
Conduct a SWOT analysis on a company of your choice,

Conduct a SWOT analysis on a company of your choice,

Swot Analysis



  • Please pick a company and use the “SWOT Analysis” concept (Daft Chapter 8) to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that this focal company faces.
  • Use subheadings to organize your paper. Explain your answers with supporting evidence and cite your sources (APA format preferred).
  • Format. Your paper should be 2-3 pages, with 1.5 spacing.

Requirements: 2-3 page

I will also provide you with a link to the book


Please look at chapter 8 if you need extra reference

each slide has an example, please refer to them when answering “Please pick a company and use the “SWOT Analysis” concept (Daft Chapter 8) to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that this focal company faces.”

Conduct a SWOT analysis on a company of your choice, Read More »

CJHS/420 Case Management And Services Provided In Criminal Justice

CJHS/420 Case Management And Services Provided In Criminal Justice

Wk 2 – Case Management Comparison Paper

Assignment Content

  1. Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you identify and describe the differences of case management in the criminal justice system within the community and in a correctional setting.
    Include the following in your paper:

    • Differences between community setting and correctional setting case management
    • How the process will need to be altered for various special populations
    • Potential clients in need of case management at both settings
    • Why ethics and confidentiality play an integral role when working with clients Format your paper consistent with APA guidelin

CJHS/420 Case Management And Services Provided In Criminal Justice Read More »

For this assignment, choose a peer-reviewed article to review from the databases

For this assignment, choose a peer-reviewed article to review from the databases


For this assignment, choose a peer-reviewed article to review from the databases in the CSU Online Library. Find an article about international human resource management (IHRM) that is of interest to you and covers the multinational manager training topics from this unit. The article you choose must be at least two pages in length and be written within the last five years. Write a two-page review of the article that includes the following information.

Your completed article review must be at least two pages in length. You are required to use at least two outside sources, one of which must be the article you reviewed. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations.

Article is attached.

Citation: Farooq, W., Bhatti, O. K., & Latif, S. (2019). Islamic Human Resource Management (IHRM) Practices Impact on Employees’ Work Engagement: An Empirical Study. Al-Adwa, 34(51), 1–18.Accessed April 1, 2022. https://search-ebscohost-com.libraryresources.colu…

For this assignment, choose a peer-reviewed article to review from the databases Read More »

Computer Science Question

Computer Science Question

After a Lakewood IT management team meeting, they decided there is a need for even more information about the the IT service solutions you researched last week. The management team asked for more detail about the solutions you identified as the best selections. Revisit the solutions you selected in week 2’s paper in order to compare and contrast, at least five, features and functions in each solution. In addition, be sure to identify risks associated with implementing each recommended solution. Lastly, make sure to gather and include the capital costs and any on-going operational costs for the hardware/software associated with each solution.

The paper must not exceed 5 pages of content (the title page, abstract [if required], reference pages, figures/tables, and appendices are not content pages). In addition, the paper must use:After a Lakewood IT management team meeting, they decided there is a need for even more information about the the IT service solutions you researched last week. The management team asked for more detail about the solutions you identified as the best selections. Revisit the solutions you selected in week 2’s paper in order to compare and contrast, at least five, features and functions in each solution. In addition, be sure to identify risks associated with implementing each recommended solution. Lastly, make sure to gather and include the capital costs and any on-going operational costs for the hardware/software associated with each solution.

The paper must not exceed 5 pages of content (the title page, abstract [if required], reference pages, figures/tables, and appendices are not content pages). In addition, the paper must use:

Requirements: 3-5 pages

Computer Science Question Read More »

Career Management

Tittle: Career Management

Unit VII PowerPoint Presentation


Management Action Plan

An action plan is a written strategy used to achieve outlined goals. For the purposes of this assignment, the action plan will be created using PowerPoint. An action plan includes the components listed below, and you may refer to page 237 in the textbook for additional guidance.

  1. State the goal, which should identify what training content will be used and how it will be used.
  1. The goal for this action plan is to assist managers with identifying how performance appraisals are used to demonstrate the success of training efforts.
  1. Include the strategies for reaching the goal including what the trainee must do, what resources will be needed, and the type of support from managers and peers that will be necessary.
  2. Include the strategies for receiving the feedback, which will be used to demonstrate the success of the training efforts.
  3. Define the expected assessment results and how the results can be used to improve training.

After the title slide, begin your action plan by stating the goal. Next, identify at least three strategies for reaching the goal. Briefly explain your chosen strategies with supporting data in the speaker notes section of the PowerPoint presentation. For the third part of the action plan, develop a 10-question survey that could be used to demonstrate the success of the plan. Conclude your action plan with a summary of the expected results and how the manager could use them to improve training.

This action plan should contain at least 12 slides. You must use at least two sources with one being the textbook and the other being academic in nature from any database within the CSU Online Library. Be sure to cite and reference sources using proper APA style.

Here are some general guidelines to follow when preparing your PowerPoint presentation.

  • Design your presentation with the back of the room in mind. It is important that everyone can easily see and read the content.
  • Select a professional-looking slide design appropriate for the presentation and audience.
  • White text on a dark background is the easiest for the audience to see.
  • Use a large font size.
  • Use color and graphics when appropriate. Illustrations should relate to the content being discussed. Be creative.
  • Follow the 6 x 6 rule (i.e., use no more than six lines per slide and no more than six words per line).
  • Utilize the speaker notes function to add your talking points.
  • Bullet points work best on the slides.
  • Add slide transitions to enhance the audience’s experience.


The PPT assignment requirements are to write clear and concise slides using the “6 x 6” rule meaning no more than 6 bullet points per slide and no more than 6 words per bullet.  All the text and analysis have to be in the speaker notes that are mandatory.  Keep in mind that the most important part of a PPT assignment is the speaker notes that have to be clear, thorough, detailed, original, and have examples. Consider the notes as brief essays to write covering each point and topic on the slides.  The slides should be concise and have no more than 6 concisely worded bullet points and no more than 6 bullets per slide.  Then the speaker notes are where you get into detail 


 Chapter 10 in the textbook on “Social Responsibility:  Legal Issues, Managing Diversity, & Career

e-textbook link!/4/2/4

Noe, R. (2019). Employee Training & Development (8th Edition). McGraw-Hill Higher Education (US).


Career Management Read More »

EDF2005 Article Critiques

EDF2005 Article Critiques


Please carefully follow these instructions:

Submit 8 (each of your critiques must be a minimum of 400 words) typed critiques of articles from the professional magazine Educational Leadership. Please use substantial articles that are at least 3 full pages (but you can combine shorter articles into 1 article critique) and use recent articles (2010 – present).

Include the article title, month, year, page numbers and word count of your critique in the heading. (Example: #1 Article Title Jan. 2021. Pages 52-57. 6p. Word Count: 467)

It can be found in the UCF library (access online). The articles MUST come from the professional magazine entitled Educational Leadership .

  • The critique must include a brief summary and your analysis of the article.
  • Please include all your article critiques in one file and number them 1- 8.

Instructions for finding articles in the professional journal entitled Educational Leadership .

Go to the UCF library home page ( (Links to an external site.) )

Click on “Journals List” (in the black section at the top of the page)

Type in “Educational Leadership” in Journal Search at the top of the page

Click on 1 Educational leadership (Online) at the top of the page

Click on “ EBSCOhost Academic Search Premier ” (under Full Test Availability)

Click on the Year and then the Month (on the right side of the page)

Look through the articles and find ones that interest you and click on “PDF Full Text”. The articles must be at least 3 pages or you can combine 2 shorter articles for 1 article critique (the page numbers and number of pages are shown with each article and should be included in your article critique heading– example p72-75. 4p.)

**(Please make sure that you are using the monthly professional journal Educational Leadership published by the Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development. Don’t use “educational leadership” as a topic to find articles.)**

Requirements: 400 word each article


 you have to write 400 words for each 8 article about educational leadership

EDF2005 Article Critiques Read More »

Discussion Difficult Conversations at work

Discussion Difficult Conversations at work

Read the article How to Handle Difficult Conversations at Work(link:…. In your small group, you will be assigned one of the two case studies at the end of the article.

Each member of your small group will answer the following questions:

  1. How could the situation or conversation have been handled differently so that expectations and concerns were communicated clearly?
  2. What is your recommendation in this case? Would you conduct a formal or informal conversation, and why?

Requirements: 2 paragraphs

Discussion Difficult Conversations at work Read More »

The Total Quality Management Process

The Total Quality Management Process

[WLOs: 2, 3, 4] [CLOs: 3, 5]

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read the webpage Total Quality Management and Six Sigma (Links to an external site.), and watch the accompanying video on the webpage.

For this assignment, you will address the following bullet points based on the webpage above.

In your paper,

  • Define total quality management (TQM).
    • Break down the acronym TQM, and explain each of its three components and how the TQM process works.
  • Explain each of the eight basic principles in the TQM Process.
  • Outline the benefits of TQM.
  • Select one standard TQM tool, in addition to the control chart, from the webpage, and explain the purpose and benefits of both the chart and the tool.

The Total Quality Management Process paper

Requirements: 3 pages

The Total Quality Management Process Read More »

Attached a questions related to e-managmenet assighmenet,

Attached a questions related to e-managmenet assighmenet,


Attached a questions related to e-managmenet assighmenet, it is about a vertual team that manages a vertual that deals with local and global clients. and the questions are addresing some of the related situations. please write the answers acordegnaly. Also, some of the questions are based on the textbook material so please let me know if you need it i have attached some slides that are related to one of this question:

  • Refer to the four different stages of team building? Have you experienced these stages (discuss) (attached and highlited in yellew)

please use resorces from the saudi degital library and let me know if you need any support. thanks



hey, no please start here is the file that related to the question

Attached a questions related to e-managmenet assighmenet, Read More »



The organization is: Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital | Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital (

Describes the organization’s internal strengths and weaknesses, its opportunities for growth and improvement, and the threats the external environment presents to its survival.

Introduction – SWOT Analysis – Presented in narrative format. Diagram placed in appendix
What is a SWOT Analysis

Please follow the attached rubric, Apa format, no cover page, and no conclusion

Please use subheadings

Organizational Read More »

MGT560 – Leadership Management

MGT560 – Leadership Management

Through followership, individuals follow a leader willingly. For example, in organizations, employees are considered followers while team leads, supervisors, and managers are considered leaders. In organizations, most employees willingly accept following leaders to help them achieve their goals.


In the table below, from Northouse (2022, p. 354), we can see the typologies of followership. The behaviors associated with these noted typologies describe the behaviors of followers.

MGT560 – Leadership Management Read More »

Organizational Development Manual

Organizational Development Manual


You are a new general manager for a large organization. With the current environment of being in a pandemic, working from home is now the new norm. Many traditional “old school” managers are now being forced into remote working, and many are having difficulty in dealing with the inability to see their team members in person. You are a recent graduate from an all online higher education college, where being online to do course work and interact with the professor is “normal.” You decide to take some of that experience and also conduct some research to create an organizational change manual for all managers and employees dealing with working remotely.


Using Microsoft Word, create an organizational development manual that includes the following:

  • Describe the importance of R&D for an organization.
  • Describe how organizations can use research and development to foster innovation.
  • Describe some innovative approaches of research and development (R&D) to organizational change, specifically to the remote worker.
  • Describe how can we overcome the “old school” mentality of remote work and what are some development tools that can help employees/managers with the transition.
  • Review the impact of working remotely with regards to managing resources of the company. Include the economic impact of remote work on the company.
  • Describe some of the ways remote working can impact the sustainability of the organization.


Requirements: substantial

Organizational Development Manual Read More »

Comparing and Contrasting Seneca’s Hercules Furens with Euripides’ Hippolytus

Comparing and Contrasting Seneca’s Hercules Furens with Euripides’ Hippolytus

Of the Greek tragedians, Seneca’s works seem most close to Euripides, in tone, plot, form, structure, and theme. But they are just as dissimilar in these myriad ways. Write an essay in which you compare and contrast Seneca’s Hercules Furens with Euripides’ Hippolytus, as a mini-study of the ways Greek and Roman tragedies are related but are also distinctly their own. Consider the ways both playwrights ponder solutions to larger questions about the human experience, how they both develop their characters, make use of the chorus, structure their plots, and deploy rich imagery.

Requirements: 1000–1250 words

The materials you need to have in mind are only Seneca’s Hercules Furens and Euripides’ Hippolytus. Please use Quotations from the texts to support the paper


This link consists of a sample…

This paper will need to be evidential. Your evidence will consist of references to specific scenes or incidents in the text, as well as generous quotation from the text to substantiate your points.

The link to Seneca, Hercules Furens…

The link to Euripides, Hippolytos…

Please only use these two resources. Any other secondary resources are not permitted.


This paper supposed to be a close, in-depth analysis of the texts themselves.

Comparing and Contrasting Seneca’s Hercules Furens with Euripides’ Hippolytus Read More »

Organizational Development – Managing Cultural Change

Organizational Development – Managing Cultural Change


An American Internet Technology company has merged with a Canadian Social Media company. Because of this merger, performance is not as optimum as the executives would have hoped; morale is low, and stress is up. The new company has decided to hire you as an Organizational Development consultant. They have tasked you with finding out the issues and what they should do next to get back on track.


Now that you have secured your role as an Organizational Development consultant, you have been tasked with designing a change process to aid the change in culture because of the merger. The company has asked you to develop a change plan to help them make the transition.

The following should be included in your plan:

  1. Introduce corporate culture and its importance on employee behavior.
  2. What are some of the key factors in improving company culture to be an effective organization?
  3. What would be some of the challenges in the implementation of your plan?
  4. What would be some of the tools you would use to manage the corporate culture change?
  5. Conclude your plan with a brief inclusion on the compatibility of values, ethics, and goals of the change process and corporate culture.

Your change plan should be in written form, and in a business, professional format.

Requirements: 2-3 pages not including cover and reference page

Organizational Development – Managing Cultural Change Read More »

GEB4220CBE Section 01CBE Managing a Diverse Workforce – Comparative Analysis on the Impact of DEI

GEB4220CBE Section 01CBE Managing a Diverse Workforce – Comparative Analysis on the Impact of DEI


You currently work at IBM and are applying for a new Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Manager position. As part of your interview process, you are to create a comparative analysis of IBM and one of its direct competitor’s initiatives related to diversity, equity, and inclusion for LGBTQ+ in the workplace. You will need to research IBM and a direct competitor (ex. Hewlett Packard, Xerox, Oracle, Accenture) and compare these companies’ DEI presence. You start by visiting the Human Rights Campaign website ( or searching for the Corporate Equality Index (CEI).


Create a comparative analysis that:

  • Provides a short introduction on DEI employee initiatives for both companies.
  • Defines the concepts of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Discusses the differences between the concepts of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace for both companies.
  • Compares the efforts in diversity, equity, and inclusion for the LGBTQ+ employees for both companies.
  • Identifies best practices for implementing DEI employee initiatives for both companies and how leadership plays a role in the implementation.
  • Be sure the comparative analysis is a properly formatted APA paper that displays proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and credible sources cited in APA format.

Requirements: 3-4 pages not including cover and reference page

GEB4220CBE Section 01CBE Managing a Diverse Workforce – Comparative Analysis on the Impact of DEI Read More »

6-3 HR Article Analysis Requirements: 3-5 pages Rubric Name: OL 645 Risk Management Plan Project Rubric – Phase I

6-3 HR Article Analysis

Requirements: 3-5 pages

Rubric Name: OL 645 Risk Management Plan Project Rubric – Phase I


This table lists criteria and criteria group names in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method. You can give feedback on each criterion by tabbing to the add feedback buttons in the table.CriteriaExemplary


Needs Improvement

Not Evident

Criterion Score

Potential Impact: Legal, Safety, Environmental, and Financial Risks

22.5 points

Meets “Proficient” criteria and incorporates specific examples to substantiate and clarify claims

20.25 points

Identifies legal, safety, environmental, and financial risks

15.75 points

Identifies legal, safety, environmental, and financial risks, but claims are not logical

0 points

Does not identify legal, safety, environmental, and financial risks

Score of Potential Impact: Legal, Safety, Environmental, and Financial Risks,/ 22.5

Influence of Society, Culture, Politics, Health, Safety and Security

22.5 points

Meets “Proficient” criteria and incorporates specific examples to substantiate and clarify claims

20.25 points

Describes the influence of society, culture, politics, health, safety, and security

15.75 points

Describes the influence of society, culture, politics, health, safety, and security, but claims are not logical

0 points

Does not describe the influence of society, culture, politics, health, safety, and security

Score of Influence of Society, Culture, Politics, Health, Safety and Security,/ 22.5

Employment Laws: Identification

22.5 points

Meets “Proficient” criteria and incorporates specific examples to substantiate and clarify claims

20.25 points

Identifies applicable federal laws and acts

15.75 points

Identifies federal laws and acts, but claims are not logical

0 points

Does not identify applicable federal laws and acts

Score of Employment Laws: Identification,/ 22.5

Global Market: Business Challenges When Identifying Risk

22.5 points

Meets “Proficient” criteria and incorporates specific examples to substantiate and clarify claims

20.25 points

Describes challenges in the global market that businesses face when identifying risk for forecasting

15.75 points

Describes challenges in the global market that businesses face when identifying risk for forecasting, but claims are not logical

0 points

Does not describe challenges in the global market that businesses face when identifying risk for forecasting

Score of Global Market: Business Challenges When Identifying Risk,/ 22.5

Articulation of Response

10 points

Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is presented in a professional and easy to read format

9 points

Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization

7 points

Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas

0 points

Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas

Score of Articulation of Response,/ 10

Rubric Total ScoreTotalScore of OL 645 Risk Management Plan Project Rubric – Phase I,/ 100Criterion score has been overridden

Overall Score

Overall Score

Exemplary86 points minimum

Instructors should not modify this row (it will automate from the scores above). This score represents the average evaluation across all rubric criteria.

Proficient56 points minimum

Instructors should not modify this row (it will automate from the scores above). This score represents the average evaluation across all rubric criteria.

Needs Improvement1 point minimum

Instructors should not modify this row (it will automate from the scores above). This score represents the average evaluation across all rubric criteria.

Not Evident0 points minimum

Instructors should not modify this row (it will automate from the scores above). This score represents the average evaluation across all rubric criteria.

6-3 HR Article Analysis Requirements: 3-5 pages Rubric Name: OL 645 Risk Management Plan Project Rubric – Phase I Read More »

Your Vendor Relationships

Your Vendor Relationships

With what you have learned about collecting data and the technology involved, it should be clear that the relationship between HR and their vendors is vital to obtaining the data that you need. Describe three proactive steps the human resource professional can take to ensure productive relations with vendors.

Analytics and Data


  • Levenson, A. R. (2014). Employee surveys that work: Improving design, use, and organizational impact. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
    • These readings provides an overview of the purpose and approaches to employee surveys.
      • Chapter 1, “Goals: Define a Clear Survey Purpose,” pages 14–18. This reading provides an overview of the purpose of and provides approaches to employee surveys.
      • Chapter 2, “Objectives—The Pros and Cons of Focusing on Employee Engagement,” pages 19–21.

Approaches to Building a Solid HR–Vendor Relationship

Vendors and HRMS (Human Resource Management System)

Requirements: 150

Your Vendor Relationships Read More »

Discussion: The Capstone Project

Discussion: The Capstone Project

The focus of this week is to reflect on and evaluate your Capstone Project experience and how it has helped you to become a scholar-practitioner committed to fostering positive social change. For this Discussion, you will examine your process for this course and describe your identity as a social change agent.

To prepare:

  • Reflect on your experiences with the Capstone Project, including but not limited to the following questions:
  • In the Learning Resources, visit the Walden University Center for Social Change website and review areas that are of particular interest to you.
  • What would you recommend to future students in the Capstone experience?
  • Post a brief summary of your Capstone Project and your reflections on the Capstone Project experience, using the questions in the “To prepare” section of this Discussion.Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources and identify current relevant literature to support your work.

Requirements: One Page

I am attaching all the needed required readings that need to be used for this discussion, My capstone project is on the Extinction Burst, especially with self-injuries behaviors interventions. Please use any extra scholarly resources that are useful for this assignment, however, please make sure to cite it APA7.

Discussion: The Capstone Project Read More »

Identify a company that struggles with employee motivation. Make your choice based on evidence from resources you find.

Identify a company that struggles with employee motivation. Make your choice based on evidence from resources you find.

To be effective, a company must learn to motivate its employees to efficiently and effectively meet the goals of the organization. Prior to starting this case study, read Chapter 6 in your text, the article Person-organization Fit, Family Supportive Organization Perceptions, and Self-efficacy Affect Work-life Balance (Links to an external site.), watch the required videos, The puzzle of motivation (Links to an external site.)and What makes us feel good about our work? (Links to an external site.), review the Writing a Case Study Analysis (Links to an external site.) resource from the Writing Center, and review the weekly Instructor Guidance and any supporting information in the announcements.The Motivation Case Study:

  • Identify a company that struggles with employee motivation. Make your choice based on evidence from resources you find. Be sure to document these resources so you can include as citations and references in your paper. The company may be currently active or no longer operating.
    • Not sure how to start? Try googling “Worst companies to work for” or “companies with poor motivation.” Numerous sites list companies that are struggling in differing areas. Once you identify the company you want to research, google news articles or other sites that include information about the company and the situations affecting motivation/challenges.
  • Research the company and the associated motivational challenges.
  • Identify three to five motivational challenges within the company that you discovered through your research. Support this information with citations for the sources that provided you the information about the organization.
  • Discuss potential rationales for why the company is experiencing these issues. Support your assertions with credible sources.
  • Identify at least three content theories and/or process theories of motivation, discussed in this week’s text chapters that could be applicable to determining strategies/solutions. (You are to identify the theories that you think could be applied to improve the organization’s situation.) Consider using headings in your paper to organize this information.
    • Note that extrinsic and intrinsic motivation are types of motivation and should not be presented as theories, but as variables within a theory.
  • Discuss Possible Solutions/Changes Needed
    • Identify at least two strategies that could be applied to improve motivation, based on your reading and research.

The Motivation Case Study paper

Requirements: 4 to 5 pages

Identify a company that struggles with employee motivation. Make your choice based on evidence from resources you find. Read More »

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