
This assignment is about teamwork

This assignment is about teamwork

Answer the following questions after reviewing our teamwork power-point. This is due on April 24, and may be turned in for late points until April 26. You will have five points deducted for each response less than 300 words, or for each response that is off topic.

1. When have you been a part of a team in college, what was your position in that team, and how would you rate you and your team? (300 words)

2. When do you plan on using teamwork in your career? (300 words)

3. What actions can you take to improve your skills as they apply to teamwork? (300 words)

You can write about being in a soccer team at community college or a school assignment that involved a group of students

This assignment is about teamwork Read More »

MGMT 394 Information Security Management. Security Threats and Vulnerabilities

MGMT 394 Information Security Management. Security Threats and Vulnerabilities


Here are the instructions for the case study:

Research a recent security breach that has occurred within the past year. Write a 1-2 page case study report that explains the attack and what could have been done to prevent the attack. Explain the threats and vulnerabilities within the organization. What was the role of management in this attack? What would be your recommendations to prevent such an attack from occurring in the future?

Submit your paper by the posted due date. Refer to the rubric for detailed grading criteria.

Here is the grading rubric:

MGMT 394 1.5 Case Study Rubric

MGMT 394 1.5 Case Study Rubric

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIdentification and Analysis of the Main Issues/Problem
25.0 pts(Excellent – A) Identifies and understands all of the main issues in the case study. Insightful and thorough analysis of all the issues.23.0 pts(Above-Average – B) Identifies and understands most of the main issues in the case study. Thorough analysis of most of the issues.21.0 pts(Average – C) Identifies and understands some of the issues in the case study. Superficial analysis of some of the issues in the case.19.0 pts(Near-Failing – D) Identifies and understands few of the issues in case study. Incomplete analysis of the issues.17.0 pts(Failing – F) Identifies and understands very little of the issues in case study. No analysis of the issues.
25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnswers to Case Study Questions
20.0 pts(Excellent – A) Answers to case study questions are clear throughout. Connection with class and study material goes well beyond the obvious connections among ideas; demonstrates insight and original thinking.18.0 pts(Above-Average – B) Answers to case study questions present some irrelevant information on topic etc., but very little; treatment goes beyond obvious connections with class and study material.16.0 pts(Average – C) Answers to case study questions are vague in places; some irrelevant or distracting information.14.0 pts(Near-Failing – D) Answers to case study questions are unclear and/or confusing. Treatment is very superficial; paper may be well written but says nothing.12.0 pts(Failing – F) Does not address the case study questions. Treatment is very superficial and says very little.
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeComments on effective solutions/strategies
20.0 pts(Excellent – A) Well documented, reasoned, and pedagogically appropriate comments on solutions, or proposals for solutions, to all issues in the case study.18.0 pts(Above-Average – B) Appropriate, well thought out comments about solutions, or proposals for solutions, to most of the issues in the case study.16.0 pts(Average – C) Superficial and/or inappropriate solutions to some of the issues in the case study.14.0 pts(Near-Failing – D) Little or no action suggested, and/or inappropriate solutions to all of the issues in the case study.12.0 pts(Failing – F) Provided no feasible solutions or strategies to the issues in the case study.
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLinks to Course Readings and Additional Research
20.0 pts(Excellent – A) Excellent research into the issues with clearly documented links to class (and/or outside) readings.18.0 pts(Above-Average – B) Good research and documented links to the material read.16.0 pts(Average – C) Limited research and documented links to any readings.14.0 pts(Near-Failing – D) Incomplete research and links to any readings.12.0 pts(Failing – F) Provided no references or support of analysis.
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStyle and Mechanics
15.0 pts(Excellent – A) Chooses words for their precise meaning and uses an appropriate level of specificity. Sentence style fits audience and purpose. Sentences clearly structured and carefully focused. Almost entirely free of spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors.12.0 pts(Above-Average – B) Generally uses words accurately and effectively, but may be too general. Sentences generally clear, structured, and focused, though some may be awkward or ineffective. May contain a few errors, which may annoy the reader but not impede understanding.10.0 pts(Average – C) Uses relatively vague and general words, may use some inappropriate language. Sentence’s structure generally correct, but sentences may be wordy, unfocused, repetitive, or confusing. Usually contains several mechanical errors, which may temporarily confuse the reader but not impede the overall understanding.8.0 pts(Near-Failing – D) Tends to being vague and abstract, or very personal and specific. Usually contains several awkward or ungrammatical sentences; sentence structure is simple or monotonous. Usually contains either many mechanical errors or a few important errors that block the reader’s understanding and ability to see connections between thoughts.6.0 pts(Failing – F) Misuse of words throughout. Awkward sentences throughout. Difficult to attach a thought process. Poorly punctuated, misspelled words, grammatically abu

MGMT 394 Information Security Management. Security Threats and Vulnerabilities Read More »

MSL-0686StrategicLeadership in Education6pgPaper

MSL-0686StrategicLeadership in Education6pgPaper

Review, analyze and critique an organizational’s strategic plan using the SWOT model.

Each critique should contain the following elements.

    • Introduction to include the reason for the seletion of the strategic plan to analyze
    • Provide the organization’s strategic plan that is relevenat to your analysis
    • SWOT model process as applied to the strategic plan
    • Understanding arising from SWOT analysis
    • Findings as related to effectiveness of strategic plan
    • Conclusion

This paper must be 6 in length, not counting the title and reference pages. It must include a minimum of 5 scholarly references. This is a scholarly paper that should be based on research, not just on personal opinions and experiences.

Paper should also have appropriate headings and sub-headings in the body of the paper.

Write transition sentences between sections so that the reader knows where you are going and why.

Appearance, punctuation, grammar, neatness, and spelling count.

Every assignment must include the FCE title page (found in APA/Writing Resources) and a reference list in APA form and style.

Please review the syllabus for additional information.

MSL-0686StrategicLeadership in Education6pgPaper Read More »

3 Pages OSHA Causal Analysis: Hamlet Chicken Plant Fire

3 Pages OSHA Causal Analysis: Hamlet Chicken Plant Fire

For the Hamlet, N.C. Chicken Processing Plant fire, imagine yourself doing an accident investigation of the accident, write-up a description of the investigation. Note: You may fabricate (“make-up”) as many details as you need. Note: You don’t include the Initial Response phase of the investigation…..the scene has already been made safe and secured for the investigation.

The write-up should include:

  1. A description of the fact-finding activities you would do, with details about: the evidence you might collect, interviews you would conduct, and documents you would review.
  2. A listing of the facts you find.
  3. A “Why Tree” analysis of the facts you find, specifically listing the causal factors (direct causes, contributing causes, root causes)
  4. The recommendations you make for corrective action
    1. Note: Each root cause you identify must have at least one (1) recommendation for correction

Sources of Information

More details on the attachment also I have provided some sources you can use as well if you have other sources you use them.

3 Pages OSHA Causal Analysis: Hamlet Chicken Plant Fire Read More »

Presentation as a projectmanagerimplementating a newcomputersystem in an organization

Presentation as a projectmanagerimplementating a newcomputersystem in an organization

You are a project manager assigned to implementing a new computer system in an organization:

  • Why is it important to understand usability, configurability, and interoperability? Should these concepts outweigh the underlining cost of the new system? Which system do you recommend and why?
  • During phase one, you are selecting a team. What characteristics are important to consider when selecting a team?
  • During phase two the following principle was discussed, “lead with culture, determining where the resistance is,” and then, engage all levels of employees (Sipes, 2019, p. 161). What does this principle mean to you and how can you implement this principle?
  • How will you handle physician and other key professionals’ resistance to change and using the new system?
  • Discuss possible pitfalls during the implementation phase and how you can avoid them?
  • Describe your personal experience with automation and new information systems.
  • Be sure to include a title slide, objective slide, content slides, reference slide in APA format. Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. Include at least three (3) scholarly citations to support your claims.

Presentation as a projectmanagerimplementating a newcomputersystem in an organization Read More »

Human Resource Management Strategy

Human Resource Management Strategy

Topic: Human Resource Management Strategy

Write a forty (40) page paper in which you:

  1. Use the following outline guide to document a Human Resource Management Strategy. At a minimum, it must address the following areas:
  1. Use at least ten (10) peer reviewed articles resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
  • Spacing setting must be: Before=0, After=0, Line spacing =Double, At= blank

Use the following template for the paper… APA_Template_With_Advice_(6th_Ed) .doc

Sections of the Capstone

Title Page

  • Title of Project
    • Subtitle, if applicable
  • Your Name
  • Faculty Advisor’s Name
  • Date Submitted


  • Summarizes the entire paper
  • Should be written after the rest of the paper
  • Required as part of the third submission
  • Should be written in same organizational scheme as the rest of the paper
  • Can be written as in sections of paper – introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion
  • Length should not exceed 300 word

Introduction / Background

  • What is the topic, and why is it important?
  • What other research has been conducted on this topic?
  • What do we already know?

Purpose Statement / Research Question(s)

Literature Review

  • Paper must include lit review
    • Could be included in various sections
    • Choose the most appropriate section for your paper
  • Should provide basis for paper
  • Synthesize & discuss reviewed literature
    • What have previous studies shown?
    • What are the strengths, weaknesses, trends, & opportunities?
  • Must cite numerous reputable sources


  • What methodology did you use?
  • How did you do your study?



  • Discuss results in detail
  • Put into context of existing base of knowledge
    • How do these results fit into data presented in lit review?
    • Do they support/contradict previous findings?
  • Discuss limitations
    • What were the limitations of this study?
    • Did you encounter any difficulties or barriers in the implementation of this project?


  • Discrete conclusions supported by evidence
  • Summarize findings
  • Implications of your project
    • Given the results, why is it important?
  • Further study/effort implied by conclusions
    • What further research/programs are needed?
    • What do you recommend?


  • You MUST cite your sources
  • Cite sources in body of paper (not just at end)
  • Use APA format


  • Additional info / support materials
  • Examples
    • Letters of support / IRB letters
    • Survey/interview instruments
    • Data analysis coding sheet
    • Other

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Columbia Space Shuttle Disaster

Columbia Space Shuttle Disaster

You will provide a minimum of a 5-page double-spaced (Graphics and Tables are not included in the page count) analysis of a real system which successfully or unsuccessfully applied the principles of systems engineering. This is to be developed from your personal experience and individual research in the library, internet, INCOSE website, media, corporate sources, etc. Note that:

  • The analysis shall be of an actual system, and must demonstrate the successful planning or implementation of some of the systems engineering processes or the results of failure to apply these processes. Other aspects of the project you might report on include:
    • What were the social, political, economic and/or business management issues that affected technological choices and engineering decisions?
    • How did managers use the systems engineering process to account for these issues?
    • How did these issues affect engineering design / development / test decisions?
    • What were the “Lessons Learned”?
  • You do not need to footnote this report, but you must provide a reference list on an additional page. Citations are required in your choice of format (such as APA). Only provide significant sources which directly contribute to the analysis. The system can be a large commercial project in any country, an international project, a civil works project or a military weapon system (no restricted information should be included), but must be documented. No development project is perfect, so a description of failures as well as successes should be included.
  • For your source references, you MUST use at least one academic book and a minimum of two secondary sources. Wikipedia is NOT a source, except for very general background information. Graduate students need to have research skills, analysis and synthesis of detailed information as part of their toolkit.

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Write a paper about my fantasy company on workplace safety

Write a paper about my fantasy company on workplace safety

  1. This is the final assignment in which you are to address the fantasy organization that you created at the beginning of the term.
  2. In a few pages, you are being asked to address your organization’s policy on workplace safety. Remember, you must be specific.
  3. Your submission should have two sections:
    1. The first part will address where the organization itself stands on workplace safety, and steps that it takes to comply with OSHA regulations. Remember, it’s all fine and good to say “we’re for safety.” Even the least compliant companies would state that assertion. You must be more specific than that, and address how you deal with the inevitable costs, reduced productivity, and lower profit margin from enacting and enforcing safety measures.
    2. The second part will be an excerpt of a page or two from the company’s employee safety training manual. Be sure to include a company logo somewhere in the submission of part two.

    The fantasy company information is attached. Textbook- Industrial/Organizational Psychology: An Applied Approach, 8th EditionMichael G. Aamodt

Here is the OSHA website

Write a paper about my fantasy company on workplace safety Read More »

AHS 7645 week 1 written paper

AHS 7645 week 1 written paper

After reviewing all of this week’s materials, consider the concept of responsibility centers. Write a 3-5 page APA-formatted paper explaining the four types of responsibility centers. Include discussion of the value of this model in human services. Include at least 2 resources (the link provided with this week’s Readings and Resources may serve as one).



AHS 7645 week 1 written paper Read More »

Initial Project Proposal

Initial Project Proposal

This is the first of three assignments that, as a whole, will cover all aspects of the project life cycle relevant to your selected project.

Assume you have been selected to be the project manager for a project of your choice. The project that you use must meet the key criteria of a project. It must:

  1. Have a beginning and an end.
  2. Result in something being delivered to someone.
  3. Require a series of activities that must be done to complete the project.
  4. Require resources (for example, people and materials) to complete the work.

The project can be one of a personal or professional nature and must last for at least nine months.

Note: You are prohibited from using projects that can found on the Internet, including projects found in places such as CourseHero. All project submissions are submitted to SafeAssign for review.


Write a 3–4 page paper in which you define the scope of your chosen project:

  • Provide a brief summary of your chosen project.
  • Describe at least two project goals and two project objectives.
  • Describe the project management structure that you will use to manage the project. Will you manage it via the existing functional structure of the organization, set up a projectized/dedicated project team, or use a matrix management structure? If you will use a matrix structure, which type will you use?
  • Identify the key customer (or customers) and at least two stakeholders for your project. Discuss their roles and their impact on the project. Remember that although you are delivering the project to your customer, there are others (stakeholders) who also have a vested interest in your project.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Initial Project Proposal Read More »

What is Enterprise Risk Management? What are the key factors that contribute to an effective risk management program?

What is Enterprise Risk Management? What are the key factors that contribute to an effective risk management program?

What is Enterprise Risk Management? What are the key factors that contribute to an effective risk management program?

600 words with APA citation

What is Enterprise Risk Management? What are the key factors that contribute to an effective risk management program? Read More »

Anybody wanna write a philosophy paper

Anybody wanna write a philosophy paper

In this assignment, you are to take one of the Reading Reflection Drafts you have already written, and use that as a springboard for writing a more rigorous, polished, 1500-2000 word (5-8 double-spaced pages) short paper.

You may, alternatively, choose to develop your own topic for this paper, but you will need to get my approval for your topic in order to do so. In order to get an alternative topic approved, you must send me your topic before 4/23/20.

Please consult the Writing Philosophy module for helpful tips in writing a philosophy paper.

YOU MUST MAKE USE OF AT LEAST TWO ACADEMIC SECONDARY SOURCES IN YOUR RESPONSE. I have provided some potential secondary sources for many of the Reflection Draft assignments. Be sure to cite these sources in a way that enables your reader to follow up on your citation if they need to, as well as clearly distinguish between your understanding of what others have said about these issues and where your own thought is building off those insights. If you aren’t sure whether a particular source counts as “scholarly,” please ask (the general guideline to follow here is that the author should be a professional philosopher associated with some university, articles should be from peer-reviewed academic journals or books published by academic publishers).

this is what the response draft question was we had to answer:

Descartes goes through quite a bit of trouble convincing himself to adopt a fairly radical sort of skepticism in Meditation I. Over the course of the remaining Meditations, he attempts to work back from that skepticism to a firm foundation that he can be certain of and avoid the risk of error moving forward. He argues the he can be certain of his own existence, that he is a thinking thing, for God’s existence as an infinite substance, and finally, in Meditations V-VI, for material things (including his own body).

In your judgment, does Descartes adhere to his own standards of certainty beyond any possible doubt throughout the Meditations? If so, walk your reader through a sketch of the arguments he offers and explain why each step is sound. If not, identify where he seems to be abandoning his own standard and why he should not be permitted to make the step in question.

Here’s the actual story:

Meditations 1-2:

Meditations 3-4-Attached in the file

Mediations 5-6:

We also have to use 2 secondary sources (academic of course)

Anybody wanna write a philosophy paper Read More »

HMNR 300 Human Resource Management

HMNR 300 Human Resource Management

Question 1: HR Professional Ethics

Part A: Read the SHRM Code of Ethics. Review the guidelines under the category of Professional Development. Propose and discuss a learning opportunity that you will pursue to achieve one or more goals related to these guidelines.

Part B: Discuss three examples of ethical challenges that HR professionals may encounter as they apply to modern organizations. Discuss how you would address each situation (not necessarily the solution, but how you would approach the problem). Use the resources provided to support your ideas.

Question 2: Emerging HR Trends

Discuss three current or future trends impacting the HR profession. What opportunities and challenges might these trends present for HR and for the organization? As a human resource professional, what new skills and/or competencies would you need to further develop to adapt to these trends and to continue to be successful in your role? Use the resources provided to support your ideas.

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A Small 500 word paper

A Small 500 word paper


In 500 words, 12 point font and double spaced discuss the following commentary theme:

Select one future challenge facing management in the OD field that you as a manager feel will be the hardest one for you to succeed in conquering.

The paper should discuss the following points:

  • a description of the challenge
  • how it is a challenge for the future workplace
  • why it is a challenge for managers
  • why you think it will be hard for you personally to succeed, include a discussion of the skills needed to manage the challenge and how they relate to you personally

A Small 500 word paper Read More »

PHL1010 Article Reframing

PHL1010 Article Reframing

For this assignment, you are to choose any article written within the last month, and consider how certain words and tone are utilized to direct your opinion.

In one to three brief paragraphs, identify any biases or fallacies you detect and any words the author uses to impart a certain message. What words or phrases could you replace to change the reader’s opinion? APA is not required, but remember to provide the title, date, and source of your chosen article.

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Strategic Growth

Strategic Growth

Using the company of your choice, provide an example where the company used one of the seven common Winning Moves identified in this week’s lecture notes to expand their business. Why do you presume they elected to use this Move? What were some of the most significant challenges they faced, and what could they have done to better overcome these challenges?

Post your initial response by Wednesday, midnight of your time zone, and reply to at least 2 of your classmates’ initial posts by Sunday, midnight of your time zonea-question/

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Managing Talent

Managing Talent

According to Jack Welch, it’s a best practice to devote a lot of time, energy, and money to your A and A-minus players, and to let your C players go. However, Bock argues that management can improve the capabilities of their C players significantly through coaching and training.

What approach do managers in your organization take to talent management? What are the results?

  • Welch, Chapter 3: Differentiation: Cruel and Darwinian? Try Fair and Effective
  • Bock, Chapter 8: The Two Tails

Welch, J. & Welch, S. (2005). Winning. New York: HarperCollins.

Bock, L. (2015). Work Rules! Insights from Inside Google that will Transform How you Live and Lead. New York: Hachette Book Group.

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