
Planning the Project

Question 1 – Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week (chapter – 15) and summarize what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding in each assigned textbook chapter. Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

Question 2 How will controlling project communications work towards delivering a successful project?

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Write report on any one of the following practical projects.

Write report on any one of the following practical projects.


The objective of this case study is bring together all the concepts you have learned over the semester by studying a commercially available Mechatronics system. This is an individual assignment.

Guidelines for report

Select a Mechatronics system of your choice. Explore, understand and write a 5-6 page report (double spaced, size 12 font) that should include following:

  1. Introduction
  2. System overview and Functional diagram, Flowcharts and State diagrams
  3. Identification of sensors, actuators and any mechanical components
  4. Design of key circuits
  5. Comparison of various commercially available systems.List of Recommended Projects:
    1. Hexapod robot system
    2. Home security system
    3. Wind turbine pitch control
    4. Washing machine system
    5. Automatic domestic outdoor pet feeder
    6. Automatic domestic Goat/Lamb feeder
    7. Jacaranda Hall Elevator Model
    8. Automatic Garage Door opener
    9. Electrical mechanism of Hybrid and Electric Cars

Requirements: in depth

Write report on any one of the following practical projects. Read More »

HRM 560: Managing Organizational Change

HRM 560: Managing Organizational Change

  1. Watch the Resistance and Communication video for help getting started on this assignment.


    Using your selected organization, diagnose the organization’s level of resistance, and construct a solid communication plan. Use a tablet, smartphone, laptop, desktop, or traditional video recorder to record a maximum of a 5–7-minute dynamic video on the topics detailed below. Alternatively, you may submit a 4–6-page paper instead of the video submission.


    Prepare and present a video that is a maximum of 5–7-minutes or write a 4–6-page paper in which you:

    1. Diagnose the reasons for resistance to change.
    2. Interpret the potential causes of resistance in the organization. Identify and describe three potential causes of resistance to your change plan. Identify and describe three potential sources of resistance to your change plan.
    3. Create a plan for minimizing possible resistance to your change management plan.
    4. Elaborate on the relationship between resistance to change and communication.
    5. Evaluate three communication strategies.
    6. Recommend one communication strategy that would be applicable to your organization. Diagnose why this communication strategy is best for your organization.
    7. Create a solid communication plan for your change initiative.
    8. Use at least four quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other similar Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

    If you choose to submit a video presentation, please also submit a one page summary of your presentation.This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

    • Create a communication plan for a change initiative that will minimize resistance to change.

    Video Upload

    If you are using a tablet or smartphone you will need to email the video file to yourself, then save it to a computer in order to upload to Blackboard. You may want to upload your video to a file-sharing service, such as Dropbox if your email will not let you send a large video file. Dropbox is accessible from all smartphones and tablets from the Dropbox app.

    • Once you are ready to upload your video to Blackboard, view the “Student Video Assignment Submission” tutorial in the Creating a Presentation for Your Course playlist.
    • Please use the following naming convention in the pop-up window for your video once it is finished uploading:
      • Title: Your First Name, Your Last Name – Managing Organizational Change.
      • Tags: HRM560, Organizational Change.
      • Description: First Name, Last Name – HRM560 Assignment 4 (Date Uploaded ex. 11-14-2014).
  2. By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.

Requirements: 4-6 page

You have helped me with several assignments in regards to this same topic. I can upload some documents  previously completed to assist you complete this paper

HRM 560: Managing Organizational Change Read More »

Business Management

Tittle: business management
Choose Topic: Marketing
Number of Pages: 2

Question Description: Upload a report in MS Word format, 12-pt font, one-inch margins, single space. Upload an Appendix containing any supporting documentation. You can also include all supporting documentation as separate attachments with your submission.

Any instances of plagiarism will result in grade of “0” for the assignment. Any issues with formatting and excessive spelling will result in deductions of up to 10 points. It is acceptable to go over the page limit but please do not write more than 5 pages.

This assignment supports the following course learning objectives (CLOs):
1.Explain how managers shape organizational culture and ethical values.
2.Examine how managers design the organization for the international environment.

Just answer to this 2 questions with sources that related to design organization.
Org. Change Consulting Report
Org. Change Consulting Report
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganizational Analysis
1. Description of the organization, its products/services. Include a brief history, location of headquarters. Identify industry (if large organization, describe local office in more detail). Ensure you are discussing relevant metrics and data (e.g., financials and sales volume are important if that is part of the change effort; otherwise, focus on number of employees, structure of the organization, culture of the organization, etc.)
2. Strategic information about the organization (mission, vision, values, strategic objectives)
3. Information about current weaknesses and/or threats the organization may be experiencing
4. Information about the current change efforts. Is there a clear connection between why the change was needed and the proposed outcome of the change?

Business Management Read More »

Health Care Industry

Health Care Industry
Paper details

Write a 3-5 page executive report that explains how a market force affects the health care industry and describes an associated ethical challenge that could influence management practices. Recommend two strategies to prevent or address the ethical challenge and explain how the strategies maintain compliance with external regulations.


External market forces present a tremendous challenge to a health care manager. Any changes in society connected to demographics, the government, economics, politics, legislation, and even weather can affect the health care industry. This is true on global, national, state, and local levels. An effective manager must stay abreast of current issues, while simultaneously attempting to accurately forecast and prepare for future change.

In addition, there is an overwhelming array of both mandatory and non-mandatory regulatory agencies and organizations that control the health care system. The organizations can be national, state, or local, and include consumer advocacy organizations as well. They exist as external entities to protect the community and limit the power of the industry in various ways. Health care managers have a responsibility to understand, remain updated on, and assure compliance with specific guidelines and regulations in their sector of the industry to remain in compliance and uphold an outstanding reputation for themselves and their organization. Strategic planning, development, and implementation of policies and procedures, training of staff, and building a strong organizational culture support this compliance. They also present internal opportunities for effective leaders to model stewardship and fiduciary duty toward the community.

Successful health care managers model stewardship and fiduciary duty by reaching outward to serve as advocates for their organization and profession. Active participation in professional organizations is recommended as a strategy to build personal and organizational trust and integrity in the community. The concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR), based on the business management triple bottom line concept, is embraced by many health care organizations. The ethical perspectives of CSR support health care managerial efforts in the development of positive connections and partnerships in the community. This creates social value and is a demonstration of stewardship and fiduciary duty. This could translate locally, nationally, or globally, depending on the type of health care organization involved.

In addition to our evolving health care reform efforts, three major influential market forces are affecting our current health care system. On a fundamental level, the transition from a patriarchal to a managed-care system has dramatically changed the delivery of health care services. The demographic shift in our population due to the aging of the baby boomers is causing a profound change in the health care industry. Public interest in and demand for integrative medicine alternatives and options, especially in terms of surgical and injury recovery, pain management, and cancer treatment, is expanding. Ethical issues and considerations, based on these external market forces, are emerging and forcing organizations and managers to come up with new and effective strategies, policies, and procedures to successfully prevent and address them.

Health Care Industry Read More »

MGT322 Identify and apply Logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools to suggest logistics performance

MGT322 Identify and apply Logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools to suggest logistics performance

Critical Thinking

The purpose of this assignment is to identify and apply Logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools to suggest logistics performance priorities.

Search Title: THE BENEFITS OF LEAN MANUFACTURING what lean thinking offers the process Industries

Authors Name: Melton,T

Source: In 7th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Chemical Engineering Research and Design June 2005 83(6):662-673

Read out the research paper carefully and based on your understanding you should answer the following questions.


  1. Why Manufacturing Companies focuses on Lean Thinking?
  2. What do understand by the term overproduction? Why it consider as the biggest waste of all?
  3. Assess the reasons for using lean thinking. What are the benefits from Suppliers to end users?
  4. References

The Answer must follow the outline points below:

  • Each answer should be 400 to 500 range of word counts.
  • Lean Thinking Concept
  • Their Main functions
  • Reasons with suitable Examples
  • Reference
  • References are in APA style

Note: You can Support your answer by reading chapter 7 of your book.

You can use secondary source available on internet

The book referenced in the note section if you want to use it is: Logistics Management & Strategy Competing Trough the Supply Chain Fourth Edition by Alan Harrison & Remko van Hoek.

MGT322 Identify and apply Logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools to suggest logistics performance Read More »

The purpose of the Application Paper

Writing Question

  1. The purpose of the Application Paper is to allow you an opportunity to (a) reflect upon what you have learned in this course, (b) consider how you will apply what you have learned to your career development, and (c) evaluate how what you have learned could improve your organization’s (current or future) talent management strategy and practices. This assignment will allow you to describe how several of the important concepts, principles, frameworks, and findings from this course apply to your career and professional development. The paper is designed as an application paper so that you can discuss and apply any of the TM tools and resources from our course to your career and to your organization. As part of your review and analysis, you are strongly encouraged to consider any course content (frameworks, tools, practices, policies, etc.) that are potentially applicable for your career development and/or your organization. This paper should be written with your current situation in mind and looking to your immediate future (within 12 months or just beyond graduation) rather than applying the course’s concepts retrospectively to a past situation.

Paper Guidelines

  • You may structure your paper according to the following questions: (a) What are the most important concepts, principles, and/or frameworks that you learned during this course (b) Which of these concepts, principles, and/or frameworks are most relevant for your current career goals? (c) What content from this course has made an impact on you professionally over the past 10 weeks? and (d) how will you approach professional situations and challenges differently as a result of learning from this course?
  • As you answer these questions, please be as specific as possible. Write specifically about how you would apply a certain concept, principle, framework, or key finding to a specific situation or organizational context. You are encouraged to discuss any aspect of the course—readings, class discussions, guest speakers, videos, presentations, exercises, and so on.
  • The important grading criteria for this paper (summarized below) include application and specificity. Your success in this paper will depend not only on how well you demonstrate an understanding of concepts, principles, and frameworks but also on how well you can apply them to your current and/or future career context and real-world situations.
  • The writing guidelines for the final paper are as follows:

o Typed, double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font

o APA style citations and references

o Approximately 8–10 pages in length (excluding cover page, references, appendices,

The purpose of the Application Paper Read More »

Part 1: Analysis of Vision and Mission Statements

The Assignment: 2 Pages

Part 1: Analysis of Vision and Mission Statements

For the organization you are analyzing (The Trevor Project), do the following:

  • Provide a brief description of the NPO/NGO (The Trevor Project), including the context within which it exists.
  • Provide a summary of the organization’s mission and vision. In this summary, identify the words in the mission statement that indicate the organization’s purpose, approach, and values.
  • Evaluate the degree to which the organization’s outcomes reflect the mission and vision, using specific examples, or explain what you believe to be the most important function of this NPO’s mission and why.
  • Explain the strengths and weaknesses of the vision and mission statements and make recommendations for improving them.


Part 1: Analysis of Vision and Mission Statements Read More »

Jenkins Goes Abroad

Jenkins Goes Abroad

Read the case study, “Jenkins Goes Abroad,” (p. 337) in Martocchio, Strategic Compensation: A Human Resource Management Approach.

Address the following: 150 words

How should Dale approach the determination of the consultants’ salaries as expatriates?

Should Jenkins offer any incentive compensation or additional benefits to the expatriates? Explain your answer.

Case 1: Jenkins Goes Abroad

Jenkins Consulting is a national firm that helps companies improve their performance and effectiveness by advising on all aspects of business management and operations. Companies hire consultants from Jenkins Consulting for a variety of projects such as assisting with company-wide cost reduction initiatives or revenue growth initiatives, improving supply-chain management, and/or improving individual departments such as information technology. Jenkins employs consultants in 200 offices across the United States and will soon expand its operations internationally.


A company located in the United Kingdom has hired Jenkins for a major project that will be based at the company’s headquarters in London. Jenkins will assist the company with an organization-wide effort to restructure and reposition the company to succeed in a more competitive market. To complete this project, Jenkins will assign five full-time consultants for a period of approximately two years. Because of the significant time commitment, Jenkins has decided to relocate the selected consultants to the United Kingdom for the duration of the project.


Dale Kugar, the human resource director at Jenkins, must prepare to transition the consultants to the new assignment. This is the company’s first exposure to expatriate management, and Dale needs to ensure that the consultants who move to the United Kingdom for the project are compensated appropriately. His intention is to have the consultants maintain their current benefits, including health care insurance, retirement savings, and paid time off. However, he must make a recommendation on any changes to each consultant’s salary.


Dale has a few concerns as he prepares his recommendation. First, the United Kingdom is currently experiencing a high level of inflation. The value of the American dollar compared to the British pound is low. That is, the consultant’s U.S. salary will not have the same purchasing power in the United Kingdom as it does at home. He is also concerned about the consultants’ interest in taking on the international assignment. Some of the consultants he spoke to about the assignment are concerned about the impact the assignment will have on their career. Because this is Jenkins’ first international experience, the consultants are concerned that being out of the country for two years may affect their future career opportunities because they will not have regular interactions with the firm partners who make decisions on promotions. These concerns weigh heavily on Dale’s mind as he starts to draft his recommendation.

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Change Management Plan

Change Management Plan

  1. Watch the Change Management Plan video for help getting started on this assignment.


    In this assignment, you will combine the previous four assignments into a proposal that you could present to the executive leadership and board members. You will argue the value of the change management plan to the overall success of the organization. Add to your previous submissions a plan for sustaining the change in the long run.


    Write a 6–10-page paper in which you:

    Section I: Organization: Describe the organization and comment on the HR change that the organization should make. Utilize effective diagnostic tools to assess the organization’s ability to change. Support assertions with theoretical evidence.
    1. Describe the company in terms of industry, size, number of employees, and history.
    2. Analyze in detail the current HR practice, policy, process, or procedure that you believe should be changed.
    3. Formulate three valid reasons for the proposed change based on current change management theories.
    4. Appraise the diagnostic tools that you can use to determine an organization’s readiness for change. Propose two diagnostic tools which you can utilize to determine if the organization is ready for change. Defend why you believe the diagnostic tools selected are the best choice for diagnosing change in the organization.
    5. Using one of the diagnostic tools you selected, assess the organization’s readiness for change.
      • Provide results of the diagnostic analysis
      • Explain the results
    6. Interpret whether or not the organization is ready for change. Substantiate your conclusion by referencing current change management theories.
    Section II: Kotter Change Plan: Utilizing the Kotter eight-step method of change, create a solid change management plan for the HR initiative you identified as requiring improvement.
    1. Ascertain how each of the steps applies to your specific organization.
    2. Develop a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight stages of change:
      • Establishing a sense of urgency.
      • Creating a coalition.
      • Developing vision and strategy.
      • Communicating the vision.
      • Empowering broad-based action.
      • Generating short-term wins.
      • Consolidating gains and producing more change.
      • Anchoring new approaches into the culture.
    Section III: Resistance and Communication: Research methods of minimizing resistance to change and create a plan to address resistance within your change management initiative.
    1. Diagnose the reasons for resistance to change.
    2. Interpret the potential causes of resistance in the organization. Identify and describe three potential causes of resistance to your change plan. Identify and describe three potential sources of resistance to your change plan.
    3. Create a plan for minimizing possible resistance to your change management plan.
    4. Elaborate on the relationship between resistance to change and communication.
    5. Evaluate three communication strategies.
    6. Recommend one communication strategy that would be applicable to your organization. Diagnose why this communication strategy is best for your organization.
    7. Create a solid communication plan for your change initiative.
    Section IV: Sustaining Change: Research methods of sustaining change in organizations and create a plan for sustaining proposed change.
    1. Recommend two strategies for sustaining change:
      • Diagnose the two theories from a scholarly perspective
      • Evaluate why the strategies selected are viable for the organization
    Section V: Presentation: Create a visually appealing and informative presentation espousing the importance of the change management plan you developed.
    1. Create a 10–15 slide PowerPoint presentation to submit to executive leadership and board members outlining and describing your recommended change. Include the following criteria:
      • Be creative in your design so that is appealing to others.
      • Ensure that all of the major points of the plan are covered.
      • Create bulleted speaking notes for your presentation to the shareholders in the Notes section of the PowerPoint. Note: You may create or assume any fictitious names, data, or scenarios that have not been established in this assignment for a realistic flow of communication.
      • Use a professional technically written style to graphically convey the information.
      • Create a video of yourself presenting the presentation to key stakeholders. Note: View the Creating a Presentation for Your Course playlist for tutorials on creating and submitting video assignments
    Section VI: References: Utilize good scholarly research skills and writing skills to develop a solid change plan and presentation.
    1. Use at least 10 quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other similar Websites do not qualify as academic resources
    2. Write clearly and concisely about managing organizational change using proper writing mechanics.

    The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

    • Create a proposal for a change management plan for an organization.
  2. By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.

Requirements: 6-10 page paper/ 10-15 slide powerpoint etc..

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Human Management 

Tittle: Human Management
Choose Topic: Psychology

Question Description: Part 1:

The board of directors at AGC needs a status update on your change management project. Shawn asks you to write an executive report for John and the board of directors about the change management process and the progress being made toward resolving the global human capital management problems at AGC. This report will be shared at an upcoming investor meeting. Because the future success of AGC depends on achieving its human capital management goals, the board of directors wants to ensure that investors understand that it has changed its strategy to align human capital goals with its organizational goals.

Review the AGC scenario for this course and prepare a 750–1000 word executive report that describes the steps in your change management plan, including the following:

Diagnosis: A summary of AGC’s problems, how they were diagnosed, and your conclusions regarding the root causes.
Intervention: A description of human capital management strategies that you recommended to create change at AGC and how they were implemented.
Evaluation: How did you measure the effectiveness of your change management plan? What were the effects on the employees and the organization’s market performance?

Human Management  Read More »

Negotiation and Cross-Cultural Management

Negotiation and Cross-Cultural Management

Write a reflective piece on the role you played in the negotiation simulation role-play exercise, and discuss the ultimate outcome.

Briefly narrate what went right and wrong in the negotiations. Consider including the following points:

The most important things you and your opponent did right in your negotiations;

The most important things you and your opponent did wrong in your negotiations;

How and why these things were important and had a consequential impact on the negotiation outcome;

what you learned from this.

Requirements: 1000


The part I am responsible for is Equity


This is the video link of our negotiation, can you open it?
I think you should take a look at the two documents I uploaded and the video link. There are detailed introductions on how the task needs to be completed.

Negotiation and Cross-Cultural Management Read More »

Personality Theory Blog

Personality Theory Blog

Imagine you have been asked to write a research-based blog post for a human resource management website.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word blog post that includes the following:

  • Discuss one of the major personality theories and how this theory is used to conduct assessment.
  • Discuss what stood out to you about personality assessment practices.
  • Reflect on current research trends that utilize this information and how the interpretation of these findings may vary across cultures.
  • Create 3 insightful questions based on the readings that your audience may also be wondering about, and provide responses from the research you have reviewed in relation to this topic.

Include a minimum of 3 credible, peer-reviewed sources your blog post.

Format the citations in your blog post consistent with APA guidelines.

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Personality Theory Blog

Personality Theory Blog

Imagine you have been asked to write a research-based blog post for a human resource management website.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word blog post that includes the following:

  • Discuss one of the major personality theories and how this theory is used to conduct assessment.
  • Discuss what stood out to you about personality assessment practices.
  • Reflect on current research trends that utilize this information and how the interpretation of these findings may vary across cultures.
  • Create 3 insightful questions based on the readings that your audience may also be wondering about, and provide responses from the research you have reviewed in relation to this topic.

Include a minimum of 3 credible, peer-reviewed sources in your blog post.

Format the citations in your blog post consistent with APA guidelines.

Personality Theory Blog Read More »

Part 2-FinalProject

Part 2-FinalProject

For Section 2 of the Final Project you will create a guide for these areas that nonprofit boards and executive directors can use to maximize their chances for success.

Section 2 headings should include:

Also must include:

1.Identify at least three areas of knowledge, skills, and experience that you might require for individual members of the board and explain why these areas may be important for the organization and the board’s operations.

2. Include a specific plan for the recruitment, orientation, ongoing training, and retention of board members.

3. Explain the relationship of the board and the executive director and outline a process that the board should use for the recruitment, selection, oversight, and succession planning for the executive director.

The draft should be 4–5 pages, contain a minimum of 5–6 specific, evidence-based best practices, and utilize proper APA formatting.


BoardSource. (2010). The handbook of non-profit governance. San Francisco, CA: Wiley

Chapter 6 Building a board pp 99-126

See attached

BoardSource, (2011). Nonprofit Board answer book: A practical guide for board members and Chief executives (3rd ed.) Hoboken, NJ: Jossey-Bass.

Part 3: Board Member Selection and Development (pp.84-113)

BoardSource. (2016). Board orientation. Retrieved from…

BoardSource. (2018). Board composition and recruitment. Retrieved from…

Carlson, M., & Donohoe, M. (2010) Executive Director’s guide to thriving as a nonprofit leader (2nd ed). Hoboken, NJ: Jossey-Bass.

  • Chapter 11, “Nurturing a Relationship with the Board” (pp. 139–160)
  • Chapter 12, “Developing Relationships with Individual Board Members” (pp. 161–172)
    • Part 3, “Board Member Selection and Development” (pp. 84–113)

Tedx 2014-

Requirements: 4-5 pages


attaching pages from book

The non-profit is still The Harford Center

The Harford Center. (n.d.). Harford Center. Retrieved December 8, 2021, from

Part 2-FinalProject Read More »

Part 2-FinalProject

Part 2-FinalProject

For Section 2 of the Final Project you will create a guide for these areas that nonprofit boards and executive directors can use to maximize their chances for success.

Section 2 headings should include:

Also must include:

1.Identify at least three areas of knowledge, skills, and experience that you might require for individual members of the board and explain why these areas may be important for the organization and the board’s operations.

2. Include a specific plan for the recruitment, orientation, ongoing training, and retention of board members.

3. Explain the relationship of the board and the executive director and outline a process that the board should use for the recruitment, selection, oversight, and succession planning for the executive director.

The draft should be 4–5 pages, contain a minimum of 5–6 specific, evidence-based best practices, and utilize proper APA formatting.


BoardSource. (2010). The handbook of non-profit governance. San Francisco, CA: Wiley

Chapter 6 Building a board pp 99-126

See attached

BoardSource, (2011). Nonprofit Board answer book: A practical guide for board members and Chief executives (3rd ed.) Hoboken, NJ: Jossey-Bass.

Part 3: Board Member Selection and Development (pp.84-113)

BoardSource. (2016). Board orientation. Retrieved from…

BoardSource. (2018). Board composition and recruitment. Retrieved from…

Carlson, M., & Donohoe, M. (2010) Executive Director’s guide to thriving as a nonprofit leader (2nd ed). Hoboken, NJ: Jossey-Bass.

  • Chapter 11, “Nurturing a Relationship with the Board” (pp. 139–160)
  • Chapter 12, “Developing Relationships with Individual Board Members” (pp. 161–172)
    • Part 3, “Board Member Selection and Development” (pp. 84–113)

Tedx 2014-

Requirements: 4-5 pages


attaching pages from book

The non-profit is still The Harford Center

The Harford Center. (n.d.). Harford Center. Retrieved December 8, 2021, from

I have attached a previous work too

Part 2-FinalProject Read More »

Appeal letter to hotel for profile reinstate / change status

Appeal letter to hotel for profile reinstate / change status

Please help me to write an appeal letter to hotel for profile reinstate / change status. I need to send it by email to the security request department.

Here is what happened:

I stayed at the hotel with my mom and sister at end of October last year. I was 24 then and my sister was 20 (her birthday is the end of December, so it was about 2 months before she was turning 21). I played slot machine at a casino in the hotel where I stayed. My sister pushed the slot machine button about 3-4 times while I’m playing, and we got caught by the security. All three of us didn’t realize that my sister was a minor at that time. (I guess we were so excited that we made some money out of the slot machine and in my home country, the legal age for a casino is 18). We admit that it was a mistake and apologize. We were kicked out and banned from the hotel which means we can’t make any reservation under my name. One of the security officers told me that I could write an appeal letter so that they could decide for profile reinstate/change status.

Please remember it is an appeal letter so try to write the letter as politely as possible with respect.

Please include my hotel member number (just leave it blank), my name (just leave it blank), an explanation of the situation, admit that it was a mistake, how much I reflect on myself, and if they could change status or profile reinstate.

Appeal letter to hotel for profile reinstate / change status Read More »

Management and Leadership

Management and Leadership

There are 2 parts to this-1 page for each part

Discussion 1: Leadership Roles and Responsibilities

in this Discussion, youwillselect an executivedirectorjobdescription for an existingnonprofit/non-governmentorganization.(chosen organization is:  Harford Center)

Then, youwillidentifycharacteristics and qualitiesyoupossess that wouldqualifyyou for that job and how youcouldplan to obtain the position.

For this Discussion, review your Learning Resources and focus on the roles and responsibilities of leaders and managers in the nonprofit/non-government sector. Consider how you would describe the job of an ideal executive director for your selected organization. Imagine yourself applying for this job and consider how you could prepare yourself to be hired.

1 page must include the following:

  • A job description that includes the roles and responsibilities (including those that are management versus leadership tasks) for the executive director position of the organization you are studying
  • A description of why you think you would be an ideal candidate for this position
  • The steps you could take to obtain the position

Discussion 2: Leadership Styles and Characteristics

For this Discussion, review your Learning Resources and focus on the different leadership styles and traits that are needed in the nonprofit sector.

Select a video on TED featuring a leader within the nonprofit sector or one who works with the nonprofit sector as a business or government leader (see TED videos in the resources list for examples).

  • Ron Finley: A Guerilla Gardener in South Central LA (2013).
  • Shabana Basij-Rasikh: Dare to Educate Afghan Girls (2012).

1 page must include the following:

  • The name of the person and a summary of his or her organization’s purpose
  • An analysis of the leadership traits or characteristics that the person exhibits (such as charismatic, transformational, or transactional leadership)
  • The link to the TED video for others to refer to



Requirements: 2 pages-1 for each part

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Strategic Management and Organizational Change

Strategic Management and Organizational Change

Assessment Description

The purpose of this assignment is to assess how different types of health care organizational structures impact the process and effectiveness of change.

Write a 1,000-1,250 word paper that addresses the following:

  1. Discuss why it is necessary for a health care organization to develop a strategic management model that addresses both the concept of change necessary for the growth and sustainability of the organization and the processes of changing. Include how the organization is able to go about accomplishing change and how change ultimately impacts the development of an organization.
  2. Differentiate between transaction change and transformational change theories.
  3. Identify three theories of management and provide an example of the areas or departments in which each theory of management might be most effective.
  4. Identify and explain tools and advice that can be utilized to assess leadership effectiveness.

Be sure to justify your explanation with five or more relevant references, including your textbook.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment. You are required to submit this assignment to

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Health Organizations: Theory, Behavior, and Development

Johnson, J. A., & Rossow, C. C. (2019). Health organizations: Theory, behavior, and development (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning. ISBN-13: 9781284109825

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