
topic proposal

topic proposal

1. I want to propose a shared power-bank station in Temple University.

2. Your topic proposal will address the following four questions

  • What are you proposing?
  • To whom are you proposing it?
  • What need or problem does the proposal address?
    • You must should find at least one sourcethat helps you identifythe problem
  • What are other companies/organizations/schools doing in relation to your topic?
    • You must research and use an APA citation to document a source

    3. Other Requirements: No more than one page

    see sample paper attached.

    you need write the layout of topic proposal same as the example.

and my idea is to add a shared power bank station in the campus, especially, in the library and the tech center. because I think many students will forget to take the chargers of their phone, but they may have classes through morning to evening. So, I wanna that shared power bank station can help students figure out this issue.

topic proposal Read More »

Recruitment and Retention

Recruitment and Retention

Write a final paper on a topic related to the theme of Recruitment & Retention. The final paper is required to be 8-10 pages in length (not including appendices). Within the broad theme, the paper is intended to be an opportunity to explore in some depth a topic related to the course that is of specific significance to you.

A list of example topics for final papers is provided below to provide some ideas.

However, these are examples onl

Internet recruitment

Assessment methods in selection

Affirmative Action – Recruiting diverse populations/targeted groups

OFCCP Focus – Hiring disabled individuals and veterans

Career Management / Succession planning

Employee development as a retention tool

Marketing your organization internally and externally (the Employment Value Proposition)

Careers of the future – Is your organization ready?

Recognition strategies for employee engagement

Retention strategies

Guidelines for Final Paper –

In developing this project (you might think of it as a Human Resources Case Study), select a specific organization of interest to you. Think of yourself as an organizational consultant and assume a key manager has requested a thorough analysis and recommended course of action to resolve an HR problem that will make a difference to the future performance of the organization. Try to focus your case on one specific topic.

Your paper must include, but is not limited to, the following sections. Use section headings as subtitles for your project. It will make it easier to find all elements of your project.

Section Description

Title Page Use cover sheet template in Course Information/General

Course Information folder.


Describe the organization you selected and present background/facts that will enable to reader to clearly understand the organization.

Problem Statement

Identify and clearly state the problem – the Recruitment & Retention issue in which an element of the identified organization is not meeting expectations. Keep the problem statement short and concise.

Literature Review

Connect the problem to a specific topical area of scholarly/professional work in Recruitment & Retention. State what the area is. Then write your synthesis of at least 3 scholarly or professional studies or articles that seem relevant to your inquiry.



Provide an identification and description of the causes of the problem/issue. Ensure the causes you identify relate directly to the problem/issue. A critical element of the strength of this section is to apply concepts, ideas or insights that are most valuable in helping you make sense of the causes of the problem. Support your analysis with reference to appropriate research and to illustrations of how the causes manifest in the organization.


Recommend a more desirable future state; compare this to the state if no changes are made; and propose at least 2 action steps that will leverage the organization toward the more desirable state. Describe exactly what should be done and how it should be done, include by whom, and in what sequence.


Think about this assignment and write a well-thought out reflective statement about how this assignment influenced your personal, academic, and professional development.

References as Appendix

You must use at least 3 resources, outside course materials. Cite all sources. All references must be cited in 2 places; within the body of your paper and on the separate reference list

Recruitment and Retention Read More »

Final Report Week 7

Final Report Week 7

This week you will continue to explore best practices from Application Assignments during Weeks 3 through 5, and you will submit your final report. Your Learning Resources this week provide you with additional research and strategic HRM best practices for your consideration. As you learned earlier in the course, by maintaining various talent pools or skill sets within a given organization, specific HRM practices have been demonstrated to impact organizational performance. Investments in staffing, training, or compensation can be targeted to areas where the most significant strategic gains can be realized by managing key talent and creating value through the management of knowledge throughout the organization.

Organizations can create a human capital advantage by utilizing practices to encourage learning and development so that the skills of their employees exceed those of their competitors. As a result, performance can improve and high-quality talent is more likely to be attracted to an organization, providing continuous opportunities for learning and individual skill acquisition. These non-financial rewards positively impact employees’ engagement and commitment throughout the organization. Specific strategic HRM practices that encourage knowledge sharing, learning, and innovation throughout the organization can include rewards and performance management. For example, a reward system that is team-based will encourage and motivate collaboration since employees’ outcomes are dependent upon the sharing of knowledge to create the necessary value. You should keep this in mind as you finalize your report this week.

In a 3- to 4-page paper, include the following in the Final Report:

  • Background and introduction to the topic of strategic HRM best practices and their relevance to HR professionals;
  • An introduction to the strategic HRM best practices you are recommending and the reasons they were selected, with references to the literature;
  • How these new practices would align with the organization’s strategic goals and any gaps in alignment that currently exist;
  • Examples of organizations in similar industries using these best practices and how they impact their competitive advantage;
  • Expected outcomes by adopting these practices on organizational performance, innovation, and quality;
  • Provide specific examples with references to the literature and strategic HRM theories throughout the paper to show support and provide a foundation for your recommendations.

Final Report Week 7 Read More »



From the 6 questions below, please choose 3 questions to answer completely.

1.What five entry modes do firms consider as path to enter the international market? Be specific in your answer.

2.What is a strategic alliance? What are major types of alliances?

3.Distinguish between cost leadership and various differentiation strategies.

4.Describe the advantages of being a first mover, a second mover, or a late mover for a company within your industry.

5.What are the characteristics of product and service quality?

6.Discuss the important reasons why corporations diversify.

Discussion Read More »

Expansion Strategy and Establishing a Re-Order Point

Expansion Strategy and Establishing a Re-Order Point

Assignment Content

  1. Purpose of Assignment
    This assignment has two cases. The first case is on expansion strategy. Managers constantly have to make decisions under uncertainty. This assignment gives students an opportunity to use the mean and standard deviation of probability distributions to make a decision on expansion strategy. The second case is on determining at which point a manager should re-order a printer so he or she doesn’t run out-of-stock. The second case uses normal distribution. The first case demonstrates application of statistics in finance and the second case demonstrates application of statistics in operations management.
    Assignment Steps
    Resources: Microsoft Excel®, Bell Computer Company Forecasts data set, Case Study Scenarios
    Write a 1,050-word report based on the Bell Computer Company Forecasts data set and Case Study Scenarios.
    Include answers to the following:
    Case 1: Bell Computer Company

    • Compute the expected value for the profit associated with the two expansion alternatives. Which decision is preferred for the objective of maximizing the expected profit?
    • Compute the variation for the profit associated with the two expansion alternatives. Which decision is preferred for the objective of minimizing the risk or uncertainty?

    Case 2: Kyle Bits and Bytes

    • What should be the re-order point? How many HP laser printers should he have in stock when he re-orders from the manufacturer?

    Format your assignment consistent with APA format.
    Submit your assignment.


Expansion Strategy and Establishing a Re-Order Point Read More »

Research the role of MRM within international collaborations within the aviation industry and summarize these findings.

Research the role of MRM within international collaborations within the aviation industry and summarize these findings.

Maintenance Resource Management (MRM) is an extremely important part of the culture within the aviation industry. For this activity you will write a short paper defining MRM and the role it plays within international collaborations. Review the MRM resource document in your Module 1 readings. Further your understanding by researching the role of MRM in international collaborations via the Hunt Library or the Internet.

In your paper, address the following items:

Paper Guidelines

  • Your paper must be written in current APA style.
  • Your paper must be a minimum of 1 page in length. Do not exceed 2 pages.
  • Paper structure:
    • Title page.
    • Body: 1-2 pages and contain one parenthetical citation for each source listed on the reference page.
    • Reference page: must contain a minimum of two sources.

Submission is via file upload (acceptable file types: .doc and .docx). Save your file using the following naming convention: LastName_FirstName_1_8_shortpaper (Example: Doe_Jane_1_8_shortpaper). Do not use special characters or punctuation. View the evaluation rubric to identify qualities of an effective paper and to ensure your paper meets or exceeds grading requirements.

Your paper will automatically be evaluated through Turnitin when you submit your assignment in this activity. Turnitin is a service that checks your work for improper citation or potential plagiarism by comparing it against a database of web pages, student papers, and articles from academic books and publications. Ensure that your work is entirely your own and that you have not plagiarized any material!

Research the role of MRM within international collaborations within the aviation industry and summarize these findings. Read More »

For this Assignment, submit a 2 to 3pageresponse to the following in yourpaper:

For this Assignment, submit a 2 to 3pageresponse to the following in yourpaper:

  1. Who is ultimately responsible for the security of information in an organization?
  2. What are the disadvantages of using a VPN instead of a leased line?
  3. If a hacker hacks into a network, copies a few files, defaces the Web page, and steals credit card numbers, identify the different threat categories encompassed by this attack?
  4. What do VPNs do that firewalls cannot do?

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Single typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date.
  • The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length

For this Assignment, submit a 2 to 3pageresponse to the following in yourpaper: Read More »

Provide comprehensive narrative on advantages and disadvantages of vulnerability?

Provide comprehensive narrative on advantages and disadvantages of vulnerability?

When a traffic camera is installed in a designated community, drivers who operate in that neighborhood where traffic cameras are deployed and proven to successfully limit alarming rate of traffic accidents and wrongful death, must be willing to accept, comply and obey the role.

Countermeasures are the key components of physical security operations. Associated steps to execute countermeasures in at-risk facility must include vulnerability assessment, risk management and advantages. Likely counter security instrument against intruders must include factors such as risk management and submitting accurate results, measurable policies and procedures to assist in the process.


Vulnerability is the weakness in any organization, which often leads to cyber-attacks, cyber-threats, unbending risk, data damages, interruption of vital communication channels. Data damages often occur when hardware and software are attacked by malicious cyber-criminals, or when unauthorized users gain access to the data command center and disclose the confidential information such as logon name and password.

  1. A vulnerability assessment is a direct responsibility of individuals, private and public organizations to identify advantages and disadvantages.
  2. A vulnerability creates more than enough opening for organizations to accept the likelihood of unforeseeable circumstances and formulate solutions to remedy any projected impasse relative to vulnerability
  3. Effective security process must contain assortment of physical security items such as electronic security, trained personnel with assigned security privileges, active security policies and procedures, structured fence around the facility, security officers on patrol, exterior lighting, steel doors, high-quality mechanical locks, an intrusion detection system, and video surveillance to detect intruders;
  4. Provide comprehensive narrative on advantages and disadvantages of vulnerability?
  5. Advantages and disadvantages are considered determined factors for affordable, feasible, and practical measures while countermeasures are added values to reduce and eliminate the deficiencies such as hardware (fencing and locks), software (electronic access control), and people (security officers and employees) recognized in the vulnerability assessment process.

Provide comprehensive narrative on advantages and disadvantages of vulnerability? Read More »

Answer questions

Answer questions

From the 7 questions below, please choose 3 questions to answer completely.

1.Discuss the importance of market power in a related diversification strategy.

2.Describe the reasons why firms pursue unrelated diversification

3.Discuss the importance of synergy in organizations. Provide examples.

4.Distinguish between merger, acquisition, and takeover. Provide an example of each.

5.Give examples of why mergers might fail.

6.Describe the three basic benefits of an international strategy.

7.Describe the major political and economic risks associated with an international strategy.

Answer questions Read More »

Professional Development Program Proposal

Professional Development Program Proposal

Create a proposal (five to seven pages) that includes the following components: 1. EI and Motivation Which of the EI building blocks would impact management’s ability to enhance employee performance and job satisfaction? Based on your research on motivational theory, describe how your task force would utilize positive or negative reinforcement to influence the members of the organization and resolve the issue. Provide examples to support your solution. 2. EI and Social Skills and Decision Making Explain how the core concepts of emotional intelligence would enhance the social skills and the decision-making efficacy of the management team. 3. Effective Teams Describe the core attributes of an effective team and the strategies you would implement to develop team dynamics that will benefit the organization. 4. Reward Systems Create an effective reward system for this organization. Determine the strategies you would incorporate to motivate your employees and influence behavior. 5. Executive Summary Prepare a one-page executive summary that you will present to the CEO in an upcoming executive meeting. Note: An executive summary is a condensed version of your full report. It should summarize briefly all the main points in concise paragraphs. It should be written clearly and should use language appropriate for the audience.

Professional Development Program Proposal Read More »

Write a memorandum

Write a memorandum


Interview a professional in a career field that you are interested in pursuing. It does not have to be an entry-level position, but one that you hope to acquire as you gain more experience in this career field. You may conduct this interview in person, over the phone, or via e-mail.

Required Information

In order to complete a successful interview, you should obtain the following information:

Job-Specific Questions

  • Why did you want to work in this career?
  • What are your main responsibilities?
  • What kinds of communication — oral and written — do you use on the job?
  • What do you like best and least about this job?
  • Would you do it all again if you could go back in time?

Questions to Help You Enter the Field

  • What advice can you give to me that will enable me to be successful in this career field?
  • What skills/traits/behaviors are employers seeking in hiring someone in this career field?

Use the questions above to aid in conducting the interview. In addition, ask at least three questions of your own that address particular areas in which you may be interested. Some possible subject areas for questions are below:

Writing Assignment Based Upon the Interview

Write a one-to-two page memorandum to me in which you present your findings. The memorandum should contain an introduction that explains the purpose of the memorandum, provides information about the person interviewed (name, position, company, credentials, relevant background information), and explain the reason you chose this particular person to interview. You should also explain how and when the interview was conducted.

In the body of the memorandum, you should present the information you obtained from the interview. You may choose any format for organizing the information except a Question and Answer method. You must paraphrase (put into your own words) the information you were told during the interview. Use headings to categorize the information and make the document visually appealing.

The memorandum should contain a conclusion that analyzes and interprets your findings from the interview. The conclusion should explain what you learned from the interview about the career and the importance of communication in the workplace. Explain whether or not this interview benefited you as you prepare to enter the workplace.

The last page of the memorandum will be a Work Cited page listing the interview in MLA format.

please read the required questions & informations. I will send you an example for this assignment you can write similar to it. thank you.

Example Interviewing a Professional Memorandum Assignment

The following Memorandum Report is from a former student who completed this assignment and did an exemplary job in organizing and presenting the information to a lay reader (the instructor) about this career field. Please use it as model to see how someone else completed this assignment. As you refer to it in completing your memorandum, just make sure that you do not use the same wording or sentence structure that this memo uses. Your report should reflect your tone and your style as an individual writer. In addition, remember to use a header in the upper right-hand corner of the memo for each additional page. This has been omitted in posting this sample. The last page is a Works Cited page and the source should be cited on a separate page in your report.



DATE: June 20, ####

TO: Beth Lewis

FROM: Joe Smith (pseudonym)

SUBJECT: Interview with Boyd Spencer of Merck Vaccine Manufacturing Facility


I chose to interview Boyd Spencer, an operations manager at Merck Vaccine Manufacturing Facility in Durham, NC, in order to learn more about opportunities in my career and to assess the communication responsibilities of a manager in my workplace. The interview was completed in person at our worksite in Durham, NC, and was an engaging conversation on June 16, ####. In this memo, I will provide you with insightful information about Mr. Spencer that was obtained during the interview process. You will learn about his background, his job responsibilities, communication in his workplace, and his own assessment of his job.


Mr. Spencer graduated with an engineering degree from the University of Virginia and has more than eight years of experience in the areas of equipment design, start-up automation projects, and management. He has worked at International Paper as a shift manager, in addition to having worked at Merck Manufacturing Division in Elkton, VA. Mr. Spencer arrived at Merck Vaccine Manufacturing Facility within the past three weeks to begin his role as an operations manager, and he has been a part of Merck’s vision for nearly 3 years. He feels good about being at Merck because of the impact that our company has on the well-being of society. For example, the FDA recently approved Gardasil, a cervical cancer vaccine discovered by Merck. Such drugs enhance the quality and quantity of life around the world, and Mr. Spencer feels fortunate to be a part of such an impact.


In his role as an operations manager, Mr. Spencer is responsible for development of procedures surrounding operations, as well as working with teams to ensure effective development. Because Merck Vaccine Manufacturing Facility in Durham is in a start-up phase and will not begin production until [year], there is much developmental work to be completed, and he is an integral part of this work. He is responsible for assessing and adapting the mental models of the employees he oversees so that a new culture can be implemented at this facility. This facility will not be one that focuses on managers giving orders with subordinates carrying out these orders. Rather, the environment will be one of teamwork, with a focus on each employee owning the responsibility for the success of the facility. Mr. Spencer plans to bring his wealth of knowledge from his past experiences to his new position to help the new facility succeed.


Mr. Spencer uses both oral and written communication many times daily. He has several one-on-one, face-to-face conversations daily to communicate all types of information. He also participates in and conducts structured meetings. He has many informal conversations and e-mail exchanges each day. He writes every day in his position, with technical documents being one of the many mediums of communication he has to compose. His team members are his primary audience, and he feels that his ability to write and communicate effectively is a key component in the success of the team and facility. Mr. Spencer believes that clear, concise communication and utilization of appropriate grammatical rules are critical to promotion. He pointed out that erroneous details and a lack of details are two major downfalls for any communication in his line of work. Another recommendation that Mr. Spencer has about communication is that if the idea can be communicated through a drawing, do not write out the idea. He emphasizes the importance of using graphics to save time for the reader and to provide clear, concise data in an organized manner.


Mr. Spencer really enjoys implementing the concept of shaping a new culture at the Durham facility. He feels that this challenge is an exciting one, and he is eager to participate in its fulfillment. He least enjoys having the weight of so much responsibility on him, but he realizes that management positions usually entail such a weighted feeling. The advantages and opportunities in his position, however, certainly balance any dislikes he might have about his job. He even said that he wished he had joined Merck sooner. He advises that anyone aspiring to reach his level should never stop learning and should become involved at all levels of the organization. Mr. Spencer emphasizes that being receptive to change is critical in the culture in which we work. He highlights that leadership skills, a team spirit, and technical knowledge are essential in his position.


In interviewing Mr. Spencer, I found that he is as excited about being at Merck Vaccine Manufacturing Facility in Durham, NC, as I am. This excitement is a catalyst for learning, and I look forward to working with him and everyone else at this facility. Mr. Spencer’s dedication to effective communication and his recognition of its importance further emphasized that I must continually work on my communication skills in order to be successful in my current job and to reach for any other opportunities in the future. Without these skills, each day is much more difficult, and much time is wasted. I enjoyed hearing more about the culture that will prevail at our new facility, and I share his view of how our work impacts society. Having transferred from the Merck Wilson facility, I also have just begun employment with the Durham site. I felt that this interview was informative and helped me understand that top-notch communication skills and adaptation to the new culture at Merck will be instrumental in my career development.

Very detailed report that uses headings and is well organized to present the information!

Work Cited

Spencer, Boyd. Personal interview. 16 June ####.

Write a memorandum Read More »



CAHIIM Competencies Assessed:

Subdomain VI.F Strategic and Organizational Management

  1. Implement a departmental strategic plan i.e. benchmarking (Blooms 3)


  1. Read the article provided:

Hughes, Gwen. “Using Benchmarking for Performance Improvement (AHIMA Practice Brief).” Journal of AHIMA 74, no.2 (2003): 64A-D.

  1. Assume you are a hospital HIM Manager and you need to work toward part of the new strategic plan that indicates that your department will use benchmarking to improve coding production.
  1. Based on the concepts of successful benchmarking described in the article, describe how you will embrace, adopt, and implement benchmarking for your coding production.
  2. You may complete this assignment in a list or table type of format (rather than a research paper format) as long as you include thorough information and description of the steps you plan to take
  3. You completed assignment should be 1-2 pages, not including the cover sheet and reference page.

Benchmarking Read More »

Why is a leaders ability to influence others important to their success?

Why is a leaders ability to influence others important to their success?

Please answer the three questions below – 400 words..APA format- using the four (4) attached articles only.. please

three paragraphs – please paragraph will address one of the questions below – so basically address each question below in a paragraph

Why is a leaders ability to influence others important to their success?

What are some of the challenges for a leader trying to develop their ability to influence others?

What are some of the important points within the Adams Influence Model and how can you apply this to your work?

Attached Files:

A leader must have the ability to influence others in order to drive successful results. The journal article postings will help you read about different examples of the importance of leadership influence.

Why is a leaders ability to influence others important to their success? Read More »

Information Governanc

Information Governanc

Information Governance and Legal Functions: According to the authors, Smallwood, Kahn, and Murphy, IG is perhaps one of the functional areas that impact legal functions most. Failure to meet them could be literally put an organization out of business or land executives in prison. Privacy, security, records management, information technology (IT), and business management functions are very important. However, the most significant aspect of all of these functions relates to legality and regulatory compliance from a critical perspective.

APA format is required for both in-line references and endnote references.

Full-text PDFs of all references are required.
these are mandator


Q1: When we take a close look at the author’s point of view, under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedures (FRCP) amendments dating back to 1938 there has been governance and the discovery of evidence in lawsuits and other civil cases. Please name and briefly discuss the three (3) reasons whycorporations must proactively manage the e-discovery process

Information Governanc Read More »

Consulting Proposal – Leadership & Change Management – Accept only if you’re aware of Change Management Concepts – PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS

Consulting Proposal – Leadership & Change Management – Accept only if you’re aware of Change Management Concepts – PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS

In this assignment you are to serve as a consultant to a company of your choice in one of the cases (attached pdfs) presented in Jick and Peiperl textbook. As such, you are to provide recommendations to the company utilizing the various leadership and change concepts gained in the course. You are to present a proposal that is no less than 1000 and no more than 1500 words in length.

In this assignment you are to serve as a professional consultant and demonstrate your proficiency at providing guidance to an organization undergoing change. Your proposal should be very clear, concise, and focused.

The basic format of your proposal is to follow the basic structure which includes seven sections below:

1. Introduction

2. Definition of the project

3. Diagnosis of current situation

4. Recommendations

5. Implementation plan

6. Summary

7. Reference section

Each student will write a 1000-1500 word consulting proposal which will focus on the content presented in the class. I can share the basic details of what all are covered in the class and you can just google those topics and put them as reference.


Thank you.

Here is the google doc link with all the case studies covered so far. Except for Bristish airways and Yinscape Case Studies. Please feel free to choose any other case study document, probably few will be somehting you have ready in the past. Also I have text scanned copy attached as well. also you can use John Kotter’s 8 step change process or Five Portes forces etc change management concepts to explain in the document.

Let me know if you have nay questions.…

Consulting Proposal – Leadership & Change Management – Accept only if you’re aware of Change Management Concepts – PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS Read More »

read the case (attached) then answers the questions in the instruction

read the case (attached) then answers the questions in the instruction

8-13 Identify and describe the security and control weaknesses discussed in this case.

8-14 What management, organization, and technology factors contributed to these problems?

8-15 Discuss the impact of the Equifax hack. 8-16 How can future data breaches like this one be prevented? Explain your answer.

read the case (attached) then answers the questions in the instruction Read More »

1050 words Recruiting and Training Volunteers

1050 words Recruiting and Training Volunteers

no plagiarize, spell check, and check your grammar. Please use the references below

In the past two weeks you have explored the importance of recruiting and training volunteers for an organization. Choose an organization with which you are familiar or one in your community.

  • First, identify the types of volunteers that the organization uses (or could use).
  • Next, identify two of the commonly used volunteer training programs.
    • Explain the advantages and disadvantages of your chosen programs.
    • Detail how these training methods could be used for the volunteers.

Your paper should be 1,050- in length, not including the title page, formatted in accordance with APA guidelines. Provide specific examples to illustrate your conclusions using a minimum of three credible sources, also cited in accordance with APA guidelines.


Connors, T. D. (Ed.). (2011). The volunteer management handbook : Leadership strategies for success. Retrieved from…
Chapter 10: Training Volunteers

Starr, K. (2012). HOW TO Successfully Recruit Volunteers. EMS World, 41(4), 56–59.

1050 words Recruiting and Training Volunteers Read More »

Week 8 Frm

Week 8 Frm

You started as the new HIM Manager a couple of weeks ago. Your department began using workflow technology about 2 months ago with an imaging system that has been used for 1 year. With the implementation of workflow, the department started coding and analyzing charts online. One of the first things that you noticed when you started work was the stress level of the coders – they are panicking. When you meet with them, both as a group and independently, you find out that they hate the new system. They say they do not feel comfortable using it, they only had a short training period, and they were not involved in the selection or the implementation.

  • What are your plans to improve the situation?


  • Post the initial response to each forum by 11:55pm, ET, Wednesday.
  • Initial responses should be no less than 300 words.

Week 8 Frm Read More »

Case Study MGT 441 LAbor Relations

Case Study MGT 441 LAbor Relations

Read the grievance. Assume you are the Arbitrator and you will make a final decision in this case. Prepare an official statement to give to the Union and GMFC leadership. Your statement should address the questions on p. 542.

Most important, pay close attention to Question #3 – what information does the arbitrator need to know to make an informed decision AND, based on what you know, would you sustain, modify or overturn the termination of these employees (by the way, the management rights clause referred to in the case is in the contract on p. 389).

Expect to take 2-3 pages (double spaced., 12 pt font).

Case Study MGT 441 LAbor Relations Read More »

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