
Organizational Change

Organizational Change

I’m studying and need help with a Writing question to help me learn.

The Lawler and Worley text describes three primary types of change: strategic adjustments, strategic reorientation, and transformational change. Offer a specific example of a current company in the media experiencing one of the above types of change and offer your opinion as to whether you feel it will have a successful outcome and why. What are effective organizational change leadership characteristics and behaviors within an organization? Does this organization exhibit these characteristics?

Your post should be at least 400 words. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings by Day 7.


BigSpeak Speakers Bureau. (2012, April 13). Gary Bradt: Organizational change and leadership expert, keynote speaker. YouTube.

Requirements: .doc file

Organizational Change Read More »

Research Paper

Research Paper

You are asked to: select one nonprofit organization, research the organization, developing an understanding of what it does and how it does it. Then, apply at least one of the theoretical perspectives from Tremblay-Boire & Prakash (legitimacy or stakeholder) to the selected organization.

Your paper must be in APA format include the following elements:

  • Your paper must include cover page, reference page and corresponding headings.
  • Introduction to the nonprofit organization, including its mission/purpose, structure, functioning, and key constituents and stakeholders
  • Description of needs/trends to which it is responding
  • Discussion of Tremblay-Boire & Prakash’s perspectives and how they help make sense of the organization model and its adaptation to trends
  • Lessons you have learned from the application of various theoretical perspectives that can be transported and applied to your organization
  • Conclusion

Paper Requirements:

  • Length of paper 3-5 pages not including the title or reference page.
  • Use 3-5 scholarly references to support your research and arguments. Must be published within the last 5-7 years.
  • This is a scholarly paper that should be based on research, not just on personal opinions and experiences.
  • Submit (upload) as a Word document in the assignment area
  • Be sure your paper is in correct APA style (6th ed.), and there are no grammar or spelling errors. Please refer to your APA manual or see (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) for how to properly cite webinars within your paper (in-text) and reference list.
  • Every assignment must include the FCE title page (found in APA/Writing Resources) and a reference list in APA form and style.
  • This must be a professional looking paper to receive full credit. This assignment will be worth 20 points) of your grade.
Attachments area

Research Paper Read More »

300 word work

300 word work

Week 2 Topic:

Click on this link to take this attachment style quiz:


Read pages 131-134 in Chapter 5 of your text and research other sources on Attachment Theory.

  • What do you think is your own attachment style? (Please give reasons)
  • Why you think this is your attachment style?
  • Describe how your attachment style likely impacts your relationships with others based on your reading and resources.
  • Why do your think your attachment style impacts your relationships in the way it does?
  • How can having insight into attachment styles help a person with their future relationships?
  • What insights have you gained?

2. Your initial post (your response to the topic) must contain a citation. It is your ideas supported by research. Please refer to the APA Power Point in the Start Here section of the classroom for information on proper formatting. There will be a deduction of 20 points for failure to cite a source within your initial post and to provide a reference at the end of your initial post.

3. Your initial post must be a minimum of 300

300 word work Read More »

Trend Interpretation

Trend Interpretation

Identify five current trends related to instructional leadership. Explain which trends may be applicable and effective for your organization.

  • How does your organization interpret and utilize trends as a vehicle for improving instructional leadership?
  • What are the benefits and challenges of using a social media trend as a communication tool for improving the quality of instructional leadership in professional settings?
  • How can the challenges be alleviated?

Compose an original response, and comment on the posts of at least two classmates. APA citations are required only for the original r

Trend Interpretation Read More »

Article Analysis: Improving Performance

Article Analysis: Improving Performance

The article: “Mutual Perception of Russian and French Managers” from The International Journal of Human Resource Management (Muratbekova-Touron, 2011

(SEE ATTACHMENT for article and questions that need to be answered)


The article analysis must follow these formatting guidelines: double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and APA citations. Page length requirements: 3-5 pages, not including cover page and references.

Requirements: .doc file | APA | Analytical Review | 5 pages, Double spaced

Article Analysis: Improving Performance Read More »

Writing Select number of pages: 3 Question Description: Topic: Motivation and Managing with the Use of Power 750 – 1,250 words (not including cover page, appendices, and references)

Choose Topic: Writing
Select number of pages: 3
Question Description: Topic: Motivation and Managing with the Use of Power
750 – 1,250 words (not including cover page, appendices, and references)

For this assignment, you are asked to review and respond to two case studies. The intention of the two case studies is to bring together your awareness and understanding of motivation and managing with the use of power. Conduct research on the subject matter and provide at least three scholarly resources as references with corresponding citations meeting APA standards.

Everyone wants power. Why do we want power? Because it is good for us. It gives us more control over our own lives. It gives us more freedom to do as we wish. There are few things worse in life than feeling helpless, and few better than feeling in charge of your destiny. In general, people with power and status appear to command more respect from others, have higher self-esteem, and enjoy life more than those with less stature.

Watch how “How to Win Power and Influence People” may be an important skill.

Focus your attention on the following two case studies:

Case Incident 1: Should Women Have More Power, Chapter 13, p. 464
For additional insight, watch How to Understand Power.
Respond to questions 13-14, 13-15, and 13-16.
Case Incident 2: Where Flattery will Get You, Chapter 13, p. 465.
For additional insight, watch The Power of Leadership.
Respond to questions 13-17, 13-18, and 13-19.
Read and review each case study and respond to the presented case study questions associated with the case studies in a single assignment input for this Individual Project.

If there are any questions you have regarding these two case studies, reach out to your instructor. In addition, be sure to attend or listen to the Live Chats because that is where you will be able to ask questions and gain further insight into what is being addressed in the case studies.


Emil Ihsan-Alexander Torabi. (2013, June 11). The power of leadership [Video file]. Retrieved from

mlabvideo. (2011, February 24). Jeffrey Pfeffer: How to win power and influence people [Video file]. Retrieved from

TED-Ed. (2014, November 4). How to understand power – Eric Liu [Video file]. Retrieved from

Writing Select number of pages: 3 Question Description: Topic: Motivation and Managing with the Use of Power 750 – 1,250 words (not including cover page, appendices, and references) Read More »

2 pages Essay about Management in a multicultural and diverse workforce

2 pages Essay about Management in a multicultural and diverse workforce

Note: Use the materials provided

Title: You are a manager working with a multicultural and diverse workforce. Given the existence of the wide variance, how would you or an executive manage national cultures, political systems, economic systems, social systems, languages and corporate cultures in a global environment?


Here are references and videos to assist you in understanding the content matter for your research.

Wk 2: External Forces & Factors in IB

References and Videos

Diversity in the Workplace

Watch VideoYouTube URL:

Diversity Management

Watch VideoYouTube URL:

External Business Environment

Watch VideoYouTube URL:

Watch VideoYouTube URL:

Internal & External Business Environment

Watch VideoYouTube URL:


Fuchs, E., & Kirchain, R. (2010). Design for location? The impact of manufacturing offshore on technology competitiveness in the optoelectronics industry. Management Science, 56(12), 2323-2349.

Hodge, D. (2009). Growth, employment and unemployment in South Africa. South African Journal of Economics, 77(4), 488-504.

Global Environmental Benefits. (2016, April 04). Retrieved from

Dodman, D. (2009). Blaming cities for climate change? An analysis of urban greenhouse gas emissions inventories. Environment and Urbanization, 21(1), 185-201.

Fern Fort University. (2017). T-Mobile US, Inc. PESTEL & Environment Analysis.
Retrieved from:–inc-.php

Kotler, P., & Keller, K. (2011). Marketing management. (14th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ, Prentice Hall.

Caprar, D., Devinney, T., Kirman, B., & Caligiuri, P. (2015). Conceptualizing and measuring culture in international business and management: From challenges to potential solutions. Journal of International Business Studies. 46, 1011-1027.

Lopez-Duarte, C., Vidal-Suarez, M., & Gonzalez-Diaz, B. (2016). International business and National culture: A literature review and research agenda. International Journal of Management Reviews. 18, 397-416. doi 10.1111/ijmr.12070

Puslecki, Z. (2016). Current re-shaping of international business. Wroclaw University Economics. 471-490. doi 10.15611/pn.2016.450.41

Hamilton, L., & Webster, P. (2015). The international business environment. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Keillor, B. D. (2013). Understanding the global market: Navigating the international business environment. ABC-CLIO.

Malgwi, C. A. (2016). Corollaries of corruption and bribery on international business. Journal of Financial Crime, 23(4), 948-964. Retrieved from

Zirra, A. (2015). Recent Developments of International Business Environment. Romanian Economic and Business Review, 10(4), 69-80. Retrieved from

2 pages Essay about Management in a multicultural and diverse workforce Read More »

What are your initial impressions about obesity coming into this class? What contributes to it? How do we fix it?

What are your initial impressions about obesity coming into this class? What contributes to it? How do we fix it?

Use the prompt above to write at least 300 words on your initial impressions of obesity coming into this class.

Don’t worry about a “right” answer, I just want to get a feel for where your thoughts are on the topic at the beginning of this class.

This is NOT an essay. This assignment will go on the class discussion post for the whole class to read.

Requirements: Other | 1 pages, Single spaced

What are your initial impressions about obesity coming into this class? What contributes to it? How do we fix it? Read More »

Common Fallacies in Explaining Organizational Problems

Common Fallacies in Explaining Organizational Problems

MSL Organizational Systems

Assignment 2

Common Fallacies in Explaining Organizational Problems

(25 points)

*Option-You may work in pairs/groups/individually

For this paper, select an organization with which you are familiar, (if working as a group brainstorm and decide on one) and use Bolman & Deal’s common fallacies to analyze the organization’s functioning and behavior. The organization may be one in which you work, volunteer, or otherwise interact – you should know it well enough to be able to describe it in detail and apply the organizational problems effectively.

  • Include analysis of at least one fallacy, demonstrating how the fallacies make sense of the organization’s systems. The fallacies from Bolman & Deal include: blaming people; blaming the bureauracy; thirsting for power. You must have a minimum of 5-7 articles outside the course texts in your reference list and the material from these articles must be integrated into the analysis.
  • APA style must be used throughout the paper, including headings, citations and reference list.

Your paper must include the following elements:

  • Description of the organization including overview of its systems.
  • Definition of fallacies and application of the fallacies to the organization
  • Discussion of how the fallacies interact or co-exist in the organization
  • Discussion of how identification of the fallacy can be applied to the improvement of your organization’s systems that deals with the specific leadership opportunities you identified for your organization through this assignment

If done as a pair/group – all names should appear on the cover sheet, each person should upload the final draft of the paper to their individual drop box – and “note well” each person receives the same grade.

Paper Requirements:

  • Length of paper 5-7 pages not including the title or reference page.
  • Use 5-7 scholarly references to support your research and arguments. Must be published within the last 5-7 years.
  • This is a scholarly paper that should be based on research, not just on personal opinions and experiences.
  • Submit (upload) as a Word document in the assignment area

Common Fallacies in Explaining Organizational Problems Read More »

Leadership Conscience

Leadership Conscience

MSL Organizational Systems

Assignment 3

Leadership Conscience

(30 points)

*Minimum page number change, 5-7 pages required ( different minimum page number from syllabus)

This assignment will provide you the opportunity to articulate how the work this term has shaped the leadership conscience that you can apply to your organizational work setting, whether that setting is an educational, non-profit or other type of organization.

The paper should reference and identify a metaphor that could be used to describe the organization. It should also include reflection and a detailed action plan to be presented to the organization’s leadership for purpose of improving organization’s systems (you do not actually have to implement the plan).

The assignment includes a detailed narrative and a power point presentation. You must have a minimum of 5-7 articles outside the course texts in your reference list and the material from these articles must be integrated into the analysis.

Your paper must include the following elements:

  • Personal reflection on the learning in this course
  • Construction of an action plan to put into place new concepts learned in the course that will assist systemic learning in the organization
  • Forecast of the impact of the plan on the organization
  • Conclusion

Paper Requirements:

  • Length of paper 5-7 pages not including the title or reference page.
  • Use 5-7 scholarly references to support your research and arguments. Must be published within the last 5-7 years.
  • PowerPoint is worth 5 points, no minimum slides applied
  • Submit (upload) as a Word document for the narrative and PowerPoint in the assignment area
  • Be sure your paper is in correct APA style (6th ed.), and there are no grammar or spelling errors. Please refer to your APA manual or see (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) for how to properly cite webinars within your paper (in-text) and reference list.
  • Every assignment must include the FCE title page (found in APA/Writing Resources) and a reference list in APA form and style.
  • This must be a professional looking paper to receive full credit. This assignment will be worth 30 points (25 points for paper and 5 points for PowerPoint) of your grade.

Requirements: .doc file | Research Paper | 7 pages, Double spaced

This all that was included in all my resource list. You can just use outside resources if this doesn’t help

Leadership Conscience Read More »

Describing community power, define roles of city managers, mayor, and voter turnout in local election.

Describing community power, define roles of city managers, mayor, and voter turnout in local election.

1. Describe the models of community power.

Your response should be at least 100 words in length.

2. Define the roles of city managers and mayors.

Your response should be at least 100 words in length.

3. Discuss representation, participation, and voter turnout in local elections. What trends do you see, and what are their impacts?
Your essay should be at least 600 words in length and include an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.

Describing community power, define roles of city managers, mayor, and voter turnout in local election. Read More »

Child/adolescent group counseling brochure

Child/adolescent group counseling brochure

Assignment Requirements:

Each student will develop an 8-week psycho-educational group for working with a particular issue that children or adolescents face. Some suggested topics include:

You will create a 2-sided brochure or flyer advertising the group. The brochure should address the “who, what, when where, and why” of the group. Be sure to include the following: an introduction which describes the theme and purpose of the group; the significance of group attendance (i.e., what would attendees have to gain from the group?); the screening criteria (e.g., age range, gender, etc.); when and where the group will meet; and your qualifications to lead the group (this can include your future aspirations for qualifications). Make sure that the theme for the group and the corresponding weekly topics and activities are developmentally appropriate for the age range you have selected.

The brochure must include eight weekly topics to be covered and corresponding activities to address each of the weekly topics. Be sure to include plenty of detail about the weekly activities so your reader will know exactly how you plan to carry out the activities. This will be more detail than would typically be included if you were to advertise a group in the “real world;” however, the detail is necessary for the purposes of this assignment.

Feel free to include graphics and pictures to make your brochure or flyer attractive to potential participants. Make sure that the information and layout is organized.

The idea for this assignment is that you are gathering resources and ideas for the group and making them your own; however, do not intentionally plagarize. A reference page is not necessary for this assignment unless you rely heavily on one person’s work (e.g., activities from a specific DBT workbook).


try to use this source to be able to do the brochure accordingly..

Smith-Adcock, S., & Tucker, C. (2017). Counseling Children and Adolescents. SAGE Publications.

Requirements: 3 pages

Child/adolescent group counseling brochure Read More »

Writing Question

Writing Question

Voluntary or Mandatory (Compulsory) National Service is an element of defence policy used by several countries globally. In this guided policy assessment report, identify and highlight discussions surrounding this policy and the role it plays in the organisation of militaries. Explore lessons that can be learned when comparing the UAE National Service Policy with countries and its impact on defence.  Word Count: 1000 – 1500 words excluding references  Formulating arguments and providing evidence to support position taken, Minimum 10 references required.

Please follow the instructions and grading rubric that is attached to complete the assessment.


Writing Question Read More »

Discuss an organization’s need for physical security. What methods, approaches, and models can be used by organizations when designing physical security needs? Lastly, explain how these security measures will safeguard the organization. Inbox

Discuss an organization’s need for physical security. What methods, approaches, and models can be used by organizations when designing physical security needs? Lastly, explain how these security measures will safeguard the organization.

Discuss an organization’s need for physical security. What methods, approaches, and models can be used by organizations when designing physical security needs? Lastly, explain how these security measures will safeguard the organization.

At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources from the UC Library. Use proper citations and references in your post.

Attachments area

Discuss an organization’s need for physical security. What methods, approaches, and models can be used by organizations when designing physical security needs? Lastly, explain how these security measures will safeguard the organization. Inbox Read More »

Management Question\

Management Question\

Unit 6 Assignment: Culture Paper In this Assignment, you will be assessed based on the following outcomes: GEL-1.02: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English. GEL-5.02: Analyze the impact of human expression in the areas of literature, art, culture, music, or film. One of the main skills of quality management is to consider information from multiple sources and apply criteria and standards to this material appropriately. Complete the entire Learning Activity 3 journey. Then consider the questions, as follows, using your own life experiences, focused online research, and the provided materials from the learning activity: Family Culture From your own life experiences, what is the role of family in establishing culture? How does this impact an individual related to their role in team performance? Sherpa Culture What are your reflections on Sherpa Culture? In addition to the learning activity, research online two recent events related to Sherpa culture from the past 5-years and integrate this into your response as supporting information. Team Culture What observations did you make about Team Culture and teamwork as you completed the learning activity? Given your research, what recommendations do you have related to integration of Family Culture, Sherpa Culture, and total Team Culture to ensure success in this Mount Everest scenario? Ensure each topic is covered to appropriate breadth and depth demonstrating knowledge of the course concept.

Management Question\ Read More »

Intercultural Management BBA 2551-18I

Intercultural Management BBA 2551-18I

Two-page Essay

Choose a city in one of the following countries: Taiwan, Spain, Uruguay, Australia, or Turkey. Research the culture of the chosen city, and write a two-page essay to describe what you need to know about three cultural differences that would help you open a subsidiary, hire staff, and manage it for your corporation successfully in that country.

The essay should be properly formatted to include a title page and reference list, which will not be included in the minimum page count. The paper should follow APA guidelines for all resources for in-text citations, paraphrasing, and references.

Requirements: two pages

Intercultural Management BBA 2551-18I Read More »

HCAD 660 Discussion 6

HCAD 660 Discussion 6

HCAD 660: Healthcare Institutional Organization and Management Discussion 6 Questions –

Instructions: Please answer using your own words in a minimum of 350, maximum 500 words (2-3 paragraphs). PER QUESTION. 4 in total. Referenced with three (3) peer-reviewed journal articles or qualified text publish within the past five years and follow APA Manual 7th editions scholarly writing guidelines PER QUESTION. APA in-text Citation formatting is required. When writing replies, please provide your experiences, new ideas, add probing questions to engage readers and new literature on the topic to enhance the learning opportunity.




Briefly describe one of the tools or best practices of strategic planning or execution (implementation) (SWOT, Service-Value Chain, Appreciative Inquiry, etc.). Provide a URL/web link or reference for that tool or best practice that contains more information. The challenge will be to not repeat any of the tools or resources.

Demonstrate insightful thought and critical analysis about the approach. Propose an improvement.

6.2. Accrediting Agency Selection

What accrediting agency or regulatory body did you select (let us try to not duplicate) for the Week 9 Conference on Quality?

What agency, other than the Joint Commission (TJC), will you explore and share?

Why did you select them?

6.3. Employees

We examined the role of marketing in strategy. Using the results of your Research Paper work, develop an Opinion/Editorial summary for publication in the New York Times on behalf of Intravalley Health.As this a submission to a media outlet, this will not be in APA format, but should make reference to qualified sources. The Min & Max length is 400-600 words.

6.4. Law and Order (Answer ALL questions)

Provide a brief explanation of the accrediting or regulatory body you found in week 7; what area of health care does the agency work in, what are their primary aims and what is its brief history?

Who accredits the accreditors? Just think about that one for a moment. Mostly it is the government (state and federal) but are there other quasi-governmental agencies or groups?

What is the value of regulation and accreditation?

Does regulation help or hinder efficiency? Quality?

“Set out to right the world’s wrongs and you will inevitably add to them. The world is often too complicated for the rules we need to keep it ordered”

Requirements: words in a minimum of 350, maximum500words (2-3paragraphs).

Attached are the readings you can also use others materials that you deem appropriate. Please make sure you 3 use in-text citations per question. Please put the 3 references at the end of each question.

Also, please note that question 6.3 has its own word count requirements

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Management Question

Management Question

Identify a real-world company (business or otherwise) and (a) write down its official mission and vision statements (i.e., those on the official websites), (b) evaluate the effectiveness (of the mission and vision statements) based on what you learned in class about mission and vision statements, and (c) describe its business model (using the business-model triangle we discussed in class).

the triangle is;

1) who

2) how

3) what

4) why

Requirements: 1 page length

either choose, amazon, google, apple, youtube.

what ever suits you and please i need to be neat and very thorough


please make sure that you give detailed information for the questions



Identify a real-world company (business or otherwise)


  1. write down its official mission and vision statements (i.e., those on the official websites)

Mission & Vision

PANGAIA is a direct-to-consumer materials science company bringing breakthrough textile innovations and patents into the world through everyday lifestyle products. Every technology we work with aims to solve an environmental problem of the fashion/apparel & nature industry.

We hope to drive these solutions further by making technologies and materials available to companies across different industries. By introducing these innovations, we design materials, products and experiences for everyday and everyone.

  1. evaluate the effectiveness (of the mission and vision statements) based on what you learned in class about mission and vision statements

I think their mission statement is very clear in what they want to achieve. They want to incorporate science to better our environment while providing everyday lifestyle products. It is clear they want to give customers cutting edge technology materials that they have patented and are able to help the environment at the same time thus making their mission statement product orientated. This is because they are focusing on making the best and environmentally friendly products consumers can wear.

Their vision is very clear as well on how they want to affect other industries on how they operate as a business. It clearly shows what type of culture is within this company and what sort of values they uphold. While I think parts of both statements are quite repeated I still like them since that the mission is more the short run towards customers and how the vision is how these new breakthroughs in sciences can help the whole world.

(c) describe its business model (using the business-model triangle we discussed in class)

What How Why Who

Pangaia business model is pretty clear, they want to be able to provide everyday lifestyle products to consumers that are backed by science to help the environment at the same time. Their value is these patents and breakthroughs using new technologies that benefits both consumer and environment. They target anyone who wants to wear simple everyday lifestyle gear so it is to the mass market. They have a very large community helping a large range of environmental issues as well as having philanthropy. They use great marketing to allow customers to be aware of their products but more importantly what types of breakthroughs they have made with science to be able to further develop their products. This allows them to sell their products at a medium price range and able to justify for it. They are able to use their R&D and sell their products to many consumers.

this is one.

Chegg’s mission statement from their website is: “Our mission is to help every student achieve their best, in school and beyond. We strive to improve the overall return on investment in education by helping students learn more in less time and at a lower cost. No one cares more about students and their future than Chegg.” While their vision being: “We strive to improve the overall return on investment in education by helping students learn more in less time and at a lower cost.” As you can tell their mission and their vision statements are very similar and both really get at the purpose of their company- to improve overall return on educational investment. When evaluating the effectiveness of the mission statement with the 3 key critieria purpose, scope, and stakeholders- Chegg’s mission statement addresses their purpose of why they exist (to improve overall return on educational investment and help students), but they lack the scope and addressing what exactly they do to accomplish this purpose. Their scope could be to help students learn in less time and at a lower cost, but they are lacking specific examples. They address their stakeholder of students are who they are trying to help. Their website goes into more details about their employees, the company’s values and more but their actual mission statement could be a little longer to address what exactly do they do to achieve their mission and vision.

Chegg’s business model:

1) Who- they target students for their customers. Their website says from high school to college and into their career.

2) What – the company offers services primarily online which is very convenient and also at a great price. They save the students money on required material and resources online.

3) How- they offer textbook rentals and purchases at competitive prices. They also offer course materials online through their monthly subscription such as textbook solutions, practice problems and study help.

4) Why- Chegg is offering these services to try to help students do the best they can in school at a cheaper price. Their main “why” is to improve the overall return on investment in education by helping students learn in less time and at a lower cost. They are generating value but being a resource for students at an affordable price and conveniently online.

Management Question Read More »

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