
Patagonia: HR in Action. Watch this YouTube Video and then do an Internet search for information to answer the following questions:

Patagonia: HR in Action. Watch this YouTube Video and then do an Internet search for information to answer the following questions:

Watch this YouTube Video and then do an Internet search for information to answer the following questions:Answers within 200 words for every question

1: How does the mission of Patagonia differ from most other companies?

2: Patagonia has often been selected as one of the country’s best places to work. What Patagonia HR practices and employee benefits do you think help Patagonia earn this honor?

3: What characteristics would you use to describe a candidate likely to be hired by Patagonia? How do these characteristics reflect and support Patagonia’s strategy?

Patagonia: HR in Action. Watch this YouTube Video and then do an Internet search for information to answer the following questions: Read More »

Transformational Leader with Vision

Transformational Leader with Vision

Transformation leaders are viewed as change agents in their organization. They develop, build, model and encourage the vision for the organization. Choose a leader and evaluate how he or she supports the elements of vision in his or her organization. You must identify the leader and his or her organization, and provide a URL to the leader’s website and to the organization.


Paper Requirements:

  • Your paper should include an introduction and a conclusion and should be 4-5 pages long, not including the title or reference pages, which you must include.
  • Incorporate two scholarly references that are not required readings for this module.
  • Follow the APA guidelines,

Transformational Leader with Vision Read More »

Transformational Leader with Vision

Transformational Leader with Vision

Transformation leaders are viewed as change agents in their organization. They develop, build, model and encourage the vision for the organization. Choose a leader and evaluate how he or she supports the elements of vision in his or her organization. You must identify the leader and his or her organization, and provide a URL to the leader’s website and to the organization.


Paper Requirements:

  • Your paper should include an introduction and a conclusion and should be 4-5 pages long, not including the title or reference pages, which you must include.
  • Incorporate two scholarly references that are not required readings for this module.
  • Follow the APA guidelines,

Transformational Leader with Vision Read More »

Case Study: Precious the movie

Case Study: Precious the movie

Instructions: Students will investigate a movie, series, or a case vignette from this list below and write a 5-page paper analyzing the dynamics of a case from the prospective of a child abuse and family violence professional. Students have the option of selecting their own subject (fiction or non-fiction) for the case study however, it must be approved by the professor for it to be accepted. If selecting your own subject, the case must be (1) related to child abuse & family violence and (2) comprehensive enough to draw evidenced-based conclusions. To get approval, email the professor with the title/name and a brief description of the movie, series, book, etc.
Case Study Options:

  1. Case Vignette 1(separate document)
  2. Case Vignette 2 (separate document)
  3. For Colored Girls (movie)
  4. Precious (book or movie)
  5. The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez (Netflix series)
  6. The Color Purple (book or movie)
  7. Mommie Dearest (book or movie)
  8. Antwone Fisher (movie)

Most of the case study options are available on a streaming format (Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, YouTube, etc.). Students should not incur any direct costs to complete this assignment.

The movie selected for this assignment is Precious. movie the stars are Mo’Nique and Gabourey Sidibe (book or movie)

To meet the goals of this case study, students will identify and document the:

  • type(s) of abuse and/or neglect (physical, sexual, emotional, IPV, etc.)
  • type(s) of injuries sustained (fractures, burns, failure-to-thrive, etc.)
  • indicators of abuse and/or neglect (behavioral, physical, psychological, etc.)
  • possible cause(s) of the abuse
  • possible long-term effects of abuse (behavioral, psychological, socioeconomic etc.)
  • possible mandated reporter(s)
    • identify all mandated reporters and the appropriate fashion in which this case should be handled

This case study paper MUST be…

  • 5-pages long
  • Movie citations should have time
  • include a cover page, abstract, and reference page, which do not count towards the 5 pages.
  • written in APA format
  • properly cited, including ALL key terms and ideas related to your case investigation.
  • This assignment will be screened for plagiarism. Assignments with similarities of 2% or more will receive a grade of 0

Case Study: Precious the movie Read More »

team management

team management

Use the Wall Street Journal menu link to find an article related to team management, or you may use any other periodical (e.g., Forbes, BusinessWeek, The Economist) with an article that contains relevant information.

Use the Wall Street Journal menu link to find an article related to team management, or you may use any other periodical (e.g., Forbes, BusinessWeek, The Economist) with an article that contains relevant information.

Provide a link or reference to your article and briefly summarize the key ideas in the article. Then write at least two paragraphs reflecting on how your learning from this article could apply to your organization.


just summarize an article from either of the above sources on team management, here is an example:

Article: How to Build a Successful Team – New York Times | Business


This article gathered insights from over 500 business leaders and distilled it into 5 areas:


Although nothing in this article hasn’t been said before about team building, it does highlight that the fundamentals have been tried and tested by many and still hold up. The one central idea this article does revolve around is condor and the importance of communicating your ideas and intent clearly to others. In my experience, when a manager or leader is able to communicate open and honestly, I have a much easier time trusting them.

Application of Ideas

One of the more difficult things I’ve had to do as a manager is giving annual performance reviews. Giving on the spot feedback has always been easier for me, but something about trying to cover a whole year in one conversation is difficult to me. In the article, it encourages managers to give feedback more often. So often, that people get used to it. This makes it easier when you sit down for an annual performance review, because they already know what to expect and there shouldn’t be any surprises.



Adam Bryant. (n.d.) How to Build a Successful Team. New York Times | Business. Retrieved from:

team management Read More »

MSL-0686StrategicLeadership in Education6pgPaper

MSL-0686StrategicLeadership in Education6pgPaper

Review, analyze and critique an organizational’s strategic plan using the SWOT model.

Each critique should contain the following elements.

This paper must be 6 in length, not counting the title and reference pages. It must include a minimum of 5 scholarly references. This is a scholarly paper that should be based on research, not just on personal opinions and experiences.

Paper should also have appropriate headings and sub-headings in the body of the paper.

Write transition sentences between sections so that the reader knows where you are going and why.

Appearance, punctuation, grammar, neatness, and spelling count.

Every assignment must include the FCE title page (found in APA/Writing Resources) and a reference list in APA form and style.

Please review the syllabus for additional information.

MSL-0686StrategicLeadership in Education6pgPaper Read More »

3 Pages OSHA Causal Analysis: Hamlet Chicken Plant Fire

3 Pages OSHA Causal Analysis: Hamlet Chicken Plant Fire

For the Hamlet, N.C. Chicken Processing Plant fire, imagine yourself doing an accident investigation of the accident, write-up a description of the investigation. Note: You may fabricate (“make-up”) as many details as you need. Note: You don’t include the Initial Response phase of the investigation…..the scene has already been made safe and secured for the investigation.

The write-up should include:

  1. A description of the fact-finding activities you would do, with details about: the evidence you might collect, interviews you would conduct, and documents you would review.
  2. A listing of the facts you find.
  3. A “Why Tree” analysis of the facts you find, specifically listing the causal factors (direct causes, contributing causes, root causes)
  4. The recommendations you make for corrective action
    1. Note: Each root cause you identify must have at least one (1) recommendation for correction

Sources of Information

More details on the attachment also I have provided some sources you can use as well if you have other sources you use them.

3 Pages OSHA Causal Analysis: Hamlet Chicken Plant Fire Read More »

CCMH/581: Supervision/Management In Clinical Mental Health Counseling Critical Thinking in Clinical Supervision

CCMH/581: Supervision/Management In Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Critical Thinking in Clinical Supervision


Assignment Content

  1. In counseling supervision, ethical behavior and decision-making is extremely important and required by different ethical codes and legal statutes. This assignment will bring awareness of the ethical codes and legal statutes that relate to clinical supervision and will assist in the process of ethical decision-making through critical thinking.
    Locate and review the Approved Clinical Supervisor, the American Counseling Association, and National Board for Certified Counselors codes of ethics.
    Research specific legal statutes relevant to clinical supervision in your state. ‘State of Nevada’
    Create a 50- to 100-word scenario of a situation that includes 2 to 3 ethical and legal dilemmas.
    Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper explaining the ethical and legal dilemmas.
    Include the following:

    • Provide your ethical and legal dilemmas in a clinical supervision scenario.
    • Outline the specific ethical codes and legal statutes relevant to the situation.
    • Explain how the ethical codes and legal statutes apply in the situation.
    • Propose a specific plan of action for the clinical supervisor by citing applicable ethical codes to resolve the ethical and legal dilemmas.
    • Describe the role of the clinical supervisor in counselor development in this scenario.

    Include a minimum of 2 sources.
    Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

please make sure to spell check and correct typos, site the work within the body of text according to APA guidelines and list all reference.

CCMH/581: Supervision/Management In Clinical Mental Health Counseling Critical Thinking in Clinical Supervision Read More »

Presentation as a projectmanagerimplementating a newcomputersystem in an organization

Presentation as a projectmanagerimplementating a newcomputersystem in an organization

You are a project manager assigned to implementing a new computer system in an organization:

  • Why is it important to understand usability, configurability, and interoperability? Should these concepts outweigh the underlining cost of the new system? Which system do you recommend and why?
  • During phase one, you are selecting a team. What characteristics are important to consider when selecting a team?
  • During phase two the following principle was discussed, “lead with culture, determining where the resistance is,” and then, engage all levels of employees (Sipes, 2019, p. 161). What does this principle mean to you and how can you implement this principle?
  • How will you handle physician and other key professionals’ resistance to change and using the new system?
  • Discuss possible pitfalls during the implementation phase and how you can avoid them?
  • Describe your personal experience with automation and new information systems.
  • Be sure to include a title slide, objective slide, content slides, reference slide in APA format. Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. Include at least three (3) scholarly citations to support your claims.

Presentation as a projectmanagerimplementating a newcomputersystem in an organization Read More »

Human Resource Management Strategy

Human Resource Management Strategy

Topic: Human Resource Management Strategy

Write a forty (40) page paper in which you:

  1. Use the following outline guide to document a Human Resource Management Strategy. At a minimum, it must address the following areas:
  1. Use at least ten (10) peer reviewed articles resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
  • Spacing setting must be: Before=0, After=0, Line spacing =Double, At= blank

Use the following template for the paper… APA_Template_With_Advice_(6th_Ed) .doc

Sections of the Capstone

  • Title Page
  • Abstract
  • Introduction / Background
  • Purpose Statement / Research Question(s)
  • Literature Review
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • Appendices

Title Page

  • Title of Project
    • Subtitle, if applicable
  • Your Name
  • Faculty Advisor’s Name
  • Date Submitted


  • Summarizes the entire paper
  • Should be written after the rest of the paper
  • Required as part of the third submission
  • Should be written in same organizational scheme as the rest of the paper
  • Can be written as in sections of paper – introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion
  • Length should not exceed 300 word

Introduction / Background

  • What is the topic, and why is it important?
  • What other research has been conducted on this topic?
  • What do we already know?

Purpose Statement / Research Question(s)

  • Purpose Statement / Research Question(s)
  • What is the purpose of this paper?
  • What question are you trying to answer?
  • Be brief – If more than 1 purpose/question, limit to 1 short paragraph on each

Literature Review

  • Paper must include lit review
    • Could be included in various sections
      • Introduction/Background
      • Literature Review (as separate section)
      • Results (if performing lit review as project)
    • Choose the most appropriate section for your paper
  • Should provide basis for paper
  • Synthesize & discuss reviewed literature
    • What have previous studies shown?
    • What are the strengths, weaknesses, trends, & opportunities?
  • Must cite numerous reputable sources
    • Ex – journal articles, books, technical reports, etc.


  • What methodology did you use?
  • How did you do your study?
    • Possible methodologies to discuss:
      • Design
      • Setting
      • Participants
      • Intervention
      • Outcome measures
      • Sampling
      • Measurement
      • Data collection
      • Analysis of data


  • What were the results? What did you find?
  • What did the study/project demonstrate or accomplish?
  • Be detailed and specific
  • Consider organizing into sub-sections
  • Display information in various formats
    • Use bulleted lists, tables, charts, graphs, etc.


  • Discuss results in detail
  • Put into context of existing base of knowledge
    • How do these results fit into data presented in lit review?
    • Do they support/contradict previous findings?
  • Discuss limitations
    • What were the limitations of this study?
    • Did you encounter any difficulties or barriers in the implementation of this project?


  • Discrete conclusions supported by evidence
  • Summarize findings
    • Give equal attention to positive and negative conclusions
  • Implications of your project
    • Given the results, why is it important?
  • Further study/effort implied by conclusions
    • What further research/programs are needed?
    • What do you recommend?


  • You MUST cite your sources
  • Cite sources in body of paper (not just at end)
  • Use APA format


  • Additional info / support materials
  • Examples
    • Letters of support / IRB letters
    • Survey/interview instruments
    • Data analysis coding sheet
    • Other

Human Resource Management Strategy Read More »

Columbia Space Shuttle Disaster

Columbia Space Shuttle Disaster

You will provide a minimum of a 5-page double-spaced (Graphics and Tables are not included in the page count) analysis of a real system which successfully or unsuccessfully applied the principles of systems engineering. This is to be developed from your personal experience and individual research in the library, internet, INCOSE website, media, corporate sources, etc. Note that:

  • The analysis shall be of an actual system, and must demonstrate the successful planning or implementation of some of the systems engineering processes or the results of failure to apply these processes. Other aspects of the project you might report on include:
  • You do not need to footnote this report, but you must provide a reference list on an additional page. Citations are required in your choice of format (such as APA). Only provide significant sources which directly contribute to the analysis. The system can be a large commercial project in any country, an international project, a civil works project or a military weapon system (no restricted information should be included), but must be documented. No development project is perfect, so a description of failures as well as successes should be included.
  • For your source references, you MUST use at least one academic book and a minimum of two secondary sources. Wikipedia is NOT a source, except for very general background information. Graduate students need to have research skills, analysis and synthesis of detailed information as part of their toolkit.

Columbia Space Shuttle Disaster Read More »

Job Description and Justification

Job Description and Justification

As the HR manager for a large healthcare organization, you have been asked to design a new position for an individual contributor, nonclinical department such as Billing, Admitting, or HR. The job should be entry-midlevel and one appropriate for someone with a bachelor’s degree in healthcare administration.

Write a 6–8 page report in which you:

  1. Develop the job title and essential duties for the new position.
  2. Write detailed job description suitable for listing on the organization’s website.
  3. Identify the desired KSAs (Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities).
  4. Explain the required minimum qualifications.
  5. Describe the steps involved in hiring for this new position.
  6. Develop salary recommendations.
  7. Identify a process to identify the most qualified applicants for the position.

Job Description and Justification Read More »

BUS 624 Week 3 Discussion 2

BUS 624 Week 3 Discussion 2

Review The Networking Advice No One Tells You (Links to an external site.) article.

Networking is a critical part of managing your career and like everything else related to your career, it must be done intentionally and strategically. Oftentimes we don’t consider networking until we need a new job and it is easy to appear desperate at that point. By building up your network before you actually need it, you are creating a safety net for yourself, minimizing the chances of needing to aggressively hit the job boards, and improving the odds of new opportunities actually finding you.

For your initial response, use The Networking Advice No One Tells You (Links to an external site.) as your guide and

  • Discuss the things in your life that currently hold you back from networking.
  • Explain your value proposition based on your career goals.
  • Outline a networking plan that includes five next strategic steps to take (be specific and realistic here).
  • Share your LinkedIn profile URL so your classmates can begin connecting with you.

Your initial response should be a minimum of 400 words.

BUS 624 Week 3 Discussion 2 Read More »

Write a paper about my fantasy company on workplace safety

Write a paper about my fantasy company on workplace safety

  1. This is the final assignment in which you are to address the fantasy organization that you created at the beginning of the term.
  2. In a few pages, you are being asked to address your organization’s policy on workplace safety. Remember, you must be specific.
  3. Your submission should have two sections:
    1. The first part will address where the organization itself stands on workplace safety, and steps that it takes to comply with OSHA regulations. Remember, it’s all fine and good to say “we’re for safety.” Even the least compliant companies would state that assertion. You must be more specific than that, and address how you deal with the inevitable costs, reduced productivity, and lower profit margin from enacting and enforcing safety measures.
    2. The second part will be an excerpt of a page or two from the company’s employee safety training manual. Be sure to include a company logo somewhere in the submission of part two.

    The fantasy company information is attached. Textbook- Industrial/Organizational Psychology: An Applied Approach, 8th EditionMichael G. Aamodt

Here is the OSHA website

Write a paper about my fantasy company on workplace safety Read More »

For-Profit vs. Nonprofit: Are they really different? 250 words

For-Profit vs. Nonprofit: Are they really different? 250 words

no plagiarize, spell check, and check your grammar. Please use the references below.

in 250-, present a case that argues for whether or not there is a difference between a nonprofit and a for-profit organization. Support your case with one source.


Speckbacher, G. (2008). Nonprofit versus corporate governance: An economic approach. Nonprofit Management & Leadership, 18(3), 295.

2 Attachments

For-Profit vs. Nonprofit: Are they really different? 250 words Read More »

Initial Project Proposal

Initial Project Proposal

This is the first of three assignments that, as a whole, will cover all aspects of the project life cycle relevant to your selected project.

Assume you have been selected to be the project manager for a project of your choice. The project that you use must meet the key criteria of a project. It must:

  1. Have a beginning and an end.
  2. Result in something being delivered to someone.
  3. Require a series of activities that must be done to complete the project.
  4. Require resources (for example, people and materials) to complete the work.

The project can be one of a personal or professional nature and must last for at least nine months.

Note: You are prohibited from using projects that can found on the Internet, including projects found in places such as CourseHero. All project submissions are submitted to SafeAssign for review.


Write a 3–4 page paper in which you define the scope of your chosen project:

  • Provide a brief summary of your chosen project.
  • Describe at least two project goals and two project objectives.
  • Describe the project management structure that you will use to manage the project. Will you manage it via the existing functional structure of the organization, set up a projectized/dedicated project team, or use a matrix management structure? If you will use a matrix structure, which type will you use?
  • Identify the key customer (or customers) and at least two stakeholders for your project. Discuss their roles and their impact on the project. Remember that although you are delivering the project to your customer, there are others (stakeholders) who also have a vested interest in your project.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Initial Project Proposal Read More »

Student’s signature (type your name in the line above to serve as your signature)

Student Name: _________________________

Student’s signature (type your name in the line above to serve as your signature)


Type your answer/response below each question to which you are responding.



1.      Which approach to group decision making is considered the best way to fully utilize team resources? [3 points]







2.      When are group decisions superior to individual decisions? [3 points]







3.      List [1 point each] three causes of group decision-making problems, and explain [up to 2 points each] how each (explain for each separately) is a cause of group decision-making problems.


Problem 1:


Problem 2:


Problem 3:





4.      Reflect on the structured group decision-making techniques.


a.      What are the benefits of the nominal group technique? [up to 3 points]





b.      What are the problems with the nominal group technique? [up to 3 points]





c.      What are the benefits of the Delphi technique? [up to 3 points]





d.      What are the problems with the Delphi technique? [up to 3 points]




5.      Reflect on creativity and its characteristics.


a.      What is divergent thinking? [up to 3 points]




b.      When should divergent thinking be used? [up to 3 points]




c.      What is convergent thinking? [up to 3 points]





d.      When should convergent thinking be used? [up to 3 points]






6.      List [1 point each] three factors that increase group creativity, and explain [up to 2 points each] how each (explain for each separately) increases group creativity.


Factor 1:


Factor 2:


Factor 3:




7.      Tim Brown begins his Ted Talk by referring to creativity researcher Bob McKim who liked to do an exercise with his students where he got them to take a piece of paper and draw the person who sat next to them as quickly as they could. He consistently found that the response after the exercise was a lot of apologies. What did he consider this (the embarrassment and apologies) evidence of? Explain. [up to 5 points]







8.      What three reasons [3 points each] does Tim Brown give to explain why IDEO uses finger blasters as their big symbol?


Reason 1:


Reason 2:


Reason 3:

9.      List [1 point each] three potential problems that can arise from including team members in team member (peer) evaluations, and explain [up to 2 points each] how each (explain for each separately) can be a problem.


Problem 1:


Problem 2:


Problem 3:




10.   List [1 point each] three biases that are likely to affect team member (peer) evaluations, and explain [up to 2 points each] how each (explain for each separately) can be a problem (can impact ratings).


Bias 1:


Bias 2:


Bias 3:




11.   Provide two reasons why team-building programs are often not used by organizations. [2 points each]


Reason 1:


Reason 2:




12.   Reflect on the types of team-building programs.

a.      Which type of team-building program fosters team spirit and builds interpersonal connections among team members? [2 points]





b.      Which type of team-building program involves asking team members to analyze their work situations and identify what other people could do to improve their effectiveness? [2 points]





c.      Which type of team-building program is designed to clarify the purpose of the team? [2 points]





13.   Reflect back over what you have learned in this course regarding developing and leading effective teams. Then reflect back over your team experience in this course. Knowing what you know now, explain one thing you would do differently (not what you wish your team members had done) regarding your team interactions to make your team more successful (remember team success includes the task, social relations, and the individual) if you could return to your first team interaction and start over. Explain. (Note: Even if you had the best team experience you have ever had, there is always room for improvement and development.) [up to 5 points]








14.   Continue your reflection from Question 13. Knowing what you know now, what will be one thing you will be sure to implement (examples: a behavior, a tool, a mindset, a strategy, etc.) in new teams (work teams, other school teams, clubs, social groups, etc.) you are a part of in the future to better set them up for success? Explain. [up to 5 points]

Student’s signature (type your name in the line above to serve as your signature) Read More »

What is Enterprise Risk Management? What are the key factors that contribute to an effective risk management program?

What is Enterprise Risk Management? What are the key factors that contribute to an effective risk management program?

What is Enterprise Risk Management? What are the key factors that contribute to an effective risk management program?

600 words with APA citation

What is Enterprise Risk Management? What are the key factors that contribute to an effective risk management program? Read More »

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