. Choose whether you will be assessing a new maternity unit, a new outpatient clinic, or a new supply and storage wing.

Refer to the ASHRM’s “Strategic Plan 2019-2021” resource for assistance in completing this assignment.

In a 12-15 slide PowerPoint presentation (not including title and reference slides), incorporate the following points:

  1. Describe the key elements of risk management.
  2. Identify key risk factors of the unit you chose that will need to be addressed.
  3. Legal, regulatory, and accrediting risk factors that will need to be addressed.
  4. Stakeholders that will need to be involved in the risk management process, along with their roles and the context of their involvement in the evaluation and decision-making process.
  5. Evaluate the hospital’s short-term strategic plan to mitigate and provide solutions for identified risks. How do these risk management solutions compare to the ASHRM’s strategic plan to improve risk management?
  6. Evaluate the hospital’s long-term strategic plan to mitigate and provide solutions for identified risks. How do these risk management solutions compare to the ASHRM’s strategic plan to improve risk management?

Cite a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources to support your position.

Comprehensive speaker’s notes are required.

Refer to the resource, “Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

Benchmark Information

Benchmark – Risk Management Evaluation Presentation Read More »

Making a case

Making a case

Starting a project management presentation. The scope is to plan the project over the course of a few weeks.


– E Sports team for World of Warcraft named Unfadable.

– The project is to establish and online merchandise store.


Requirements: 2-3 Pages

Started a project for project management class and need assistance. The details:

Starting an online merchandise store for a World of Warcraft e-sports team.

The details for this weeks deliverable

  • The business case must contain the following.
    • Executive Summary
    • Reasons (Create Problem Statements)
    • Business Options
    • Expected Benefits
    • Expected Dis-Benefits
    • Costs (Budget estimate)
    • Timescale (Schedule estimate)
    • Investment Appraisal
    • Major Risks

Making a case Read More »

The FiveImperatives of ManagingAcrossCultures

The FiveImperatives of ManagingAcrossCultures

According to Branine (2011), there are five imperatives of managing effectively across cultures:

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that discusses in detail one of the imperatives of managing effectively across cultures. Include the following in your paper:

  • The complexities of implementation of these distinct moves in the United States and one international labor market, such as England, Germany, Kenya, China, Jamaica West Indies, or the United Arab Emirates
  • Compare the levels of progress made in the targeted locales.
  • Draw conclusions about possible next steps in promoting progress.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

Requirements: 700-1050

The FiveImperatives of ManagingAcrossCultures Read More »

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