
Compensation Management

Compensation Management

  1. Compensation Strategies, Best Practices, and Challenges Presentation

    For this assignment, assume you are a compensation analyst in a large financial services company. You have been in your role for almost a year. At your weekly one-on-one with your boss, she tells you that the human resources representatives at the company are fielding a number of questions from employees and applicants about compensation. The human resource representatives‘ knowledge of compensation is not deep.She asks that you prepare and deliver a 10- to 15-minute PowerPoint presentation (10–15 slides) at an upcoming departmental meeting that provides basic information about what is going on in the compensation field today. Specifically she wants you to address compensation strategies that companies employ, note three of their best compensation practices, and examine three compensation challenges today’s companies are facing.Develop and deliver a 10–15 minute audio PowerPoint presentation (10 to 15 slides) in which you:

    1. Analyze the compensation strategies companies use to attract and retain talent.
    2. Determine three best compensation practices used by companies.
      • Be sure to provide your rationale for selecting these best practices as opposed to others.
    3. Examine three compensation-related challenges companies face.
      • Be sure to provide your rationale for selecting these compensation challenges as opposed to others.
    4. Explain what discretionary benefits are and how companies use them to benefit the company and its stakeholders.
    5. Examine how laws, labor unions, and market factors impact companies’ compensation strategies and practices.
    6. Deliver a succinct, engaging, and informative presentation on compensation strategies, best practices, and challenges.
      • Note: Be sure to include additional detail about what you will say as you deliver your presentation on the notes pages in PowerPoint.
      • Consult Use Kaltura [PDF] for help in recording your presentation and uploading it to the assignment area.
    7. Integrate at least three quality resources using in-text citations and a reference page in your assignment.
      • Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.
    8. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
      • This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.
      • Use a readable size font (24 pt or above) on your slides. For your slide notes, the preferred method is to use Times New Roman font (size 12).
      • Include a title slide containing the assignment title, your name, your professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The title slide is not included in the required number of slides.
      • Include a source list slide. Citations and references must follow SWS format. The source list slide is not included in the required number of slides.

    Note: Last week’s assignment preparation activity provides resources on how to:

    • Avoid plagiarism.
    • Integrate resources into your presentation.
    • Adhere to the Strayer Writing Standards.
    • Develop and deliver a succinct, engaging, and informative presentation.

    The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

    • Research current compensation strategies, best compensation practices and compensation challenges facing companies.

Requirements: Complete all requirements according to the instructions

Compensation Management Read More »



Personality assessments are widely used in the workplace for purposes of personal growth, career guidance, and personnel selection. Analyze the use of personality assessments in the workplace and discuss the types of concerns practitioners have about their use. In what types of circumstances would you recommend that an organization administer a personality assessment such as the MBTI assessment? In what types of circumstances would you not recommend the use of a personality assessment? Explain your answer, referencing course readings and other academic sources.

Requirements: 300 words

Personalityassessments Read More »

Discussion Post Understanding the Many Faces of Resistance to Change

Discussion Post Understanding the Many Faces of Resistance to Change

Reflect on an organizational change effort in the past that you are familiar with (this can be at an organization you researched or worked with) that experienced significant resistance from employees, and answer the following questions:

  1. Why did employees resist the change?
  2. What were the problematic issues that were not being effectively addressed, from the employees’ point of view?
  3. Were the underlying concerns legitimate?
  4. What could the leader have done to address the situation or prevent the concern from arising?
  5. How would this have changed the outcomes of the change effort?

Respond to at least two of your peers with any questions you have about their experience of witnessing resistance to change in organizational change efforts, and compare their answers to your own understanding of problems of resistance in organizational change efforts.


Requirements: 1 paragraph each question – for peers just 1 paragraph

Discussion Post Understanding the Many Faces of Resistance to Change Read More »

All Those Letters

All Those Letters

All Those Letters!

What are the differences among HRMS, HRIS and HCM? What are the similarities? What are the strengths or weaknesses of each with regard to providing HR with data to support evidence-based decision making? What sort of questions would you have for a vendor?


Levenson, A. R. (2014). Employee surveys that work: Improving design, use, and organizational impact. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

These chapters provide an overview of providing measurements to process.

Chapter 4, “Good Survey Practices: Don’t Reinvent the Wheel,” pages 31–38.

Chapter 5, “Anonymity vs Insights: Confidentiality and Organizational Data Matching,” pages 39–44.

Human Resource Information System (HRIS)

Leonard, K., & Seidel, M. (2019). Advantages and disadvantages of human resource information system. Retrieved from…

The reading covers information and analysis on HRIS.

Foxall, D. (2019). HRMS vs HRIS vs HCM: What’s the difference? Retrieved from

Requirements: 150

All Those Letters Read More »

Blockchain supply chain management Application using hyper ledger Fabric.

Blockchain supply chain management Application using hyper ledger Fabric.

im working on a research paper regarding blockchain supply chain seafood management Application. and i want to add a blockchain and hyper ledger background/ methodology part which includes what is blockchain and its component/ architecture , what is hyper ledger fabric , fabric architecture, transaction flow, hyper ledger fabric components. and what i need for my project

if you can relate it to my topic as much as possible. “seafood supply chain management Blockchain application”.

Requirements: 2500 – 3000   |

Blockchain supply chain management Application using hyper ledger Fabric. Read More »

GEB4505CBE Section 01CBE Organizational Development – System 4 Management

GEB4505CBE Section 01CBE Organizational Development – System 4 Management


An American Internet Technology company has merged with a Canadian Social Media company. Because of this merger, performance is not as optimum as the executives would have hoped; morale is low, and stress is up. The new company has decided to hire you as an Organizational Development consultant. They have tasked you with finding out the issues and what they should do next to get back on track.


As the Organizational Development consultant, the company has requested you to design a System 4 Management model for the newly merged company. You will need to create and record this as a presentation to be presented to the executives of the company. You can use any Webware/Software of your choosing for the voice recording.

Note: You need to record yourself giving the presentation; you will need your voiceover (audio) with the PowerPoint, Prezi, etc. In your presentation, you will want to address the following areas:

  1. Introduce System 4 Management.
  2. Discuss what a learning organization is, and how it can foster positive change.
  3. Assess some common mistakes or problems that may happen if other management systems are used.
  4. Provide suggestions for best practices their managers can use to incorporate System 4 Management to become a high-performing company.
  5. Conclude your presentation with your recommendations.
  6. Consider using graphics in your presentation that represent the System 4 Management model.

GEB4505CBE Section 01CBE Organizational Development – System 4 Management Read More »



Topic 1 DQ 2

Leadership is a complex process that requires leaders to critically appraise the circumstances in which they find themselves to best determine how to lead and influence those around them. There are multiple tactics leaders can employ in any given circumstance to influence a situation or their followers. Compare two leaders you have dealt with in the past. Discuss the different tactics these leaders employed to influence situations or people. Provide examples of when these tactics were successful and when they were not successful. As a leader, describe how you can critically appraise situations to make sure you select appropriate tactics for influencing a given situation.

Leadership: Theory and Practice

Northouse, P. G. (2019). Leadership: Theory and practice (8th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. ISBN-13: 9781506362311

Requirements: 200 words

Leadership Read More »

GEB4220CBE Section 01CBE Managing a Diverse Workforce – Cultural Report

GEB4220CBE Section 01CBE Managing a Diverse Workforce – Cultural Report


Your company is planning on expanding its offices overseas. In anticipation of your management leading a more culturally diverse team, you have been asked to create a cultural report. Within the report, you will need to include a table or chart that lists Hofstede’s cultural dimensions and their connection to diversity management and explain the role and value of cultural and social intelligence.


First, create a table or chart to include in the cultural report that:

  • Summarizes each of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions.
  • Includes a strategy for each of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions that could be used to effectively manage employees that are culturally diverse.
  • Once the table or chart is created, in the same document, continue with the cultural report.

Next, develop a cultural report that:

  • Defines the concepts of cultural and social intelligence with details on similarities and differences. How are they related, and what sets them apart?
  • Discusses the impact that social intelligence can have on success in the workplace. How will social intelligence be important to your company as they expand their offices overseas?
  • Be sure the cultural report displays proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and credible sources cited in APA format.

Requirements: 4 pages not including cover and reference page

GEB4220CBE Section 01CBE Managing a Diverse Workforce – Cultural Report Read More »

Analysis of Turn the Ship Around! (A)

Analysis of Turn the Ship Around! (A)

Assessment Trait Requires Lopeswrite

Assessment Description

The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate the application of various leadership models and approaches, specifically the path-goal theory and the situational approach to leadership, in extreme circumstances.

Review the Turn the Ship Around! (A) case. As a leader, you will be faced with responding immediately to solve issues. The Turn the Ship Around! (A) case is an example of leadership under extreme circumstances. Reflect on this example to shape how you might apply the goal-path theory and the situational leadership approach in an everyday, real-world situation.

Write a 500-750-word paper that analyzes the events outlined in the case by addressing the following questions and concepts. Be sure to support your rationale by providing specific examples. You are required to include three to five additional references to support your position.

  1. Discuss how the leaders demonstrate flexibility and adaptability.
  2. Describe how the leaders apply aspects of the path-goal theory to this situation.
  3. Discuss the leader’s ability to communicate effectively with all of the stakeholders involved and how communication could have been improved.
  4. Explain how well the leaders follow the situational approach to leadership.
  5. Describe how this case might shape how you apply the goal-path theory and the situational approach in a real-world situation.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

Requirements: 750 words

Analysis of Turn the Ship Around! (A) Read More »

Topic 3 DQ 2

Topic 3 DQ 2

Assessment Description

Select a leader you believe successfully led an organization through a crisis or challenge (e.g., public relations crisis, marketing mishap, shift in market demand, reorganization). Identify the leader and the company with which the leader is affiliated. Provide a brief context for the crisis or challenge. Identify the leadership models and approaches that were employed in the handling of the situation. Finally, explain why you think the leadership was particularly effective in this context.

Leadership: Theory and Practice

Northouse, P. G. (2019). Leadership: Theory and practice (8th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. ISBN-13: 9781506362311

Requirements: 200 words

Topic 3 DQ 2 Read More »

Models of curriculumdevelopmentdiscussion

Models of curriculumdevelopmentdiscussion

Discussion 3: Models of Curriculum Development

As school districts across the nation address societal demands and legislative mandates to prepare a workforce for the 2lst century, school leaders find themselves working to change curriculum within their schools. To achieve this challenging, sometimes controversial task of curriculum alignment and revision, school leaders must work with diverse constituencies to achieve the best balance of needs, desires, appropriate assessment, and instruction.Achieving effective curriculum revision, therefore, requires a thorough understanding of the processes and principles of the changing paradigms affecting curriculum development.

Curriculum development is viewed as occurring on a variety of levels beginning with the classroom and moving through a spectrum to include national and international sectors. Each level in ascending order exercises authority over preceding levels. Sectors are distinguished from levels because sectors have no or limited power over the five levels. Forces outside of schools also influence curriculum decision making.


Identify & describe a curriculum revision that has taken place in your organization/school/district in the last 5 years. Based on your readings regarding the curriculum change process, address the following questions in your discussion.

  • Reference against the 5 levels mentioned in the Gordon, et al pp.50-60.
  • 1. What determined the “success” of the curriculum revision processes?
  • 2. Were there specific factors that had a significant impact on whether or not the revision project was successful?
  • 3. What views did teachers have on the process of curriculum revision processes?
  • 4. How did teacher attitudes and/or backgrounds have an impact on the success or failure of curriculum revision procedures?
  • 5. How did the revision procedures have an influence on its success or failure?
  • 6. What effect, if any, did pre-service training have on the revision process?
  • 7. What is your opinion about the effectiveness of the process? What would you have done differently ( if anything) to influence the outcome?

    My wife is a elementary school teacher in Harrison County School District in gulfport, MS

Requirements: 2 pages

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Nur 2063 week 8, Asthma management.

Nur 2063 week 8, Asthma management.

Module 08 Written Assignment – Asthma Management



Module 08 Content

  1. J.S. is a 42-year-old man who lives in the Midwest and is highly allergic to dust and pollen and has a history of mild asthma. J.S’s wife drove him to the emergency room when his wheezing was unresponsive to his fluticasone/salmeterol (Advair) inhaler. J.S. was unable to lie down, and began to use accessory muscles to breathe. J.S. is immediately started on 4 L oxygen by nasal cannula and intravenous (IV) D5W at 75 mL/hr. A set of arterial blood gases is sent to the laboratory. J.S. appears anxious and says that he is short of breath.
    Vital signsBP = 152/84 HR = 124 bpm RR = 42 Temp = 100.40FABGspH = 7.31 PaCO2 = 48 HCO3 = 26 PaO2 = 55
    Investigate the condition of asthma and the manifestations of the disease. Analyze the case study provided and determine what symptoms support the diagnosis of asthma. Identify the treatment provided in the emergency department and determine what additional therapies are needed to mitigate the asthma symptoms and return the client to wellness.

    1. Do you have any concerns with the numbers above?
    2. Identify what may be causing J.S. to have an exacerbation of asthma.

    Prepare a 3-5 page paper outlining the causes of asthma, the symptoms that the client presents and the management of the disorder. Use at least one scholarly source to support your findings. Examples of scholarly sources include academic journals, textbooks, reference texts

Requirements: 3-5 page paper

l would like emphasis on points 1 and 2 above in the question given.

Nur 2063 week 8, Asthma management. Read More »



A performance appraisal is a regular review of employee job performance and contribution to organizational objectives. In many cases, performance appraisals are conducted at the end of the year to evaluate employee performance, as well as set performance for the next year. For this assignment, you will evaluate another function of HR and management and its contribution to effective performance management. Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read the article Adapting the Performance Appraisal Process to Meet the Needs of the Modern Workplace (Links to an external site.).

In your paper,

  • Discuss how performance appraisals are a function of HR and management.
  • Analyze the basic components of an effective performance appraisal.
  • Explain the advantages of performance appraisals and how they contribute to effective training and development.
  • Explain potential forms of discrimination based on labor laws and regulations when conducting a performance appraisal.

For additional support with completing this assignment, please refer to the following tools:

The Performance Appraisal paper

PerformanceAppraisal Read More »



Final Project

Now it’s your turn! Below is all the information given on a training program needed, called Effective Communication. You are a trainer in the given situation.

Download the Project Information Document here.

Part 1 – Paper

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

Write at least 5 pages summarizing how this training will be effective and how it should be evaluated using Microsoft Word in APA style, see example below.

Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

Include cover page and reference page.

At least 80% of your paper must be original content/writing.

No more than 20% of your content/information may come from references.

Use at least three references from outside the course material, one reference must be from EBSCOhost. Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the three reference requirement.

Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) in the paper and list on a reference page in APA style.

References must come from sources such as, scholarly journals found in EBSCOhost, CNN, online newspapers such as, The Wall Street Journal, government websites, etc. Sources such as, Wikis, Yahoo Answers, eHow, blogs, etc. are not acceptable for academic writing.

Part 2 – PowerPoint Presentation

Create a PowerPoint presentation and record yourself presenting the response to the assignment. The presentations should be a minimum of six minutes in length and include at least 15 slides.

TIP: If you have Office Mix, you can record a voiceover for your PowerPoint presentation. Or, you may use a free app called Screencast-o-matic to record your presentation. With Screencast-o-matic, you can record a screenshare of your PowerPoint slides while you verbally present your information. You can even select an option where you are visible in a thumbnail in the lower right-hand corner of the screen while the PowerPoint slide fills up the rest of the screen. Visit this website for the free download:

The requirements below must be met for your presentation to be accepted and graded:

Design and format each slide for a presentation, see example below.

Include a cover slide and reference slide (these slides do not count toward the 15 slide requirement).

Use at least three references from outside the course material, preferably from EBSCOhost. Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the three reference requirement.

Identify sources on slides that contain reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) and list them on a reference slide.

References must come from sources such as, scholarly journals found in EBSCOhost or on Google Scholar, government websites and publications, reputable news media (e.g. CNN, The Wall Street Journal, New York Times) websites and publications, etc. Sources such as, Wikis, Yahoo Answers, eHow, blogs, etc. are not acceptable for academic writing.

Requirements: 5 page for part I and 15 slides for part II

mgt441-training-and-development-assignment Read More »

Resource Development

Resource Development

There are 2 parts to this assignment

Each Part must be at least one page.

Part 1- Funding Sources

The most successful fundraisers are good prospect researchers. This means they use existing online and print resources to identify which funding sources (specific individuals, foundations, government sources, etc.) are most likely to fund the organization/project based on past giving, mission, priorities, and geographic giving area.

To prepare:

  • Consider a nonprofit organization for which you work or with which you are familiar.
  • Analyze 2–3 potential funding sources for this organization.

The organization for this assignment is NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Health)

Part 1- Must at least be 1 page and include:

  • A description of 2–3 potential missed funding opportunities. Explain why they are or might be missed.
  • Describe potential funding sources and explain why they are appropriate for your organization.
  • Analyze the strengths and limitations of each funding source.
  • Finally, describe any potential missed funding opportunities. Explain why they are or might be missed.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources and outside scholarly resources.

Part 2- Foundation Prospect Research Challenges

When researching foundations (corporate, community, private, or family), it is important to learn as much as you can about each potential source. You can then evaluate whether the type of foundation is a good match for the organization’s funding need.

To prepare:

  • Consider a nonprofit organization for which you work or with which you are familiar.
  • Analyze potential prospective foundations that might support this organization.

The organization for this assignment is NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Health)

Part 2 must be at least 1 page and Include:

  • A description of two foundations you have identified as higher prospective donors.
  • Describe two foundations you have identified as lower prospective donors for your organization.
  • Evaluate how each would or would not be a good prospective donor.
  • Be sure to explain how you arrived at your decisions.


Martin, V. (2010). Prospect research. In E. R. Tempel, T. L. Seiler, & E. E. Aldrich (Eds.), Achieving excellence in fundraising (3rd ed., pp. 125-137). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Williams, K. A. (2013). Leading the fundraising charge: The role of the nonprofit executive [ebrary version]. AFP/Wiley fund development series. Somerset, NJ: Wiley.

Filla, J. J., & Brown, H. E. (2013). AFP/Wiley Fund Development Series: Prospect Research for Fundraisers: The Essential Handbook. Somerset, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons

Tsiotsou, r. (2007). An empirically based typology of intercollegiate athletic donors: High and low motivation scenarios. Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, 15(2), 79-92

Walden University, LLC. (Producer). (2009c). Resource development: Funding sources [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Requirements: at least 2 pages

Resource Development Read More »

Instructional strategies Discussion 5: Instructional Strategies

Instructional strategies

Discussion 5: Instructional Strategies

Organizing instructional plans that generate student/learner interest and foster their participation is an important concern in the teaching and learning processes.

Attention to students’ developmental and learning preferences can help to ensure that students/learners become more involved in the lessons and activities that are designed for them.


  1. Read the articles :
    1. Strategies at a distance (Links to an external site.)
    2. Effective strategies for teaching at a distance (Links to an external site.)
  2. Now discuss the key aspects that are important to consider when planning lesson/course delivery at a distance? Note: consider both fully Online as well as a Hybrid situation
    1. Include how Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy (Links to an external site.) can be useful in lesson planning?

Requirements: 3 paragraph

Readings-5 Instructional Strategies




  • Chapter 5
  • Appendix
    • Sample Interdisciplinary Unit Plan Web Designs

Gordon, et al

  • Chapter 9
  • Chapter10
    • Evidenced-Based Instruction

Supplementary Reading

Download The 4 Cs map of Instructional Design.docx

Teaching at a Distance: (Links to an external site.)

Teaching strategies for the Remote Classroom (Links to an external site.)

The Covid 19 Toolkit for Teachers and Parents (Links to an external site.)

Teaching styles and curriculum delivery:

How teaching is Changing: 15 Challenges for the 21st Century Teacher (Links to an external site.)

What is your teaching style? (Links to an external site.)

Teaching Methods and Theories…

chapter 9 and 10


password: Mzpooh08!

Please let me know if you have access to both books.

Instructional strategies Discussion 5: Instructional Strategies Read More »

Discussion 6: Assessment and the Curriculum

Discussion 6: Assessment and the Curriculum

22 unread replies.22 replies.

In the past, evaluating instruction was generally perceived to take place at the end of the instructional process. However, evaluation that takes place during the process of instruction, referred to as formative assessment (Links to an external site.), provides important evidence and data for reteaching, accelerating, and/or providing additional learning experiences through various modes. Summative evaluation (Links to an external site.) comes at the end of instruction in the form of final exams, unit exams, or end of course exams.

Instructors should remember that there are numerous other techniques other than testing for evaluating student performance.


As an instructional leader, how will you influence the appropriate development and implementation of assessments followed by the use of assessment data to inform instructional practices?

  1. Be sure you cite your text book or at least 2 other sources and add resources at end.
  2. Be sure to respond to at least 2 classmates posts.

Requirements: 5 paragraphs

Discussion 6: Assessment and the Curriculum Read More »

1. Writing a reflection paper about the presentation (Kian Boloori). The format should be as follows:

1. Writing a reflection paper about the presentation (Kian Boloori). The format should be as follows:

Management Question

1. Writing a reflection paper about the presentation (Kian Boloori). The format should be as follows:

  • Paragraph 1: This is a summary paragraph where you describe the presenter and write a short summary of the main areas of their presentation.
  • Paragraph 2: Write about three takeaways from this presentation. What was interesting or memorable in the presentation? What advice will you take with you and apply? Provide sufficient detail about what they said and how you plan to apply the information or why you thought it was interesting.
  • Paragraph 3: Write a thank you note for our presenter’s time. If you have any suggestions on how they could improve their presentation, write it here in a respectful way. Be aware that I will be sharing some of your papers with the presenter, so if you plan to connect with them on LinkedIn, do an especially good job.
  • Expected length is 2/3rd a page, single-spaced.

Speaker profile:

Kian Boloori is the Director of Compensation at Assembly, a leading software solution company that helps merchants navigate their eCommerce journeys. He’s been a Compensation professional for over 9 years and has designed base pay programs, job infrastructures, and stock equity plans from scratch for several companies. Kian is also the President of the Orange County Compensation and Benefits Association and is the co-instructor of one of the organization’s signature programs—”Compensation 101 for the HR Professional.”

Kian has his BA in History from UCLA and his MBA from UC Irvine.


2. Career Plan Activity (Base on Career Plan)

Map out your intended career plan through retirement. List your life priority (career, family, balance), target job + salary estimate, timetable to achieve, and preparation/ development needed. The focus is on what skills/experience you need to get to prepare yourself for the next job.

For example: Priority: career advancement

HR analyst ($45-60K)

1-3 years from now

Finish MBA, obtain at least 1 HR-related internship, join the MBA student association or a professional organization related to your career.

  • There are examples on BeachBoard to follow
  • You can use bullet points and bold sections to make the information easy to locate
  • Use feedback from your previous performance appraisals

3. Discussion post: Topics: Training, Performance Management (Chapter 11: Compensation – Powerpoint file)

Discussion should be an analysis of either a topic discussed in the lecture for that week and/or of one of the readings from that week. Discussion should be thoughtful and 1- 2 paragraphs long, only 120 – 200 words. You are encouraged to apply the material to an HR-related problem you’ve experienced or managed at work.

Thank you.

1. Writing a reflection paper about the presentation (Kian Boloori). The format should be as follows: Read More »

Resource Development Final Project

Resource Development Final Project

For the Final Project, you will create a Resource Development Plan for a specific nonprofit organization. The nonprofit organization you select could be the one you developed for Introduction to the Nonprofit Sector. The organization for this is NAMI.

The assignment must be presented as a 15- to 18-page paper (not including references, title page, or abstract), double-spaced, following APA format guidelines. Your weekly assignments will assist you in developing the areas below.

At a minimum, the paper should include:

  1. Organizational mission
  2. Description of programs and services provided by the organization
  3. Brief history of the organization
  4. Current sources of funding
  5. Potential new sources of funding
  6. Cultivation strategies (for each source)
  7. Education strategies (for each source)
  8. Solicitation strategies (for each source)
  9. Appreciation strategies (for each source)
  10. Role of board and staff in identification, cultivation, education, solicitation and appreciation (#5–9 above) of funding sources

Use proper APA formatting and include the following in your paper:

  • A title page and running head
  • An introduction that states the purpose of the paper
  • Level 1 headings to define each part of the paper
  • A conclusion to synthesize the entire paper
  • A minimum of 10 sources to support your paper
  • In-text citations as appropriate
  • A reference list

Your Final Project must demonstrate both breadth and depth of knowledge and critical thinking appropriate to graduate-level scholarship. It must follow APA Publication Manual 6th edition guidelines and be free of typographical, spelling, and grammatical errors. The project should be 15–18 pages (double-spaced), not including the title page, the abstract, and references.


Anna S. Artamonova. (2022). Financial resources management and assessment of the non-profit sector’s social efficiency. Journal of New Economy, 22(4), 97–115.

Drollinger, T. (2018). Using Active Empathetic Listening to Build Relationships With Major-Gift Donors. Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing, 30(1), 37–51.

Ecer, S., Magro, M., & Sarpça, S. (2017). The Relationship Between Nonprofits’ Revenue Composition and Their Economic-Financial Efficiency. Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 46(1), 141–155.

Finley, A. R., Hall, C., Harris, E., & Lusch, S. J. (2021). The Effect of Large Corporate Donors on Non-profit Performance. Journal of Business Ethics, 172(3), 463–485.

Gilroy Hughdonald Middleton, & Hyoung Tark Lee. (2020). Non-profit organization’s innovative donor management-the identification of salient factors that drive donor loyalty. Asia Pacific Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 14(1), 93–106.

Greenfield, J. M. (2010). Budgeting for fundraising and evaluating performance. In E. R. Tempel, T.L. Seiler, E. E. Aldrich, (Eds.). Achieving excellence in fundraising (ebrary version, 3rd ed., pp. 349-360). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Grossnickle, T. R. (2010). The trustee’s role in fundraising. In E. R. Tempel, T.L. Seiler, E. E. Aldrich, (Eds.). Achieving excellence in fundraising (ebrary version, 3rd ed., pp. 275-284). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Joyaux, S. P. (2009). Involving your board members in fund development. Retrieved from

Kim, S., Gupta, S., & Lee, C. (2021). Managing Members, Donors, and Member-Donors for Effective Nonprofit Fundraising. Journal of Marketing, 85(3), 220–239.

McLoughlin, J. (2017). Advantage, meaning, and pleasure: Reframing the interaction between major‐gift fundraisers and philanthropists. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 22(4), 1–6.

NAMI. (n.d.). Home: Nami: National Alliance on Mental Illness. NAMI. Retrieved June 20, 2022, from

ROSHAYANI, A., MOHD HISHAM, M., NUR EZAN, R., RUHAINI, M., & RAMESH, N. (2018). Desired board capabilities for good governance in non-profit organizations. Administration & Public Management Review, 30, 127–140.

Sargeant, A., & Jay, E. (2014). Fundraising management: Analysis, planning and practice (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.

Williams, K. A. (2013). Leading the fundraising charge: The role of the nonprofit executive [ebrary version]. AFP/Wiley fund development series. Somerset, NJ: Wiley. Retrieved from the Walden University Library databases.

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