


Management Discussion

As you prepare to respond to this post, refer to the “Benchmarking” Learning Activity. According to the text, what is not a requirement to conduct a benchmark? Now, think of a company that you support and describe the company. What company would you use to benchmark that company and why? What would be your goal?




In order to gauge how successful your company is, you can compare it to other companies that are the best at a certain activity. Read this section to learn how to successfully benchmark your company.

Benchmarking is a process by which a company compares its performance to the performance of other companies. Those other companies need not be competitors, nor be within the same industry. Instead, the purpose of benchmarking is to set a standard based upon the company that is recognized as the best at a certain activity. As an example, many companies use L.L. Bean as a benchmark for online ordering and order fulfillment. To be effective at benchmarking, firms must understand that a benchmark does not define the best possible outcome; it only identifies what a company has achieved. Choosing the wrong companies to benchmark can lead to setting standards that are too low. As a result, a benchmark is only one piece of information that companies should use to set performance goals for quality or any other important outcome.

Note. Adapted from “Quality Management,” by M. Vonderembse & G. White, 2013, Operations Management, Chapter 4. Copyright 2013 by Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

-Post adds value by raising novel points or providing new perspectives.

-Post is concise and clearly written in an academic tone; Sentences are complete; spelling, grammar and punctuation are correct.

Requirements: More than 15 characters, less than 4000 characters


The implementation is the final part, everything is listed above

The implementation is the final part, everything is listed above


I have attached the previous portions.

The implementation is the final part, everything is listed above

Implementation Plan Phase

Describe how to make your solution design a reality within the target organization. Addressed to middle and senior management, the implementation plan builds upon the prior two phases and should be appended to the previous deliverable. This deliverable is due in Week 8.

The plan is a road map to improve the state of IT Governance. It typically describes “what happens”, “when it happens”, “who makes it happen”, and the proof that the design works. A successful completion of the Implementation Plan should suggest that the organization has now transitioned to a better compliance and IT Governance posture.

Here are the key components of the Implementation Plan deliverable.
• Schedule policy changes by departments, functions, or organization(s).
• Identify potential pilot projects to support the implementation plan.
• Define periodic internal and/or external compliance audits to validate the implementation.

Course Project Expectations

Here is the list of the required content for the course project.
• Cover page
• Table of contents – the three phases and their sections
• Executive summary – one page, or less
• Problem definition statement
• Solution design overview
• Solution design
• Presentation of issue discovered and addressed
• Diagrams where appropriate
• Supporting information for actual events, regulations, breaches, crimes, etc.
• Potential or actual consequences of not implementing the suggested design.
• Risk assessment used in the solution design phase.
• Cost estimates where possible.
• Implementation overview
• Implementation schedule, required resources, and new/updated policies.
Implementation operational impact forecast.
• Method used to prove the design addressed the requirements.
• Post-implementation expectations, benefits, and follow-up activities.
• References

Research: Use credible sources upon which to base your project report. In cases where the source is necessary, but credibility is not assured, you must note it in the text of your documents. You are required to use the APA style for both in-text citations and the References section of the project deliverable.

Originality: Use citations to indicate where ideas have come from outside sources. All writing must be in your own words. No direct quotations of outside sources are allowed without citations.

Deliverables: Everything should add value and move the reader to the next point. The minimum length of the final deliverable — not counting the cover page, table of contents, and references — is four double-spaced pages. The maximum length is eight pages. Unless approved by your professor, do not submit deliverables that have fewer or more pages than what is expected.

Requirements: 5-10 pages

The implementation is the final part, everything is listed above Read More »

Human Resource Management service Delivery

Human Resource Management service Delivery


Provide examples from the module resource readings or from your own experience in the workplace to support your responses.

In response to your peers, provide feedback about their initial post and offer strategies for overcoming the challenges of a shared service delivery model and employee resistance to new self-service technology. Provide examples and supportive evidence.

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric document.

Requirements: 1 page

Human Resource Management service Delivery Read More »

Research Proposal

Research Proposal


Final Proposal Project:

Please find the rubric attached.

Each student will be required to complete the term project, which is a research proposal written in an APA Style. The project should have at least 8-10 pages of substance not counting the cover and reference page. Please include a Cover Page, an abstract, and a list of references. The research proposal you write in this course will NOT be sent to the IRB for approval. This is because you will not be conducting actual research for the purpose of this class. You will, however, gain insight as to how to write a research proposal.

Each student will be required to complete a research proposal, as the term project. The research proposal will include the following:

  • Title page
  • Abstract (100-120 words)
  • Introduction
  • Problem Statement
  • Purpose Statement
  • Hypothesis
  • Literature Review and Definitions included in the research
  • Research methods/design
  • References
  • Appendices – as needed (annotated bibliography, example consent form, example survey if used)

The research proposal (Term Project) must be in a Word Document (.doc) uploaded to the student’s folder through the assignment section. Students will be required to use at least five scholarly references in their work.

Students are required to follow APA Style guidelines.

Please make sure that you are using the course-writing rubric to use as a checklist so that you write a solid paper.

Students must use a topic, which was approved by the instructor or their research proposal.

Do not include quotes in your work. The student needs to display good critical thinking skills and not a string of quotes written by published authors. Your proposal is what is needed for a successful research project to be conducted in the future.

Do not wait until the last minute to research, write, format, and edit. Proper time management is required to turn in a quality research proposal that highlights your understanding of how to conduct scholarly research.

Your Term Project must be submitted by the end of week 8. No late submissions will be accepted past the official end of the semester.

Due Sunday 11:59 pm EST

Requirements: 8-10 pages

Research Proposal Read More »

Process and Diagnostics

Process and Diagnostics

unit5 discussion

Topic: Headache

Process and Diagnostics

Your objective is to determine diagnostic workup based on the differential diagnosis for clients presenting with an episodic illness in the care setting.

Headache is an exceedingly common symptom in primary care and other practice settings, ranking among the top 10 most frequent symptoms that prompt an office visit. Diagnosis and management are based on a careful clinical approach augmented by an understanding of the anatomy, physiology, and pharmacology of the nervous system pathways that mediate the various headache syndromes.

A 35-year-old woman comes to your office to discuss her “bad headaches,” which started after having her first child 2 years ago. The headaches sometimes awaken her from sleep and at times can be disabling and occasionally require her to take Tylenol and rest in a dark room. Sometimes she vomits during an attack. Over the past 6 months, her headaches have become more severe and frequent, prompting her visit today.

  • What additional questions would you ask to learn more about her headaches?
  • How do you classify headaches?
  • How can you determine if this is an old headache or a new headache/s? Is this a chronic or episodic condition?
  • Can you make a definite diagnosis through an open-ended history followed by focused questions?
  • How can you use the patient history to distinguish between benign headaches and serious ones that require urgent attention?
  • What diagnostic tests do you want to include to help you with your diagnosis? Who might you refer this patient to see and why?
  • Create a differential diagnosis flow sheet for this patient and include the diagnostics related to the differentials.
  • Please support with up-to-date evidence-based standard of care guidelines.

Requirements: 4 paragraphs

Process and Diagnostics Read More »

Management Question

After watching the video, answer the three critical thinking questions listed below.Do NOT include the question in your completed case assignment. Each critical thinking question response should be a minimum of 5 sentences in length. Responses to critical thinking questions that are less than 5 sentences will be considered insufficient and will be penalized.

Critical Thinking Questions:

  1. According to John Boccuzzi Jr., what are the characteristics of exceptional customer service which convert a casual shopper to a brand loyal ambassador?
  2. Which two strategies for preventing dissatisfaction and problem-solving from the Lucas textbook do you consider most important? Explain why.
  3. Do you think that internal customers are as important as external customers? Why or why not?
  4. What tactics can you use to deal with an angry customer?

Management Question Read More »

The final version of this paper is due on Sunday

The final version of this paper is due on Sunday

Other Question

The final version of this paper is due on Sunday of unit eight. I would appeal to your better nature and ask you to try to turn it in earlier than that though. The final draft is worth 260 points and is a major component of the portfolio.

For this paper, you should explore an organization’s communication in a crisis or change situation. Begin with an organizational crisis or change situation—school shootings, chemical or oil spill, bankruptcy, change in CEO, etc. Here are some examples of papers you might do:

  • study the metaphors the President uses when he speaks on a major crisis like the BP oil spill
  • study the corporate response to a company’s recall of a drug or a product
  • study an athlete’s (or actor’s or company’s) apology for wrong doing
  • study the speeches of a new CEO

The list is really endless. Essentially, you pick some communication and analyze it using a method or theory from the lectures, text, or your own research. The topic you pick will lead you to a method of analysis. A number of possible ways of analyzing communication exist. For example, Bill Benoit at the University of Missouri discusses image restoration (how do people who have screwed up get back in good standing with their peers/publics). Coombs, Seeger, Sellnow and Ulmer often write a crisis communication.
In the paper, you should develop an effective argument about the implications of a communicative act. Avoid making obvious claims–show your reader something important that they didn’t already know.
Follow the format outlined in the handouts and our discussions. The information below should serve as a guide.

This paper should be at least 10 complete pages long– on to the eleventh page is better. It should be typed in a 10-12 character-per-inch font, double spaced with one-inch margins. As a paper, it should have an introduction which sets up the paper and a conclusion that reviews your main ideas. Use section headings, transitions between sections, and previews and reviews in each section. You must use at least eight sources in the paper. Remember to use APA style. Spell-check and grammar-check is recommended. Papers with many errors hurt your credibility and your ability to communicate.

Realize that we are writing the paper in stages. You will write three papers and combine them into this one final paper, so 1) don’t panic and 2) don’t forget to go back to the drafts and edit the paper to make it flow.


  • Introduction
    1. Attention getter.
    2. Identify the communication you will be studying.
    3. Explain why it’s important to look at this event.
    4. Preview the sections of the paper.
  • Background
    1. Give background on when, where, and to whom the communication was delivered.
    2. Describe the communication—summarize its main points.
    3. Discuss the crisis or event that made the communication necessary.
    4. Explain the circumstances surrounding the act/communication.
    5. Explain the barriers/expectations the piece faces.
    6. Describe the speaker,
    7. Summarize at least three articles about the communication/speaker.
    8. Explain in more detail why the text/communication is interesting (expand on your introduction).
    9. State your thesis or main argument about how we should see the communication.
  • Theory/Methodology
    1. Explain your theoretical perspective.
    2. Summarize at least three other studies done with your method.
    3. Explanation of why this method works with the communication you are exploring
    4. Explain what standards are used for evaluation? Effects? Truth? Ethics? Artistry?
  • Analysis/Evaluation
    1. Identify your thesis. Phrase it as how, using your methodology as a lens, we now “see” your artifact/communication.
    2. Develop at least three arguments which support the thesis/research question.
    3. Give at least three examples (often quotes from the artifact) to support each of the arguments.
    4. Using criteria established in your theory section, what can we learn about this piece? This speaker? These strategies? The consequences of using these strategies?
    5. What conclusion or assumptions about the rhetor or the artifact can be made?
  • Conclusion
    1. What is the general argument of your study?
    2. What has this study contributed to the study of organizational communication?
    3. What are some possible areas for future study?
    4. What should the reader take away from this work?

Requirements: Looking for a more in-depth guide with all the details.

The final version of this paper is due on Sunday Read More »

Just in Time (JIT) Supply Chains

Just in Time (JIT) Supply Chains

Efficiency Discussion post

As you prepare to respond to this post, refer to the “Just in Time (JIT) Supply Chain” Learning Activity. Watch the video and respond to the following. According to the video, what are the benefits of a JIT supply chain? Provide an example presented in the video. Next, what did you find most interesting about what the presenter said about a JIT supply chain? Explain your answer. Lastly, provide an example of when a JIT supply chain would work or when it would not.

Just in Time (JIT) Supply Chains


Can the just in time (JIT) strategy work for every company? As you watch this video, consider the conditions that are necessary for success in a JIT supply chain.


© Johnson, 2012

Click here to access the full transcript of the above video.

-Post adds value by raising novel points or providing new perspectives.

-Post is concise and clearly written in an academic tone; Sentences are complete; spelling, grammar and punctuation are correct.

Requirements: More than 15 characters, Less than 3000 characters

Just in Time (JIT) Supply Chains Read More »

Making a case

Making a case

Starting a project management presentation. The scope is to plan the project over the course of a few weeks.


– E Sports team for World of Warcraft named Unfadable.

– The project is to establish and online merchandise store.

  • The business case must contain the following.
    • Executive Summary
    • Reasons (Create Problem Statements)
    • Business Options
    • Expected Benefits
    • Expected Dis-Benefits
    • Costs (Budget estimate)
    • Timescale (Schedule estimate)
    • Investment Appraisal
    • Major Risks


Requirements: 2-3 Pages

Started a project for project management class and need assistance. The details:

Starting an online merchandise store for a World of Warcraft e-sports team.

The details for this weeks deliverable

  • The business case must contain the following.
    • Executive Summary
    • Reasons (Create Problem Statements)
    • Business Options
    • Expected Benefits
    • Expected Dis-Benefits
    • Costs (Budget estimate)
    • Timescale (Schedule estimate)
    • Investment Appraisal
    • Major Risks

Making a case Read More »

The FiveImperatives of ManagingAcrossCultures

The FiveImperatives of ManagingAcrossCultures

According to Branine (2011), there are five imperatives of managing effectively across cultures:

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that discusses in detail one of the imperatives of managing effectively across cultures. Include the following in your paper:

  • The complexities of implementation of these distinct moves in the United States and one international labor market, such as England, Germany, Kenya, China, Jamaica West Indies, or the United Arab Emirates
  • Compare the levels of progress made in the targeted locales.
  • Draw conclusions about possible next steps in promoting progress.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

Requirements: 700-1050

The FiveImperatives of ManagingAcrossCultures Read More »



Management Discussion

As you prepare to respond to this post, refer to the “Benchmarking” Learning Activity. According to the text, what is not a requirement to conduct a benchmark? Now, think of a company that you support and describe the company. What company would you use to benchmark that company and why? What would be your goal?




In order to gauge how successful your company is, you can compare it to other companies that are the best at a certain activity. Read this section to learn how to successfully benchmark your company.

Benchmarking is a process by which a company compares its performance to the performance of other companies. Those other companies need not be competitors, nor be within the same industry. Instead, the purpose of benchmarking is to set a standard based upon the company that is recognized as the best at a certain activity. As an example, many companies use L.L. Bean as a benchmark for online ordering and order fulfillment. To be effective at benchmarking, firms must understand that a benchmark does not define the best possible outcome; it only identifies what a company has achieved. Choosing the wrong companies to benchmark can lead to setting standards that are too low. As a result, a benchmark is only one piece of information that companies should use to set performance goals for quality or any other important outcome.

Note. Adapted from “Quality Management,” by M. Vonderembse & G. White, 2013, Operations Management, Chapter 4. Copyright 2013 by Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

-Post adds value by raising novel points or providing new perspectives.

-Post is concise and clearly written in an academic tone; Sentences are complete; spelling, grammar and punctuation are correct.

Requirements: More than 15 characters, less than 4000 characters


Fiscal Planning and Management Presentation

Fiscal Planning and Management Presentation

For this assignment, you will create a narrated PowerPoint presentation designed to train others on the role of healthcare administrations in fiscal planning and fiscal management. This is your opportunity to demonstrate what you have learned about what fiscal planning and management can and should look like for healthcare administrators.


As a regional healthcare administrator for a long-term care organization, you have been asked to train a new group of healthcare administrators who just completed their degrees. They have no work experience in healthcare administration or financial management. For this assignment, you will develop a 10–12 slide narrated PowerPoint presentation explaining the role of healthcare administrators in fiscal planning and financial management.

Your presentation should address each of the following:

  • Explain how fiscal planning ties into the strategic planning. Be sure to provide at least two concrete examples. In this context, fiscal planning may be considered strategic financing.
  • Describe the role (direct or indirect) that healthcare administrators play in budgeting. Specifically address the role administrators play in the construction and implementation of operating and capital budgets.
  • Assess how fiscal planning and financial management help ensure that provider organizations remain compliant with federal, state, and local regulations. Conversely, you should assess how those regulations impact fiscal planning and healthcare financial management.
  • Review the 4 Cs of healthcare finance: cost, capital, control, and cash by writing a brief definition of each and explain, with rationale, the impact of the 4 Cs on the success of health service organizations.
  • Propose the application of Lean Six Sigma concepts as a tool for in strengthening the revenue cycle of provider organizations.

Your presentation should meet the following formatting requirements:

  • Be 10–12 slides in length.
  • Include narrated content to match the presentation.
  • Include a cover slide and references slide (or slides). (These slides are not part of the 10–12 slide requirement.)
  • Include 3–5 quality references, one of which should be your course textbook.

Use Basic Search: Strayer University Library to find and include 3–5 quality references, one of which should be your course text.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Requirements: 10-12 slides

Fiscal Planning and Management Presentation Read More »

Reflection Prompt: Take Pride in Being Unique

Reflection Prompt: Take Pride in Being Unique


Part 1:

What makes your leadership style unique? Share 3-4 qualities, skills, or abilities that provide some context about your leadership style. Do not just state these, explain and dive into why or how these are unique.

Part 2:

Furthermore, answer 2-5 of these questions in-depth:

1.“What unique qualities, skills, or abilities do you look for in a leader?”

2.“What has been your most unique experience when working or engaging with leaders?”

3.“Share a time where you realized/actualized a unique quality of yours that contributes to your current leadership style or philosophy.”

4.“Why is it important to have different types of leaders?”

5.“What would the world look like with the same exact type of leader?”

Throughout the reflection, consider your background, identity, experiences, and values, and how they impact your definition of leadership (from the first reflection) and your leadership style.

*Note: use paragraphs when answering the 2 sections and indent, and ensure to meet the word count of 350+ words.

No citations needed.

Requirements: 350+ words

Reflection Prompt: Take Pride in Being Unique Read More »

Introduction to Scheduling

Introduction to Scheduling


Scheduling is a challenging area for operations managers. Read this section, which explores scheduling steps and managerial considerations for ensuring quality products or services and optimal operations.

© mizar_21984/iStock/Thinkstock

Scheduling is coordinating work tasks, people, materials, facilities, and equipment needed to create goods and services at a specific point in time. Scheduling is required for making goods and for providing services successfully. There are many different approaches to scheduling; some of the most common are discussed here.

Scheduling is the last step in the process that begins with strategic planning and proceeds through increasingly detailed stages. Each successive stage of the planning process builds on its preceding stage. Proper planning in the earlier stages increases the likelihood that a schedule can be created that will meet customer demand at a reasonable cost and without delays.

Scheduling can be one of the most challenging areas of operations management. As many companies have found, scheduling presents many day-to-day problems because there may be changes in customer orders, equipment breakdowns, late deliveries from suppliers, and a myriad of other disruptions. Techniques are very sophisticated mathematically because scheduling problems are often very detailed, have lots of information to consider, and have many possible solutions. Let’s focus on scheduling rules that can lead to good solutions as well as some relatively simple application techniques.

Scheduling is a complex process that involves many different steps. This section summarizes those steps before describing scheduling techniques.

Data Collection

Collecting the data needed for scheduling begins with orders from the customer. These orders identify which product the customer wants, special features, and the product due date, among other things. When data from order entry is combined with process data, the following information about the jobs, activities, employees, equipment, and facilities are available to prepare a schedule.

Order Entry

Order entry drives the scheduling process. Orders may originate with the customer, but they may also be generated by internal or company orders that are given to create inventory. For a make-to-order company, one that produces only to customer orders or that provides services, this occurs when a customer places an order. Given existing production schedules, capacity available, and the customer’s desired due date, the order can be scheduled. This order scheduling will be an estimate based on capacity requirements to produce the customer’s order. Producing the order will require further scheduling of the individual parts and components for a product or the employees and facilities for a service.

In a make-to-stock company, one that produces for inventory and meets customer orders from inventory, production orders are entered by the company based on the inventory level of each item in stock and the expected future demand of that item. In general, a make-to-stock company has a somewhat easier job of scheduling because it has some control over which products will be made. However, unlike a make-to-order company, which must produce whatever is demanded by the customers, the make-to-stock company will have excess inventory if it produces something that customers do not want. This increases costs and may lead to discounting in order to increase sales of an item.

In an MRP environment, the MRP system will generate planned order releases based on the master schedule. This is another form of order entry—in this case, for individual parts or subassemblies.

Orders Released for Production

The planning process involves a continual movement from strategic plans for the distant future toward more detailed plans for the less-distant future. As time frames diminish, plans become more precise and detailed until each order is released for production. At that point, the schedule is implemented.

Scheduling addresses the very near future because it is the last step in production planning. Plans are made to schedule a particular job, activity, or employee, but those plans are not converted into a detailed schedule until the last possible moment. The earlier planning stages determine the level of resources needed to meet the production plan. Scheduling allocates those resources.

When working with such minute details, such as individual machines, parts, or employees, it is always possible that changes will occur. An employee may become ill or quit, a machine may break down, or the raw materials for a part may not arrive on time. Because of these possibilities, scheduling must usually wait until the existing conditions are known with relative certainty. Even then, last minute changes must often be made, which is what makes scheduling so challenging.

As time passes and the scheduled starting time for a job or order is reached, that job or order is released for production. That step starts the job on its way through the processing operations. The final scheduling steps are the sequencing of activities, jobs, or parts in the order they should flow through processing, and then the dispatching of those jobs. Dispatching is the assignment of priorities and the selection of jobs for processing at a work center or facility. For example, a customer order for a made-to-order product must be sequenced with other orders. When the time comes for work to begin on that order, it will be dispatched at the first work center according to its priority at that time.

Managerial Considerations

Scheduling is an attempt to allocate scarce resources efficiently. Machine time may be a scarce resource that is allocated to different jobs, employee time is allocated to different activities, and facilities are scheduled for a given activity at a particular time period. In all of these scheduling tasks, different criteria may be used when deciding which of several schedules will work best. Those criteria may relate to the amount of time equipment may sit idle, the importance of a certain order or a certain customer, or the level at which a resource is utilized.

The task of scheduling can be quite complex; what appears to be an optimal schedule from one viewpoint may be far from optimal from another. For example, a certain schedule may utilize one machine very efficiently, but may mean idle time for machines further along in the processing operations. Another schedule might mean that an important customer’s order will not be delivered on time. These six criteria may be used when evaluating possible schedules:

  • Provides the good or service when the customer wants it
  • Length of time it takes to produce that good or service (flow time), which includes both processing and waiting time
  • Level of work-in-process (WIP) inventories
  • Amount of time equipment is idle
  • Amount of time employees are idle
  • Overall costs

The relative importance of each factor depends on the product or service being produced, a company’s particular industry, and, especially, the organization’s competitive strategy. Different production processes will also incur different problems, and certain criteria will, therefore, be more important. It may be impossible to satisfy all of the six criteria listed above at one time. Instead, management must choose among the various trade-offs (Table 3.1).

Table 3.1 Factors and Trade-Offs

Due dates, routings, material requirements, flexibility of due dates
Expected duration, required activities that precede this activity, desired time for completion
Availability, capability, efficiency, wage rates
Machine or work center capacities and capabilities, cost of operation, availability
Capacities, possible uses, cost of use, availability

When determining which criteria to use, a company must carefully consider its corporate objectives, competitive strategy, and capabilities. The company’s scheduling decisions will have a great impact on facility design, the type of equipment used, and the workforce requirements. Each of these will, in turn, influence its competitiveness in terms of cost, speed, and delivery reliability.

Note. Adapted from “Scheduling,” by M. Vonderembse & G. White, 2013, Operations Management, Chapter 12. Copyright 2013 by Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

-Post adds value by raising novel points or providing new perspectives.

-Post is concise and clearly written in an academic tone; Sentences are complete; spelling, grammar and punctuation are correct.

Requirements: More than 15 characters. Less than 4000 characters

Introduction to Scheduling Read More »

Community Natural Disaster

Community Natural Disaster

This assessment is aligned with the module objective “Explain the role and responsibilities of nurses in relation to disasters.” As part of the written assignment, you will complete the following task; Evaluate and discuss a current natural or man-made disaster focusing on disaster characteristics and management styles.

Discussion; This discussion board is aligned with the module objective “Explain the role and responsibilities of nurses in relation to disasters.” As part of the discussion you will:

Describe the role and responsibilities or a nurse in relation to disaster.

How is your community prepared to handle a natural disaster?

Requirements: follow instructions and rubric

Community Natural Disaster Read More »

Your assignment for this unit is to create a proposal to garner

Your assignment for this unit is to create a proposal to garner


Your assignment for this unit is to create a proposal to garner support from partners in your family business. You are an up-and-coming manager in your family business, which is run by older family members who are sometimes stuck in a small business mentality. You have an idea that you feel can take the business international and greatly increase sales. In order to do so, you need to create and present a proposal to get support and funding for your new company venture.

Choose a name for your company and a product that interests you. For instance, if you are interested in fashion, come up with a fashion company name and a name for your new product. Do some basic research on your target market, and choose how you want to go international (e.g., exporting, licensing, joint venture, direct investment). Think of the project as if you are pitching your idea at a board meeting.

This is not a formal business plan where you need 10 pages of facts and figures. Instead, this is a proposal where you are trying to get buy-in from other family members in the business. Accordingly, create a PowerPoint presentation with at least 10 slides to present your proposal.

Include the following components in your presentation.

Describe the type of business product or service.

Explain the business objective of the international venture. What is the need?

Analyze and describe your target market for the international expansion.

Explain the dominant cultural characteristics in the region where you want to expand. Explain your chosen method of going international. Show options for finding new customers, distributors, production facilities, and/or partners.

Describe training and knowledge needs for the international venture. How will you prepare managers for intercultural management in a new region?

Your completed PowerPoint must be at least 10 slides in length, not including the title and reference slides. You are required to use at least three outside sources, one of which must come from the CSU Online Library. While a simple Google search of a country or region will turn up articles, remember that you must use reliable sources for your assignment. In addition to the library, government sites are good places to gather information about different countries. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations.

**CSU library source/citaton is below and article is attached. Let me know if you need another one and I can find more info.

Meyer E. When culture doesn’t translate: how to expand abroad without losing your company’s mojo. Harvard Business Review. 2015;93(10). Accessed March 18, 2022. https://search-ebscohost-com.libraryresources.colu…

Requirements: 10 slides

Your assignment for this unit is to create a proposal to garner Read More »

INP3224 Managing Diversity Course Project

INP3224 Managing Diversity Course Project

INP3224 Managing Diversity Course Project

Power Point Presentation

For the Final Project this month you are to develop a power point presentation on a minority group. The presentation is due by 1159pm EST on Sunday of Week 3. I want you to have fun with this project. Prepare the presentation as if you were developing it for and educational or workplace seminar.

  • I suggest using several pictures throughout your presentation. Make sure to include at least one picture or graphic per section. A power point presentation looks dull with few pictures and a lot of text.
  • I suggest putting the heading of each category on or before the slides in that group, so I know what category each slide is in.
  • The project must be a minimum of 20 content slides, this does not include title, section heading, and reference slides.
  • The citations must be in proper APA format.
  • Please follow the order that is listed below. Make sure your slides stay in order.

Part 1 – Introduction of Minority Group: 2 to 3 slides introducing the minority group. This may include things like pictures, symbols, or any cultural characteristics representing the minority group you are researching.

Part 2 – Key Facts: 2 to 3 slides mentioning some of the relevant key facts outlined by the chapter or research.

Part 3 – History of Minority Group in the US: 2 to 3 slides describing the history of the minority group in the US.

Part 4 – Population: 2 to 3 slides describing the population of the minority group in the US.

Part 5 Education, Employment, and Earnings: 2 to 3 slides describing the education levels, employment, and earnings of the minority group.

Part 6 – Stereotypes: 2 to 3 slides describing the stereotypes associated with this minority group in the US.

Part 7 – Strengths: 2 to 3 slides describing some strengths of this minority group.

Part 8 – Strategies: 2 to 3 slides describing some strategies for inclusion of this minority group.

Part 9 – Popular Culture: 2 to 3 slides describing some ways that this group is represented, or not represented, in modern popular culture.

Part 10 – Reference Slide: Please conclude your presentation with a reference slide.

This presentation is worth 20 % of your grade.

Click the title, Week 4 Course Project above to submit your presentation.

Grading Grid

Item DescriptionPercent
Slide Content40%
Minimum Four (4) sources20%
Proper APA format20%

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Write a 3-4 page risk management policy and procedure for a health care organization.

Write a 3-4 page risk management policy and procedure for a health care organization.

Analyze a specific issue that occurred in a health care organization and apply risk management best practices to it for the purpose of early risk identification and risk reduction or elimination in the future.


 Health care organizations have always searched for ways to identify and reduce risks. An organization\’s ability to identify and analyze its risk exposure is a determining factor in the effectiveness of its risk management program (Hoarle, 2015). Early identification and analysis are essential.

Current health care risk management practices developed in the mid-1970s as a result of a surge in malpractice suits. These suits caused rapid increases in claims costs for the industry and later in insurance premiums. Today, health care delivery systems and organizations realize the value of risk management and have developed formalized programs (Hoarle, 2015). In addition, organizations have established mechanisms to review potential incidents of risk and safety concerns (Pelletier & Beaudin, 2018). While risk management programs are responsible for daily management and risk operations, all health care stakeholders are responsible to participate in activities that will reduce unnecessary risks and improve safety and quality (Hoarle, 2015).

This second course assessment consists of two parts. You are to assume the role of a new risk manager within your organization\’s risk management department. According to your director, employees lack awareness of the organization\’s risk management program. Likewise, departments inconsistently apply risk management principles. As a result of these deficiencies, your director has given you your first assignment.

Part One: Risk Management Policy and Procedure

Your director has asked you to write a formal risk management policy and procedure for the organization.

Part Two: Application of Risk Management Principles to a Specific Incident

In addition to the policy and procedure, your director has asked you to apply your knowledge of risk management principles to a specific organizational risk that has occurred. You will select one of the three incidents from the Vila Health: Patient Safety media piece from Assessment 1. These incidents included a patient identification error, a medication error, and a HIPAA/privacy violation. Select the risk that holds the most interest for you.

Your director believes that the organization\’s newly written risk management policy and procedure, coupled with your analysis from a risk management standpoint of a recent, specific incident that occurred, will help employees (and the organization) recognize how the hospital\’s risk management program contributes to the overall organization\’s safety and quality improvement efforts. 


Hoarle, K. (2015). Risk management poised to grow as healthcare evolves. Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology49(6), 433–435.

Pelletier, L. R., & Beaudin, C. L. (2018). HQ solutions: Resource for the healthcare quality professional (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

Demonstration of Proficiency

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 1: Analyze the quality and performance improvement activities within the health care organization.
    • Propose evidence-based risk management strategies and techniques to identify and eliminate or reduce a particular risk.
  • Competency 2: Explain the risk management function in the health care organization.
    • Explain the importance of a risk management program to health care organizations.
    • Define key risk management terms.
    • Describe the major risk categories in a health care organization, along with their corresponding risk identification techniques.
  • Competency 4: Apply leadership strategies to quality improvement in a health care organization.
    • Analyze the risk manager\’s role in effective management of the organization\’s risk management program.
  • Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with health care professionals.
    • Write a clear, organized risk management policy and procedure that is generally free of errors and is reflective of professional communication in the health care field.
    • Provide citations and title and reference pages that conform to APA style and format.


To help prepare for successfully completing this assessment:

  • Conduct independent research on policy templates. You will find multiple policy templates from which to choose as you write your risk policy and procedure.
  • Select one of the organizational risks from the Vila Health: Patient Safety simulation from Assessment 1. These included a patient identification error, a medication error, and a HIPAA/privacy violation. For Part Two of your assessment you will conduct an in-depth analysis of the organizational risk you selected.


Part One: Risk Management Policy and Procedure (3–4 pages)

As the new risk manager in your health care organization, your director has assigned you responsibility for drafting the organization\’s risk management policy and procedure. This assignment stemmed from your director\’s perception that employees lacked knowledge and awareness of risk management\’s contribution to furthering the organization\’s safety and quality improvement efforts. Likewise, your director also saw evidence that departments within the organization were inconsistently applying risk management principles to their daily work practices.

The guidance you have received from your director about writing this policy and procedure is that it needs to include all of the following headings. It also needs to answer all of the questions underneath each heading:

  • Purpose Statement:
    • How can a risk management program help this organization advance its strategic safety and quality goals?
  • Key Risk Management Terms:
    • What is the definition for each of these risk management terms?
      • Risk prevention.
      • Risk reduction.
      • Regulatory compliance.
      • Patient safety.
      • Adverse event.
      • Near miss.
  • Risk Categories and Risk Identification Techniques:
    • What are the major risk categories in health care? In your answer, be sure to explain each risk category and to provide relevant examples from the literature to illustrate your points.
    • What risk management strategies will the organization use to identify potential organizational risks? Be sure your narrative identifies and describes such risk identification techniques as concurrent, retrospective, incident reporting, and previous trends. ?Note: These are only a few of the risk identification techniques to address in your policy and procedure. Be sure to include other examples you are aware of from your professional experience or from reviewing your suggested resources.
    • What are examples of risk categories and their appropriate corresponding risk identification techniques? For example, coding errors are a type of financial risk. Retrospective auditing is the risk identification technique used to identify this risk type.
  • Risk Manager\’s Role in Program Implementation and Compliance:
    • What is the risk manager\’s role in risk management program implementation and compliance?
    • How can a risk manager impact effective management of the organization\’s risk management program?
    • What is one example from the literature that shows how the risk manager role can positively impact a health care organization\’s management of its risk management program?

Part Two: Application of Risk Management Principles to a Specific Incident (3–4 pages)

To further help employees and the organization at large see risk management\’s contribution to helping the organization achieve its safety and quality goals, your director has asked you to analyze and apply risk management principles to a recent incident that occurred in the organization. Your director has asked you to include all of the following headings in your analysis and to address all of the questions underneath each heading.

  • Risk Description:
    • Which potential risk to your organization from the Vila Health: Patient Safety simulation are you analyzing? These included patient identification error, medication error, and a HIPAA/privacy violation.
  • Risk Implications:
    • What are the risks to patients, employees, and to the organization if this particular risk is not addressed? In other words, what could happen if the organization chooses to do nothing?
  • Risk Identification:
    • What risk management strategies and techniques will the organization employ to identify this type of risk in the future? For example, will the organization identify this type of risk by analyzing incident report data? What other strategies might the organization employ to identify the risk? Be sure to include your rationale for choosing the particular strategy(ies).
  • Risk Reduction/Elimination:
    • What risk management best practices could the organization employ to eliminate or reduce the risk in the future? For example, if you plan to identify the risk by analyzing incident report data, would you conduct a drill down to determine what is causing the risk? What other best practices might you employ? Consult your suggested resources for guidance on best practices for eliminating and reducing  risk.
    • What steps would you take to implement your plan to eliminate or reduce your selected risk?

Additional Requirements

  • Length: Your risk management policy and procedure assessment will be 6–8 double-spaced pages, not including title and reference pages.
  • Font: Times New Roman, 12-point.
  • APA Format: In the health care environment, typically a policy and procedure and analysis document would not be written according to APA style and format. To make this assessment as authentic as possible to what you might actually encounter in the workplace, the body of your assessment does not need to conform to APA guidelines. Do make sure that it is clear, persuasive, organized, and well written without grammatical, punctuation, or spelling errors. At the same time, health care is an evidence-based field. As such, your title and reference pages need to conform to APA format and style guidelines. Likewise, you also must cite your sources according to APA guidelines. Your leaders may question you about the sources of the information you are providing them.
  • Scoring Guide: Please review this assessment\’s scoring guide to ensure you understand how your faculty member will evaluate your work.

Write a 3-4 page risk management policy and procedure for a health care organization. Read More »

A Formula for Permutations

A Formula for Permutations


Formulas can be a very efficient way of solving problems. For the permutation formula introduced in this section, identify all the relevant variables. How does the formula function? How does it align to other methods of solving permutation problems?

Max needs to figure out how many possible route options he has going from one city to another on his two-week vacation in Europe. He has 10 cities on his itinerary and would like to visit at least three of them. How many possible route options does Max have, if he goes to three of the 10 cities during his vacation?

Now suppose there are 10 locations and only three stops can be made over a given time period. In this case, how many ordered three-stop routes out of 10 possible stops can be considered? We could use the method:

, or we can use the permutation rule where k items are to be selected from n available items. When order matters, this idea is notated where


To solve this particular routing problem, use n = 10 and k = 3.

That is, out of 10 locations, there are 720 possible three-location routes.

Note: A permutation function is included on most modern scientific calculators. You may find it in the menu of functions under “probability.”

Moreover, you can see that this does conform to the fundamental counting principle. There are 10 locations to choose from for the first stop, then nine for the second, and eight for the third.

Try This!

A company employs 24 engineers, and an event requires four 15-minute presentations given by engineers. How many different lineups for presentations are possible?

(c) Thinkstock

Solution: Here we need to select four engineers out of 24, where order is relevant. Therefore, we will use the permutation rule,


where n = 24 and r = 4.

Answer: 255,024 lineups


The following video tutorial explains how to evaluate factorials, use permutations to solve problems, and determine the number of permutations with indistinguishable items.


(Mathispower4u, 2010)


Requirements: More than 15 characters, less than 4000 characters

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