
Stratigic management

Stratigic management

This will be the main research project for the course, and this project entails developing a strategic plan for a firm. Either pick a large firm that is publically traded and for which plenty of data is available, or pick a small firm in which you can obtain the necessary data (note that financial data will be needed for this project). Note that you cannot do the strategic plan for the same firm as your group case analysis.


The strategic plan should include the following sections:



  • An introduction to the firm, including the history of the firm.
  • Discuss corporate governance (board of directors) and the top management team (job descriptions, background, tenure, etc.).
  • Discuss the organization’s mission. Sometimes instead of having a mission statement, a firm will have a statement of purpose and/or statement of values. Also discuss whether the mission statement (or equivalent statement) reflects, in your informed opinion, the real mission of the organization.
  • Discuss the firm’s financial performance over time. In addition to net income or growth, look at metrics such as ROA and net profit margin and see how these compare to industry peers.

External Analysis

  • Discuss relevant economic, political-legal, technological, socio-cultural, or demographic trends that are favorable (opportunities) or unfavorable (threats) to firms in the industry.
  • Do some general research on the industry, then use Porter’s five forces and rate the industry on each of the five forces. Also discuss any complements.

Internal Analysis

  • Discuss the strengths and weaknesses the firm has. When discussing strengths, make sure to incorporate the resource-based view by discussing if these strengths (resources/capabilities) that the firm has are valuable, rare, and hard to imitate and thus may be a source of a sustained competitive advantage.
  • Based on this analysis and how the firm has performed compared to industry competitors, discuss whether the firm has a sustained competitive disadvantage, a temporary competitive disadvantage, is at competitive parity, has a temporary competitive advantage, or a sustained competitive advantage.

Current Strategies

  • Discuss the corporate-level strategies (vertical integration, diversification, mergers and acquisitions, international strategies).
  • Discuss the business-level strategies (cost leadership, differentiation, flexibility, tacit collusion, strategic alliances) of the firm.
  • Discuss the following functional-level strategies that support the firm’s business-level strategies:

o   R&D/Product Development Strategies: Discuss the resources invested in product development as well as the process the firm uses for developing new products.

o   Operational Strategies: Discuss the firm’s operations, focusing on how the firm produces the products/services that it does.

o   Marketing Strategies: Discuss the firm’s target markets for their products/services, as well as the marketing mix- product, price, place/distribution, promotion.

o   Financial Strategies: Discuss the firm’s cost structure (importance of fixed vs variable costs), capital structure (use of debt verses equity), what major assets the firm has, and how the firm uses financial instruments to manage risk (such as options/hedging).

o   Human Resource Strategies: Discuss how the firm hires and recruits employees, how employees are compensated, rewarded, and trained.

o   Information Technology Strategies: Discuss what type of information technology is used by the firm (such as propriety built in-house verses supplied from outside vendors) and how the firm uses this technology to support its business-level strategies.

Strategic Alternatives

  • Develop some major feasible strategies for the firm. These should include corporate-level strategies (vertical integration, diversification, mergers and acquisitions, international strategies), business-level strategies (cost leadership, differentiation, flexibility, tacit collusion, and strategic alliances) and functional-level strategies of the firm.

Recommended Strategies

  • Specify which of the strategic alternatives you recommend the firm implement. Provide justification for this decision.
  • Specify which of the strategic alternatives you would not recommend the firm implement. Provide justification for this decision.
  • Discuss to what degree the recommended strategies are consistent with the firm’s view of ethics and social responsibility. Also discuss from your point of view, how the recommended strategies are consistent (or not) with your own view of what ethical obligations and social responsibility firms have.

Implementation & Control Mechanisms

  • Discuss how the recommended strategies will be implemented, focusing on how they would be funded, and any changes that would need to be made in order to successfully implement each recommended strategy.
  • Discuss how the firm would evaluate the performance of the new strategies proposed, focusing on any control mechanisms that would need to be put in place.



Note that this is a research project. Outside sources should be used. All sources should be cited in the text (either with parentheses or with an endnote) where used. Full reference for all sources should be included at the end of the paper. Citations and references should follow APA format. Failure to include citations and references could result in a grade of “F” on this assignment.

Stratigic management Read More »

Organizational Behavior

Organizational Behavior

Write a 5-page paper in in which in you briefly cover for following organizational behavior topics to illustrate relevance to management.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
  • Spacing setting must be: Before=0, After=0, Line spacing =Double, At= blank

You also should have at least three (3) peer-reviewed sources to support some points made (why your proposed action is valid, the problem you’ve identified, etc.). Be sure to add appendices to strengthen and support your recommendation

Use the following template for the paper… APA_Template_With_Advice_(6th_Ed) .doc

Organizational Behavior Read More »

Organizational Behavior

Organizational Behavior

Write a 5-page paper in in which in you briefly cover for following organizational behavior topics to illustrate relevance to management.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
  • Spacing setting must be: Before=0, After=0, Line spacing =Double, At= blank

You also should have at least three (3) peer-reviewed sources to support some points made (why your proposed action is valid, the problem you’ve identified, etc.). Be sure to add appendices to strengthen and support your recommendation

Use the following template for the paper… APA_Template_With_Advice_(6th_Ed) .doc

Organizational Behavior Read More »

Managing Inventory at Frito-Lay Operations Management Unit 5 Writing Assignment

Managing Inventory at Frito-Lay Operations Management Unit 5 Writing Assignment

Answer the seven Discussion Questions in the “Managing Inventory at Frito-Lay” case in the Case Studies section of Chapter 12.

o Requirements: A 250-word minimum, APA compliant paper that adequately addresses each question as well as discussing how Matthew 25:14-30 would apply to this case.

Managing Inventory at Frito-Lay Operations Management Unit 5 Writing Assignment Read More »

AHS 7670 week 6 Reaction Paper

AHS 7670 week 6 Reaction Paper

Please complete a 3-5 page reaction paper addressing the following areas:

Understanding how co-occurring disorders treatment operates in a larger multi-level/multi-organizational system is critical for program sustainability.

It is suggested that you use headings to address each bulleted item. This will help to ensure that you cover all of what is asked for this assignment.

Please make sure that your paper is written in the appropriate APA format, including specific references to the learning resources used in its preparation.



Please read Chapter 9 & 10 in this course text:

Designing, Implementing, and Managing Treatment Services for Individuals with Co-Occurring Mental Health & Substance Use Disorders – Blueprints for Action

Please read Chapter 5 in this course Supplemental Reading Resource:

Report To Congress On The Prevention And Treatment Of Co-Occurring Substance Abuse Disorders And Mental DisordersPreview the document

Additional Resources:

AHS 7670 week 6 Reaction Paper Read More »

MAN571 Organizational Behavior

MAN571 Organizational Behavior

Note: Please observe quality requirements

In a 5-6 page paper, reflect on the nature of conflict and the negotiation process. Power struggles often end up as negotiation and bargaining scenarios. One place to trace historic negotiations between management and labor is the National Labor Relations Board website (see Go to the website and link to Cases found next to the News menu. Choose a famous case decision of interest to you, summarize the conflict, describe the negotiation issues, and summarize the eventual outcome of the case. Once you have done this, evaluate the form of conflict present and how the negotiation process helped to resolve the conflict.

We have studied chapters 1-10 out of our textbook, I have included the citation for the text.

McShane, S. L., & Von Glinow, M. A. (2018). Organizational Behavior: Emerging Knowledge. Global Reality (8th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

MAN571 Organizational Behavior Read More »

MAN571 Organizational Behavior

MAN571 Organizational Behavior

Note: Please observe quality requirements

In a 5-6 page paper, reflect on the nature of conflict and the negotiation process. Power struggles often end up as negotiation and bargaining scenarios. One place to trace historic negotiations between management and labor is the National Labor Relations Board website (see Go to the website and link to Cases found next to the News menu. Choose a famous case decision of interest to you, summarize the conflict, describe the negotiation issues, and summarize the eventual outcome of the case. Once you have done this, evaluate the form of conflict present and how the negotiation process helped to resolve the conflict.

We have studied chapters 1-10 out of our textbook, I have included the citation for the text.

McShane, S. L., & Von Glinow, M. A. (2018). Organizational Behavior: Emerging Knowledge. Global Reality (8th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

MAN571 Organizational Behavior Read More »

Safety vs Ethical Decisions” Discussion question

Safety vs Ethical Decisions” Discussion question

“Safety vs Ethical Decisions” When a restaurant employee slipped on spilled soup and fell, requiring the evening off to recover, the owner realized that workplace safety was an issue to which she had not devoted much time. A friend warned the owner that if she started creating a lot of safety rules and procedures, she would lose her focus on customers and might jeopardize the future of the restaurant. The safety problem is beginning to feel like an ethical dilemma. Suggest some ways the restaurant owner might address this dilemma. What aspects of human resource management are involved?
Graduate classes (class numbers 500-599) b) I will expect that you reach at least 250+ words on each DB response – this ensures that you have fully discussed our DB topics. Thus, if we have two discussion board assignments per week, you will need to reach at least 250+ words for EACH DB assignment. I encourage student to write/restate DB question(s) within DB responses, however, please note…if you write the DB question within your response the question will not count toward the 250+ words.

Safety vs Ethical Decisions” Discussion question Read More »

Identifytwo jobs you have held and share how you were recruited for each of them.Discuss in some detail, the organization’s perspective. What were some pros andcons of recruiting you through these methods? Inbox

Identifytwo jobs you have held and share how you were recruited for each of them.Discuss in some detail, the organization’s perspective. What were some pros andcons of recruiting you through these methods?


  • Respond to ANY four questions below on a new, blank word processing document (such as MS Word).
  • Develop each answer to the fullest extent possible, discussing the nuances of each topic and presenting your arguments logically.
  • In addition, include citations from the class content resources in weeks 1- 4 to support your arguments.
    • Each answer should be robust and developed in-depth.
    • You are expected to demonstrate critical thinking skills, as well as an understanding of the issues identified. Some questions may also require personal reflection and practical application. Your responses will be evaluated for content as well as grammar and punctuation.
    • All writing must be your original work. PLEASE do not copy or quote anything. Sources are just that, a reference. Once you locate the information, read and interpret the data. What does it mean to you? Type your own thoughts and own words. Then, include in-text citations to support your ideas. This is not a research paper.


o    Include a Cover Page with Name, Date, and Title of Assignment.

  • Do not include the original question, only the question number.
  • Each response should be written in complete sentences, double-spaced and spell-checked. Use 12-point Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins on all sides. Include page numbers according to APA formatting guidelines.
  • In addition, you will want to include citations in APA format at the end of each answer. Include a minimum of 3 references for each answer.


Question 6:

  1. A) Identify two jobs you have held and share how you were recruited for each of them. Discuss in some detail, the organization’s perspective. What were some pros and cons of recruiting you through these methods?
  2. B) Evaluate your organization’s recruiting and selection processes. Be specific. How would you measure the effectiveness of these processes? Think in terms of reliability, validity, and legal compliance.


Question 7:

Some organizations follow a lengthy, complex selection process, whereas in other organizations the process may be more streamlined. Some may view the longer and more complex selection process to be more valid.

  1. A) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a lengthier process versus a more streamlined one? Consider the perspectives of both the job seekers and the organization and the tradeoffs between efficiency and effectiveness. As a job seeker, what process would you prefer to follow and why?
  2. B) Consider the selection process for an organization where you were ultimately hired. How would you describe the process from a candidate perspective? Do you believe it was effective? Why or why not?

Question 8:

Consider a job you currently have or have held in the past.

  1. A) Perform a job analysis on that job. What tasks are required? What knowledge, skills, and abilities are necessary to perform those tasks?
  2. B) Prepare a job description based on your analysis.
  3. C) Assuming the role of a human resource manager, how does a job analysis help protect the organization from legal issues? How can a job analysis be used to support recruiting and compensation decisions?

Question 9:


  1. A) Why is retention such a major focus for human resource managers? How does focusing on retention add strategic value to the organization?
  2. B) How would you go about developing a retention program for your organization? Be specific in terms of what steps you would you take. What might be some of your biggest challenges? What type of metrics would you need to obtain and what methods would you use?


Question 10:


  1. A) How are motivation and engagement related to employee retention? What is the difference between job satisfaction and employee engagement? What factors (personal, organizational) might contribute to job satisfaction and engagement? Explain your answer.
  2. B) Think about a job where you have been employed for many years. What factors influenced your job satisfaction? What factors influenced your decision to stay and why? Consider a job where you had a short tenure.  What factors influenced your job dissatisfaction?  What factors contributed to your resignation and what factors could have made you stay?  Which were within the organization’s control?


Question 11:

  1. A) Discuss the interrelationships between recruiting, selection and retention. Why is it important to consider retention in the selection process? How would you evaluate your recruiting and selection programs to determine the impact on employee retention? What metrics would you use?
  2. B) Consider your organization or one where you have been recently employed. What are some strategies used by human resource managers to retain employees? Are they effective?  Why or why not?


Question 12:

  1. A) Assume you are the HR manager of a large organization tasked with evaluating employee retention. What type of metrics would you want to look at?  How would you use the HRIS to obtain these metrics?
  2. B) Discuss the relationship between an organization’s total rewards strategy and retention. As a human resource  manager, how would you evaluate your total rewards program to make sure it was having a positive impact on employee retention?


Identifytwo jobs you have held and share how you were recruited for each of them.Discuss in some detail, the organization’s perspective. What were some pros andcons of recruiting you through these methods? Inbox Read More »

5-Page essay Role of a FacilityManager

5-Page essay Role of a FacilityManager

Bio-resilient campus and facilities: The role of a facility manager during the coronavirus disease 2019-2020




The outline for the paper is in the attachments, just make sure everything in the attachment is addressed in the essay.

Here are some resources for you to use, other than that is everything clear?

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)………

%2Fcoronavirus%2F2019ncov%2Fcommunity%2Fhome%2Fcleaning-disinfection.html § National Institutes of Health (NIH)…

(New coronavirus stable for hours on surfaces) § World Health Organization (WHO)……

(WHO situation reports) § Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

5-Page essay Role of a FacilityManager Read More »

SPD 400 GCU ClassroomManagement Letter

SPD 400 GCU ClassroomManagement Letter

Classroom Management Letter

Teachers should be intentional and systematic in the way they manage their classroom considering the linguistic, cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds of the students. Clear classroom management plans help to reduce confusion and set clear expectations for students accounting for their interests, academic, social and behavioral needs. It is also beneficial for teachers to share their classroom management plans with other stakeholders such as the parents or guardians of the students.

You have recently been hired to teach a sixth grade inclusive classroom at Woodrow Wilson Elementary School. Your principal has asked you to write a 500‐750 word letter to the parents of your students outlining your classroom management plan.

Within your letter, address the following:

  • Evidence‐based strategy you use within your classroom management plan that positively influences the behavior of students with disabilities .
  • Classroom setting and how it promotes a safe, culturally responsive, and engaging learning environment through meaningful activities and social interactions for students with disabilities .
  • Student behavioral expectations for success.
  • Fostering respectful communication within the classroom environment.
  • Considering GCU’s Integration of Faith and Work, honoring the dignity and diversity of all students and valuing the experiences of students .
  • Description of individual or group contingency plan you may use, such as token economy.
  • Working collaboratively with school personnel and parents/guardians to support the needs of the student.
  • Methods you will use to communicate behavioral concerns with parents/guardians and how often you will use them.

Include a brief introduction of yourself and formal closing.

Support your findings with 2‐3 scholarly resources.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in‐text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations of successful completion.


Review “Gallery – Formal Letter,” located on Overleaf website.

SPD 400 GCU ClassroomManagement Letter Read More »

Identifytwo jobs you have held and share how you were recruited for each of them.Discuss in some detail, the organization’s perspective. What were some pros andcons of recruiting you through these methods? Inbox


  • Respond to ANY four questions below on a new, blank word processing document (such as MS Word).

  • Develop each answer to the fullest extent possible, discussing the nuances of each topic and presenting your arguments logically.
  • In addition, include citations from the class content resources in weeks 1- 4 to support your arguments.
    • Each answer should be robust and developed in-depth.
    • You are expected to demonstrate critical thinking skills, as well as an understanding of the issues identified. Some questions may also require personal reflection and practical application. Your responses will be evaluated for content as well as grammar and punctuation.
    • All writing must be your original work. PLEASE do not copy or quote anything. Sources are just that, a reference. Once you locate the information, read and interpret the data. What does it mean to you? Type your own thoughts and own words. Then, include in-text citations to support your ideas. This is not a research paper.


o    Include a Cover Page with Name, Date, and Title of Assignment.

  • Do not include the original question, only the question number.
  • Each response should be written in complete sentences, double-spaced and spell-checked. Use 12-point Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins on all sides. Include page numbers according to APA formatting guidelines.
  • In addition, you will want to include citations in APA format at the end of each answer. Include a minimum of 3 references for each answer.


Question 6:

  1. A) Identify two jobs you have held and share how you were recruited for each of them. Discuss in some detail, the organization’s perspective. What were some pros and cons of recruiting you through these methods?
  2. B) Evaluate your organization’s recruiting and selection processes. Be specific. How would you measure the effectiveness of these processes? Think in terms of reliability, validity, and legal compliance.


Question 7:

Some organizations follow a lengthy, complex selection process, whereas in other organizations the process may be more streamlined. Some may view the longer and more complex selection process to be more valid.

  1. A) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a lengthier process versus a more streamlined one? Consider the perspectives of both the job seekers and the organization and the tradeoffs between efficiency and effectiveness. As a job seeker, what process would you prefer to follow and why?
  2. B) Consider the selection process for an organization where you were ultimately hired. How would you describe the process from a candidate perspective? Do you believe it was effective? Why or why not?

Question 8:

Consider a job you currently have or have held in the past.

  1. A) Perform a job analysis on that job. What tasks are required? What knowledge, skills, and abilities are necessary to perform those tasks?
  2. B) Prepare a job description based on your analysis.
  3. C) Assuming the role of a human resource manager, how does a job analysis help protect the organization from legal issues? How can a job analysis be used to support recruiting and compensation decisions?

Question 9:


  1. A) Why is retention such a major focus for human resource managers? How does focusing on retention add strategic value to the organization?
  2. B) How would you go about developing a retention program for your organization? Be specific in terms of what steps you would you take. What might be some of your biggest challenges? What type of metrics would you need to obtain and what methods would you use?


Question 10:


  1. A) How are motivation and engagement related to employee retention? What is the difference between job satisfaction and employee engagement? What factors (personal, organizational) might contribute to job satisfaction and engagement? Explain your answer.
  2. B) Think about a job where you have been employed for many years. What factors influenced your job satisfaction? What factors influenced your decision to stay and why? Consider a job where you had a short tenure.  What factors influenced your job dissatisfaction?  What factors contributed to your resignation and what factors could have made you stay?  Which were within the organization’s control?


Question 11:

  1. A) Discuss the interrelationships between recruiting, selection and retention. Why is it important to consider retention in the selection process? How would you evaluate your recruiting and selection programs to determine the impact on employee retention? What metrics would you use?
  2. B) Consider your organization or one where you have been recently employed. What are some strategies used by human resource managers to retain employees? Are they effective?  Why or why not?


Question 12:

  1. A) Assume you are the HR manager of a large organization tasked with evaluating employee retention. What type of metrics would you want to look at?  How would you use the HRIS to obtain these metrics?
  2. B) Discuss the relationship between an organization’s total rewards strategy and retention. As a human resource  manager, how would you evaluate your total rewards program to make sure it was having a positive impact on employee retention?


Identifytwo jobs you have held and share how you were recruited for each of them.Discuss in some detail, the organization’s perspective. What were some pros andcons of recruiting you through these methods? Inbox Read More »

5-Page essay Role of a FacilityManager

5-Page essay Role of a FacilityManager

Bio-resilient campus and facilities: The role of a facility manager during the coronavirus disease 2019-2020




The outline for the paper is in the attachments, just make sure everything in the attachment is addressed in the essay.

Here are some resources for you to use, other than that is everything clear?

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)………

%2Fcoronavirus%2F2019ncov%2Fcommunity%2Fhome%2Fcleaning-disinfection.html § National Institutes of Health (NIH)…

(New coronavirus stable for hours on surfaces) § World Health Organization (WHO)……

(WHO situation reports) § Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

5-Page essay Role of a FacilityManager Read More »

SPD 400 GCU ClassroomManagement Letter

SPD 400 GCU ClassroomManagement Letter

Classroom Management Letter

Teachers should be intentional and systematic in the way they manage their classroom considering the linguistic, cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds of the students. Clear classroom management plans help to reduce confusion and set clear expectations for students accounting for their interests, academic, social and behavioral needs. It is also beneficial for teachers to share their classroom management plans with other stakeholders such as the parents or guardians of the students.

You have recently been hired to teach a sixth grade inclusive classroom at Woodrow Wilson Elementary School. Your principal has asked you to write a 500‐750 word letter to the parents of your students outlining your classroom management plan.

Within your letter, address the following:

  • Evidence‐based strategy you use within your classroom management plan that positively influences the behavior of students with disabilities .
  • Classroom setting and how it promotes a safe, culturally responsive, and engaging learning environment through meaningful activities and social interactions for students with disabilities .
  • Student behavioral expectations for success.
  • Fostering respectful communication within the classroom environment.
  • Considering GCU’s Integration of Faith and Work, honoring the dignity and diversity of all students and valuing the experiences of students .
  • Description of individual or group contingency plan you may use, such as token economy.
  • Working collaboratively with school personnel and parents/guardians to support the needs of the student.
  • Methods you will use to communicate behavioral concerns with parents/guardians and how often you will use them.

Include a brief introduction of yourself and formal closing.

Support your findings with 2‐3 scholarly resources.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in‐text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations of successful completion.


Review “Gallery – Formal Letter,” located on Overleaf website.

SPD 400 GCU ClassroomManagement Letter Read More »

Help with questions

Help with questions

  • You should use evidence and what you know about evidence based management to answer these questions.
  • these questions are in the context of the novel coronavirus, also known as COVID-19. You’ll need to use the internet to look around for evidence in some cases.
  • Ihave bolded certain words in the question as a clue for your.

Answer the following question :

1. Some people have suggested that 5G wireless signals are the cause of the coronavirus. Evaluate the evidence about this claim, and use it to justify whether or not 5G is likely the cause of the coronavirus.

2. From an evidence-based perspective, why should people believe that social distancing works?

3. The president said the following at a March press conference. “I would view it as something that just surprised the whole world. Nobody knew there would be a pandemic or epidemic of this proportion.” Evaluate evidence as to whether anyone knew, could have known, and/or should hve known that a global pandemic was a serious possibility.

4. Some people have suggested that coronavirus originates from bats. Is there scientific evidence to support this claim? If so, describe and cite this evidence that supports this claim. If not, discuss the evidence or lack thereof that refutes it. Given the evidence, what solution would you implement to prevent bat-based coronavirus outbreaks in the future? Be sure to incorporate evidence into your decision making process.

5. Bayesian probabilities are about trying to determine the probability that something is true or false given the evidence, and updating those claims as new evidence becomes available. At one point, it was reported that the virus only seriously affected older people, specifically the elderly. What evidence led to that claim? Has posterior evidence influenced the degree to which that claim seems true? What other evidence might cause you to update the probability that the claim that “the virus only seriously affects older people” to be true?

6. Organizations and the individuals within them generate and evaluate evidence. What kind of decisions are university faculty, staff, and students making in response to the coronavirus: routine, non-routine, or hypercomplex/novel, or some combination? Support your answer.

7. Some people have claimed that malaria drugs such as hydroxychloroquine could be an effective treatment for COVID-19. Assess the veracity of this claim based on evidence. What do organizations and practitioners What would be the best way to assess the effectiveness of malaria drugs on coronavirus-related health outcomes?

8. Using only an evidence-based perspective–not politically-motivated reasoning--evaluate the effectiveness leadership of the President of the United States in handling the pandemic.

9. From an evidence-based perspective, answer the following question: Why have there been so few deaths in San-Francisco due to coronavirus?

10. Despite the availability of evidence, some people have dismissed the evidence, or behaved in ways that are counter to what the evidence indicates. For example, some people have chosen to have large gatherings and meetings, while a group of University of Texas students chartered a plane to Cabo San Lucas for spring break in March–and 44 of the 70 students have now been sickened by the coronavirus. Why do people ignore evidence or fail to appraise the evidence from organizations and other sources correctly? What possible things could be done to help people accept and use evidence?

Help with questions Read More »

Write a project draft and project paper

Write a project draft and project paper

I have attached the paper. Please read it clearly and thoroughly and start your work.

1. Complete project draft paper and send me in 48 hours.

2. Complete project paper and send me in 5 days


Please read carefully and start the I have to submit paper draft for review.

Note: I need a draft first and then the final version
Please submit a draft of final project.
Final Project Prompt:
The final portfolio project is a three- part activity. You will respond to three
separate prompts but prepare your paper as one research paper. (which means you’ll
have at least 4 sources cited).
Start your paper with an introductory paragraph.
Prompt 1 “Data Warehouse Architecture” (2-3 pages): Explain the major components of
a data warehouse architecture, including the various forms of data transformations
needed to prepare data for a data warehouse.
Also, describe in your own words current key trends in data warehousing.
Prompt 2 “Big Data” (1-2 pages): Describe your understanding of big data and give
an example of how you’ve seen big data used either personally or professionally. In
your view, what demands is big data placing on organizations and data management
Prompt 3 “Green Computing” (1-2 pages): One of our topics in Chapter 13 surrounds
IT Green Computing. The need for green computing is becoming more obvious
considering the amount of power needed to drive our computers, servers, routers,
switches, and data centers. Discuss ways in which organizations can make their data
centers “green”. In your discussion, find an example of an organization that has
already implemented IT green computing strategies successfully. Discuss that
organization and share your link.
Conclude your paper with a detailed conclusion section.
The paper needs to be approximately 5-8 pages long, including both a title page and
a references page (for a total of 7-10 pages). Be sure to use proper APA formatting
and citations to avoid plagiarism.
Your paper should meet the following requirements:
• Be approximately 5-8 pages in length, not including the required cover page and
reference page.
• Follow APA6 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with
fully developed content, and a conclusion.
• Support your answers with the readings from the course, the course textbook, and
at least three scholarly journal articles from trusted libraries.
• Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and
style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.
Pearlson, K., Saunders, C., Galletta, D. (2020). Managing and Using Information
Systems: A Strategic Approach, 7th Edition. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBN: 978-1119560562

————————————————————————————————————————————————-The final portfolio project is a three- part activity. You will respond to three

separate prompts but prepare your paper as one research paper. (which means you’ll
have at least 4 sources cited).
Start your paper with an introductory paragraph.
Prompt 1 “Data Warehouse Architecture” (2-3 pages): Explain the major components of
a data warehouse architecture, including the various forms of data transformations
needed to prepare data for a data warehouse. Also, describe in your own words
current key trends in data warehousing.
Prompt 2 “Big Data” (1-2 pages): Describe your understanding of big data and give
an example of how you’ve seen big data used either personally or professionally. In
your view, what demands is big data placing on organizations and data management
Prompt 3 “Green Computing” (1-2 pages): One of our topics in Chapter 13 surrounds
IT Green Computing. The need for green computing is becoming more obvious
considering the amount of power needed to drive our computers, servers, routers,
switches, and data centers. Discuss ways in which organizations can make their data
centers “green”. In your discussion, find an example of an organization that has
already implemented IT green computing strategies successfully. Discuss that
organization and share your link.
Conclude your paper with a detailed conclusion section.
The paper needs to be approximately 5-8 pages long, including both a title page and
a references page (for a total of 7-10 pages). Be sure to use proper APA formatting
and citations to avoid plagiarism.
Your paper should meet the following requirements:
• Be approximately 5-8 pages in length, not including the required cover page and
reference page.
• Follow APA6 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with
fully developed content, and a conclusion.
• Support your answers with the readings from the course, the course textbook, and
at least three scholarly journal articles from the online trusted libraries to
support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook.
Online libraries are a great place to find resources.
• Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and
style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.
Pearlson, K., Saunders, C., Galletta, D. (2020). Managing and Using Information
Systems: A Strategic Approach, 7th Edition. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBN: 978-1119560562

Write a project draft and project paper Read More »

Working in a Virtual Team

Working in a Virtual Team

Increasingly, employee teams involve collaboration with people working in different business locations or from their homes. Describe an experience of working in a virtual team that you have had in the workplace. If you have not experienced this, describe a virtual team that you have heard about from a colleague or friend. What were the challenges of the virtual working relationship? How did the organization respond to those challenges? What could they have done to make the team function better?

Working in a Virtual Team Read More »

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