
MGT560 – Leadership Development

MGT560 – Leadership Development

Hello. I need help answering these questions. I have done the self-assessment and attached the score and the interpretation of the result. for question 3, I’ve talked to my professor and he said use a hypothetical situation.

Understanding our leadership styles will help us maximize our skills. This will also help us evaluate our effectiveness in specific leadership situations.

Not all leadership styles are as effective in the same situations. Understanding the best leadership style for each situation will help us create effective strategies to achieve organizational goals.

As part of this assignment, you are asked to take the following self-assessment from MindTools website ( to determine your leadership style.

Once you have completed the self-assessment, please answer the following questions:

  1. Based on the self-assessment, what is your leadership style? Do you agree or disagree with the results presented? Explain.
  2. Describe three characteristics and skills associated with your leadership style.
  3. Describe a situation where your leadership skills helped you.
  4. How can your leadership style create a stronger workplace environment during the COVID-19 pandemic?
  5. How can you enhance your leadership style to better improve the organizational culture?

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be 4-5 pages in length (double-spaced), which does not include the title and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
  • Use academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.
  • Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least three current, scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles. Current articles are those published within the last five years.

Requirements: 5 pages

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Human Resource Discussion post

Human Resource Discussion post

Examine Figure 4.6 in the Activity titled “Completing and Conducting the Appraisal.” Choose two of the suggestions from Figure 4.6 and explain why they are vital to developing a performance evaluation system. If you were responsible for improving your appraisal process, which suggestion from the table would you focus on implementing immediately and why? Please include specific examples from the reading to support your response.

Completing and Conducting the Appraisal


In a management role, you have to prepare yourself to conduct an effective performance review with your employees. This requires preparation and thoughtfulness. Read this section to learn about best practices for developing and completing appraisals.

It is necessary to provide formal feedback to employees through a systematic performance evaluation system. The HR professional should know how often performance evaluations should be given and if they are tied to pay increases.

The next step is to make sure you know the goals of the performance evaluation; for example, is the goal to improve performance and also identify people for succession planning? You will then determine the source for the performance evaluation data, and then create criteria and rating scales that relate directly to the employee’s job description. Once this is done, the successful functioning of the performance evaluation system largely depends on the HR professional to implement and communicate the system to managers and employees. This will be the primary focus of our next section.

Best Practices in Performance Appraisals

The most important things to remember when developing a performance evaluation system include the following (see Figure 4.6):

  1. Make sure the evaluation has a direct relationship to the job. Consider developing specific criteria for each job, based on the individual job specifications and description.
  2. Involve managers when developing the process. Garner their feedback to obtain “buy-in” for the process.
  3. Consider involving the employee in the process by asking the employee to fill out a self-evaluation.
  4. Use a variety of methods to rate and evaluate the employee.
  5. Avoid bias by standardizing performance evaluations systems for each job.
  6. Give feedback on performance throughout the year, not just during performance review times.
  7. Make sure the goals of the performance evaluation tie into the organizational and department goals.
  8. Ensure the performance appraisal criteria also tie into the goals of the organization, for a strategic HRM approach.
  9. Review the evaluation for each job title often, since jobs and expectations change.

Figure 4.6

Performance appraisal

As you can see from Figure 4.6, the performance appraisal aspect is just one part of the total process. We can call this a performance review system. The first step of the process is goal setting with the employee. This could mean showing the employee his or her performance appraisal criteria or sitting down with the employee to develop MBOs. The basic idea here is that the employee should know the expectations and how his or her job performance will be rated.

Constant monitoring, feedback, and coaching are the next step. Ensuring the employee knows what he or she is doing well and is not doing well in a more informal manner will allow for a more productive employee.

Next, of course, is the formal performance evaluation process. Choosing the criteria, rating scale, and source of the evaluation are steps we have already discussed. The next step is to work with the employee to develop improvement plans (if necessary) and offer any rewards as a result of excellent performance. The process then begins again, setting new goals with the employee.

-Post adds value by raising novel points or providing new perspectives.

-Post is concise and clearly written in an academic tone; Sentences are complete; spelling, grammar and punctuation are correct.

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CaseStudy: ReverseLogistics

CaseStudy: ReverseLogistics

Case Study

Write a minimum of a four-page paper, plus the title page and a reference page on the following statement:

1. To complete this Case Study: Reverse Logistics primarily concerns itself with recovering material and/or economic value from products which are at the end of their useful life. This class will familiarize participants with motives, theory, and practical application, using a variety of sources including textbooks and case studies as well as scientific literature.

2. Review Managing Reverse Logistics reading text and specifically, CH 3 Case studies. Choose a case Study, review the information and pull together the past exercises to develop your methodology and supporting methods to either agree or disagree with the Case Study. Explain your reasoning in an APA style paper of 1-2 pages. Write your Case study in a memorandum format, with a business header, Include the Case Study problem statement; You do not need to post Case Study Response to the Discussion Folder, You will be graded on Content, Understanding, Timeliness, Critical Thinking, Correctness of Writing.

– Readings: SPMR – Managing Reverse Logistics deBrito – CH 3; LO – 1-13

– Read readings your chosen Case Study.

– Post your Case Study to the Assignments Folder

– Then read your Case Study.

– ______________.

– Identify, assess, analyze and solve problems related to supply chain management Issues.

– Develop and apply research skills appropriate to the requirements of the unit and discipline

– Understand how the concepts of related management disciplines are applied in the development of Reverse Logistics problems

– Understand and apply the concepts learned to L&SCM problems and support their solutions with logical argument

– Communicate an understanding of the unit’s concepts and their application in written and verbal/ presentation media

– To develop individual intellectual inquiry and application skills

– To demonstrate the realization of these outcomes by achieving an adequate overall standard in the assessment process

Incorporate at least one reference from articles listed within the online APUS library.

Requirements: 4 pages: 2 pg explanation paper of case study and 2 pg case study

I have attached the book to choose the case study from CH3. I left it up to you which case study you would like to choose from. I have also attached my past forum posts if it helps.

The post had said a 2 pg apa style paper for the reasoning and the case study in a memo format

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After reading the case study, imagine you have been tasked by the VP of Manufacturing

After reading the case study, imagine you have been tasked by the VP of Manufacturing

After reading the case study, imagine you have been tasked by the VP of Manufacturing of your firm to develop a 2-to-4 page technology strategy evaluation memo.

Your memo should briefly describe the technology described in the white paper, its purpose, the return on investment and risks inherent in implementing the technology.

Then, you should make and articulate some assumptions about the level of development maturity of the technology, what a technology roadmap might look like for this type of decision making software and what you think the adoption or commercialization path will look like for this technology. I.e. Who will be the innovators, early adopters, etc.

Finally, when analyzing the risks inherent in implementing the technology, what do you think the authors mean when they say “The biggest obstacle (in implementing this technology) is no longer technology but social order?”

Using some of the concepts from the leadership and culture module, imagine and describe the cultural impediments and challenges for a company that would adopt this technology. Here we are asking you draw deeply upon your experience and imagination to those visible things that have to be changed.

Please be specific.

Requirements: report

After reading the case study, imagine you have been tasked by the VP of Manufacturing Read More »

CaseStudy HRIS

CaseStudy HRIS

Read the SHRM case study Integrating a Human Resource Information System and answer the questions below based on the case study and information provided for context. You may use information from the lectures and readings to supplement your answers if necessary.

  1. What cultural issues are interwoven in this project that affected HR?
  2. Who should be involved in future global integration projects?
  3. What skills should team members have and how should they be selected?

Please see attached. Guidelines for Submission: Case study analysis assignments must follow these formatting guidelines: double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations (APA format). Page length requirements: 2–4 pages.

Requirements: 2-4 pages

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