
Fundraising, Foundations, and Grants

Fundraising, Foundations, and Grants

There are 2 parts to this, one page for each. Please cite references in text.

Part 1

Corporate Fundraising

While many corporations fund nonprofit organizations through corporate foundations, many do not have a separate foundation. Understanding how to cultivate, educate, and solicit leadership from these corporations is very important and a bit different from obtaining funding from a corporate foundation.

Imagine you have been hired as a fundraising consultant to a local nonprofit organization dedicated to improving community health. This local nonprofit organization is not familiar with corporate fundraising. You have been tasked to make a presentation to the board of directors explaining the process they might establish to raise this category of funds.

The part must be at least one page and include:

  • An evaluation of strategies your nonprofit organization might use to solicit corporate funds from foundations, corporations, and government entities.
  • Also identify at least two challenges associated with corporate fundraising.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources and outside scholarly resources.

Part 2

Foundations and Government Grants

Prior to soliciting foundations or government entities, it is important to learn as much as you can about each funding source. Foundations and government entities will have specific application guidelines and procedures. They should also have an annual report that lists prior grant award recipients and grant amounts. This information is critical to helping you formulate your cultivation strategy and grant proposal.

For the organization you described in Week 2 (NAMI), conduct research on possible government and foundation grants that you may be interested in soliciting funds.

This part must be at least 1 page and include:


Browning, B. A. (2014). Grant Writing for Dummies (5th Edition). Somerset, NJ, USA:John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.

Chapter 4 and 5

NAMI. (n.d.). Home: Nami: National Alliance on Mental Illness. NAMI. Retrieved June 20, 2022, from

Sargeant, A., & Jay, E. (2014). Fundraising Management: Analysis, planning, and practice (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.

Chapter 12 and 13

Williams, K. A. (2013). Leading the fundraising charge: The role of the nonprofit executive [ebrary version]. AFP/Wiley fund development series. Somerset, NJ: Wiley.

Chapter 5

Fundraising, Foundations, and Grants Read More »

CPSS/420: Issues Of Substance Abuse And Addiction

CPSS/420: Issues Of Substance Abuse And Addiction

Assume the management team at your facility has asked for your help in preparing a treatment plan for the client in the case study.

Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word proposed treatment plan summary, including your ideas for a treatment plan. Refer to the Elements of a Treatment Plan document as you prepare your summary.

Include the following:

Explain how, as a future case manager, you would track and evaluate progress against the plan.

Include at least 2 references.

Format your treatment plan report according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.

Requirements: Exact

CPSS/420: Issues Of Substance Abuse And Addiction Read More »

Analysis of Blake Sports Apparel and Switch Activewear: Bringing the Executive Team Together

Analysis of Blake Sports Apparel and Switch Activewear: Bringing the Executive Team Together

The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate effective strategies for leading diverse groups at various levels of an organization while fostering collaboration and compassion.

Review the case, Blake Sports Apparel and Switch Activewear: Bringing the Executive Team Together. Consider the criteria for successful teams and the factors needed to ensure teams are structured for success.

Write a 750-1,000 word plan describing the steps necessary to create more successful teams at various levels in an organization by utilizing the events outlined in the case. Address the following questions and concepts in your paper. Be sure to support your rationale by providing specific examples. You are required to include three to five additional references to support your position.

  1. Define the characteristics and structure of successful teams. Describe how independent teams are vital to organizational success.
  2. Discuss the important factors to consider when leading teams within the various levels of an organization. Discuss specifically which factors are important to consider when leading teams at the executive level.
  3. Describe the aspects that are essential in identifying appropriate members for teams and ensuring the teams are successfully launched.
  4. Discuss the important factors for ongoing team dynamics. Describe guidelines to evaluate the function and productivity of teams.
  5. Describe strategies that can create collaboration and leadership initiative among team members. Based on the content provided in the case, explain the action that Barker can take to improve collaboration among the team members.
  6. Compassion is a significant attribute of many religions and philosophies, as well as being important for both authentic and servant leadership. From a Christian worldview perspective, discuss how would you empower your teams as a leader through compassion, honoring diversity, engaging team members in civil discourse, and supporting equality for all members as they work toward a common goal.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

Requirements: 750-1,000 word

Analysis of Blake Sports Apparel and Switch Activewear: Bringing the Executive Team Together Read More »

Management Question

Management Question

In a two-to-three page paper (not including the title and reference pages), complete the New Look and P&O learning activity. Identify and analyze the strengths and weaknesses in the warehousing, outsourcing, and supplier aspects in the case of “New Look and P&O (Retail Fashion and 3PL Distribution” case on page 222-223 of the text. What would be your recommendations for improving the supply chain?

Your paper must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide and should cite at least two scholarly sources in addition to the textbook.

Requirements: 3 PAGES


Emmett, S. (2005). Excellence in warehouse management (1st ed.). Retrieved from


  • 22% – people issues (‘hide’, ‘fear’, changed) • 11% – service levels were not what expected • 10% – more resource/costs involved • 8% – initial data found to be suspect • 14% – other reasons, e.g. culture clash, no clear agreements before

commencement, no planning or thought to implications.

Implementation will not always be easy and automatically trouble free. Implementation will nearly always involve managing change – a topic that is fully discussed in Chapter 10.


Maintaining an efficient supply chain is a major priority for women’s fashion retailer New Look in its ambitious plans for growth. The company is upgrading its stores and is widening its appeal beyond its traditional 16–24-year-old customers to older age groups, and needs the slickest possible logistics operation to support its strategy.

Logistics director Alan Osborne has control of both inbound and outbound movements to maximise the smooth-running of the oper- ation and to allow the company to respond quickly to the volatile fashion market.‘That approach is absolutely critical in fashion. Speed to market – from sheep to shop is fundamental,’ he says.

The business strategy has already reaped benefits. Profit for the year to 30 March had more than doubled to £62.3 million and by July sales revenues were up 12.3%. But the company has plans for further growth which the logistics department must support. Project Heartland aims to double overall retail floor space within five years to 200000 square metres and will involve relocating stores to larger premises in key towns and cities – so far 41 stores have undergone the process with another 119 to go.The company is also refurbishing 300 smaller stores over two years in Project 300, intended to boost sales through existing space. Originally New


Look had a strong southern bias and most of its stores were in south coast resort towns.This has changed as it has expanded and its distribution network has altered accordingly.

The company’s main distribution centre, run in-house, is based at its Weymouth headquarters, where it has around 50000 square metres of warehouse space arranged over three floors. New Look is the town’s largest employer and, at peak, 700 staff are employed in the distribution centre.‘We have no plans to change that.We have a very loyal and reliable set of staff,’ Osborne says.‘The distribution centre is next to the buying office which is a great advantage. I am able to have regular contact with the buying and merchandising director and I am constantly talking to distribution centre staff as well.’

However, the geographic shift in the business has made it neces- sary to use an additional facility in Doncaster to serve the North and Midlands.The warehouse opened last September and is owned and operated by P&O TransEuropean. Goods are trunked from Wey- mouth overnight and merged with those at Doncaster and sent out to the stores on New Look’s fleet. Around 48% of the company’s deliveries to stores are now made through the facility. P&O TransEu- ropean also uses the site for a contract with Flymo manufacturer Electrolux Outdoor Products.

As well as benefiting from shared overheads, the two companies have different trading peaks and the resources they use can be flexed accordingly. ‘There is a good mix of demand. They have a summer peak whereas we are more winter based,’ Osborne says. This part of the operation was outsourced because New Look did not want to invest large amounts of capital in a distribution centre. ‘It was also a case of P&O having the resource available to allow us to make the move quickly,’ says Osborne.

As well as distribution to stores, New Look is paying a great deal of attention to inbound logistics. In future it intends to store more stock overseas, where storage costs are cheaper; and use cross-docking when goods arrive in the UK. The company is setting up overseas consolidation centres for this purpose

nd one of these has opened in Greece, with another planned in Turkey.

Rather than packing single items, New Look is moving to ratio packs, where possible, to reduce handling. These contain several of the same garments in the most popular sizes – for example, packs might include a size 8, a 10, two 12s and a 14.

IT systems will play a major part in making the inbound opera- tion work more efficiently and Osborne says that the company will use fourth party logistics. It is currently talking to the major providers about the work. ‘We’ll be using a company with global representation.We want them to give us one systems solution so that we can have visibility of stock movements all around the world,’ Osborne explains.

Traditionally New Look has owned all its vehicles, mainly Scanias, and has 44 trucks, either 25 feet or 30 feet long. However, it is cur- rently switching to leasing and has signed up to take 28 demount- able Scanias.This followed its decision to lease six Renaults last year. ‘By the time we are finished we will have ten company-owned vehi- cles left, all under three years old,’ says transport manager Paul Bennett. Although there is a full servicing and maintenance contract, all the work will be carried out on site, using New Look’s garage but adhering to Scania’s servicing schedules.

The drivers at the Weymouth depot are employed directly by New Look and those at Doncaster are contracted from BRS, although no trucks are taken from BRS. Despite the national driver shortage there have been few recruitment problems at Weymouth, where a 48-hour contract was introduced in April to fit in with the WorkingTime Directive.‘Last year we took volunteers from the dis- tribution centre’s picking staff and gave them the chance to do Class HGV driver training,’ Bennett says.

Store deliveries are made at night, a policy brought in some years ago which other fashion chains are beginning to follow. Secu- rity risks are reduced because each vehicle is double-manned; where there are local authority restrictions, deliveries are made before a certain time in the evening or after a certain time in the morning.

Management Question Read More »

Soclal Media and Solicitation Strategies for NAMI

Soclal Media and Solicitation Strategies for NAMI

These are 2 separate assignments:

Discussion: Use of Social Media by Nonprofit Organizations

Increasingly, development professionals are using the Internet and social media to cultivate, educate, and solicit individual donors. Most donors do not begin giving to an organization by making a large gift. All organizations should have a base of donors who make small gifts ($1–$499, final amount determined by the organization) that often increase over time. The approach you use to cultivate, educate, and solicit donors who make small-to-medium-size gifts is different than the approach you use for major donors.

The Internet provides several opportunities to connect with potential and current donors. Social media may be especially appreciated by members of Generation X and the Millennial Generation.

Research and find an example of a nonprofit organization that solicits donations through its website or via social media.

The discussion must be at least 1 page and include:

Assignment: Solicitation Strategies for Small and Medium Donors

It is critical to be proactive in creating specific solicitation strategies for new and/or existing “small–medium” donors. These individual donors (usually $1–$499 annual gifts) are an important base of support. Over time they may become major donors. Given meaningful cultivation and education strategies, they may also increase the size of their donations over time. They often learn of your organization and its work through special events, mail appeals, visits to a website, or simply through a board member or volunteer. The key is to encourage a one-time donor to become an ongoing, thoughtful donor!

In a 3- to 4-page paper (not including the title page or references), describe strategies for soliciting donors who make small-to-medium donations.

  • Briefly describe the nonprofit organization you are using for your Final Project. (NAMI)
  • Describe at least two solicitation strategies you might use to engage donors who make small-to-medium donations, and explain why you chose each.
  • Explain how the solicitation strategies you chose might help build and maintain the organization’s donor base and entice donors to upgrade their gifts. Be specific.
  • Finally, explain how the internet and social media can be used for your fundraising efforts.

Use proper APA formatting and include the following:

  • An introduction that states the purpose of the paper
  • Level 1 headings to define each part of the paper
  • A conclusion to synthesize the entire paper
  • A minimum of three scholarly sources to support your paper
  • In-text citations as appropriate
  • A reference list

Be sure to support your Assignment with specific references to the resources and other current literature in the Walden Library.


Sargeant, A., & Jay, E. (2014). Fundraising management: Analysis, planning and practice (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.

  • Chapter 11, “Community Fundraising” (pp. 234–250)

Hart, T., Greenfield, J.M., & MacLaughlin, s. (2010). Internet for Nonprofits Management: Strategies, Tools and Trade Secrets. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons.

Mosawi, A., & Yuen, A. (2010). No borders. In T. Hart, J.M. Greenfield, S. MacLaughlin, & P. Geier (Eds.) Internet for Nonprofits Management: Strategies, Tools and Trade Secrets (ebrary version, pp269-287). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Williams, K.A. (2013). Leading the fundraising charge: The role of the nonprofit executive [ebrary version]. AFP/Wiley fund development series. Somerset, NJ: Wiley.

Yandow, H. (2014). Fundraising: Building your individual donor base. Stanford Social Innovation Review. Retrieved from

Garecht, J. (2013). Case study: How one non-profit moved from grants to individual giving. Retrieved from https://www.thefundraising

Requirements: 1 for discussion, 3-4 for assignment

Soclal Media and Solicitation Strategies for NAMI Read More »

Describe a situation from yourpersonalworkexperience

Describe a situation from yourpersonalworkexperience

Describe a situation from your personal work experience (do not disclose specific names) in which you encountered a toxic leader. Describe the traits that qualify this leader as “toxic” and indicate how the situation could be different if this individual applied the concepts of conscious leadership.

Leadership: Theory and Practice

Northouse, P. G. (2019). Leadership: Theory and practice (8th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. ISBN-13: 9781506362311

Requirements: 200 words

Describe a situation from yourpersonalworkexperience Read More »

Strategic Management

Strategic Management


Answer the below questions with no less than 150 words each.

1-According to the I/O model, what should a firm do to earn above-average returns?

2-Why is it important for a firm to study and understand the external environment.

3-Why it is important for a firm to study and understand its internal organization?

4-How do awareness, motivation, and ability affect the firm’s competitive behavior?

5-Why are mergers and acquisition strategies popular in many firms competing in the global economy?


Strategic Management Read More »

5-2 Final Project Milestone

5-2 Final Project Milestone

Review the case study “Alaska Airlines: Navigating Change” and then complete the following: (a) State what actually occurred in the case regarding Kotter’s steps 3 and 4 of developing a vision and strategy and communicating the change vision (two to three paragraphs), and (b) address each of the critical elements for Section II parts C and D in your change effort analysis. Make sure to include your recommendations for implementing Kotter’s steps 3 and 4.

C. Form a Strategic Vision

  1. Determine the values that are essential to this change. Why are these values essential?
  2. Establish the vision for this organizational change effort. How will this vision be effective in promoting your change effort?
  3. Identify your intended targeted outcomes. Defend your choices.
  4. What must occur for the organizational change effort to be considered a success? Defend your response.

D. Communicate the Change

  1. What is required for the change to be communicated effectively within the organization? Why?
  2. Determine actions you will take to encourage two-way communication for effective feedback loops during implementation of the change effort. Explain why these actions will be effective.
  3. How will you support the direct supervisors in the organization in their efforts to communicate with employees about the change effort?
  4. Describe how you will address any concerns or anxieties regarding this change.
  5. Who needs to be involved and in what capacity for this change effort to be a success?

Requirements: 1-2 pages

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Weekly Articles & Your Experience

Weekly Articles & Your Experience

Describe your experience with locating and reading weekly research articles. Share an example of an article that has been useful and applicable to your practice. Share an example of an article (or information) that was not helpful. Provide rationale.

Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.

Requirements: 500 words

Weekly Articles & Your Experience Read More »

Cor 202 corrections

Cor 202 corrections

Discussion 11

In 2-3 paragraphs discuss how the case manager works with juvenile offenders.  How is working with juveniles different?  What can help make juvenile offenders successful?

All initial posts should reference the textbook or at least one outside source. All sources must be cited using APA guidelines.


Assignment 11

In 1-2 pages, describe and discuss evidence-based practices (EBP). What steps are associated with this practice

APA format required, title page, reference page, proper citation



Correctional Case Manager


Discussion 12

In 2-3 paragraphs, Discuss why you believe more males are in prison than females?

All initial posts should reference the textbook or at least one outside source. All sources must be cited using APA guidelines.


Assignment 12

In a minimum of 1 page, discuss the different issues prison officials may face in working with male and female prisoners.

APA format required


Material 12


Cor 202 corrections Read More »

INT405 Multinational Management Company Project

INT405 Multinational Management Company Project

Multinational Management – Week 6 Project Instructions

Multinational Company Project

Select a multinational company from one of the following world regions:

1.European Union and England

2.North America

3.Central/South America



6.Sub-Saharan Africa

7.Middle East/North Africa

Once you have selected a world region, you must pick ONE of the following topics for your project:

1.Develop a comprehensive global human resource (HR) strategy for your company. Investigate what the firm is essentially doing and/or focus on what it should be doing. Your responsibility is to identify and then summarize major global challenges the multinational company is experiencing. Develop a matrix to show how the company can create a sustainable competitive advantage and highlight any key HR implications. Your strategy must specifically outline whether policies, programs and initiatives are to be global or domestic (centralized or decentralized) and explain the rationale for these decisions. In addition, you should explore and recapitulate how the HR function should be structured and managed to successfully implement this strategy.

2.Develop a comprehensive operations management strategy for your company. Investigate where the firm is manufacturing its products and locate manufacturing facilities, identify the country it is operating in, technology factors, cost efficiency, how the company is making global sourcing decisions, discuss logistics and supply chain management of the company, and the transfer of knowledge from home country to the host country. Your strategy must specifically outline whether policies, programs and initiatives are to be global or domestic and explain the rationale for these decisions. In addition, you should explore and recapitulate how the operations management function should be structured and managed to successfully implement this strategy.

3.Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy for your multinational company. For this strategy, you will need to discuss product attributes, cultural attributes, economic and technological attributes, analyze the distribution strategy, how the company is choosing between distributors in the country it is operating, pricing strategy that your company has adopted, communication strategy and the barriers in international advertising, and last but not least, how the company is using the marketing mix in international arena. Your strategy must specifically outline whether policies, programs and initiatives are to be global or domestic and explain the rationale for these decisions. In addition, you should explore and recapitulate how the marketing strategy function should be structured and managed to successfully implement this strategy.

Include in your project:

Assess and describe the multinational firm’s vision, strategy, competitive advantage, organizational structure, locations, and culture. Then describe the firm’s home country business environment based on the 12 pillars (The Global Competitive index) and the home country culture based on Hofstede’s cultural value model of business behavior, communication style (low and high context), languages spoken, religious beliefs and social norms.


Requirements: 1200 -1300 words

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Creative Writing Question

Creative Writing Question

Project – Analysis of an Ethical Dilemma


3) Your project should include, but is not limited to:

a) A factual summary of the ethical dilemma that the organization experienced;

b) the organization’s reaction to this dilemma.

c) how the organization’s reaction to the situation affected each of the major stakeholders in this situation. Include each stakeholder’s position in this case and their reaction;

d) your opinion as to whether the organization responded in the most ethical manner possible;

e) several alternative responses that the organization could have taken and the probable consequences of each;

f) what are the possible ethical theories that could be employed to guide the firm through the dilemma;

g) describe how the relationship between the organization and its stakeholders changed after this incident, if at all; etc.

4) It is recommended (optional) that teams visit the CBC with any questions that they have regarding the presentation of their project


Essay topic: Samsung’s Ethical Dilemma of Child Labor Case Study…

Just write the part of e and f.

Requirements: 4- pages

Creative Writing Question Read More »

Week 5-8 822

Week 5-8 822

Week 5-8

Wk 5 DQ 1

What role does technology have in education? Should the role of technology increase or decrease? Why?

WK 5 DQ 2

What role does the educator have in keeping up with technology? How does this connect with their role in the classroom? In leadership?

WK 6 DQ 1

While the idea of leadership practices refers to the daily actions of educational leaders, the concept of leadership strategies refers to the long-term decisions and plans of the educational leader. Which of the current educational leadership strategies is most likely to remain in the future? Why?

WK 6 DQ 2

Which of the current educational leadership strategies is most likely to improve student performance over the long term? Why?

Week 5-8 822 Read More »

Case Evaluation of Cross Cultural Management

Case Evaluation of Cross Cultural Management

You have learned this term that it is important to understand how the variable of societal culture fits into the theories of individual managerial traits, leader behavior, interaction patterns, role relationships, follower perceptions, influence over followers, influence on task and team goals, and influence managerial behavior (Cross Cultural Research on Leadership).

Select three to four political leaders or business leaders of multinational companies based in other countries, for example, Switzerland, Russia, Venezuela, Turkey, or the Czech Republic. Research their leadership styles as they cope with both internal and international societal issues of importance to their companies or countries. Your paper should synthesize the theories and concepts learned this term and clearly demonstrate that you can apply them in your analysis. Cite your textbook as well as outside academic research from the library.

You may also use these Internet sources:

In no less than 15 pages, your APA research paper should reflect several weeks of effort and demonstrate your ability to analyze, apply, evaluate, and synthesize the managerial cross cultural theories and concepts learned this term.

Requirements: 15 pages


Phillip W. Balsmeier, Anita K. Heck, (1994) “Cross‐cultural Communication”, Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, Vol. 1 Issue: 2, pp.13-21,

Jonasson, Charlotte & Lauring, Jakob. (2012). Cultural Differences in Use: The Power to Essentialize Communication Styles. Journal of Communication Management. 16. 10.1108/13632541211279030.

Crowne, K. A. (2007). The relationships among social intelligence, emotional intelligence, cultural intelligence and cultural exposure (Order No. 3255112). Available from ProQuest Central. (304810980).…

Jain, T., & Pareek, C. (2019). MANAGING CROSS-CULTURAL DIVERSITY: ISSUES AND CHALLENGES. Global Management Review, 13(2), 23-32. https://0634olryx-mp02-y-https-doi-org.prx-keiser….


Minkov, M., & Kaasa, A. (2021). A test of Hofstede’s model of culture following his own approach. Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, 28(2), 384-406.

Minkov, M. (2018). A revision of Hofstede’s model of national culture: old evidence and new data from 56 countries. Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, 25(2), 231-256.

Minkov, M., Dutt, P., Schachner, M., Morales, O., Sanchez, C., Jandosova, J., Khassenbekov, Y., & Mudd, B. (2017). A revision of Hofstede’s individualism-collectivism dimension. Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, 24(3), 386-404.

Inderjeet, A., & Scheepers, C. B. (2022). The influence of follower orientation on follower behaviour in the leadership process. SA Journal of Human Resource Management, 20https://0624o1hg0-mp03-y-https-doi-org.prx-keiser….

Tlili, A., Denden, M., Affouneh, S., Soheil, H. S., Cai, Z., Jemni, M., Bozkurt, A., Huang, R., & Zhu, L. (2021). Understanding Arab Students’ Behavioral Patterns in an Online Course: An Explanatory Study Based on Hofstede’s National Cultural Dimensions. Sustainability, 13(22), 12426.

Mihaela, H. (2014). A synergistic approach of cross-cultural management and leadership style. Journal of International Studies, 7(2)

Prilipko, E. V., Beauford, J. E., & Antelo, A. (2019). Exploring Emotional Intelligence: A Correlational Study of Follower Attributes. Journal of Management Policy and Practice, 20(1), 86-94.…

Ergeneli, A., Gohar, R., & Temirbekova, Z. (2007). Transformational leadership: Its relationship to culture value dimensions. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 31(6), 703-724.

Sabri, H. A. (2012). Re‐examination of Hofstede’s work value orientations on perceived leadership styles in Jordan. International Journal of Commerce and Management.

Mancheno-Smoak, L., Endres, G. M., Polak, R., & Athanasaw, Y. (2009). The individual cultural values and job satisfaction of the transformational leader. Organization Development Journal, 27(3).

Paulienė, R. (2012). Transforming leadership styles and knowledge sharing in a multicultural context. Business, Management and Economics Engineering, 10(1), 91-109.

31 mins ago

Gibson, C. L. (2018). Social Media: A Vital Tool in Teaching Contemporary Black American Protest. The Midwest Quarterly, 59(4), 386.

Velasquez, A., & LaRose, R. (2015). Social Media for Social Change: Social Media Political Efficacy and Activism in Student Activist Groups. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 59(3), 456. https://0624o1kfl-mp01-y-https-doi-org.prx-keiser….

George Mwangi, C. A., Bettencourt, G. M., & Malaney, V. K. (2018). Collegians Creating (Counter)Space Online: A Critical Discourse Analysis of the I, Too, Am Social Media Movement. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 11(2), 146-163.

Jacoby, B. (2017). The New Student Activism: Supporting Students as Agents of Social Change. Journal of College and Character, 18(1), 1-8.

Case Evaluation of Cross Cultural Management Read More »

Assignment 2: Types of Contracts and Performance-Based Acquisition

Assignment 2: Types of Contracts and Performance-Based Acquisition

Assignment 2: Types of Contracts and Performance-Based Acquisition

Imagine that you are working on a two-million-dollar procurement for the purchase of vehicles for the fleet of trucks and cars to be used by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection. These vehicles will be used for off-road driving on dirt roads in Arizona. Your manager has asked you to select the type of contract to be used for the vehicle purchase.

Choose to respond to this scenario from a government or a contractor perspective. If you select government, then you will complete the assignment as if you are a government employee (or military personnel) receiving the proposal from the contractor. If you select contractor, then you will complete the assignment as if you are a contractor employee submitting a proposal to the government.

Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:

  1. Examine the types of contracts and performance-based acquisition. Select the type of contract you would like to use for the vehicle purchase.
  2. Evaluate the pros and cons of sealed bidding contracts and negotiated contracts, emphasizing which one would be best for this purchase.
  3. Determine the responsibilities of the contracting officer during the proposal evaluation process.
  4. Assess the requirements for performance-based acquisitions.
  5. Create requirements for the vehicle purchase that could be included in a performance-based contract with rationale.
  6. Use at least four (4) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Analyze the acquisition methods, select the type of contract, and determine if a performance- based contract is appropriate.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in government acquisition.
  • Write clearly and concisely about government acquisition using proper writing mechanics.

Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and lan

Assignment 2: Types of Contracts and Performance-Based Acquisition Read More »

Discussion Board: Location Analysis and Logistical Integration

Discussion Board: Location Analysis and Logistical Integration

This week we examine and build an entire supply chain network. One critical issue is location decisions. Many manufacturing facilities are located near resources (supply) or consumers (demand). Pick any manufacturer that has information available about the company online. Where are they manufacturing their product? Why did they choose that location? Make sure to list and analyze all the major factors in their decision. Address the company’s logistical systems? In your opinion is it successful? Why or why not?

Resources for Discussion Board:

Discussion Board: Location Analysis and Logistical Integration Read More »

Case study: Customer Service at Woodson Chemical Company

Case study: Customer Service at Woodson Chemical Company

After reading the case from the attachment, answer the following questions:

1.What is the critical issue(s) confronting WCC North America?

2.What changes, if any, should be initiated to address the critical issues (s)

3.Identify the risks and benefits of your proposed changes from the perspective of:

a.WCC North America corporation management

b.WCC North America line distribution management

c.WCC North America customers

Case study: Customer Service at Woodson Chemical Company Read More »

Recruitment and Retention

Recruitment and Retention

Post a substantive response to each question (minimum 250 words).

You are the HR Manager for ABC Company. Based on the information in the R&R Strategy Exercise, what can you do to improve recruitment? Include 3 action items.

Reply in a scholarly and substantive manner to the following two classmates with at least 100 words.


Unfortunately, high turnover is normal within a call center. There are many issues with ABC. First, the pay is super low, even for local community college students. You get what you pay for. Second, most of the employees are part time so that they are not given health benefits. That right there is another major setback. Adults need benefits and will stay at jobs if they have good benefits they want to hold onto. Be upfront from the beginning and then recruit. Make sure people are interested in a low paying, part time, no benefits position. A recruitment plan is a strategy of actions designed to streamline the hiring processes and act as a guideline for sourcing, qualifying, and interviewing job seekers. It acts as a timeline of events and actions to find qualified applicants while minimizing downtime for the company.

1) Realistic expectations

Before you can post a job, you have to be clear about what qualifications and other job elements you are requiring. Don’t wait until you’re actually offering the job to explain the terms, as many job prospects will be excited for an offer and may regret the decision later. Instead, during the interview give the basic information: salary, working hours, sick and holiday leave, and other information. All of this will give the person a clear understanding of exactly what you’re looking for.

2) Define your employee value proposition

An employee value proposition is a message you will target your candidate persona with. Why should your potential candidates come to work for your company? What can you offer them that other companies can’t?

3) Identify your candidate

Identify your ideal candidate by defining your candidate persona.

A candidate persona is the semi-fictional representation of your ideal job candidate. Maybe a fresh out of college student isn’t ideal, since you know they will move on. Perhaps try hiring retirees and close to retirement age, whom already have medicare and are looking to keep busy and have a little extra money. Try to pinpoint their interests outside the work, habits, motivation and goals.

A company who sells higher end products should have higher benefits and pay in order to maintain excellent customer service and a reputation.


Recruiting and Attracting Talent, Author: James Breaugh, Ph.D

Published by SHRM Foundation, 2009

Recruitment & Selection: Hiring the Right Person, Author: Myrna L. Gusdorf, Published by SHRM,


Retaining Talent, Author: David G. Allen, Ph.D

Published by SHRM Foundation, 2008

Employee Engagement: Your Competitive Advantage, Published by SHRM Foundation,



It looks as if there maybe underline issues. I would love to know the actual call volume. Are there enough employees for the volume? If staffing is not staffed correctly it will lead to great pressure among the employees. I would like to know if there are language/communication barriers as this is a worldwide market. For the employees this can make the job difficult if they cannot understand what is being asked and thy cannot make a customer satisfied if they cannot deliver communication back. How Is the management, or they receptive and collaborating? Is one shift doing better than the other? How about collecting employee feedback biweekly trying to capture raw insight right away verses waiting for an exit interview, when employees are less likely to speak upon the real issues. They should also reevaluate the job description and demands allowing to seek qualified and willing employees that can handle the high demand. Add an additional week of training to deepen the footings of the new employees. Broaden their marketing for recruitment as well. Considering there are different shifts consider hiring older individuals as well. A lot of mothers like part time hours and different shift options. Allow employees to have work perks to keep them excited.

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Leadership and Change Management – Discussion Board Response – atleast 500 words

Leadership and Change Management – Discussion Board Response – atleast 500 words

Review the case Walt Disney’s Dennis Hightower – Taking Charge (Jick & Peiperl, 2011). The case series begins as Dennis Hightower takes on a new senior level international management position with the consumer products division of Walt Disney company in Europe. The case has been used at Harvard Business School as a part of examining General Managers in international settings who face the challenges and dynamics of organizational change.

In light of the reading for the week, discuss the following:

  • What challenges does Dennis Hightower face in his new position as an organizational leader?
  • How would you evaluate Denis Hightower’s approach to bringing about desirable change within the organization?
  • In light of Hightower’s experiences, what do you think are some of the most difficult challenges of building a multinational organization?
  • If you were in the position of Dennis Hightower, would you have done anything differently? If so, in what ways? If not, why not?
  • Apply Biblical integration to support your response.

Discussion forum are the online component of the class. As such, they are a collaborative team oriented method of learning the course content. As such, each student Will provide a direct response to the discussion board question posted in each forum. Responses are required to be at least 500 words, demonstrates the competency and critical thinking skill as related to the topic under discussion. Further, a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed articles are required for each initial discussion board response.

Leadership and Change Management – Discussion Board Response – atleast 500 words Read More »

Motivation – Chapter 11 book Essentials of Management

Motivation – Chapter 11 book Essentials of Management

After reading the following chapters, answer the questions below. Please, give your answers in your own words.

Learning objectives are listed at the beginning of each Chapter.

Chapter 11: Motivation

1. How could you use expectancy theory to increase your own motivational level?

2. What similarities do you see between motivating professional athletes and workers in business?

Chapter 12 – Communication

3. What kind of facial expression do you think might make a person appear intelligent?

4. For what reasons do executives spend an average of about 30 hours per week in meetings?

Chapter 13 – Teams, groups and Team work

5. In what way is being a member of a virtual team much like being a telecommuter?

6. In what way does the position of a project manager resemble that of a general manager, including a CEO?

This assignment must be sent through the turn it in link shown below. Please, check carefully the originality of your submission. Cite external references to support your answers in both within the text and in the references part as mandated by APA style. Multiple academic references and citation. the text book cannot be used as the sole source.

Chapters are on the question, and professor ask some external citations

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