
btc6210 Human Experimentation

btc6210 Human Experimentation

This writing assignment requires you to write a paper identifying all apparent and real conflicts of interest related to the Case Study in the attached articles and make recommendations for managing, eliminating, or reducing the conflicts of interest.

This assignment must be 3 to 5 pages in length, single-spaced, 12 point font, and 1 inch margins. References are to be listed in a separate final page of the assignment.

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Strategic Risk Management

Strategic Risk Management

a) Summarize the business of Visa Inc. and identify the strategy it is pursuing. Consider relevant competitive forces and use SWOT Analysis to analyze the company. Identify, describe and evaluate the key strategic risks(2-3 risks) the company is facing as well as their potential upside/downside implications.

(b) Recommend approaches to mitigate the risks you identified. Identify one strategic risk that is common to both companies. (Mastercard and Visa) Contrast the different ways both companies address this risk.

(c) Determine which company’s strategy is more likely to be successful, and state the rationale for your decision.

(d) Based on your overall assessment in this memo, focusing on the strategy and the strategic risk posture of the firms, should the Pierre Group complete the acquisition of Mastercard, Visa, acquire both companies or neither. Why?

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Assessment Reflection Paper

Assessment Reflection Paper

Paper should respond to the following items:

Personal Career Path

Discuss the influences and interrelationships among and between work, family, and other life roles and factors, including the role of multicultural issues in career development as you see it throughout your own life.

Career and educational planning, placement, follow-up, and evaluation.

Discuss the role that career and educational planning, placement, follow-up and evaluation have played in your own life. Discuss how intentional and unintentional events in your life have influenced where you are today. Was there a school or college counselor, relative, friend, employer, etc. who helped guide you? If not, this is ok, but share how this impacted you.

Assessments and Activities

Discuss assessment instruments and techniques relevant to career planning and decision making (Discuss in depth the instruments that you took and interpreted in class which include: the RIASEC, Myers-Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI), and CDMSE. In addition, you are to discuss any classroom activities (genogram, card sort, My Career Story, etc.) we completed in class. How do you see these instruments to be useful in personal or professional use? In other words, how do these assessments work for you? Do the results fit with what you expected? Be sure to use and cite references for your work in this section.


Discuss in depth how you see your life and your assessment results through the lenses of one of the career theories that we have discussed in depth this semester. Identify specific models or concepts that you identify in your personal career path and how you see them manifesting themselves (i.e., self-concept, Super’s developmental stages, self-efficacy, Holland’s hexagon, etc.) Be sure to use and cite references for your work in this section.

Credit will be deducted for misspellings, poor grammar, sloppy formats, etc.

Further instructions in attachment uploaded below.

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Read the chapters and answer the following questions. #6

Read the chapters and answer the following questions. #6

You are required to answer the following questions. You should save your answers in a Word document for submission. Please do not repeat the questions on your answer sheet. Instead, please list the answers numerically/sequentially by simply utilizing 1, 2, 3, and 4. Each assignment must have a cover page listing your name, the name of the assignment, and the date. The cover page does not count towards the word count. For each assignment, you are expected to answer the assigned questions in your own words. Each assignment paper should be at least 250 words. Papers less than the required 250 words will get zero. This does not mean each question requires a 250-word response; rather, the total number of words for answering the questions must total more than 250 words.

1. Explain the attraction of gaming entertainment to the destination of a tourist.

2. How are hotel operations in a gaming entertainment business different from hotel operations in a nongaming environment?

3. List the duties of CVBs.

4. Describe the main types of meeting setups.

Read the chapters and answer the following questions. #6 Read More »

Explaining different types of system.

Explaining different types of system.

  • In this final assignment, you will develop a paper that reviews some of the main topics covered in the course. Compose an essay to address the elements listed below.
    • Identify the components of an information system (IS) using the five-component framework, and provide a brief summary of each.
    • Explain Porter’s five forces model.
    • Management IS (MIS) incorporate software and hardware technologies to provide useful information for decision-making. Explain each of the following IS, and use at least one example in each to support your discussion:

Your paper must be at least three pages in length (not counting the title and reference pages), and you must use at least two resources. Be sure to cite all sources used in APA format, and format your essay in APA style.

Explaining different types of system. Read More »

Building Advocacy Brochure

Building Advocacy Brochure

Every child needs someone who believes in them. As an educator, you are in a unique position to both identify and understand the individual needs of a student. However, advocating for what’s best for a student is not only a teacher’s responsibility, it is shared among parents, caregivers, other professionals, and the student themselves. This assignment is meant for you to determine definitions, descriptions, and best practice tips for advocacy in special education.

Create a 6-panel brochure about effective advocacy that includes the following topics:

  • The definition and purpose of advocacy in special education
  • A description of the following stakeholders’ roles:
  • Parents
  • Students
  • Educators
  • Other professionals
  • Characteristics of a successful advocate in each stakeholder role

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Marketing Management (MGT201)

Marketing Management (MGT201)

Leaning Outcomes:



Case Study

Read the Chapter Case Study entitled “From the Counterculture to the Runway: How Did Birkenstocks Become Fashionable?” from Chapter- 11 “Product, Branding and Packaging decisions” Page: – 358 given in your textbook – “Marketing” (7th Edition) by Dhruv. Grewal and Michael. Levy (2020) and answer the following Questions:

Assignment Question(s):

  • Visit the company website ( and identify and describe the different product lines that it markets. (1.5 Marks, Minimum 150 Words)
  • Review the different product categories in each of the company’s product lines. Which has the greatest depth? Which has the least? (1.5 Marks, Minimum 150 Words)
  • How has the company positioned its brand? How does it go about communicating its position? Explain. (2 Marks, Minimum 400 Words)

Note:Support your Answers with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.





Important Notes :

Attachment is in the attachment, the solution is required to have no similarity ratio.

The assignment must be completed within one or two days as a maximum.

add at least 3 references.APA style. 1 (The reference must be added in the text, the author’s name and the date) and 2 The reference should also be added at the end)

Attachment is in the attachment, the solution is required to have no similarity ratio.

add at least 3 references.APA style. 1 (The reference must be added in the text, the author’s name and the date) and 2 The reference should also be added at the end)

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300 words work

300 words work

Week 1 Topic:


Gottman (1999) identifies the “four horsemen of the apocalypse” (Hocker and Wilmot, pages 22-28). When these behaviors are present in a relationship, the end is near.

  • Discuss how you have seen these used in relationships.
  • How have you felt when these were used on you?
  • Which of these behaviors do you use, with whom do you use these and in what circumstances?
  • Can you think of ways that you could communicate more honestly and constructively?
  • In your responses to other students you will want to be sure to share research, speak for yourself and share your own experiences. Do not use any of these horsemen in your discussions!

. Your initial post (your response to the topic) must contain a citation. It is your ideas supported by research. Please refer to the APA Power Point in the Start Here section of the classroom for information on proper formatting. There will be a deduction of 20 points for failure to cite a source within your initial post and to provide a reference at the end of your initial post.

3. Your initial post must be a minimum of 300 words

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AHS 7610 week 6 mini assignment #3

AHS 7610 week 6 mini assignment #3

Identify two strategic planning methods and describe what the methods are, and in what type of situations would you utilize those models. Also, research and describe when someone else has found success utilizing those methods. What were their working situations before implementing their chosen methods? What were their outcomes after implementation of their methods?

Week 6 Readings and Resources

Textbook Readings


PowerPoint Presentation

  • Organization Change by Systems ThinkingPreview the document: This PowerPoint presentation walks you through different organizational change strategies. This will be helpful for your Mini Assignment this week and your Final Paper.


Learning Module

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Protecting Innovation

Protecting Innovation

Students are requested to read chapter 9 “Protecting Innovation” from their book Strategic Management of Technological Innovation.

Based on the conceptual knowledge and understanding obtained from the readings –

1-Select a world renowned company give a brief introduction and identify the legal protection mechanisms (patents copyright, trademarks & service marks) used by it to safeguard its intellectual property. (2.5 Marks) (Max 750- Min 500 Words)

2- With a thorough research of your selected company identify and explain an incident when trade secrets were more useful than the legal protection measures identified above. (2.5 Marks) (Max 750 – Min 500 Words)

NOTE: It is mandatory for the students to mention their references, sources and support each answer with at least 2 peer reviewed journal.

.doc file

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Management and Supervision in Criminal Justice U1 Research

Management and Supervision in Criminal Justice U1 Research

Write an in-depth research paper on that topic. In Unit I you will submit your research topic with a one-page synopsis detailing the goal of your paper for approval by your instructor.


Note:This is often the most difficult part of the research process. Here are some tips to getting started with your research paper:

-Write down multiple research topics and choose which you find most appealing. (2 already Picked: Positiveness and Productivity at work & Trust)

-Use personal or professional experience to establish a research topic.

-Include 2 references you’ll be citing in your paper.

-Review the course objectives and see if any spark interest.

-Your topic should be at least 1 page, double spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt. font, with appropriate APA style writing

Positiveness and Productivity at Work

Over the past decade, Gallup surveyed more than 10 million people worldwide on the topic of employee engagement being positive and productive at work, and only one-third “strongly agree” with the statement, “Of work, I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day.” This means that a lot of workers do not get to focus on what they do best—their strengths.

People who do have the opportunity to focus on their strengths are six times as likely to be engaged in their jobs and more than three times as likely to report having above average life satisfaction.

Here are some recent findings about supervisors who primarily focus on either employees’ strengths and weaknesses or ignore them. The chances of your being actively disengaged (negative and a poor performer) if your boss: (1) ignores you 40%; (2) focuses on your weaknesses 22%; and (3) focuses on your strengths 1%. Look at how much a supervisor who focuses on your strengths decreases the odds of your being miserable on the job.

This data convincingly shows us that the active disengagement we see in work places every day is a curable disease . . . if we will help our staff develop their strengths as well as our own.


Every police supervisor I’ve trained or worked with talks freely and frequently about the importance of trust as the paramount operational asset. No one seems to doubt how important trust is to professional or personal relationships, and everyone seems equally aware of the tremendous costs of distrust. Yet, despite enlightened rhetoric about trust, a few police employees (supervisors and managers too) regularly engage in conduct that undermines trust and damages credibility, demonstrating a lack of character and/or competence as a leader.

Trust is the genesis of all human relationships.

If there is a lack of trust between a supervisor and his or her staff, the working relationship is doomed. Trust is the glue that holds relationships together. Likewise, it is a binding agent for police organizations. Without it, they fail to meet their mission and fulfill their potential. Specifically, character and competency are the primal pillars of police leadership and supervision. The deeper, the larger, the stronger these twin pillars are, the greater the strengths of a leader and the better the performance of a supervisor.

Lack of trust guarantees disaster for a police organization. Some believe that the only things needed for success are talent, skills, energy, and personality. This is wrong thinking. Experience has repeatedly shown us and continues to teach us that who we are is more important than who we appear to be.

The Industrial Age (1830–1947) provided an operational path of personality, technology, situational ethics, and an emphasis on the “bottom line.” The slogan of the age was “What’s in it for me?” I sense a new path emerging as police leaders experience the miserable fruits of a personality ethic and a valueless organizational culture. More and more departments are recognizing the urgency of building trustworthiness through a demonstration of both character and competency. First, forging a work environment that manifests trust is a matter of personal relationship. Can I trust you? Can you trust me?Second, it is a matter of organizational systems and procedures. Do we trust our department? Does our department trust us? Third, it is a matter of human communication. Am I being heard? Am I hearing you?

We’ve learned how important foundational trust is to the daily operation of a police agency. We’ve also learned that this comes from employees being trustworthy. Now, how do we best measure the trustworthiness of others? To repeat, the answer is: by watching them walk their talk.

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MGT401 Assignment

MGT401 Assignment

1.Briefly introduce your chosen firms, partners of alliance (Industry, nationality, size…).

2.What type of strategic alliance that form your selected firms? Explain its different reasons.

3.Is this alliance successful? Justify.

4.What is the method used by the firms to manage their cultures after alliance? underline the pros and cons of this method.

.doc file

nothing more except answer the questions one by one, don’t make it as a paragraph

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Inventory Management and Aggregate Planning

Inventory Management and Aggregate Planning

An enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is a set of business applications that are integrated to provide support for core business process activities. Core business process activities may include actions around manufacturing production, logistics, sales, marketing, finance, accounting, human resources, and others. Implementation of an ERP system aids the organizational units in sharing data and knowledge, reducing costs, and improving management of the business processes. Yet, ERP implementations still fail.

  • Describe why change management is important to ERP implementation.
  • Describe why individuals in an organization may resist change and offer at least three strategies for overcoming resistance.

Share an example of a successful or unsuccessful ERP implementation at an organization of your choosing. Detail why it was successful or not.


* one page required, references page excluded

* two references

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Read the chapters and answer the following questions. #7

Read the chapters and answer the following questions. #7

You are required to answer the following questions. You should save your answers in a Word document for submission. Please do not repeat the questions on your answer sheet. Instead, please list the answers numerically/sequentially by simply utilizing 1, 2, 3, and 4. Each assignment must have a cover page listing your name, the name of the assignment, and the date. The cover page does not count towards the word count. For each assignment, you are expected to answer the assigned questions in your own words. Each assignment paper should be at least 250 words. Papers less than the required 250 words will get zero. This does not mean each question requires a 250-word response; rather, the total number of words for answering the questions must total more than 250 words.

1. List and describe three of the classifications of special events.

2. What are the four primary challenges for event planners and managers? List and describe them below.

3. Distinguish between transactional and transformational leadership.

4. Discuss the changing role of managers.

Use the material provided only

Read the chapters and answer the following questions. #7 Read More »

Choose Topic: Management Select number of pages: 4

Choose Topic: Management
Select number of pages: 4

Question Description: Within the Discussion Board area, write 300–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive, clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. Conduct research on the subject matter and provide at least two scholarly resources as references with corresponding citations meeting APA standards.

In your reading assignment, you were introduced to organizational behavior, scientific management, the human relations school, and other classical ways of looking at people in organizations. Conduct research on the subject matter and provide at least two scholarly resources as references with corresponding citations meeting APA standards.

Describe differing theories of organizational behavior, scientific management, and the human relations school. Then, compare and contrast the theories by providing strengths and weaknesses and pros and cons for the theories.
What do you see or what have you experienced in your organizational life that reflects current-day adaptations of the classical organizational behavior, scientific management, and human relations theories of looking at people in organizations? Be specific and provide 1–2 examples that reflect each of the 3 classical categories.

Choose Topic: Management Select number of pages: 4 Read More »

Answer 3 questions

Answer 3 questions

Each question has specific instructions for your required references and each must have totally different references and NO textbooks/books.

You will answer each question, using WORD format, and at the end of each question you will place the references used for your response and then do the same for each response to each question. You can then put all four responses together and submit as one:

1. Answer the following question, in detail.

Based upon the knowledge you have gained from this course and relating to fraud examination and the fraud triangle, explain what professor “Understand the Person, Understand the Fraud” concept, means to you.

Remember to defend your response by using a minimum of 4 scholarly or peer reviewed articles, NOT textbooks or books, as in-text citations within your response to this question. Your response to this question should be a minimum of one page using WORD document format and in APA, with references at the end of your response.

2. Answer the following question, in detail.

“Based upon the knowledge you have gained from this course relating to fraud examination and the fraud triangle, discuss how you, a fraud examiner, would approach and conduct an interview of a fraud suspect(s) in a case you have been assigned. (You may use any of the suspects from the prior threaded discussions). Remember to include techniques, theory and approaches in your answer. Make sure your answer demonstrates your understanding of the fraud triangle and fraud examination.”

You must include a minimum of 4 scholarly peer reviewed articles, not textbooks or books, as in-text citations within your response to this question. Your response to this question should be a minimum of one page using WORD document format and in APA, with references at the end of your response.

3. Answer the following question in detail.

Some have argued that while pressure and opportunity can be ascertained about the subject, how useful is rationalization as an indicator leading to the identification of the fraud suspect?

You must include a minimum of 4 scholarly peer reviewed articles, not textbooks or books, as in-text citations within your response to this question. Your response to this question should be a minimum of one page using WORD document format and in APA, with references at the end of your response.

.doc file | APA | Discussion | 3 pages, Double spaced

i don’t have reading for that, we have a group project, i can send you the topic and powerpoint to you.

we created the Fraud Scenario:

Merchandise Inc is a clothing and accessory retailer with multiple locations.
This case involves the Miami location. There are four employees at the Miami location.
They have a salary + commission three person sales staff. The salary is paid as a draw against commission.

The three salespeople are Jack, Jill and Mickey.
Mickey oversees scheduling and payroll but cannot make accounting entries and also makes 20% commission when he makes a sales.
Minnie oversees the purchasing and accounting function.
All four employees have access to the register with their own unique four-digit code.
Over the last four quarters sales have increased but net profit has decreased.

The owner of Merchandise Inc suspects fraud! Dun dun dun!!!!!
Here they are:

Sales Associate/College student
Lives with his parents and needs this job to pay his way through college
Works a lot of overtime
Has been with the company for 6 months.
Jack takes the bus to work.
Base salary is $15/hr + 20% commission on sales over $150

Sales Associate/Recently graduated from college
Has been working fewer hours lately to plan for the wedding and the overflow has fallen to Jack.
Has been with the company for two years and has always been the “star salesperson”. Lately her sales have fallen as a result of the reduced hours.
Drives a 2018 Camry.
Base salary is $16/hr (because she has been there longer) + 20% commission on sales over $150

Store Manager
Married and has a young son
Drives a 2018 BMW
Wears very stylish clothing to work
Makes $70,000 annually + Bonus which is 5% of net income

New assistant manager
Drives a 2010 Lexus
Has been working overtime recently
Always volunteers to open and close the store
Makes $17/hour plus 20% commission on sales over $150
Always talks to Minnie about recommending him for a promotion to be manager of the Boca location of Merchandise Inc.

after we created this, and we did interview for both group members.

Answer 3 questions Read More »

Need help with a assignment Forests and Oceans

Need help with a assignment

Forests and Oceans

Design a three-part, two-sided brochure to share with the general public about the importance of forests and oceans. This should be an original work consisting of:

1.An overall theme



4.One side about forests

a.Why are forests important?

b.Describe three actions which contribute to deforestation.

c.Describe three ways in which you could diminish the deforestation actions.

5.One side about oceans

a.Why are oceans important?

b.Describe three actions which contribute to ocean pollution.

c.Describe three ways in which you could diminish the polluting actions.

Be sure to cite any references used in the creation of your brochure, including providing credit for any images used.

Review this website for assistance formatting your brochure using Microsoft Word.

Use this brochure template for this assignment.

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